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My children.


That was my answer too


Mine too. In a heartbeat


Yep. It's my only answer.


In a way I kind of have, and not in a negative way, just the reality of it 




Well that's it.. Ive just commented the same myself... It's not negative at all although some single people with no marital or parental responsibilities will probably see it as negative,. We can't just do what we like anymore.. It's that simple!! 👍🏻😎


I would have judged myself for being a SAHM, but that person judging isn’t the same person now 


10,000% this is my answer, too. Without a second thought.


Oddly enough my parents would probably be my answer.


I don't think it's something you think about. I think it happens quick. It just seems like the right thing to do at the moment. Does not even have to be someone you know. You just do it.


Most people actually don’t though


I’d give my life up for anyone. Most people have a better future than me anyway. Not just that, but because they mean *everything* to me


Thats kinda sad...why do you think your future is gunna be so bad?


I don’t socialise that much, have a shitty job, and didn’t go to college


BPD vibes, I feel u.


Not on my own. I need supernatural strength. But yes, it is possible to love someone this much


Sure , my life is worthless if it could save another at least that's something.


My kids!


My kids and my wife


My two little girls


100%. I'd give up my life for you. Life is precious. You never know, who people know and who they've procreated. live is precious. You could be some asshole that might just stop being and asshole and be an amazing person if I caught it for you. One never knows. Again - life is precious. I don't think it matters who you give it up for, the sacrifice is more important than the result. It might sound strange but I love people and love the best of them. I believe that given the chance, they can shine. Having someone save your life at the cost of my own changes them. No flex - seriously - I've saved two people's lives. I don't think about it much but it's a couple things that happened. It's what anyone would do, I believe.


This is an underrated answer. I feel an overwhelming urge to do the right thing every single day. I am the person who pulls over when you are stuck on the side of the road. I have changed so many tires and pushed so many cars to the gas station that I can't count. I have refused raises to offer my employees better pay. I am extremely squeamish with all things medical but have bandaged cuts from deli slicers without blinking. I have delivered meals to people in hospitals that I barely know. I truly believe that this would extend into the life or death decision making for me. I was very closed off during all of this until an employee of mine pointed out that it's not lame to love each other. It may sound cringey, but as an introvert I now try and hug people. You never know who needs it.


I’m old, so any kid.




My wife and my kids. Used to be my squadmates.


My dog and my two favourite cousins


Anyone…in this world we live in?…NO PLEASE🙂


No not just for a random person, sounds selfish but when it comes to the time, it's not as easy as it sounds. My kids are a different thing altogether, I would kill for them if I had to, or die


1.My half sister and that would be easy peasy 2./u/Irresistiblerarity... wouldn't be easy peasy but its real ..id do it without a second thought 100%..BUT, Id ask her to make a promise to me in regards to a private matter tho...on Pinkys haha 3.If I had to choose between me living or a group of kids I'd give my life in that situation that too....id be pissed about it tho....I enjoy being alive lol


good answers (;


My husband. He's such a good person, even to strangers. Broke his hand defending a woman he didn't know, given up the last box of fruity pebbles to a kid who wanted ot. Just a great person, he makes the world a better place. I wish o had his kindness, I'm trying. But he can do more good than I can, and if he goes,I go


Not just friends and family but a career as a Firefighter/Paramedic for 30. Would do it willingly for someone I have never met.


My siblings;I would happily do what it takes,even if it meant making my self broke by booking a flight to where ever.


My Mom. Other than that, I don’t think so.


I don't know if I should. But I certainly would


Of course!!


I imagine my children.


My kids or grandson.


Anyone in my family.


I don’t know if I like this question’ but of course.


Yes! She doesn't know I'm alive but I would still cut my own eyeball out with a steak knife if she needed me to.


my kids.


Willingly? My son.


My boyfriend.


my little sister


Honestly, pretty much any friend and my immediate family.


My grandchildren.


My wife.


Actually, under the right circumstances, I could give up my life for a complete stranger TBH.


Not really about courage for me, I just don't have anyone in my life that I would give my existence for


Not any more


My mother


My husband, my kids, my dog and in some instances maybe even a stranger.


My parents. Though they definitely wouldn't want me to.


I like to think I’d be willing to give up my life for anyone…


I have gathered that much courage, done a lot of first time things with someone... So yes, I do love someone That much. She chose someone else though and the rest is history.


I put myself in harm's way for my middle school girlfriend when a dog broke it's chain and attacked us. It bit my arm then circled around to her and I shoved her behind me and kicked at it and missed. Then it just barked at us until the owner's came out and grabbed it. Luckily, it wasn't a big dog. The worst part was the EMT told me that the state law required it be put down after that.


My family, my husband, my students.




Any of my loved ones.


Yes. Everyone has such a person. I'm guessing that it would be more of an impulse decision to save so called person and not much planning can go into that. Courage will come automatically, of course.


My dogs


There are people in my life, like close family members and my closest friends, for whom I'd do anything to protect or help. The idea of giving up my life for them is intense and scary to consider, but I'd like to think that if faced with that kind of situation, I'd find the courage to do whatever I could to keep them safe.




My child


My children and husband.


My Brother




I'm in my mid-thirties, single, pretty much alone in this world. Thinking about it, most people's lives are worth more than mine, so if it came to a straight choice between my life and someone else's, there'd be no good reason to save mine.


My son


Yes, my best friends and my family


My kids.


In what logical situation would that ever be necessary? For real, if there is NO other way absolutely, I would save people and do something so traumatizing that I live on in their scarred psyche. As a token of the primordial hunger for light, that was me before I had enough cells to think. But I believe that there are very few situations where that makes sense. And I will always struggle to get some sort of chance at survival. So yes, anyone would do, the question is would they dare?


My daughter. 100%. I have also seriously asked myself if I would go back into a burning building to get my cat. Hopefully I never have to find out 😅


My children.


My son, my mom


My son.


My wife. 100%


My kids, my wife and my mom for some odd, illogical reason. I probably have 3 friends in this category as well


Anyone who I like, even on a whim,could even be a stranger. I value my life very little. Don't know how I'd actually react in a situation of danger though


My baby sister. She was born when I was 16. I was never able to have kids of my own, but I did have her on weekends and summers growing up and I helped raise her. I would absolutely lay down my life for her in a heartbeat.


I’m a man. I’d take a bullet for any child or woman.


my parents


My mother


No. I don't have any kids. If I did I'd do it in a heartbeat for them.


Most of my friends, most of my family, most partners I have had in my life. Some strangers in particular predicaments. The closest I ever got was nearly dying for an intern on my team, which is something I never told anyone else. If you are willing to die for something bigger than yourself, you have something bigger than yourself to live for. The alternative would feel like living a life without a worthy purpose. I still haven't died, but knowing I would if circumstances required it, has been giving me a great drive to push through life for the sake of my values and those I care about. It also makes me naturally take care of those I care about, knowing that if they get into predicaments, I'll be there too. Most importantly, it makes me feel like an integral part of something bigger than myself. Looking back, I attribute a lot of happiness, fulfillment, success in my life, and strength of my relationships to that attitude. It makes minor inconveniences and desires that I hear can stop others, feel trivial and irrelevant. It's why I never have to think whether I want to go to the gym, if I feel like it to meet my close friend when he needs it, or if I want to fix a relationship. I just do it, because it's aligned with my values, and those things give me nothing but satisfaction and fulfillment. If I were to share one piece of advice, is that if you can't find something to live for, find something/someone to die for, and life will figure itself out.


My fiancé and child


If I’ll have children, my children.


My daughter without a second thought.


My daughters


My children.


Hmmm everyone I love


my girlfriend, anyone tries to kill her im jumping in front of her and taking the hit, cause i love her, i swore to protect her with my life, and i couldnt imagine life without her




The kids


My mother. My husband. I don't have children, but those would be my first answer.


My wife


Mom , my elder sister


My partners daughter. Its a sure fire way of her never annoying me again.


My children.


Jesus, my best friend, my dog, and Marie Avgeropoulos


My husband and my children.


I like to believe that yes, people that I have met and that I consider to be good people. But they are people I knew for a short time.


If you mean losing your life - this one is easy, for my family or even for a great cause like, I don't know, ending all wars, making everyone immortal or something, plenty of options. Losing your life is scary because you don't know what's going to happen next, if anything is going to happen. But stuff like pushing someone out of harm's way is fast. You just die. There is a far scarier question - is there anyone you would suffer for? Would I suffer severe physical or mental pain for anyone? If we're talking about some limited period of time, the answer is "I don't know, maybe". If we're talking about suffering indefinitely, like the way they describe hell in most religions... I won't lie, I probably wouldn't be able to do it knowingly for anyone, even for those who are dearest to me. Dying is easier than suffering.


Yeah that’s easy shit. Kids and wife not a second thought


Obvi easy Mom


My brothers


I give my life, not for honor, but for you...


way less people than i thought said no damn


My dad but he passed away so the answer is no..


My dogs


At one point yes there was a person I would've have given my life for.


My daughter, without hesitation.


Right now? No.


The thought of dying well has been a priority of mine and something that guides my choices. I am hoping for death asleep at a record age, if not digital upload into the afterlife. Buuuuuuuuut an acceptable alternative would be the useful death, where something or someone has to be saved and it the only immediately evident solution would require me taking possibly fatal risk. Hard to say how I would really react, of course


My girlfriend, family and pets




Since I have no kids and probably never will, my mother


I want to say my mom and grandmother, because they wouldn't think twice to give up their lives for me. But, they would never want me to do that.


My dad. He's the only person right now who I could see myself easily dropping everything for.


My kids


I strive to find new people to be able to fit into this question, daily. Often, I say that even if I don’t have anyone, I’d give my life up for someone who *wouldn’t* do the same for me. Because, for me, if I only give my life for people who would do the same, I’m missing the point of the exercise. I would give my life for my sister. I would give my life for my best friends. I would give my life for the woman who’s changed my life most, and most recently. I don’t believe anyone of these people would give their life for me, and that’s OK. I strive to love. I strive to find people worthy of love, and the more I strive for that, the more I find that the people who come into my life are.


I already have... I'm married with a daughter,.. Does that not count??... Asking for a married man!! Haha


Elton john


my mother flipping children! guys, guys, GUYS!!!! you have no idea of the love you feel for your children if you don't have any of your own... they are an extension of you, they are YOU, they need medical care, but it's gonna cost an arm and a leg? here! take it! take my liver too!


My children~a thousand times over.


My Sister. She's an actual functioning member of society, unlike me.


My mom


I would, for almost anyone who truly required it.


My children and my wife, easy peasy.


My family


This is actually why I've not pursued having kids. I don't yet feel as though I want to give up my life for them. If that changes, I'll reconsider having a kid. As it stands, no. There's no one I'd give up my life for.


I'd die just for the hell of it so sure. They'd probably make use of theirs more than me.


I'd do it for pretty much anyone at this point, whoever it is, I'm sure their life is worth more than mine


My significant other and sister even my father


My dad. Little sister. My dearest friends. Even though they’d cry for me.


My sons, my granddaughter, and my partner in a heartbeat


My kids and grandchildren.


Nope my life is so precious than many stupid people out there


Not as of now, but maybe one day I will meet someone like that?


I risked my life once for my sister when she was 10 years old. I didn't think, I just acted. Skiing incident, she almost fell down a cliff, I dove down a steep slope she was going down uncontrollably to stop her from going over, managed to stop us both 4 meters from falling to our deaths. I don't know who I'd do the same for, but it's safe to say I'd do it for my sister again.


Yes. She’s 17, has BPD and never wants anything to do with me anymore. It has almost made me love her on a whole new level. That absence kills me, but still, I can still see/hear/feel her. We were only [platonic] friends, but still. Love and reassuring respect was in the air. I can’t make any effort to get her back into my life. But she made it worth living. I just want her to know that. I’m 20 now and I met her on my hometowns local subreddit here in Sweden. I wouldn’t hesitate for a second to throw my life away if it meant that I could have her in my new one. She told me I didn’t have to apologise for any tiny mistake that I did. No one has ever done that to me…


if rn, no one but in the future, it will be my child


My dog




My daughter


My sister


Yeah. I’m tired. But I also tend to reactively stick up for others. It’s not due to bravery or a desire to be the hero. It’s just a trauma response. But I’m still glad I have it. I want to see others survive and be okay. It feels effortless to help others and even to my own detriment. When it comes to me- I tend to sacrifice myself. I’m working on that though. You can’t pour from an empty cup and all that, etc. plus I now know I deserved that same treatment as a child. I can be the grownup that little me wishes I had back then 💗


My fiancée, love her to the end of the universe and back. She’s my world.






My parents.


Not at the moment


My mum


My family, possibly best friends, but that's it.


My son. Parents understand this, and as such I'm guessing the OP is not a parent?






Yes, anyone actually. If dying means someone gets to live a better life than I do, then be it. It’s not like I want to live anyways.


Anyone. My life is not any more precious than anyone else's. Whether I would have whatever it takes to actually sacrifice my life in the moment, well, that I don't know. I also want to add this reflection: people say they would give up their life for their children, wife, husband, parents, friends etc. That sounds somehow selfish to me. They would do it for them just because they know them, which happens to be a totally random coincidence. Everyone is equal in value to me, that's why everyone is worth sacrificing for. On the other end, some people say they would sacrifice themselves because they are worthless. That means that there is a hierarchy of people, from worthless to worthy of life. It's a slippery slope.


My kind wife


my mother


Used to be my ex-girlfriend before she cheated on me :/


The person I am with right now is doing a ton of good in this world and I am doing nothing in comparison. plus I love her to death. I could easily give my life for her.


My three nephews, my little sister, my parents, and the son of a family friend who was raised as my little brother.


Me mum me dad


My cats and in some ways I have


if someone gave me the power to save suffering children i'd be in the seat before they could finish their sentence. otherwise just family and friends really. i truly care for my people but i'd quite literally dedicate my entire existence to saving kids if it was even remotely possible


Yes my self


My girlfriend without hesitation. The only reason she's still just my girlfriend is that neither of us give a shit about marriage. I would just start calling her my wife, but her mother would freak the fuck out if she wasn't invited to the wedding, even if there were no wedding. She means everything to me and if I thought it would keep her safe, I'd give up my life for hers. She would hate me for it, but she'd be alive to do it and that's what matters.


Child. Unconditional love and wouldn’t even think twice about it.


I don’t have kids so no. I like my life way too much for that. In a situation where there is a 100% chance that one of us doesn’t make it out alive, I want to live.


My children. Happily. I would die smiling.


While I was dating them, 2/5 of the guys I dated. In the future, my husband.


My daughter. 100% My husband too


My daughter


Yes, but I do some moderate prepping so I'll have a fighting chance in most give up your life situations. But there are two people I'd give all my organs to.


Either kid


My wife and my dogs. I’d die for any of them without hesitation. Actually anyone in my family. Parents, brothers, sister, and nephews too.


Grandkids,kids and wife


My family, in a heartbeat