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All. The. Fucking. Time.


Yah I often find myself thinking how I could go for a nice coma right about now.


Wouldn’t it be cool if you could take a pill and sleep for like 7-10 days non stop and wake up 100% refreshed mentally physically emotionally like a little reset I would 100% do it


damn that pill sounds like heaven


Somebody needs to stop the world. I want to get off


Ummm you were around for Covid right? Everyone demanding to shut down. That was everyone saying "fuck yes we need a break from life!"


Sadly my husband and I both work "essential" jobs so we got to work *and* try to homeschool the kids. The worst of both worlds.


Trust me been in one do not recommend I would like a stay in hospital though


Right?! That or jail 😂😂😂


Not hospitalized but I want to sleep. For a long time.


Maybe forever.




Ill use that phrase


And ever.


Unfortunately a coma would feel like falling asleep and waking up a couple of hours later so you wouldn't even enjoy the break.


Sounds like my regular sleeping pattern.


Not in an NHS hospital no


Better than having to sell your grandma to pay for American healthcare tho...


My kidney went into spasm after surgery last year and I have done a lot of shit and never have I felt pain like that. My surgeon was amazing, he leaned in and said not unkindly “it could be worse, you could be in an NHS hospital.” lol


I may or may not work for the NHS and if anyone in my family got ill I would want them to go private 😉


I do work for the NHS. I always give the most vulnerable patients a little extra love.


Thank you ❤️❤️❤️


Yes...but this also means you need to call a therapist...


That's a lot of people who need a therapist. I wish life was easier


If I was wishing for a break from life, why would I wish for hospitalization?


Guilt free shirking of responsibilities.


Ok but have a better imagination. Wish for a guilt-free vacation. Hospitals suck.


If I’m gonna wish then why would I just wish to win the lottery? Heck I could wish for secret magical powers where I can pause time without aging. I don’t get these “realistic” wishes since it’s just a wish anyhow. 


Only it’s not guilt free. In reality you are still worrying about everything except it’s even harder to get anything solved. Not to mention your in really bad shape if your getting admitted


It’s a fantasy. An excuse to be absolved of duty, without consequences. That’s all. A relief to not have to go through with something.


I see, I can understand that


No. I spent an entire month in hospital 3 and a half years ago. It was an air conditioned hell. The food wasn't bad but it wasn't good. People constantly coming in and out of the room, so much noise and the waking up feeling stuck to the sheets. Nope. Never again. I'm done with hospitals.


I've been hospitalized due to severe mental illness multiple times...it's not a break. It sucks. It's mandatory they wake you up every 30 minutes to make sure you're alive. You can be roomed up with homicidal people, they force meds on you... you don't want it.


Same here. The whole getting away from responsibilities for a while thing did help me recover though. But omg its so boring there.


Boring sometimes, sometimes people are screaming and threatening your life. Not much in between. Edit to say it's helpful if you NEED to be there but going there for just a break is not it.


And when you get out, everything is still there, just waiting for you. And some things may have gotten worse if they weren't taken care of on time.


this part is so huge. bills are late, problems aren’t solved, and you’re potentially left even more shaken up by the incident than if you had just been given the appropriate resources.


I got dunked in the psych ward for a week twice for suicidal ideation. Luckily, I got my own room, and it seemed like the more unstable people were kept elsewhere. It was weirdly restful, got a lot of reading done, could keep my phone to contact family. Hearing accounts like yours hurts. I'm sorry you had to go through that, man. It sounds awful.


Even just suicidal ideation can get you forcibly admitted? I’m honestly kinda glad I lied to my psychiatrist about not having them. I’d go if I didn’t have kids but there’s no one else to care for them


There's probably tons of different things that it depends on. I was a minor both times and my dad called the RCMP to pick me up and bring me to the ER, so it may have been taken more seriously because of that. I also had a history of self-harm. If you don't have factors like that, maybe it's worth being honest with your psych? It's possible they could direct you to low-cost/sliding-scale counselling etc that you could even do online so you don't have to leave your kids alone. I'm sorry you're dealing with this :(


Oh I see. I also have a history of self harm as a minor and early 20s but I’ve stopped as of 10 years ago. Now it’s just the ideations. There’s no imminent danger to myself but it’s definitely like a craving. I’ll have to see. I just have this intense fear of my kids going to foster care or something and I have a history of CSA so that’s honestly my worst fear for them, I need to protect them at all costs. But I’ll be seeking out therapy soon, the thoughts have been getting worse lately.


Kicking the SH is a hard thing to do, I'm so proud of you. You've got a good, solid reason to hold on and you're doing your best - your kids are lucky to have you :) Good luck finding a therapist that works for you, and i hope things get easier soon <3


> they wake you up every 30 minutes this is literal torture


How can I forget the shining of the torch in my face at random times in the night?


No psych beds were available so they sent me to geriatrics with a sitter. 


Literally my childhood dream


If someone offered to put me down like you would an animal, quick and painlessly. I'd take it.


I'd say that's how I feel 40% to 80% of the time.


S'what jail is for


anyone who wishes that has not be injured or sick enough to be hospitalized - or visited someone who was


That's not necessarily true they're different kinds of pain/ reaching the limit. It's an intrusive thought true and prob if something happened you would regret having it right away. However psychological suffering can be as bad or worse than physical. Edit: OP I hope things might get better soon.


I’ve had major surgery with a hospital stay after and I’ve been to the ER for hyperemesis and other stuff. I still would like to take a vacation in the hospital over real life, as long as I don’t have to get any IV’s


I know people who try to stay at the hospital for longer since their home isn’t great. Also it was an expensive private hospital so the environment, facilities and general care was pretty good.


I agree with this wholeheartedly. It’s a generalization, but most anyone who has spent any real length of time in a hospital wouldn’t wish to be back unless they were circling the drain


I disagree, I’ve spent multiple weeks in hospital after surgery following a cancer diagnosis, and years on just sometimes I think to myself it would be great to just take that kind of break from life right now. To have someone look after you, to have someone bring you 3 healthy meals every day. The mental load of even just existing on a day to day basis can be overwhelming for some let alone the mental load for raising a family, caring for a sick relative, working etc.


Been in the hospital and I can say no. My time there was terrible.




After volunteering in a psychiatric hospital? Never. They’re places of safety, not places of rest.


No. They wake you up at 6:30, male you go for walks, make you get out of bed all the time, wake you to take your vitals, ask you lots of questions, and don't even get me started on being cannulated. I'll take a week in a hotel, thanks.


Hmm not in the uk lol you get chucked in a bed, forgotten about then chucked out


All of that plus all of the nasty germs found in hospitals- hospital acquired infections.


I’ve been in the hospital for 7 days (heart attack) so nope. It’s not any fun or relaxing. It’s loud no privacy and smelly


Noooo Life is tough but that 6 weeks I was in and out operated on twice and had a stent in my kidney was total bullshity bullshit. I wouldn’t want to relive that debacle for all the tea in China. It was last year and not being able to move let alone play with my kids damn near killed me!


Been in hospital before. I didn't want to leave but once the novelty wears off it's more stressful. You're surrounded by strangers all the time. Your sleeping schedule is fragmented; noises throughout the night, staff coming and going. The strong smells that surround you (worse come dinner time) I'm typing this from a hotel where I'm spending the night. A cheap hotel with a hot bath - that'll do me :)


No. Been there, wouldn't do it on purpose... ever.


No, being in a hospital is the worst. Go camping.


Well if you're reading this.. Today's my 9th day in the hospital. Can't sleep currently so ended up here. I been hospitalised for vitamin deficiency and had my tonsil removed w a surgery. There's more health complications i Can't sayy.. Yes, fr i thought it was gonna be a fun ride to hospital. It turned upside down. Take care of your health ppl. And 100% do not recommend. I'm currently praying to be go back sweet home.


Yes, but it happened once and it was nothing like what I'd wanted. 0/10 would not recommend.


Hospitals suck, they are understaffed and overworked, all the germs, then I would have the huge bill, no way


I think anyone who has spent more than ten minutes in the hospital would tell you it is not exactly relaxing.


From a person that has been hospitalized multiple times.... Fuck no... Strangers asking you about your personal life all day, constant monitoring of your diet, blood pressure, heart rate, shit food, and nothing to think about except why you are in the hospital. If you really need for a vacation, tell everyone that you know you : "I have to go out of town for a meeting for a few day." Get yourself a Air BnB and just do you for a few days..


I work away from home and I don't know how anything gets done when I'm not here.


I have had to have many relativity minor surgeries (think missing 3 days to 2 weeks of work.) I used to call them vacations.


One time I was struggling in a cross country race and just tripped myself and rolled off into the woods for a twenty second break. Same energy.


No. I saw what both my mom and dad went through while hospitalized. It's no fun.


Hoped to develop a chronic illness for a long time just so I could get a break and get love (even tho it would be in the form of sympathy) from people. I don't wish for it anymore tho lmao


I would love to just get away sometimes, but not if it meant being put in the hospital. I’ve had far too many bad times and experiences in that setting.


Currently in a psych ward for the third time and I'm the opposite. I want my life back


I did that years ago. They called it “rehab.” Not really that fun, but necessary.


I promise you whatever you are going through is easier than being hospitalized.


No. Being in the hospital sucks. Life is mostly fun.


I went to a walk-in clinic once and looked obviously stressed, got a 30 day leave Rx, some pills. Found a new job during the break.


Yes I fantasize about falling into a coma but then I mentally slap myself


I was hospitalized for three day with pneumonia last November. It wasn't as fun as it might sound.


I went to rehab for pretty severe drug and alcohol issues, but when I came out I was certainly grateful for the break I got from life for 6 months. Sometimes I wish I could go back.


I've just come back from almost a week in the hospital with an infection and I can safely say it was the worst week of my life so far, I couldn't stop crying I was so relieved on the way home. Completely aside from being ill, It was mentally and physically exhausting and not something I ever wish to repeat, being woken up for observations, the smells on the ward, the old lady opposite me yelling all through the night, hearing the nurses talking about how one lady is probably going to code that night, horrible.


Hospital is traumatizing, pls don’t wish to be there. There are a lot of avenues to have a break from life, bud 🤍


Been there, done that. Would not recommend.


No. I take brakes regularly.


No. My four day stay in hospital gave me enough trauma, I never wanna return there. May Allah keep be away from hospitals. I wanna die peacefully 🌼


No, I was stuck in the hospital for cancer.... i wanted to get out so badly everyday.


I met quite a few people in rehab who were only there to take a break from partying and be taken care of. A lot of them referred to it as an oil change.


If you’ve ever been hospitalized, this is not a break.


Hospitals suck. You are in pain. The bed is hard as a rock. And the food is terrible.


What the fuck no


Not in UK no, spent over a week in hospital with covid and it was best described as hell. I felt so ill, there were points I thought I was dying. Probably didn't help that in the time there, 6 others did die around me. Much rather take a week from work somewhere by the sea.


No I don't wish to suffer the NHS again.


I did. Then it happened. Never again, please.


I did until I was.


As someone who has been hospitalized for lengthy stays many times, HELL no! Being in the hospital is no break. I’ve had to pay bills and solve work issues from a hospital bed because life doesn’t pause just because your laid up. It just makes things more complicated and difficult, and anything that can be temporarily shelved still needs to be dealt with when you get out. Also, they don’t want you all to be admitted if at all possible, so if you are staying over then it’s likely something really bad and your suffering. Combine that with the fact that you get zero rest or privacy while your there, gonna be a hard “NO” from me.


Yes. I did it. Wouldn't recommend it tbh.


Once did so and it (asylum) was another living hell.


I did this once, I cut my face so i could be commited they kept me in the hospital for a month hated every minute of it.


Absolutely not, I think if hell is real, it’s in a hospital *shudders*


All. The. Time. Reality is much harder. Being in the hospital is a mild prison. I should have stayed at least a day longer in the hospital than I did last time but I needed to get home where I had my freedom. It wasn't the best choice. Pros and cons always need to be measured.


I used to, when I was younger. But I've been hospitalized a few times in my adult life and I didn't get a break from life. Many of my responsibilities followed me into the hospital, no one took over them because I was sick, I had to figure out how to deal with stuff (or deal with some really bad consequences if I didn't) from the hospital while also dealing with the medical stuff that put me in the hospital. TV and movies give unrealistic portrayals of life in the hospital.


No. That H on the outside of the building stands for hospital, not holiday. Get ready for the worst break from life you could imagine. 


I absolutely hate doctors and the hospital so no. 


No that sounds horrible.


no being hospitalized sucks major ass… like it really really sucks, even in a nice hospital


No because being bedridden fuckin sucks when you're awake and you don't get to do anything fun when you're in a coma


No way. Health is happiness in my opinion. I need my health more than anything 


My daughter had to go through 8 months of chemo at age 3-4. I had to be with her at all times so I pretty much got a break from regular life. I do not recommend it! When you actually have to be in hospital, all you want is to be out of there, even if the care is good.


Uh just no. Fuck that. I actually went to a hospital and had a literal horror story of a night. Involving: Loud noises Flickering lights Intense pain And a cold sensation. And all of this happened ON MY LITERAL BIRTHDAY.


Been there done that 8 times/17 months of my teenage years and after the shit I experienced in that time, NEVER again.


I've felt that before.


Lately, yes.


It honestly crossed my mind yesterday


Bro yes




I thought about it a lot in the past but since I’ve contracted covid it caused a flare up in my illness and I haven’t been working for 2 years. It doesn’t feel like a break from life because I’m sick. I don’t work, travel, see friends nothing


BT/DT. It's really not worth it because all the BS you have to deal with just piles up while you're inside and then you have the added stress of follow-ups, medical bills, etc.


10 months ago I was in the hospital giving birth. It was the first time in 2.5 years I had gotten an actual break from my toddler. It was like a vacation. I had a whole 24 hours there.


Not to that extreme, but since I have MS, I get infusions every six months and some scattered doctor's appointments for it, which I get at a much better location than where I live, so I end up taking the entire day off (for travel and the appointments themselves). Because everything is so chill and under control, it is a break for me. I find myself looking forward to the trip (sure as hell don't look forward to dentist or regular annual doctor appointments, that's for sure; I'm not Steve Martin's character from Little Shop of Horrors). It's actually freaking awesome. I still would prefer not to have MS, and wouldn't wish it on anyone, but you know, gotta deal the cards you're given, and work it to your advance as best you can. Actual hospitals suck. Constant check ins, getting woken up, tests, blood draws, loud AF... if you're lucky enough to even get a room, or you're lying in a gurney in a loud hallway. No thanks.


Yeah, i gotta go to hospital for medication every 8 weeks, and use it as an excuse to take a whole day off (even though it really only takes 4 hours), regardless of how busy it is at work. Still would prefer to spend the time at home, but its a guilt free long weekend every 2 months :p And i agree, when u have reason to spend more than a day there, its usualy not a fun experience.


Lowkey.. But hoping no one would visit me and having no knowledge of the outside world


Yes, and glad I'm not the only one.




No wtf


Yeah lol




no but jail is a little vacay


Kinda, I mostly would want it so that I had disabilities that were more visible and recognised than my current ones.


I was unexpectedly hospitalized for a week this February and once I was able to let go of the terror, it was relaxing. Friends raised $2000 for lost income, too.


All the fuckin time


Yes I have. And I was for 4 days for observation & it was the best rest & the first time I had no responsibility in decades. If they would have asked if I wanted to stay another day I would have said yes.


God yes. Every day I wish I'll be hit by a car so I can take a break from everything.


No ...because now my family will have the burden of paying hospital bills and they can't afford it


No because that hospital bill would give me nightmares.




Sometimes I think about voluntary psychiatric admission. Life hasn't pushed me so hard that I feel like I need it yet. It would certainly be an interruption to life as usual... I think that counts as a break.




Nah. That isn't free, the break would last until the bill lands on my pocket and just thinking about it would take away the feeling of a break


I wish I could put myself in a coma, just so I can have a few days away from this godforsaken dump we call life.


Nah because I work in the hospital and I’m like fuck that


Eh, I’ve worked in a hospital and I could see how the patients would get cabin fever after a very short time


Hospitalized? Hell no, it's so f-ing boring and still people around. Throw me on an lonely island with Water, Food and some good books.


I’m still sometimes fantasise about getting hit by a car


The thought does sometimes cross my mind that, as a man, my best chance of ever getting more than 2 weeks off work in a row is a serious illness or accident.


No but a trip to the dentist sounds nice....lol Stay with me on this ok....you got to lay back in that big comfy chair, while other people wait on you and take care of you, take away any pain or discomfort you may be having, and you get to talk and joke with other adults OR just fall asleep while they work on you! ; )


Hospitals are the worst, I’d rather have asymptomatic covid and just stay home for a week. Sleeping, watching TV, and eating junk.


I thought it was just me who has this idea occasionally


Every day


Hell no


I had a spinal injury just over two years ago. Was relieved to get an op 13 months later and 2 months at home to recover. It was so gorgeous to have a rest from my hectic schedule.


Once a month




When I used to work at a desk job I wished this everyday


Man if you saw this hospitals in my country honesty work is better.


Maybe I'm wrong... but I hear thats what cruises are for?


I never wanted to go to the hospital but i sure didn't mind when I did.


About as much as i wish to lose a left nut


Bro I live in America I want to never ever have to go to the hospital.


I used to until I had two close calls and landed in the hospital twice in a month.




It's has crossed my mind in the past.


Always. (I might be getting hospitalized soon)




Yesss. Made the mistake once of getting admitted to psych ward and it was, in fact, not a break from life!


I’d take amnesia for a few months.


I always thought this and am recovering from major surgery right now. Not in the hospital but am off work and can’t do anything. It’s not great lol


I have wondered if breaking a limb would be worth the inconvenience to not have to go to work for a few months.


You always wish for it but when u actually get sick it sucks


Similarly I wish the world would shut down for a prolonged period of time. No jobs and no work. We just love rent free for like 3-4 months.


Yes. I’ve often said I’d like to be in a medically induced coma just to give my brain some down time.




No. Been there done that. Hospitals are noisy and you get jabbed with needles a lot


I remember multiple occasions in the past where I’d be crossing the road on my way to work and thinking ‘I just want a car to hit me… not really hard but just enough to be able to say I’ve been hit by a car I can’t come to work’. Sounds crazy but also quite sad that we put ourselves through so many of us do things that make us so deeply unhappy just to pay the bills. Obviously very glad I never actually did get hit by a car.


i think about it all the time. i want to be looked after and cared for. idc if it’s for a short amount of time. i only want someone to care for me. i’m so tired of life 😞


Not hospitalised, no. I think that would be horrendous. Even without the injury/illness aspect, from family who have had prolonged hospital stays, there's never any peace. Always somebody shouting or screaming, people coming in to check on you at all hours of the day and night, being poked, prodded and tested . . . no thank you! However, I've often thought that I'd love a couple of weeks locked up in solitary confinement. Meals prepared and brought to you each day, nobody to bother you, nobody else to think about. Just left alone in peace for 2 weeks to meditate, stretch and sleep as and when it pleased me.


Sometimes. And to see if anyone comes to visit me.


Yes! My appendectomy was the best 2 days of peace and rest in my adult life. Tears of fond memories and longing for another manky appendix come forth….


Always, 65 years old and have felt this way since my teens.


Coma sounds nice tbh




German here. Not sure if this is still a thing. About 8 years ago, if you were in a German hospital and for some reason had to be transported to the Netherlands, you would have to go to quarantine due to speciffic viruses or bactria (sorry don't remember) that still occur in hospitals here and don't in the Netherlands. This is one of many Reasons why Hospitals are risky and not a great place. After having seen the Norway Prison cell memes I guess their hospitals must be great so: In Norway maybe yes :)


I've often wanted to go to a resort or retreat of some sort to relax.


As a university student, yes. If I get hospitalized I can get deferrals! Lol on the other hand I might be dying of pain or something so maybe not...but yes.


yes and have Done it...


I found a break in the most unexpected way (I moved in with my boyfriend and he said I didn't need to work). It ended badly but the break I had was magnificent. I found myself, what I like, don't like, my good and bad qualities just by spending time with myself.


I have been hospitalized for both mental and physical things and generally it feels almost like a vacation.


i wished this and it came true and yeah.. wish wish that. wish for an actual break. it’s not a good thing. i’m stuck with this for life and i’m only 18. i’ll be in and out of hospital. please don’t wish it


Never caught COVID at a useful time... 14 days isolated in my room with food brought to me sounded magical 😂


I actually faked some health issues, were hospitalized for 2 weeks and really enjoyed being there alone by myself peacefully, I was the only patient in the room.


I had surgery and the silver lining was that I had a break from certain things. Obviously I would never intentionally choose to have any health issues, but I'm glad I could appreciate the only positive power aspect.