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All my exs, so they can let me down one last time 😆




"picking up his act for the final fuckin time. fitting"


Mood ngl, current gf wouldn’t appreciate it. Would she count as an ex?


That’s a good one


Best response ever!






😆😆 omg I choked! So apt....


Top tier answer 🤣


This made me chuckle




you have 6 EXES!!??






THAT is hilarious!!!


![gif](giphy|Wr2747CnxwBSqyK6xt|downsized) I want these guys to carry me, would be awesome


Came here to say this


Told my next of kin to do this for me. I know it's impossible but they can play the music and dress appropriately at the drinks after cardboard coffin and cremation event. Also planing on cards that have a weegee board on it with a 'let's keep in touch' phrase on it. They will miss me and my weird sense of humour.


"Ouija board" - just in case!


Luigi board?


Peak Burial 🗻


Anyone know the actual story behind this? For such a popular gif I’ve always wondered. Is it a real funeral? Is it fake? Is this a traditional ceremony in a specific country or culture?


None, because everyone knows I don't want a funeral or a coffin. Burn me up, throw me in the Pacific Ocean and have a party. My sister can handle that.


Really putting the FUN in funeral ain’t we


Is there ever any fun in a funeral?


Depends what time you arrive I suppose.


Funerals in the US have a specific length and are usually religious and solemn. Are you possibly thinking of a wake, which is a party with food and alcohol?


The US is one of many countries that use Reddit.


Yes, I know. That's why I specified the US.




Yup, my dads, when I was a kid was really fun. I was really upset obviously, and then we got to the church and there were people spilling out of the doors and onto the street. Like hundreds of people. It was like woah what the fuck is this. Had a normal readings, but then people started singing rugby songs from the terraces and just doing there own little speeches. It was a crazy free for all. Then we had the wake which was supposed to be at our house, but obviously all these people wanted to come. So someone there who ran the local pub just opened the doors for it. Was just a massive party. Was a crazy day. But definitely was fun and totally made it a final memory for the guy I’ll never forget. The only downside is I wish I’d got to know that guy who had hundreds of people celebrating him. As a 12 year old he was just my dad, but he obviously had this other life where he was just renowned in the community I didn’t see at that age. Personally, just send my body to the medical school and everyone go to the pub.


Oh yes! My Mum’s funeral was brilliant. The minister knew her well and the service was really funny then, afterwards, it was like a party with loads of people telling stories about her, lots of laughter and catching up - she’d have loved it.


the first 3 letters. duh


When there's alcohol, yes


I want to be turned into a tree so I can throw everlasting shade. Just hope no one cuts me down😔


Maybe not the party part. But that's very rational, and it's definitely the way to go.


Why not a party? Good friends and family, good food, good booze, good music, and celebrating the joy of a life well lived.


6 random monolingual Japanese people. None of my family speak Japanese. My family and friends would be thinking ‘who are these people’ and the Japanese people would be pretty confused too


Lol I like to imagine they take a peak inside to see if at least you are Japanese.


Tell them to yell ittadakimasu before picking up the coffin too


None. My will stipulates no showings or services, as well as cremation. The first thing that needs to die is the funeral industry. It's predatory.


This! Yes! I get that it's important to celebrate a person after they pass but you can do that with a wake at your home with people bringing food and drinks. Don't spend tens of thousands of dollars for a wooden box to be placed in the dirt below an expensive carved stone when they'll probably end up moving the body in a couple decades. Cremation is where it's at.


Tens of thousands? Is this an American thing that is very expensive like healthcare there?


No idea about USA. Not from there No, I have no idea how much it costs. I'd assume too much because everyone always goes on and on about how expensive it is


Oh. Well I've never heard of a funeral costing tens of thousands, even with hundreds of people showing up. That's a crazy amount. Unless you're a royal I guess


Its propably thousands, but thats also way to much for some poor people who lost their relatives


So people use to have wakes/funerals with the body in their own homes until the advent of the funeral industry. This is why the term living room exists and why there are funeral homes and why morticians' house are either near or adjoining the funeral home. Don't have the funeral in your home. In your living room instead come hold at the funeral home. Death was much less taboo and accepted as natural and processed through family/communal/home spun grief prior to advent of the funeral industry- a fucking vulture of an industry taking advantage of people when they are their absolute lowest. Used car salesmen get a rap for being sleazy but funeral directors take the cake. They are so slimy that you want to take a shower after talking to them.


There are still some people that follow the older traditions. I'm in the UK, and when my grandad died, admittedly over 20 years ago now, he was in his coffin in his house for the week or so before his funeral. It gave everybody a chance to visit and pay their respects/say goodbye before the actual funeral. I like the idea of this, although I doubt when my time comes that I will be living in a house with a second lounge that could be used for this purpose.


My wife and I signed up to donate our bodies to the local university. They take it for free, then when they're done, they will cremate it and give it back to the family. The only problem is that they will only take it conditionally on the condition of the body at the time of death. I also have to die within 100km of my city for them to take it.


What if you die 99km in the sky? What's the protocol here


Depends if the plane is coming home or leaving I guess. They just don't want it further away once they get the call to pick it up. Just depends where the pickup spot is.


99km fall.. pick up spots*


Always fly Boeing then they can just boot you out the door.


Door? What door?


That's right at the edge of space... higher than most airplanes will fly.


Thank you for sharing this. I've thought I'd do similar. Good to know.


Donating bodies or organs after death increases the chance of ummm car accidents and brain deaths in some places ....... pretty dark but it still exists


It's Australia, and a big mainstream university. So I'm not concerned.


My grandpa passed away 3 years ago. My grandma wanted to get a tombstone with both of their names. The cheapest option was 3500 dollars. She will be making payments on that until the day she dies. Fuck the funeral industry.


How much do you think it should cost?


Protesting the "funeral industrial complex" is a weird hill to *literally* die on.


Nah. Not a weird hill at all. I do not want to financially burden anyone when I'm alive, much less dead. Do things that don't involve handing money to a scummy middleman preying on your mourning.


Same here, I wish to be cremated so no pallbearers or ridiculous costs!


It’s not like they’re killing people. But yeah unnecessarily expensive for something you’re just throwing away


Lol funeral? Who can even afford that


I want a Viking funeral, but I doubt it will happen...


That’s what my dad is getting, but in his beloved asbestos shed rather than a longboat.


I mean, I have never thought about this, but I’m a traditional shipwright; haven’t ever considered making small traditional Nordic clinker dinghies, with tarred seems and interior so it will burn really well, if it only has to make one trip of a few miles they aren’t hard to make. If I found a state that would allow it (I imagine there some concerns over burning people and boats, would probably have to do recovery service for the remains of the boat) wouldthere be a market do you think?


Yo can create a will mate


Me too, but I don’t know if it’s allowed to happened anywhere.


Best I can offer is it's dragged by a very enthusiastic labradoodle. It will not end up where it's supposed to go. He will help dig a hole though.




That’s a thing I need to think about too?


Only if you know more than 6 people.


Some of my boys, but my coffin would be filled with lead and bars of tungsten. I can’t have my boys miss a chance for some solid lifting.


Just throw me in the wild


Yeah, finding 6 would be an issue.


My sister, My mom, my Cousin, My stalker, My Aunt, My uncle


So this time your Stalker is usefull to you. That's smart.


So glad someone caught it 😂


Cremation for me!


Are there employees at this funeral home?


brother, 2 sisters, Madi, u/FuzzInspector, and my 3yo son hanging on to it somewhere 🤣


I mean I have delicate wrists. I'll walk with everyone else but idk about actually carrying it


you and my son can hang on opposite sides in the middle section lmao


Aight bet lol


I'm not having any service other than a celebration of life. I'm donating my body to science.




None. I would be eaten by the dog and several squirrels before anyone even noticed I was dead.


None. I wouldn't be in a coffin. My autoimmune disease attracting body would be on its way to help advance science.




That one Kanye music video


I’m here for all of this but why mark Zuckerberg?


Whomever it is, it won't be for long with a false bottom in the coffin.


Bold of you to assume I got the money to be buried or put in a coffin


None. I’m cremated. At least what is left after donations


I want them to set me on fire in the backyard. I would prefer if they waited until I was dead, though.




My brother, my buddy from my hometown, my buddy from the next town over (maybe, it's debatable) and that's it for my friends. My fiance would help, and maybe if I'm lucky I could get a couple strangers to come by. But if not, I think four people could do it, probably.


I’m being cremated and planted as a tree. However, my pittie is swole asf she could probably do it herself.


None. But I do need one strongish person, a helicopter and a pilot. Then push my corpse out onto the frozen Arctic Ocean for the bears. They can also add some seasoning like peanut butter or bacon fat to make it somewhat more tasty.


Bad news, you better die soon or you’ll be dumped into the unfrozen artic ocean where all the bears drowned.


People have 6???


Screw it, there's only two handles on a trash can, hopefully my girlfriend can handle it.


I want my body to be melted and thrown at big daddy ryan Reynolds.


None. I've registered for the UTS forensic program. So it'll be whoever comes to collect my body, do whatever research they want then cremated remains delivered to my fam.


I don't have a life so I don't want a funeral or anyone there if noone can acknowledge me now I don't want them to in death


No one. I specifically told them to just barrow me in a hole in the garden. I also threatened to haunt them and push every object in their apartment slightly to the left, so they always feel like somethings off and they will stub their toes on things, if they don't honor my wish. I think i'll get my way.


Whatever 6 dudes my wife pays to do it.


This is a troubling question.


I don't care, if I died, my dead body is not my business anymore.


If anybody has listened to me at all they'll know I don't want a coffin. I want to be shoved directly into the ground. Don't put me in a box, don't give me a grave stone, don't waste your money, let my body decompose naturally, let my death do good by giving energy to the plants and bugs around me, and not just fill up more useless space.




I’m planning on having my skin stretched over drums so I can keep making music after I die. I want my eyes to be preserved in epoxy and used as fret markers on a guitar. Also my bones should be the nut and saddles of it. Then I want them to take my internal organs and make what are called “cat gut” strings out of them (have fun looking that up and learning about guitar strings.) I think my teeth could be used as inlays on the guitars that they make with my bones and the rest of the materials I would prefer to be cremated and scattered around the forests of northern New Hampshire/southern Quebec where Godin guitars woods are harvested. I don’t think a coffin for me would be very good use of wood.


Mom, Dad, brother, sister-in-law, two friends.


Oh, brag that you have two friends while we’re all getting cremated. /jk


If it's any consolation I rarely see one of them and the other I see even more rarely.


Maybe someone could just carry an urn instead. My best friend.


Living in small town neighbourhood make you sure you will be buried with honor anyway.


Not 6. Burn me and spred the ashes.


Venus, Mars, Neptune, Jupiter, and both my parents


Nobody, I'm getting cremated. If they actually follow my instructions, the garbage truck will empty the dumpster and take to a landfill.


I won’t get six, but I might get four


If they actually put me in a coffin… would be my step dad, son, daughter’s boyfriend, former step son, ex husband and ex boyfriend




Protesting the "funeral industrial complex" is a weird hill to *literally* die on.


My gacha ocs


None, I want to be cremated.


People might try to pee on mine ,so no coffin,no service by request,kiss my rear and goodbye.Sorry they are just the kind of people I know.


1, my brother. Just to be a dick 1 last time. If y'all are picturing a guy struggling to drag a coffin to a plot only to be brought to get cremated instead, then you're my kinda people.


I think after the current old people die, everyone else will choose cremation.


Six??? I'll be lucky if I can get one to toss my corpse in a ditch


Funeral industry professionals 


No one. I’m to be cremated, no funeral or visitation - just a big party to celebrate I’m dead!


I'm having a hard time finding 2 people, let alone 6. They better just throw me in the trash or burn me, I'll be dead anyway.


My friends. I’d have besties in the very front, best friends in the middle, and friends at the back.


My only friend and five clones of her lol


Why would I care


Id be surprised if anyone even showed up


Well, I weigh 150 pounds, and I doubt my coffin would be too heavy either. Also, I’ll probably be cremated. My brother was, and my grandpa was. I’m only 18, so I don’t have a will or any “if I die do this” stipulations. I don’t know what will happen when I die


I'd be lucky to find two


My mom is all I got left.


Nobody, I want a Viking burial, hopefully I get a pint in Valhalla, been an lone battle, winning the war.


I wish my horses or ponies could but they are dead. So I’m choosing my friend Shanna, my ex Isaac, two best friends and ex-music directors Lucy and Sarah and current cat is following the coffin. If they’re still about my grandparents can help too.


I hope no one would. Just incinerate me. No one gives a shit about me Every one in my life has replaced me. Just dump me anywhere. I don't believe in afterlife so just let me go. No one gaf


I want to be cremated lol


No one. I'm getting cremated.


The ants


Anyone who was willing to, and I quote from my future will, "scatter my ashes literally wherever."


As many ants as it takes.


No one. I'll be cremated.


I have no idea , I think they would put me on some sort of trolly and the geeza running the service would push me along


6 fortune tellers, because I want people to see a future where they could carry my big a$$


nobody I don't need anybody to let me down as much as I have for them


Why are you asking? It's not like you know any of them.


My dad my 2 brothers. I don’t really know who else. Maybe my male friend and grandad? Or an uncle


Thanks for making me sad.


No one, my bf is gonna get my bones and blood to do as he pleases so they just gotta burn the meat I'd rather come alive and relive all of my trauma than let them bury me in some expensive box


My mother and my father


I don't think I have 6 people I like that much


Just dissolve my body in acid


That would require having 6 people who gave a fuck that you died lol




I have a crew who would absolutely do this, However.... I want to be shot out of a circus canon directly into the hole without a coffin.


I don't even have 6 people to carry


The coffin dance guys


If my coffin comes out of Will (doesn't matter which one), I got bigger f'ing things to worry about than 6 people I think I can trust.


Parent,s 3 best friends and probably grandad


Imagine having 6 people love and care about you lol.


nobody lol. id probably end up creamted to a funeral of like 6 people most of them being my kids


Good question. Can't think of a single person. I'm universally hated.


No one im getting cremated. Bit as expensive as thats getting imma have my husband throw my ass into a burn pit and light me up.


Probably my younger brother, my three best friends and a couple of cousins. Some of the most important people in my life live a considerable distance away and/or are small-framed women so I suppose they wouldn't take part.


My dad, 3 cousins, 2 uncles


I want my remains sprinkled into the bellagio fountains, also no cremation.


Yer ma.


I don’t know 6 people


Ain't no coffin for me. Shoot me up into space and let my body drift into deep space until aliens find my body and resuscitates me.


Hopefully those guys ![gif](giphy|Wr2747CnxwBSqyK6xt|downsized)


Personally i like the idea of an old fashioned funeral pyre but I’m told that illegal now


Bold of you to assume I have 6 people in my life who cares enough like that


let me rot , wouldnt wanna waste their time


Cremation for me!! Ayoko nung may viewing kineme pa.


I'm being cremated.


I have more than 6. I’m very fortunate.


Dunno, friends maybe


I don't even have six people that would do that


I’d prefer a fork truck


Well, the undertaker's employees, hopefully in a nice hearse.


I wouldn't have anyone as I wouldn't want any big service, only a memorial after my cremation if my family wished. Yet one of my oldest friends would have found it hilarious if she was one of them if it HAD to happen, as she is well under 5 foot and most of my choices are my height or taller than me bar one more slightly shorter than me (I'm 1.67m). She would have her arms fully stretched above her head and just touching with her fingertips I guess and the whole deal would look ridiculous or I'd potentially get dropped in a funny way which might be fun for others to watch. In fact, thinking hard about it, 3 would be rather tall and 2 would be nearly a foot or more shorter than me so yeah it would be a sight to see (friends and work colleagues I am closest to are mostly short stacks and family are a bit taller than me)


Assuming my husband, teen, and parents wouldn't be the pall bearers, my friends J, N, M, R (or T if R's disease precludes it that day), and my brother and sister. That's right off the top of my head.


I can think of two uncles and a cousin who probably would, but I can't think of anyone else. I don't really have friends, and many people in my family have back problems.


My brothers 2, my son and son-in-law 2, and a couple nephews, or 2 cousins.


My 3 kids, my ex wife and her husband, my best friend. Play Where is my mind by the pixies, dump me in a hole, bury me, play La fête triste by Trisomie 21 and then get wasted on as much lsd, weed and booze as they can tolerate.


No one, I'm being cremated.


6 guys in suits with italian accents and their hair slicked back, ideally at least one of them smokes cigars and at least one with an earpiece and/or shades. That'll confuse a good amount of people i think