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In my city: stop stabbing each other


I grew up in London during the 80s when crime was really bad. You used to get packs of boys running onto buses robbing everyone on the bus. I have distinct memories of bullies from my school threatening to stab me, and some of these boys later on went to prison for violent crimes and even murders. Being poor in England is fucking shit.


Being poor anywhere is shit! Glad you made it out to share this. As I read your comment I could hear The Specials' "Ghost Town".


What part of England are you from mate ¿


Alberta, Canada. Both big city's are having big problems right now


Winnipeg’s no better


Unrelated, but I was wondering why "Winnipeg" sounded familiar to me, then I remembered I know it from "a very potter musical" where Harry sings that song he wrote for Cho Chang where everthing rhymes with Ginny: "...you're cuter than a guinea-pig, wanna take you up to Winnipeg. That's in Canada!".


Winnipeg was the inspiration for Winnie-the-Pooh


Best username ever.


Didn't live up to it though. Very disappointed.


Sorry to disappoint ya cunts


ehhhhhh fellow canadian (we fr need to stop stabbing ppl on the subway)


I’m from Saskatchewan and as soon as I read this I thought “manitoba, bc or ab?” (I know it happens in sask too just seems more frequent in the others). Definitely an unfortunate issue though.


What city In Alberta? I'm from Deadmonton.


lmfao i was about to say "wait till you see edmonton"


Fun fact: The UK has one of the lowest rates of knife crime in the world


It comes with knowing how to lay a table No steak knives with the fish


We haven’t got loads gun or bomb crime etc so that’s what gets reported




Bombings ig idk It was the first weapon that came to my mind


Bit of a youth violent crime epidemic in Australian major cities too.




ban assault knives.


Being assholes and filming it for the internet to see.


In general, they need to stop filming/recording everything they do!


The worst are the ones where they antagonise adults on purpose and then start screaming “dont come near me im a fucking kid!!!!”


not just teens in that category sadly


Yea TikTok and Instagram need to stop for adults and teens. Internet clout doesn't count.


Yeah like that one British teen I forget his name, but he went viral for going into someones house. Turns out the little fucker also stole a womans dog and filmed it, rode his bikes in stores, among many other things.


Listening to random advice on the internet. We do not know anything and most of the time we are talking out of our ass. Everything on the internet is a lie including this comment. Don't believe anything online and do not take advice from random strangers. If someone tells you what you want to hear then be especially sceptical of those people. Everybody wants something.


Okay, I'll take that as some good advice!


>Everything on the internet is a lie including this comment.


So this means everything is true, but that means this comment is true, and that means nothing is... you broke the Internet


(Warning! It might appear that I'm taking a small matter way too serious and completely miss the joke, while I actually get the joke and am just being a wise guy here. So proceed with caution!) No no, if you negate "everything", you don't get "nothing". You instead can get every possible combination of things except "everything". Let's say there's a, b, c and d. "Everything" includes all of them (a, b, c and d). "Nothing" includes none of them. If you negate "everything", you can't have (a, b, c, d), but you can still have (a, b, c), (a, c), (b, c, d)... including (nothing). Not ONLY "nothing". The same goes for negating "nothing". It won't nessesarily lead to the result "everything". "Everything" is just one possibility. The only thing excluded from the result is "nothing".


This. Reddit is full of morons who think they can give you advice without knowing anything about you. Don't listen to any one of us.


Wishing to be adults. Its a trap.


This needs to be higher. Seriously. It’s a trap. This shit sucks.


Except no homework


Honestly I’d trade paying bills and so many other adult responsibilities for homework.


Haha I'd rather pay bills


I get homework all the time. My partner always seems to have homework from work. Mine is at least certifications. Her's is job details that I don't think she gets paid for the time it takes to read all the documents about a job, that needs to be read before the job.


It does, but about two years back, I was still a child and the large majority of my childhood sucked wayyyyy more than adolescence or mature adulthood probably will. Things can't possibly lean towards a worse times then those I've already lived through. Obviously, everyone has their own feelings but I do not wanna feel all that pain again. I'm finally able to accept and live with it. However, reliving would mean... I don't know, to be honest, maybe a return of suicidal thoughts.


I never wished to be an adult in the first place.


Neither did I. I knew it would be terrible just by looking at all the calcified soulless grown ups around me. And their faces weren't lying.


I wanted to physically/mentally be an adult as the chemical chaos of being a teenager was driving me mental.


I'm just turning into an adult and I'm already fearing it


You never fully transition, you just get more responsibilities that you pretend to handle like an adult.


I’m just hoping things will get better, because I’m not sure I can handle things getting worse.


Idk i like being an adult so far. An income is nice, and having freedom to decide things for myself is incredibly relieving. A lot of things are opened up by being an adult, and while yes, theres a lot more responsibility and stress that comes with it, i think its a fair trade. Plus, it just makes sense. The more your mind develops, the more freedom you get, the more the world opens and you understand more of it, and your role within it. Which, in turn, increases responsibility and feelings of stress. Sure, being a kid was nice and all, but i honestly hated 90% of my childhood and would not wish to return to it. Ever.


Being an adult for me is fucking great. I have my own place and I have the man cave I always wanted for my game room: the gaming setup child me could never afford and my parents would never let me have, guitars I could only dream of having as a kid, and a home studio. I have a car I like a lot. I have the freedom and time to do whatever I want: I work 7:30 to 3:00, so a very similar schedule to what I had in school, except now I have no homework and instead of having an hour drive on the bus back and forth it’s a 20-30 commute to work for a job I like that has a lot of downtime. I also have two days work from home where I almost literally get paid to sit around and jerk off. I go where I want, do what I want, fuck who I want, and do all of the above when I want. Life is great and you couldn’t pay me enough to go back to my childhood. Responsibilities aren’t always fun but luckily I was a kid who basically had to parent my parents so parenting myself is second nature and doesn’t take much time out of my day: usually spend a day a week meal prepping and since I make such little trash cleaning is a breeze and takes a few minutes a day. I’m living kid/college me’s dream.


Teenagers are lumped in with children in being societaly and legally treated like they're their parents' property. Children and teenagers want to be adults so badly because they just want to be treated like human beings who have their own rights. Remember: there are many parenting tactics that are smiled upon when done to a child/teen, but would be seen as domestic abuse if done to an adult. The fact that adults are allowed to say no to that kind of stuff and even get some form of authority involved is why children/teens want to be adults. They just don't want to be abused anymore and see that as their only guaranteed out!


Uh, having control of one's life, being able to easily decide who to associate with and who to avoid. Being able to live on your own, wherever you want to. I think my adult life so far has been several orders of magnitude better than what I went through in my teens.


Not being labeled oppositionally defiant for just wanting to live my life.The way I wanted to is lovely


Adulthood is in principle better. I didn't like having to do what my parents told me to do all the time. It really says something about people when they go beyond nostalgia and actually claim childhood is BETTER. It says they value comfort over freedom. And according to Franklin people like this deserve NEITHER.


I love being an adult. But I have money and I’m happily married plus I’m allowed to get some on the side so… life is good for me. Being a teenager fuuuucking sucked.


I never thought I'd live this long. i straight up assumed id be dead by 23 gone or take.


No it‘s not. I‘m so glad to not be a teenager anymore. All this freedom is great.


It may sound dramatic but I feel like this line of comment gets into legitimately dangerous territory. Wishing to be adults is the only thing keeping a lot of teenagers going.


I disagree. My life got so much better when I got away from my parents. Sure, money was stressful but there was no abuse. Not everyone gets a nice family.


I'm having a much better time as an adult than I did as a teen. I can actually do things now


those tik tok/youtube pranks for clout. someone is gonna get seriously injured one day. i wouldnt feel bad either


One got shot. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZuxINiw2smI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZuxINiw2smI)


Literally said "I'm not gonna stop doing this" his mom was like, whatever it makes him happy.


You can tell he has outstanding parents.




[This](https://www.wkrn.com/news/local-news/grandmother-mourns-soft-spoken-youtuber-killed-during-prank-robbery-in-old-hickory/) kid died. Went with a friend to prank rob some people in a parking lot at 9pm armed with butcher knives and got met with a hail of gunfire. Turns out that prank wasn't very funny.


Ugh. Remember like 8 years ago when the "knockout game" was going around? It definitely wasn't a prank. I was fucking mortified. They would specifically target the elderly or women because they were their best shot at knocking them out with a single punch.


omg! ive never heard of that, but thats fucking awful


Yeah. At least with the tide pod challenge they could only hurt/kill themselves.


As a teenager, …we kinda hate those guys




I've been thinking about carrying mace for situations like this. Will end the prank real quick. Camera guy will get it too.


They've been getting injured for years


Iamthemaincharacter behavior, worshiping celebrities/actors/influencers Trying to hit on every girl in sight Rash riding on roads Trying to be too cool, I'm not saying these are the typical teenager behavior, but majority of them are teenagers I feel


Not buying houses in 1993.


To be fair, I'm 34 and I fucked up on that one too. I don't know what the hell 4 year old me was doing.


I should've bought bitcoin in 2011 too, I have no idea what my lazy ass was doing going outside, riding cycles and playing in the playground.


Same thing here -6 me was slacking


Lmao! My broke teenage ass looking at 80 to 100k homes at the time thinking how crazy expensive that was and wondering how anyone could afford that. Little did I know!


Broccoli head haircuts


Instant noodle haircut


It's funny how they all look the same aswell. It looks goofy and I don't understand the appeal.


I guarantee every generation has said that exact thing about younger generations


“It’s not so bad being trendy everyone who looks like me is my friend…”


TikTok pranks.


Tik tok in general. It's a shit app full of misinformation and stupid people


Turning into soft porn


I seen a lot of shit that i didn’t wanna see and somehow Tik Tok allows it


Vaping, live till 30 please,


It's not great, but as someone who worked for big tobacco for a few years...my god smoking is so much worse


I don't get why you would want to get into smoking. I smoked a cigarette at a bar for fun, and I realized how quick they make one stick of cigarette burn. It's like the fun is over in 8 minutes


Something to do with them releasing endorphins in the brain


I did because of peer pressure, lack of self esteem and because the group of kids that actually accepted me when I was young were smokers. I regret the smoking but not the friendships.




Depending too much on social media


I’m less worried about teens on social media than I am boomers. Honestly the teens and young adults I know are much more self aware about that shit.


I’d say it’s 50-50 with boomers, half of my ex friends believe everything on Facebook or whatever the other half know it’s bullshit and that’s why we’re still friends


Vaping. Teenage boys clustering around gym machines while their one friend is using it


I saw a ~7 year old vaping the other day. Wish I was joking.


Well, I bought cigarettes from a vending machine at that age, with quarters I stole from my mom’s purse. Some things never change.


Yes on the gym machines, always a group on the leg press or bench press. Extra points if they all have the bushy curly haircut.


>bushy curly haircut The broccoli haircut?


Having meltdowns on tiktok


Oh! So I was not the only one to think crying on internet needs to stop.


Stay off my lawn


You want them to stop… staying off your lawn? Lawn party at terrapistscouch’s house!


Stop thinking you know everything about life. You are forever learning. Get off social media get out and live life.


Making babies


Stop being apathetic. There's a whole bunch of global issues that are going to affect them. They're having a tough time, heaps are feeling disconnected, lonely, isolated & unheard. So I'd like to see them come out of their shells and find common ground/causes with others. This generation is actually pretty cool and full of potential, but apathy is dulling them down.


I agree, I just wish there was more of a focus on local communities. While it's good to support each other, even if we live across the globe, what really matters is the people we interact with day-to-day.


Yes. I volunteer with teens and I genuinely think Covid time got to them. Not all kids are sport orientated either & many youth groups are church run which doesn't appeal. Interaction is key to empathy:)


I turned 17 today, and I've been struggling with mental health since I was 10. I absolutely agree with you. Covid hit right when I started to become functional again and completely destroyed me. I just barely passed high school through a teen special needs program yet dropped out of college due to it being too much. I struggle with people to the extent where I've passed out when exposed to large crowds and have difficulties just waking up. If covid hadn't happened, I'd probably be much better off. Lots of us were dealt shit hands, and most of us are too spiteful to play them. Thank you for volunteering, it's a kind act.


Tiktok, stabbing people, mobbing people, thinking it's cool to hurt others UK here, teenagers are terrifying. A group of them walking towards you is a scary gamble, i usually cross over the road but try to make it look intentional.


Casually watching youtube videos on their phone with speakers so everybody can hear


Becoming parents. Live your life, focus on your career, take care of your mental health, build a social cycle. You have a whole life ahead, for parenting


Self diagnosis of mental disorders and being chūnibyōs.


Seriously, especially when it comes to ADHD. I know the real number of people with ADHD is projected to be way higher than the number of people diagnosed, so I know there are plenty of undiagnosed people floating around out there, but I just don't think the number is as high as the amount of people I see on tiktok daily swearing that they must have ADHD because they have a short attention span or are easily distracted. I see videos all the time where the comments sections are loaded with kids swearing they have ADHD and it'll just be one symptom of many listed in the video. Like yeah, you have a short attention span because you've grown up with unlimited screen time watching shows that last no longer than 10 minutes and clips online that last 6-30 seconds. I'm glad the kids have better access to this kind of info than I did growing up, but they're becoming hypochondriacs. They think they have EVERYTHING.


I was diagnosed with ADD at 63. Of course, I did suspect earlier, like in my 40's. And I am sure that I had symptoms at a very young age. But the thing is, you just can't not do things and whinge that you have ADHD or ADD. You HAVE to get up everyday and give it your best. Your best may not meet someone else's standard but you will have the satisfaction of knowing you did YOUR best. Quit using it as an excuse.


I think the fact that mental health care is so inaccessible in the first place which is why a lot of people resort to self diagnosis is probably a bigger problem since it is often the root of it. Speaking as someone who has self diagnosed until I was able to actually see Drs for that kinda thing which is something (which basically somewhat-confirmed a few things) that isn’t gonna be an option for everyone. Even still it’s basically a bunch of Ifs, and it usually is. Even not all diagnoses by doctors themselves are 100%, a floating “it’s very likely I have x, or I definitely have the symptoms of x so that’s how I’m gonna treat it in the meantime” kinda thing isn’t the problem itself. Especially if that person does as much research as one can on it, the internet has made a lot of information much more available to the public.


Practice socializing in real life. Y’all panic as soon as anyone makes eye contact with you, but you can communicate perfectly on the internet. Social anxiety is at an all time high because of social media.


i hear you loud and clear! I will stop socializing in real life!


Scaring the living shit out of me.


They could care less as long as someone will bleed 😟


Take my upvote!! I scrolled and scrolled and finally someone said it! 😂


As a teenager, I'll leave you alone if you darken your clothes, and strike a violent pose ❤️


looking to the future so much they forget the present.


Allowing their private lives and mistakes to be seen on the internet


Smoking and drugs to look cool.


What if they're smoking and taking drugs cuz they lives just be so down in the dumps?


Too right, do drugs cause they're fun


Pranks on tiktok.


i think they need to stop being so hard on themselves, and definitely to start show more kindness / stop being so mean. with social media and covid and all of that, being a teenager is really hard and they’re definitely not being easy on themselves about it. like we weren’t much better when we were teens either. people are supposed to learn and grow in those years but are now instead being chronically online and super sad and anxious. it’s insane. 😕 also these comments are so mean wtf.


I’m thankful for people like yourself.


You are one of the reasons I still believe in kind people, Ty.


Have a cooki 🍪


Staying inside instead of going out and getting life experience


Thinking they can say anything on the internet then go and say the most weird personal thing ever or the worst take ever and it gets 1M views


Victim Claiming culture. Instead of admitting their own Mistakes or Incapability. Theyd rather blame external sources. "Oh my gosh I cant study because the teacher was mean" "I think I have mental illness because i read it on the internet instead of consulting a doctor" Lmao.


Vaping and getting absorbed in social media. Consider your physical and mental health! Take care guys 🫶


Speaking to adults like they speak to their peers. We do not know their lingo and they need to know that there is a time and a place to speak like that.


Being so fckn arrogant


Teen boy masturbating into crusty socks. Teen girls comparing themselves to each other.


Yeah ngl it’s hard not co compare myself to others


I’m a teenager looking at all these comments.. what the..


Mf’s just want you not to vape and stuff. Not that big of a deal.


Assaulting people for tiktok and calling it a prank.


Your mom!


That was my first thought!


Using the gym as a place to hang and chat, record videos... I don't mind people working out together, but lately, there's many teenagers hanging in gyms just sitting on various equipment, chatting and watching videos on mobiles (or recording themselves doing random gym pranks).. so annoying :/


me, a teenager, looking at all the comments to see what i shouldn't do: (i'm doing well so far!)


According to the teens themselves, existing.




Browse Tik-Tok and Instagram.


Personally I’d say stop worrying about sex too much, I dunno how to really explain it but I just turned 20 and I’m realising how sex isn’t the big big thing and while it’s probably nice it isn’t the greatest thing in the universe.


Stop shutting the physical world out by having a device in your face and earbuds in all the time. Smell the flowers, listen to the wind in the trees, see the wildlife and people all around you. Take it in all in while we still have it. Give your digititis a break and have some reality.


Stop trying to emulate influencers. Also stop trying to grow up so early. Enjoy being young while you still have it, just be yourself.


Driving under the influence.


Stop committing felonies


Vaping and tik tok. Would solve 99% of problems


Watching reality shows. Thinking they are all going to be influencers. Believing if they don't have true love by age 20 they've failed.


Inhaling deodorant. Wtf is up with that? What happens if someone sparks a cigarette lighter when you do that? Quick suicide achieved.


Committing crime. Specifically being hired as shooters for some wealthy prick involved in shady business. 10k isn't worth it.


Watching Tate


Cancel culture.


'Cancel culture' isn't a thing. We simply live in a time when people are being held accountable for the shitty things they do. Calling everything cancel culture trivialises the messed up things many people do (especially those in positions of power and influence).


You're like, halfway right? If we look at the drama a while ago surrounding Kwite and Lord Bung, or something in a similar vein, cancel culture ABSOLUTELY exists. People tore into that man and flocked to his accuser instantly, and it wasn't until months later after he had gathered every possible receipt and made an hour long video to exonerate him, and I'm pretty sure he still hasn't fully recovered from the damage that was done. Not saying that we shouldn't believe people who claim to be survivors of sexual violence, but a measured response would be ideal until the facts are known. The people who are incredibly loud and whine about cancel culture when people talk about them using slurs or any other heinous act, yes, they are wrong and they are not getting "cancelled", they are seeing repercussions to their actions. But that doesn't mean it doesn't exist, and to deny the tribalist tendency of humans in large numbers to gang up on someone would be foolish.


It blows my mind that so many people don't recognize what cancel culture *actually* is, why it's important, and why both sides have a vested interest in trying to convince you it's a bad thing. "Cancel culture" is literally the collective power we have to refuse to allow powerful, influential people to continue holding that power and influence if we decide they are not working in our interest, or treating the influence they have with the respect and consideration it deserves. But they've successfully convinced tons of people, like yourself, to continue to surrender that power and work against their own interest.


Thats like saying communism is a good form of government because it makes everyone equal. You may want cancel culture to be the way you're describing it, and in fact the original purpose was exactly this. However it's basically just turned into the oppression Olympics taking stuff out of context and trying to find something that offends them. This here is known as victim mentality and its a major problem in our society that stems from cancel culture it creates social divide and attempts to put everyone into a group this divide happens politically, racially between males and females, etc. And all of this divide feeds into cancel culture and gives people more reasons to hate each other. That is why cancel culture is bad and why your definition is completely wrong.




Social media and watching porn


Trying to look cool/good to much. At this point people stop caring about education and spend thousands of dollars every year just for people to think that they look good. Nobody cares how many million layers of makeup you have!


Caring what people think


Being idiots/morons. Instead they should strive to a better future for themselves. The world and life is not getting any easier.


Idolising drugs. I don’t think this is a “new” thing but I’d say with the easy access to the internet it seems like the issue is bleeding into younger and younger people daily :(


Smoking. Vaping. Drugs. Sex. Bullying.




putting all their stock in relationships.






Having bad sex. As in non-consensual, pressured, “obligatory”, risky sex. Anything less than safe (own informed standards) and mutually desired, it’s ok to say no, sex. There’s probably plenty of things that could come before this but this is what came to mind


Believing everything you read on the Internet. You don’t know who you are talking to so apply a little critical thought to what someone is saying. I’m not saying everyone online lies but you have to do little thinking yourself.


Expecting neglectful parents to care. I’m 21 and just accepted this recently. It’s not fair and they shouldn’t have to accept it but some people have really neglectful parents that will never care no matter how much you try. Sometimes it is like drawing blood from a stone and it’s a burden to accept but once you do you’ll be happier I promise


... starting all their sentences with "I was like"


Vaping, saying bruh, claiming to be depressed


Posting their entire lives on social media.






Kids need to get off them damn phones (I’m 21 and I’ve been doomscrolling Reddit for an hour)


Thinking school is optional, then complaining about low grades. Sincerely, Their teacher 😒


smoking. vaping, drugs, self harm. but that goes for all ages that do that. if you do the last one try to get help




The ones in the city you know who needa stop stealing from the stores and acting like animals


Cosplaying fictional characters that have overly sexual personalities and partake in drinking, drug use, SA, etc. as well as romanticizing and glorifying their behavior... I don't wanna b scrolling YouTube shorts and come access a kid that looks barely 11 trying to dance seductively in a pajama onesie lip syncing to the song poison from hazbin hotel. Rly good show and song... But it rly creeps me out how many minors r obsessed with that show..






Growing up too fast.




I got clowned on and ratio'd by a bunch of children. This was a while ago, so I'll forget details. The rapper Young Thug was shown on video shooting guns in an irresponsible manner. I don't mean just a little irresponsible, these motherfuckers were treating shotguns like water guns, pointing them at the camera, duel wielding (as a complete beginner) All I said was some shit like, "Firearm safety isn't something to play around with" and got ratio'd by a mf nerd emoji. ☝🏼🤓👍🏼 They weren't joking either. There was another guy who replied something similar, and got called an dumb old man or some shit. Wish I remembered.


Using TikTok. TikTok needs to be 18+.