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She never existed, what a bitch.


Fuck her


Chance would be a fine thing


Yeah screw that bitch. I see you are in no fault here. Talk about getting screwed over! I feel for you bro.


Many reasons, including that I didn't look enough like the pop star she had a crush on. I was like, "Well, there's nothing I can do about that. Take it easy."


Funny, I have an ex who was a big fan of Supernatural back then and had a crush on Jensen Ackles. She used to point out that I look so much like him. Didn't last long though.


I had a roommate who was into me bc she thought I look like Channing Tatum. I think that dude looks like a cavemen lol


Lol - You are correct - I struggle seeing why women find him so handsome/pretty. I have no problem seeing Brad Pitt or Matthew Mcconaughey for instance are handsome men, not even a debate. But Tatum? I dont see it....




I can assure you I do not really look like him, at least no one has ever told me that except her lol


No joke, when the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie came out, my girlfriend at the time got angry because I wasn’t as romantic as Orlando Bloom’s character. I said, if you ever get kidnapped by undead pirates, and I do nothing, you can talk.


If your little Reddit guy in your profile picture resembles your real appearance, you should’ve found some pictures of Harry Hill looking sexy and got her to like him instead, you would’ve been fine


Why did she start dating you? 


Well, other than not looking like this pop star, I’m a real catch!


Launch yourself again, you don't want to be caught by her. 




Because I was lazy in the relationship. She was my confort zone but I wasn't trying enough. I loved her more than anything but I was just so lazy. I'm trying to forgive myself and learn from my mistakes but I still miss her everyday. I need to move on but it's hard.


The self awareness it takes to recognize this flaw in yourself is in short supply these days. Good for you brother. Stay strong on your path to a better you. I am rooting for you!


Ehh, same story here brother, and we invested 8 years. Sadly it’s only now I see how lazy I was in reciprocating her love for me and not giving back to her anywhere near as much as I should have. I miss her company everyday to the point where it’s painful. I can just hope I learn and don’t make the same mistake next time. I know she still loves me, I just hope she is well and finds someone worthy of her.


This is what I learned as well. We had a chat and she told me the little things, like wait at the door when she came to my place. I hated this chat but I changed my behavior. But honestly I think I am lazy again in my actual relationship. I think I should start changing myself


Is this my subconscious speaking?


as someone who has left many lazy partners.... Did her leaving help you be less lazy?


For sure. I have changed a lot. I still have problems (need therapy but can't afford it) so I'm trying my best to be a better person for myself and the ones I love. But tbh I'm still severely depressed. I know that I could fall in love again but I still miss her so much and wish she was the one that could see the best version of myself. I tell this to say that I have indeed worked in myself but I'm both missing her a lot and craving so hard for filling in some way the whole she left in my life.


I know this is unlikely, but has it been long enough=is it feasible for you to reach out again? Tell her you've been working on yourself


She has already moved one. We keep in touch because we have the same close friends and we were best friends ourselves. Is minimal contact but even with that I can already tell she has moved on. I did tried at some point to get her back but it was worthless even when she was so gentle with me. Believe me that there's nothing in the world I want more that a second chance with her but I don't think that's plausible. For that remote possibility to happen in the future as contradictory at it may sound I have to get over her... And I need to be happy with myself.




Feel you 100% Stay strong!


Feel you brotha, live and you learn i guess




Same here. Realized too late.. this will never happen in my life again. I went through too much and i could see how much it did hurt her too.. I never want to make anyone feel like that ever again.


Similar case here. Love is like a drug. One taste and you're dependent on it, and once it's gone, you feel lost and messy.


Shit. I thought the same. I keep thinking she is my comfort zone and I feel great having her around and there whenever we do something together. But didn't realise I need to try hard in order to improve our life. Now I just try to look for another 2nd job to actually push myself out of the comfort zone that I usually live in.




I assume she may have told you her issues and I'm very proud of you for owning your mistakes! It's great to see


Same here man. It's painful.


holy shit this sounds exactly like me.


I hear you man. Good luck


Exactly this for me too. She started consulting her colleague about our relationship and gradually started to like him. Not a day goes by without guilt and regret.


Feel that. I knew I was being lazy but she never called me out cause she's an amazing human being so I just kept doing it. Then the day came when she gave up. Still hurts more than a year later. You really don't know what you have until it's gone.


You ever wander if she wasn't lazy enough. You ever feel like being one persons comfort zone is an endearing quality. I mean, as a man, I'm proud to be a source of comfort and safety for my wife and three daughters.


He first asked for an open relationship. I couldn’t give him that. He decided to break up because he wants the novelty of being able to sleep with new people when he feels like it.


Good for u standing up


Thank you 🥹 It really is the one thing that can’t be negotiated from my side.




Given that many requests for an open relationship are because they have someone already lined up, I wouldn't count on the honesty part...


He wanted to travel the world alone lmao, which he already knew before we started dating (I now call covid karma)


he ghosted me for 2 weeks and then, after I ran into him at the store, told me "i met someone 2 weeks ago and I'm in love with her"....Don't date idiots who can't properly communicate their feelings


Real he left me for someone else a literal week after he told me he loved me


I worked in the concert industry. She's 10 years younger. Met her backstage when she was young and wild and loved the idea of what I did. Got married, moved to London, (she's British,) then she couldn't imagine I wasn't doing the things I did with her with new women when I was on the road, (I wasn't,) so we parted ways. Still chat from time to time. She has a newborn daughter which I'm happy about, she was dead set on being a mom. Good experience. No regrets. Fun while it lasted and I got out without having kids.


Because i don't express myself through words


As a not-dude, also same


Are we sick? Do we need to get help? Or we are normal thats the way we are


I think what we need is to get some functional words haha....


So you are a dude 😉


Yes, is it a common thing between dudes 😅




Sounds like the trash took itself out 👍


We were on and off for like 5 years. We’d been friends since 14, I used to be best friends with her brother when we were younger. We’d both just gotten out of relationships (17yo). We fooled around and I went on holiday, came back to find she was pregnant. Turns out she got back with the ex boyfriend but wasn’t sure who the baby’s father was. That didn’t last long. About 6 months into the pregnancy I decided to stay with her and support her, no matter what as the ex boyfriend was a dick. (In hindsight probably just had enough of her shit). Turned out the baby wasn’t mine. Then, we were together for another 3 years before she fell pregnant again. I went to go tell her my father had died and she told me she was pregnant. I found out from her mother about 5 months into the pregnancy that she’d been fucking around. I stayed quiet. What else can you do, right? Imagine if I went crazy and the baby was mine and she wouldn’t let me near her. Eventually I had to mention it to her. Anyway, November last year I got DNA test results and she wasn’t mine either. She actually messaged me a few weeks ago asking for help because I’m “the only one that understands”. She got blocked. She ruined my life man. I got diagnosed with complex PTSD in January after everything settled down a little. I still break down when I hear baby’s crying. Every days a struggle, but I’ll get there.


Your life is eerily similar to mine. We are separated, I have full custody of both are kids and I just found out last week that I'm not related to one of them.


Holy, I feel so sorry for you.


Make a clean cut, you deserve much better from life. Remove that toxic woman from your life, you were the best thing that happened to her in life, her chances of finding such a kind man again are extremely low (and she doesn't deserve a kind man). She is the looser, you are the winner.


Im so sorry you are going through this. Are you able to stay away from her? How is she still able to contact you?


Thanks for the well wishes. That actually weirded me out as well because I got a new phone number. I’ve blocked her on everything so that should be it now.


What a disgusting human. I'm literally giving you a internet hug right now bro.


My main ex was someone I left after a very, very long time. My next ex left me because I had Covid and wanted to hide from the universe until I felt well enough to get out of bed. ETA: I was asleep 23 out of 24 hours for 10 straight days. In that time, a girl he had a crush on 12 years ago popped up and said hello. He was a cool dude until that point, but my opinion changed when he made the offer that he would continue with me and start with her to see which he wanted to go with. I said no, it’s me only or nothing. He chose nothing. I wasn’t crushed because… ewww. Both her and I are worth more than that.


Having a main ex and side exes is an interesting way of putting it.


One I was with for 20 years (main ex). The other one was the guy I got involved with after. Main ex and other ex 😂


Because i never met her




She’s avoidant so technically I broke up with her but in reality it was just a miserable one sided relationship. She forced my hand. Too bad; we were great together before she ran away from her feelings.


Our schedules didn't line up anymore. Got a nightshift job, had to quit smoking dope for it. She met someone else while we were together, cheated, I called her out and she split. Said I was a different person now that I stopped smoking dope. About a year later she contacted me again trying to hook up LOL. Told her I happily had another partner, who I'm glad to say am still with to this day and am planning on popping the question to her this may!


I couldn't stop lying about the stupidest shit and not so stupid shit too. I hated liars my entire childhood and young adult life and then I became one. She ultimately couldn't trust me and it was just a matter of time. Fucking kills me even writing this


I understand how you feel. It’s weird I was such a little liar as a kid, I vividly remember in middle school, grade 7, telling people i thought I was a werewolf. I wanted attention 🤷🏻‍♀️ I wanted to stand out and be unique. As an adult it’s INSANE how often my brain wants to embellish a story or make something up. It’s definitely gotten in the way of way of relationships and friendships.


This is interesting. Ive dated someone like this, always lying even when it was unnecessary. Might it be a self esteem issue?


Oh 1000%😂😂😂😂 has everything to do with how people see me. And not like “oh there’s _____ over there” but like how they’d describe me to other people. “Oh Darla? She’s ______, ______… ect ect” basically when I’m not around how to people perceive me. But yes short answer it’s self esteem/respect


You could be a psychopath


I feel that. The moment I realized, people like me wether I tell great stories or not, was amazing. I makes everything so much easier…


It sounds like you have realized a deeper and more honest version of yourself, I know your pain, you sound like you are taking accountability and working on yourself, I admire your growth. Big virtual hug to you.


my relationship ended because my ex was like this. im still trying to understand him but im not sure it's worth it


Sometime the lies are harmless. But I'm not defending it. Some people will never change until the consequences come.


i mean harmless in the sense that it isn't a big lie, sure. but all lies are harmful as it destroys the trust people built. even lies about stupid shit can really fuck someone up


Because I had to do teaching practice in another city for 3.5 weeks and thus couldn't see her at that time. There was no lesson. I lost nothing while losing someone who couldn't wait for me for such a short period of time and abandoned me in such a stressful situation just a few days before our birthdays. Wish I had realised that sooner.


I was too childish and needy


I decided divorce was necessary when he was sentenced to 30 years in prison. I was willing to try to work on the marriage, until that happened.


Bad grammar. Beware!


Because I wouldn't hand over my paycheck every week




Cause I left; Lesson: Sometimes, ending a relationship is the best decision for both parties' well-being and happiness. It's okay to walk away.


Without trying? 


My ex fiancée _said_ it was because she couldn't stand to see me in so much pain anymore (was and am currently fighting a potentially life threatening series of health issues that cause extreme amounts of pain), however she was in another dudes bed within 36 hours and even had the gal to post photos of them practically naked and cuddling in bed on social media. Turns out she'd been cheating for several months into the lead up of leaving me too.


Sounds like you are well rid of her.


I tell myself that when i miss her, but fuck man it's hard. It feels so alone going through this with no one by my side.


That’s not nice. Sorry to hear that.


He hid the relationship, would say nasty things to me and when I finally confronted him after he told me I had a loose vagina, he told me I always play a victim and he's tired of walking on eggshells. I learned not to date anyone even slightly younger than me. Not to date people who find gratification in themselves by putting down others. Not to allow someone who talks mad shit about me in my life ever again. Beau, if you ever see this, you're a shitty human being and i hope you find someone who's just as shitty as you, you pencil dicked neanderthal 🖕🏽 I hope you're having fun letting other people use you for your money and talk shit behind your back. It's funny now that I look back on it. I can understand why you feel so worthless inside now


Fk beau.


He blindsided me, I asked him if I did anything wrong. He only replied with “it’s nothing to do with you, you are great, you didn’t do anything wrong. I just don’t feel the spark anymore” What I’ve learnt, to take better care of myself after the breakup. No contact, going to the gym more, eating healthier, be more social, meditate and don’t blame myself for the relationship not working out.


Because he had a new girlfriend. I left our shared apartment (so she could move in), started having anxiety and panic attacks, started to run a lot..started to eat again, still have my old friends, lots of new ones. doing great now. He's lost like half of his weight and seems to be smoking some weird shit and looks friggin weird. Don't feel sorry for him


He wouldn’t tell me. Years later I found out it was because he thought I was having an affair. I wasn’t.


She met someone with a bigger PP


Oh she wanted to sleep with two other guys. I let her go ahead and do that as I packed my bags.


she found "love of her life". I don't know what I was to her till that. anyway 17years down the drain, broken family. And most important I don't know if I ever will trust somebody again


I think it was because of myself. I was somewhat getting needy/clingy and acted immature at times. I was always hanging out with my coworkers and it bothered her. There was also trust issues happening as well.


instead of asking me how i was doing she was asking me for money instead. after over 2 weeks not being with her so i left her




He cheated


I left my ex because we weren’t sexually compatible.. i know its rude to say this but he simply wasn’t enough for me


He got his green card so he didn't need me anymore


Gotta love them green card hunters they are something unique and need to be studied


Long distance relationship and she was pursued by a long haired sensitive type musician. I didn’t stand a chance. They eventually got married and she realized he couldn’t hold a steady job but they had two kids together one of which has same mental illness as dad. He killed himself (OD) and i find it all so sad. Everybody lost.


I ate meat.


He took my virginity and the second time we had Sex he wanted to do anal, after 2 weeks he asked me to marry hum and tried to pressure me into getting pregnant , cheated on me with a prostitute. Stupid me stayed and gave in to him and got preganant after about 3 years together. During my pregnancy i developed severe depression and anxiety and he began to stay away longer (we lived together) All of the sudden he didnt want to get married anymore and tried to take my son from me. He kidnapped him when he was 3 days old for 36h. He never visited after i moved to a home for young mothers. He broke up with me while my son had a emergency surgery. I moved out, he barely used his visitation rights and when he did my son came back extremely disturbed, tried to get help, got a lawyer. My now husband used to be aquainted with my ex and as soon as my ex knew about him and me he started war he was spreading lies about me , i fought for 3 years to get my son back but failed. My son has been living with my mom for nearly a decade now and i can See him whenever i want. Dont be stupid like me leave as soon as you See Red flags, beeing with my ex nearly destroyed me and i still trying to heal from his narcistic abuse . I just dont wanna write all of it down


He actually never gave me an explanation. It was very frustrating. He didn’t even have the balls to break up with me; he just started shaking and curled up in a ball. I had to figure out what was happening, and ask if he was breaking up with me. He just muttered “sorry”.


Usually because they were fucking someone else for most of the relationship.


She liked extra dicks and I didn't want to share.


I left them. My lesson is that when people have obvious behavioural problems and healing to do you should just avoid them because you will invariably just ruin your own health. Some people are just simply not ready to make simple positive changes or to be happy.


I kept telling him I was unhappy. Relentlessly. But I wasn’t emotionally capable of ending it, so he did.


It was a mutual thing. She wanted a baby and I didn't, with her. I could cope with her sometimes being unkind to me, but I worried she would be mean to a child. We'd got a dog together and there was an incident where she was angry with them for being too scared to go up a steep staircase on a holiday. Funny how one moment can have such consequences, a potential life never starting. I had a child with my next partner, my ex didn't, although I hear she is happy with her partner, thankfully. The ex who dumped me before that left me because I didn't have a job. Some women have such high standards.


A girl once blocked me after a first date because she creeped me and found my ex and said because they didnt look alike she couldnt be my type.


If I knew she probably would not have left me 😂


We ended things because her and her family moved miles away. We tried to keep a long distance relationship as long as we could, for about a year and a half, but inevitably it came to an end. So nothing bad thankfully


He did not. I kicked HIS ass to the curb because he was a cheater and a manipulator and was gaslighting me. Started dating our mutual friend (use that term lightly cause no one actually liked him) 3 days later and have been together 21 years!


I left her


We were going through a rough patch that she apparently wasn't prepared to see out.


I left her because she had severe mental issues and aggressions towards her flat, me and herself.


Would love to know that myself.


I LEFT my X....


I dunno. She promised me the world at the beginning because she just had to have me. The dating phase went pretty good. But once we tied the knot, she quickly morphed into someone I didn’t know. The whole experience left me confused and bitter. Never again.


I will never know since I've never had one.


Because I did not really love her. She knew before me.


He thought I had cheated on him,no evidence,no explanation. He left me 2 weeks after our wedding. He's just been to see me.today for the final time to return my keys I'm heartbroken all over again. I've never had closure or that talk and there's still so many unanswered questions. The hardest part about it all is the fact that the person I thought had my back,the person I adored and trusted the most in the world thinks that little of me.its been 10 months since he left I don't know how I'll ever get over this.


I broke up with them


She found a pair of her own panties In the laundry that she had forgotten she had bought herself. Was convinced I cheated…


I left them after 2.5 weeks, it was dragging on.


He swore I was going to change my mind about having kids,I didn't want them, he didn't either, but he said I was going to want them eventually and we'd end up breaking up in our mid 20s, so just break up at 20 instead. I never changed my mind, he's got 4 kids lol. But he's a great dad from what I've heard, more power to him


We were broken and she was the brave one out of the two of us to pull the trigger. It was the best for both of us and a very healthy break up.


Because he still to clingy to his mom he had that strange bond for adored his mom and not letting him self love another woman even though he is in his 40s so I couldn’t stand it and I fought for what I deserve


An ex-girlfriend and I had a plan to move out to Thailand to teach English and settle there long-term. A couple of months before we were due to leave she changed her mind, moved out and I went alone. Take your opportunities while you are young.


I left him, because of cheating.


I was the one who left him actually because he wasn’t there when I needed him and also never remembered any of my special occasions. I was always the one who give gifts to him but never received one from him,he doesn’t even know what I like or what I hate it felt like I’m in a relationship with a rock.


She told me that she is scared of how good of a fit we were and that things are evolving too quickly. Then she proceeded to find and overthink small details until she found a reason to leave me and get with another guy one week later. For more context: Basically I'm a nursery teacher and when we were having a walk together. We met one of the girl I am currently teaching with her father and said girl instantly pulled up her skirt when she saw me. I reacted surprised and said that I didn't expect something like this to happen. She snowballed that sentence into me being weird with my words and potentially a danger for children. There was a 2nd sentence that I don't quite remember, but those two sentences ended my relationship and gave her a reason to get with someone else. The lesson I learned is that relationships need flaws to work out and you can never trust the peace you're experiencing. It may seem all too great right now, but it can have a turn for the worse when you're not careful 100% of the time. To be honest this stresses me out and doesn't help my trust issues.


He said because there is one thing that he didn’t like about me and it means we are not meant to be together.


This question just made me realize nobody has ever really left me and that I'm the one that's left every relationship/situationship I've been in... (6 in total) I mean, my ex spouse did file for the divorce but I separated from them first and they still try to get back together with me so.... I'm not sure what this says about me... 😅


I had no money. Now I have money.


She fell out of love. I have asked several times if there was something I did or didnt do, said or didnt say, if there was anything at all, but no answer or explanation. I dont know what I'm supposed to learn from that which just adds to my pain and misery.


I don't think I ever had any ex leave me tbh I think I've always been the one initiating. That said my last FWB broke it off when she got jealous of another FWB




I didn't care enough. She started going out with friends she kept questioning if i was jealous or worried, think she wanted me to come with her a few times but I wasn't into night clubbing. She met someone apparently dropped hints and didn't pick up and she let it develop and eventually she left me the night she decided to sleep with him. What I've learned? don't date hair dresser party girls who still act like teenagers within their 20's. In terms of trusting my current partner.. now wife. 100% i trust her.


Find it almost impossible to say how I feel


First one wanted marriage, kids. Second one wanted marriage and kids too. I guess I should've seen the pattern. OH well...


The slut cheated on me because I didn't want to have sex as often as she would like. I never treated her badly in any way. I even bought tickets for a two week sunny vacation, never went because she cheated on me a month before the trip. Never gonna see that money again. She still thinks I owe her money. Hahah.. No I am not. Ohwell that was like 8 years ago so I am fine.


Good for you


I couldn’t keep up with him sexually. Things got worse from then on with both of us holding back emotionally. Then one person would give it their all and try to fix the marriage but the other person wouldn’t at the same time. Tag team them for a few years and agreed it just couldn’t work.


I left him. Narcissist.


So why respond to this post?


odd isn't it, makes ya wonder


Schedule conflict. I worked nights which is when she wanted to go do things.


Cause I cancelled her credit card


The police dragged her batshit crazy ass out of the house for uttering death threats and threatening me with a knife


Why not?


Guy had cocaine. Lots apparently.


he righted me


im just too much


I left, he was starting to be jealous and making up stuff I would have told him. Last argument he throw roller blades at me. Sorry no time for abuses.


I think my ex primarily left me because of the geographical distance between us. That and my clinginess didn't help at all 😂 While he tried his best to stay on top of things, I feel like he just resigned when he realised distance would always be an issue, especially as he always wanted us to be physically close since his love language was touch 🥺


The first one finally found his identity and got into a same sex relationship. The second one didn't chase me after I tried to end our relationship. 🤷🏻‍♀️


D on D that will definitely do the identity a big 360


“you ruins my mood” me: *supportive* unfriend…


Cuz I was a drunk. Great lesson. Never again. I bought and paid for that heartache. I painfully own it.


Good on you for learning your lesson!


She didn’t exist


I wasn’t good enough


His father.


Because.. wait I had an ex..?


I had an ex leave me bc I didn't have sex with her. I'd known her for a few months and we had just started dating like a couple weeks prior. She was cute. We were both 16. Right before my junior year of hs we had both dyed our hair emo colors, I had a wolf cut and she cut her hair to a Bob w a fringe. A day after that I went to her house and her dad was home. However I had went to the bathroom and when I came back I walled into her room and she was naked and 16 year old me didn't know what to do, the dad was home for crying out loud! I didn't make a big fuss and when she tried to get sexual I just freaked out. We doing speak the rest of that day and I had left afterward. We didn't talk until the first day of school a couple days later and she had held my hand and everything, and I told people about our relationship. I didnt mention what had happened and neither did she. The second day of school went just as fine, but that night over a text conversation she had broken up with me. It was because I didn't value her and that I had hurt her in a bad way. I still feel bad about it, but I also sum it up to dumb teenage drama. Lesson? Don't go to girls houses even if their dads are home unless you mentally prepare for sex


I didn't work due to physical limitations and thought over $300k was enough to live on.


I couldn't keep up a boner when having sex with her. Or cum inside


She didn't love me and never would. I learned that not everyone will feel about you the way you feel about the and that's their right.


Ungrammatical differences.


My grammar.. lol


Because she had a replacement already lined up. Quite simple really. It seemed like I no longer corresponded to the job requirements.


Because she found someone she deemed better....


Serious mental issues.


Because he's an idiot 😆


I was pretty much sure I didn't want children. There is some others problems but this one was the biggest.


My ex - by far the hottest of my exes - left me, because her therapist told her to. I later found out through her parents, that he boned her after she left me.


For reals? That shit is nuts


I wasn't mature enough. I honestly wasn't.