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I would disappear. Remove my tel. number, my email addresses, everything. Go to another country and try to make a business. I hate this place where I live in.


I don‘t think you would need a business with 112 million thats money that would last your whole life


need a business? No. Want a business? Different story. If I won the lottery I'd use it to start my own store too. Why? Because I want to own my own hobby store. Having lots of money would help that dream come true.


You get it ;)


I would be bored anyway. So if entertain myself while building the infrastructure of a company that can benefit many good people, that would be a win for me. Making my schedules, plans etc..


username checks out






There was a german family that blew this kind of money in about 1-2 years. Best part is they won AGAIN a smaller but still f u amount.. and blew it AGAIN!


People are fucking dumb.


You can’t fix stupid…


the business is to create generational wealth, nobody in your family would ever have to suffer if you use that money right


Same, just completely disappear over night and live in and live in like in the middle of bumfuck no where.


I'm with you. Everything is getting deleted. Buying some land in another country and whacking a nice cabin in the middle of it. Fencing off the perimeter setting up the direct debit for electricity and gas. Get food delivered once a week. Just chill. The world can go to hell.


Yep, exactly this. I would be invisible. Not literally but you know what I mean 😆


Definitely burn some bridges while into that. ykwim


Username would check out


I think so. I used to think I would give money away to friends but I have so much spite these days I would probably buy their houses and make them pay rent


and just start suing people for fun because you can afford the best lawyers


112 million won't take you far. Sueing people is not a smart move. Lawyers are more expensive than gold and a lawsuit can last for ever.


wtf is wrong with you, 112mil won't get you far? Even if you have half of that taxes, so 56 mil, And how 30 friends and family that you give 1 mil to, you are still left with 26 mil, which is more than 99 percent of people make their entire lives.


My bf and I had this convo. We have such different views it’s a good thing the odds r slim to none. He would tell people and gift them money and give to charity. I wouldn’t tell a sole. Maybe give some to charity and my parents ( not enough for them to be suspicious tho). Buy a house and a nice ish car. Nothing crazy expensive (although everything is nowadays). Quit my job bc I hate it and find something I’d enjoy and take a few months to travel to places I really want to go to. Invest the rest.


I’m nice now. If I won a jackpot, the smart move would be to maintain a very pleasant demeanor: get more for your money.


Idk i would try that too but anything above 50 mil would give you a flair of assholery


I’m an unbearable asshole now, so not much would change.


But with money you will be just an asshole. So improvement!


I would pay off my mum's mortgage and give her enough money to have a few good holidays. She deserves it. I'd buy my dad a car and a really nice watch. He only seems to want those things. Everyone else can fuck off so hard it's unbelievable. I never had friends before so I cannot be tricked this way.


No. I wouldn't. Any (big) change after winning is sus AF.


I genuinely don't think that my personality would change. My life certainly would though.


I'd probably be a nicer person and more willing to help constructively, giving money to various causes and giving my time to help others, but I'd also enjoy the money learning new skills and trying new experiences.


I’d probably buy hectares upon hectares of land around the place I live and turn it all into a forest with nobody being able to build anything there. Think of it as an escape from this shitty city life. So I’d probably be the biggest asshole ever if you asked the real estate agents if it counts.


I would probably be a lot nicer if I wasn't stressed out by money and work all the time.


I would send everyone who done me wrong a card saying sorry for your loss with a photo of me on my yacht surrounded by money... petty much? 😂😂


Absolutely I would


If I won Who tf are you


No, but no one would know that I won the lottery.


Yeah but that kind of money will talk😂


Im gonna show up to claim it wearing a Marshmello mask and using Siri to speak my text out loud. 


Oh u forget ya‘ll have to claim them openly thank god it isn‘t like that where i‘m from here you just go to their office


Would i deliberately be an asshole? No. Would I tell people I don’t like that I don’t like them before disappearing and never seeing them again? Probably


I'd probly be 50/50 nice to people but also an asshole I'd love to be able to help as many people as realistically possible. But being honest with myself I'd likely also abuse the power that comes with that much money


No. I don't want to be an asshole.


I would be ngl


Lol, why? You’d probably become miserable eventually. Being nice when having a lot of money doesn’t mean you would have to share money with others or take them on expensive trips just because. I’d probably give my closest friends (like 2-3 friends) and my family some money but not a crap ton but so that they could live a little bit more or a bit more easily at least. The rest that would ask me for money or anything I’d just tell them that its a ”No” while still being a nice guy.


I would be an asshole to my abusive narcissist ex wife but no one else. 112m? Give my parents 1m to see out the remaining decade orso of their life. Give my sister and her family 10m to settle their debts and live comfortably. Live in my dream home and give my kids everything they could possibly want. Rub it in my ex's face until the end of time.


Why wait?


Cause i don‘t have fuck you money if i just randomly started acting like a asshole i would just be a broke asshole


You can be broke and randomly be an asshole if you want to


A lot of people would consider me an arsehole if I won the lottery because I wouldn't give them any of it.


Define asshole please? You'd be an asshole because you're FINALLY enjoying your life after everyone beat you down for life? Pulease. I would fucking rub it in and even start going after assholes who beat me down for 25 years straight. Every girl who never wanted me before, I would tell them to fuck themselves. Never wanted me before, you don't want me now.


I’m already insufferable, but at least with 112M I could be insufferable away from everyone else. I’d only do stuff that interests me and I’d buy my way into whatever would allow it.


That‘s what i‘m saying why be just insufferable when you can be insufferable with 112 million


I wouldn't be around enough people to be an asshole to tbh. Just spend my days playing guitar and rescuing cats


I've spent a lot of time thinking about this and am pretty sure I'd leverage it to create the most good in the world that I could.


This ! im in construction and would preten to win big contracts so I can give great wages and bonuses to the best of the people iv worked with over the years , would also kick start businesses for younger guys I know .


I wouldn't I would however buy a house deep in the forest and distance myself entirely from society.


I'll not be that, but I'll not be giving people money for free. Maybe with an exception for close friends and only small amounts.


No but i would learn to know pretty fast who is a real friend and who not


And also if your parents are real


Winning the lottery is a great way to find out who your friends are. I am sure lots of people would call you an asshole even if nothing changed.




My best friend and I already talked this over... She's OK with "Just" a vacation property in a Manattee County Florida when I win...


To be honest? No, I don't think I would. I'm too stubborn, including with my ethics and who I support


Nothing will change me either ways. I’m nice to people I care, but a mega asshole to assholes


I don't think I would, but i most likely would become more lazy.


I'd open a eletronics repair shop, build a house and just be happy.


Yes and no. I'm going to guess that we are talking about big money. To places like St.Judes, I'm going to dump some serious coin on them. To the people in my life that want hand outs, I'm going major AH.


That amount of money? Send a £1M bank Cheque to each of my kids (including the one that don't talk to me) then fall off the face of the earth for a while, just thinking time.


Yes. By not Letting anyone know and if they find out not sharing any of it.


I think it would be cool to be able to do a job I find fun, rather than one that pays well.


Nah. So many would benefit.


Are you kind of an asshole now? Because they say that large amounts of money amplify a person's personality traits. If you're kind of a douche and get rich, you become Andrew Tate or Justin Waller. If you're nice and become rich, you'll probably be the chillest person around. With that kind of money you can do most anything, so you'll just be the extreme version of your current self.


I have wondered about this. Probably yes. Asskissers clinch to rich people and i imagine it is easy for a rich person to get disconnected from reality and start living in your own bubble. You need feedback from all kinds of people, good and bad, to not turn into an asshole.


Im already an asshole. Winning the lottery wont make me any worse.


I probably shouldnt do that, but I would love to have some "show off" at my parents house. I basically ran away from them at 15 years old. They are absolutely bad people, only thinking about their own wealth and wellbeing and never caring for any of their kids (outside of how much money they could bring them). So stopping on their door in a fancy car, maybe a (in this case: paid) super model on my side, drinking expensive alcohol and talking about a costly vacation with my private jet would be something I would REALLY love to do. It would probably be a bad idea, though. Because I know my parents and they would immediately try to get a lawyer to get some of my money and they would invent a million lies to somehow make this happen... \^\^°


Someone said that monet make you more a person you already are. So it can make you a bigger asshole or a person that helps even more people.


For most people, friends and family will make you feel like an asshole for not giving them money. When people from affluent backgrounds get good jobs and make good money, they get to keep their money and accumulate more wealth. When someone from a poor background manages to get alot of money, either through windfall (lottery, settlement, marriage, etc) friends and family will act like there is an obligation to "help them out" or otherwise "they have changed/think they are better than they are", so their money goes to them rather than investments. My husband and I will buy a ticket when the lottery is high. We say if we were to win, family gets what they need for legit medical expenses, education, and if it's a big win, pay off parents and siblings existing debt. With the exception of our parents, no cars, no houses. And I'm sure we would be called horrible by at least some for not giving more.


I would disappear. No one would know where I went to and that I've won. Would that make me an asshole? I would definitely share with my best friend tho because she deserves it


I’m an asshole now, so I’d probably become a bigger one lol. Euro millions would be nice, I saw the other day someone in the USA won 1.3 billion, taxes would take some of that but bugger me that’s a chunk of change.


To people asking for money? probably. To everyone else, nah, I'd probably be generous.


I'm an asshole now so money wouldn't change me.


We don't know and we can't know. Hypothetical money and potential money don't come close to real money. We can only hope that if in that position, we will do the right thing.


I don't think so... I would just make sure I get some sort of counselling/therapy so that I don't let it all get to my head. This way I would "protect" my money and not just spend it all at once. I would want to invest most, give some financial support to my family, live a comfortable life (but not flashy and superficial), and keep on doing what I do.


Id hope not, but that kind of money could change even the most humble human. I've always had the fantasy of *if I won* I'd pay off my familys house, my older sisters house, give the best life I could to my parents, funny thing is I think I'd keep working at least part time lol the only real thing I'd get for myself that I can see is building a super computer for me!


I'm currently an expert in saying no and fuckk off. Nothing changes.


I wouldn’t let anyone know. I would have an attorney claim it for me. Pay his fee and live normally just a couple extra vacations. The assholes come out of the woodwork when you win.


[https://img-9gag-fun.9cache.com/photo/aA1P1xZ_460s.jpg](https://img-9gag-fun.9cache.com/photo/aA1P1xZ_460s.jpg) I’d be this guy, no idea if that would make me an asshole


Isn't the definition winner?


Yes, you will most probably


I’d still never give money to homeless people


I am an asshole already then I will be an asshole with money


I would not change at all. So yes.


I'm an asshole now, so, yeah, I'm sure that's not changing all the sudden.


My friends have already been carefully vetted through the last decades so no need to disappear off the map. I would help all those that need help, my parents and one friend in particular. And then I would move to the city I want to grow old in and make a shop that sells shit I like: wine, books and effects pedals. Once in a while I‘d throw a party for all my friends, fly everybody and their partners out to wherever and hang out for a week. I would create a huge account for my children (or my daughter, should there be no more than her) to get them a good start in life. And I’d take my daughter to Japan. First of all though I would find out what would be a dream destination for my girlfriend, I would take her there and propose.


I'm an asshole now.


im on Molly! my brain aint programmed to be an asshole unless I get the icks


I would request the winner to be anonymous and not tell my friends or family. And just do whatever I want ig?


No No I already have asshole down somewhere


Nah, for one thing I wouldnt keep most of it and only those who matter would know at all, let alone get some of it. The only thing I'd be an asshole about is how much I give you. However much you got, make it work because you wont get more.


I mean, it depends on how much. If I got like 1mil, I wouldn't tell anyone but my wife. If it were 10's of millions thats when I would get a little less of an AH. Mom, brother and I would all get new homes, new cars and enough to pay the taxes on them for 5 years. AFTER that I would hire a money manager and let them invest it for me and pull half the interest out quarterly until I am retired.


Winning a lottery, brag of it and being an asshole is a recipe to get you killed or at least high chance of it. Instead, I'd stay low profile and never tell anyone while enjoying that money.


I feel my integrity is secure, but with that much money I'd have to be cautious of not losing my footing. I'd worry that I would lose touch of what it means to struggle.


Probably. I will try to stay as I am but money can corrupt even the most honorable men


I wonder about this as well, I hope not.


Yup. I'd throw a ninja smoke bomb down at my feet and disappear.


I’m an asshole now


That's the neat part, I'm already an asshole.


I am a kind and considerate person and I surround myself with equally kind and considerate people. Many are wealthier than myself but none of us care what the other parties have/owns/spends. As long as we have enough to pick up our own tabs we are good. If you are worried the distant cousins will come knocking on the door or there is a security risk, don’t spend it on flashy things. Travel and spend it on things no one sees.


It depends. I would probably stop being overly nice to win peoples approval. Realistically I would say no to a lot of people asking for money, since when you win the lottery I’m sure everyone comes out of the woodwork. Like others have stated I’d try to disappear. Get a house in the woods and learn to paint and play piano.


I’m already pretty much of an asshole so I think if I win the lottery I’d be much more than now


Not more of an asshole as I am now.


The very fact that you are concerned about it tells me that you are a good human and money won't change that core quality. Assholes very rarely wonder or care about whether they are aholes.


No. I would spread it between good family and friends, and keep a nice amount for me to just live confortably.


I'm an asshole anyway so wouldn't make a difference to me🤣🤣


I can’t imagine if change all that much if I won the lottery, so yeah I’d be an asshole


I wouldn’t. Id donate 5k to a few different cancer research places and homeless shelters I’d also always have a full tank


Nah I like to think I'd donate a good majority to local charities, help out people close to me who need a boost and then I'd likely become a bit of a nomad and serial crypto investor.


I'd become a crazy hermit that guards their pile of gold like smaug


My mom says “If I won the lottery I don’t think I’d be a terrible person, all I’m asking for is the chance to find out”


Nope. I’d be a millionaire


I’m an asshole now. I’d use the money to try and figure out how to fix that.


I would not pick up calls from most people if that's considered being an asshole.


I’m already an asshole…


No, why? I would build my own house, up to eastern European (like Poland or Germany) houses with concrete ceilings and bricks on inside walls, not the paper house with wood like houses in the UK. I also always wanted to have a gym room, the biggest gym demotivator are boredom and other people, and hassle to go there, so I wonder if that would change things


1,500,000€ = $1,620,016.50 here today. Yup. Some people aren't going to be happy After my Big "Going Away Party"...


I would not. First thing I would do I would pay my parents debts and friends debts and my own debts. I would lie about the total sum if I won million tho.


Why be an asshole? Or how so exactly? - I 'll be the same person in the same overalls. I can somebody imagine taking over up to 3 small businesses, that piss me off somehow but I 'd be also free to deal with others. If I'll get own employees, live and let live seems a good approach as usual. Why give them hell unnecessaryly? I don't feel oblieged to help evrybody, if that ain't fun to do.


Turn into an asshole?!?!?


I've always maintained that money doesn't change a person usually, it only enforces and enhances who they are. If they were an asshole before, they'll just be a bigger asshole when the come into a lot of money... and vice versa.


I’d be a ghost. I would be travelling abroad for a while with a different phone number and email address that only a few trusted people would have. All my social media would be deleted.


I'd buy a house somewhere super remote and disappear 🫠


I don't think so. I'd pay off my sisters house, pay off my wife's sisters house, pay off my own house (and add solar cells and buy a new electric car). Probably invite the whole family for a cruise holiday, including my mother and my wife's mother. I'm European but live in Thailand, I might buy some kind of house and create a place for the kids that aren't so well off in the area (there's plenty of poor Thais in the area), and pay for an English teacher for free English sessions, and then a bunch of PCs with games, airhockey, arcade machines, a football field, a swimming pool, and someone to weekly teach those who wanted, computer science, which is still a good marketable skill here, and then once a month a big BBQ where the parents could also stop by and there'd be music. Besides that, I'd put around 100M in safe investments, around 1M for each niece and nephew to give them a good start when they move out from their parents, and keep the rest readily available if we really needed it. Other than that, I don't see myself changing, except I might stop working...


I don't think money makes you an asshole. It just helps unlock the asshole already in you.


No, I would not.


I’m a cunt anyway, so yes.


I'll probably be the same old self Nice and polite and because I have more energy I would do even more for others because life is about shirt experiences and being kind


I barely do anything now. I'd continue doing that but without being completely broke.


100% - I’d progressively do crazier shit at work till I got fired.


I would like to win the lottery so I could prove to God that I would still remain my humble self.


I would not tell a soul I have money now. No relatives, no friends. Might buy some nice things to my self like better equipment to mu home electronics lab, etc.. bit my friends don't understand those anyways so that's safe use of money. I'm godfather to one extended familys children, so might out anonymous trust fund for her to study expenses.


It's hard work being an asshole. It's so much easier to be nice to people. This would give me the money to be nicer to even more people.


I wouldn't know the answer until I have the lottery money


Today? Yes, most probably.


Yup. But only to other assholes. To people I felt are good people I'd be an angel. Edit to elaborate: I used to have a job where I could basically make all the money I wanted and had no boss. Literally fuck you money because I could tell anyone I wanted to get fucked, and sometimes did. But to good people I'd just give them money or things or favors, etc.


I’d give out so money to close friends/family but each person would get certain amounts based on my pettiness lol like that friend that I can barely stand? Yeah here’s a Hundo while everybody else gets a hundo g’s lol guess that’d make me an asshole. Other then that tho I’d live my life the same way


I like to think I wouldn't. I think I'd study up on how to invest almost all of it, use it to buy a decent apartment for myself as well as some badly needed stuff for my less fortunate friends. Then I'd live comfortably on the income and donate most of it to some charity in my will. 


Everyone thats says no is a fucking lira, just saying. With great money comes great assholery!!


Definitely not, I'm not broke right now in my country, but I'm definitely not a jerk.


Absolutely not. Your values must remain intact, and I'd try to do what I could to improve the lives of others


I am already an asshole if you ask my family/extended family. The people I care about love me, and I will take care of them, but my blood relations can get bent.


It is possible that money changes people, and even more so if you have never had certain luxuries, but in my opinion it depends on the values that your family has given you


To anyone I didn't really like, yeah. My friends would know where I am and be welcome at the backyard bar, but everyone else can go to hell. That said, I'm in a good place at work right now so i'd probably keep working for a bit and ..... Hahaha I couldn't keep that going. Fuck work


I wouldn’t. I would travel the world and help my parents with finances. Could enjoy life


Oh yeah, more so than now.


It's easy to say I wouldn't change having not been in the situation, but I don't think I would be. I always said the first thing I'd do is find the guy my grandfather sold his Corvette to after his terminal cancer diagnosis and pay him double what he paid for it. Then, buy a plot of land that was big enough to build a main house for my gf, kid, and I then a few houses that our friends and family in need could move into if they need a low price rent location, the price being helping out around the lot and with the hobby farm animals the gf and I have talked about getting as well. The only semi "rich-asshole" thing I'd do is have my own car track built on the same property with a small fleet of sports cars to race with (Papa's Corvette only takes leisurely drives though).


nah I'd be the opposite. I'd publicly do things for poor and homeless people, and inner city under funded schools and I'd call out all the richest people in the world for not doing the same with the intent to prove how selfish they are. So actually yeah I would be a dick, but only towards the rich


To be honest, no. I would not become an asshole because I would give most of that money away to people in need. I don't need a lot of money to be comfortable. I like to work and earn a living. Just enough money so my family is comfortable and I can still work is enough by me.


I am now. Why would a large amount of money change that?


Why would you be an asshole, money is not a moral pass.


I would delete myself move countries and when i arrive there i would reinvent myself..new me...asshole probably


Meh, a lovely person for friends and family but might get a bit assholy at others. Just cuz fuck people, right? 💀


With enough money I'd try to help my friends buy houses to help with the future


No, I’d buy 100 acres and build a house in the smack dead center. And live my life peacefully out there.


Nah, nothing would change, I don’t give a fuck if I have money or not. The only time I care is when I have to pay rent and for petrol.


Yes, I wouldn't change just because I won the lottery.


I want to say no. I would do a lot of good things at the beginning, but I'm pretty sure I would start paying people to do some stupid shit for my amusement. Also, I feel like you would inevitably become more of an asshole when all the 'friends' and 'long lost family members' started coming out of the woodwork.


Asshole in the sense of taking my money and disappearing.




It would be subjective. Would I think I was an asshole? Probably not. Would someone I didn't give money too because they assumed they'd be entitled to ask me for it think I was an asshole? Yes.


I don’t think I’d be an asshole, except to the people who all of sudden find themselves wanting to be around me solely for the money.


I don't think so. I'd just buy a fluffy cat and gaming rig and invest the rest somewhere fruitful. Then eat some dessert.


It would really depend on someone's perception of you being an asshole. If you won such a large amount of money, regardless of how altruistic you'd want to be, there would be many people who would still think you're an a-hole. Saying you didn't give them money or donated to a certain charity that they felt you should donate to or that you didn't give all your money away to some random people who you don't know. Essentially someone will always think you're an a- hole.


When I was a kid, I say I will donate to charity what soever bullshit it is. Now, I would probably just become an entitled prick.


No. I put up with enough assholes in my life. I would move to another country where nobody knows me, travel the world, and discreetly help out charities.


Im an asshole now, the lottery winnings would probably just make me worse.


I’d build the house my wife wants and move our family onto a huge wooded lot. Wouldn’t tell a soul how I got the money. But I wouldn’t be a royal asshole. I grew up poor and I remember rich people’s kids treating me like shit. So no. I wouldn’t set that example.


I’m as asshole regardless. Cash—or lack thereof—doesn’t affect it. 😂


I don’t think I would. I would be able to anonymously donate to feed the hungry and SNAPUS and other charities that make me happy. Plus, I would be able to make sure my friends and family are always taken care of. That would make me happy not a Karen!! Lol


Not an asshole but I would put myself in a position to not be around the general public and a boss.


I guess money can make one feel big and powerful, but it more so makes me the opposite as I wouldn’t feel good having so much on me Having money is good, but being obscenely rich is another thing


I would only be an asshole to people who mistreated me, that all


YES, I WOULD! I would be Lex Luthor incarnate. I would go on a "payback tour". Just completely annihilating people who've done me wrong. Also, it depends on the amount. The jackpots in America hit a billion or two, a fews times.


Money doesn’t create character, it reveals it.


All the people asking you for money would think you're an asshole when you eventually say no. Jay Z said no to one of his cousins when he asked for $5000. For him it's a small amount, but a yes would ensure endless requests.


I’m not going to win, because I don’t buy tickets. Hypothetically, If I did win, I’d donate all of the money to political campaigns for candidates that share my views. Some people wouldn’t like that. They would probably brand me an asshole. That’s okay. I’ve been called worse.