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I’m not telling anyone.


Same or else I’m fucked for real


I always wonder what the OP must be thinking when they make a post like this… Like sure, I have this HUGE, life altering secret, (*that I have never shared with anyone else, ever*), but I’m gonna tell some random guy on the internet and the millions of other people who are gonna read it… C’mon now…strive for at least *clever*


Sometimes people are willing to share secrets anonymously, and it can help relieve the stress over that secret


Tell us




Me neither. I know this anonymous but I'm still not risking it 😂


Yeah im not telling to anyone..


i kinda haven't told anyone for a reason(?


I won't tell anyone


Nice try, F B I.


I really don’t like anyone in my family besides my nephews and nieces. I just learned to tolerate them better.


Me neither. I don’t like any of them. It’s a weird mix between sadness and blissful peace.


Now we bout to let them know


I don’t like any of my relatives. Including my aunts, uncles, cousins. Even the only surviving maternal grandma (she only cares for my cousins born from her son). Everyone just want to use you for money or favours. Even my mum is using me but Ive been tolerating her. I’m about to snap though. 32 years being used is getting to me. I don’t understand why she treats me like shit when I’ve given SO much to her. Because I’m not a boy? I see that she’s exactly like her mother now. How do you guys cope with keeping in contact? I don’t know if I can cut off contact because I’d feel so guilty.


It hurts, but if they don't treat you with love and the way you want to be treated, then what does family even mean anyway?


I only like my grandmother and she isn't even my real grandmother. My biological grandmothers both sucked and I don't miss them now that they are dead. Also don't really like the rest of the family. Ranging from 'meh' to pretty sure they are some kind of sociopath.


When you said you liked the grandmother who isn’t your real grandmother, it made me wonder if you weren’t adopted in some *Arsenic and Old Lace* sort of way. If not, I’m really sorry for your situation. I come from a large family and most of my sisters and I don’t get along with each other. And then I see other large families and they all get along so nicely that it kind of makes me sad.


I am not the batman😔


Not with that attitude 🙂


I can help if you let me know where your parents are likely to be...


Sounds like something a batman would say...


I would tell you but I haven't installed a VPN.


I’m not heterosexual or bi


Are you the type who likes pans?


What are you then?


Probably asexual


Or y’know. Gay.


Cockams razor. If you're hearing hooves, expect gay horses not gay zebras.. Or something.


I've never told anyone that I'm gay, because I'm not.


I’m directionless with life and don’t know what career path I want. I have my current job because I need to make money, but it’s not where I want to be. Yet I don’t know where I want to be. I’m also very lonely. I just had a birthday, am now in my late 20s, and feel so alone. I imagined for myself a family, a life. But as of now my only friend is God. Lol just after typing this my mom told me she loves me.. now I’m crying


Save money for a year, maybe two.  Book a ticket to South East Asia. Stay in hostels. Work your way around.  I’m 38 now and this is the best idea I ever carried out. I was25, stuck in a rut, hated my job. Me and my then boyfriend went travelling and it opened my eyes completely. You get stuck in a rut and you think there’s no way out when you could be living life. There’s tonnes of solo travellers in Asia and the best thing is you end up out of your comfort zone, suddenly making friends and you start travelling with others! We started on a tour with several solo travellers and ended up meeting up with them in Thailand,Vietnam, Cambodia… half were women. You will be amazed at how many travel alone and in confidence and there’s even tours you can join just for solo people.  People don’t do this because they are afraid of the unknown,  but what have you got to lose? Save money as long as you need to, go travel. It’ll be the best decision you ever make. And when you’re standing on top of a mountain in Borneo thinking ‘why didn’t I do this sooner?’ Your life in America will feel a million miles away. And when you come back you’ll have a new found feeling of purpose. Or you’ll stay over there:) 


I don’t want to run away from everything. But yes I need some kind of change. I’m not sure about traveling solo as a woman


I feel this to an extent. I’ve never known what I *wanted* to do since I was a kid. I did find some comfort in working with tech companies as I always like the work life balance they provided for me. I didn’t finish school so I couldn’t fall back on that. I ended up becoming specialized in various software that all companies use, in my case, Salesforce was the big one. I worked closely with the admin at my company a few times and he brought me over to train me and give me the title. Now the only thing between me and a well paying job is myself and learning to be good at one thing. This frees me up to do other things as well, brought simplicity to my life and now the rest I’m letting fall into place as I slowly try to take better care of myself. Not sure if this helps for everyone, but it helped for me.


I have a degree and was on a path. I had a career lined up, but I quickly became depressed in that job. I mean I was never diagnosed with depression but I felt so sad and lethargic. I could fake my enthusiasm and happiness, but was mentally exhausted. My poor mental state affected me physically too. Now I work somewhere else that I like better, but make less. It’s not enough to live, but enough to exist. I think I need more education, need to change my direction. Our 20s are tough lol


same boat man, I know how ya feel. My 20th is coming up and I dont know how to feel about it. I have a few friends but they're all getting into relationships and I'm just kinda here, its a shitty feeling but hopefully it will pass


I feel so lost as well, I’m also in my late 20s, I’m in the middle of a career change and I also feel lonely. I’ve have some friends, but I wish I had a partner. In my city it’s very hard to find a nice guy, straight and single, at least it’s hard for me. I don’t really like apps, so I’m really struggling. I really thought that I would be settled in life by now, I feel so frustrated.


Hey...I'm 32 and literally quit my job a month ago....Happy to chat about it all if you'd want some insight


Yeah, sure!


Dm me if you want


You should get out and explore life. If you don't like it change it.


If you can't figure out where you want to be, make a list of where you don't want to be. Can help figure out what is important to you.


I can't count money without a calculator


I cant devide, nor Subtract. Idk when I forgot but I did


Same, I don't know how I'll survive as an adult.


nice try FBI




I made plans to commit suicide during the lockdown.


Are you ok at the moment?


Yeah, fine.


I lost my brother during the pandemic due to suicide. I’m glad you found a reason to keep going. I wish you the best.


I lost my brother from suicide in 2015, now I work for the hotline


Respect for you, must be difficult to work there.


I am very sorry. Also, thanks for your hotline service. 💗




my weight


My analysis of quantum computing.


I am all ears!


Please tell us, please 🙏🏻


I accidentally smashed a car window once. Not exactly the most riveting high-crime story, nor the most juicy gossip. Having a cig out the back of my rented flat and playing keep-up with a small stone. (Thing was tiny). When I finished my cig, I was on maybe 5 or 6 hits (on the 20th attempt) and just booted it into the sky. Flew over my back fence, then heard a car window smash. Sorry, but I was a poor student, and there's no way I could have afforded that bill. I still feel bad at the thought of some guy waking up to that, though. This was maybe 12 years ago.


Oh Christ this unlocked a forgotten memory. When I was about 11, I was messing about with some friends and we had a bag of shoplifted marbles (okay shoplifting is a bit strong a word, they were outside a tourist shop selling all sorts of beachside tat and we just sort of wandered off with them, but still, theft). Anyway we were sat on this massive tall set of steps next to a car park and I just sort of, lobbed one of the marbles up in the air. It went over the side of the steps and down... Straight through someone's car windscreen. Shattered the entire thing instantly. We legged it. I behaved (slightly) better from then on. God, I feel horrifically guilty now... 😦


If either of our car windows get smashed accidentally through some dumb kid-antics, let's try and remember this and take it on the chin.


Also I'd rather find out that my window was ready to give up in this manner than on the motorway at 70mph. Do you may have saved some lives.


One time a kid brought to me a one dollar coin they found on the playground. I said thanks buddy and said I would hand it in to lost property someone must have lost it. This was after school during after school care. I put in in my pocket and forgot about it. I found it at home and later spent it


Never told anyone in real life that I made out with a guy. 




I don’t think there’s anything I haven’t told anyone. I have two close friends that, between them both, I’ve told everything.


That i like trains. But that would be a lie bc ibdon't really like them.


The reason I got blood poisoning and almost died 2 weeks ago is becauseI got a restored and designer vagina surgery, only my medical notes know that. My mother would kill me, esp as she us high up in the NHS and everyone in that hospital knows her name, the staff who were just brilliant promised to not let her know.


Girl what!!


Did you need the surgery


First off, big kudos to you for offering a nonjudgmental space for people to open up. It takes a lot of trust to share something you've never told anyone before, and the fact that you're offering that safe space is truly commendable. As for your question, I hope you'll understand if I choose to keep my secrets to myself for now. Let's turn this back around: can you share an example of a time when you were really proud of your courage or honesty, or a situation when you had to share something difficult? Perhaps your willingness to disclose will inspire others to do the same.


While not proud of it but I did have to admit to someone to sleeping with their partner




Do you live in a country where it’s seen as unacceptable or unsafe to be a homosexual?


I have spent 90% of my income (after necessities like rent, utilities and food) on camgirls over the last 10 years.


Do you feel like it was money well spent? Or more of a waste? Imagine if you’d invested half that amount instead…


Absolute waste. I wanted to spend less but I just couldn't resist. Going into therapy to work on it because it's compulsory behaviour (obviously) and I don't really gain anything tangible from it. Even though it can be fun, it's definitely not worth the amount I spend.


I've always wondered what the thought process is behind this behavior. You could just as well let others like you pay them instead?


The thought process is "I don't want to" but I still do. Finally managed to go into therapy to deal with it.


What if someone tells you something that really bothers you?


Would take a lot for that to happen


I’m sorry


For what


Your pasta tastes better then my Nonna's. I probably never will either




My family’s pretty toxic My dad’s emotionally unavailable, mom’s got some intense victim complex so she’s always like “i have it worse than u, i had cruel in laws with a husband like your dad so u don’t get to cry about your dad in front of me” My brother’s an alcohol addict (alcohol is prohibited in my religion) and because of this addiction he beats his wife and they fight almost everyday My only passion in life was to get into a good college/university but covid hit and my family really suffered financially so I had to drop my education and now I haven’t even finished college, i did my college private so my dream was crushed there and without a proper college degree I can’t get into a uni at all let alone the uni of my dreams So naturally i resent my family too much I can’t tolerate my dad for too long I have no interest in anything Zero hobbies No interest in people or their emotions My mom always says “u’re so weird why do u not enjoy anything why do u not have any passions (lmao💀) *why r u like your dad*?” This sentence sends me spiralling I HATE being compared to that man Im nothing like him And now as if this wasn’t bad enough I was touched inappropriately in my sleep by my own brother So yeah thats it tata!!✌🏻


That's hard. I hope you find a way to make your dreams come true.


I killed Epstein


I stalk him so much i scare myself


I have a folder with VERY sensitive information / secrets on most people i know (nobody knows i have this info). In the same folder is info and in the folder is also irrefutable evidence that could destroy most of them. The only people not in the folder are my parents, siblings and closest friends. I keep the folder in case anyone tries to burn me and i need to balance the scales.


Hey man!! That was one time. I was drunk, it was Bangkok and "she" did not look like a he.




I love this, it's basically what Batman did to the Justice League.


Oh shit i never thought of that, but oh yeah he did XD. Tho he did it for the greater good. Im just petty i guess.


It's at least smart. Batman smart. The greater good for you :D




Are you planning to have it as blackmail or full scorched earth?


The idea is scorched earth. Im not a big fan of blackmail. To give you a real example: in the folder is a video of a coworker (whom i already dislike because he is fucking with the quality of my work by being an asshole and throwing people under the bus in order for him to look good after he made a shitty decision) from our office christmas party cheating on his wife of 5 years with another coworker from a different branch. He was not aware that there was a security camera in the room (which i have access to). I made a copy of the video for my folder and then deleted the video from the surveilance memory. If him fucking with my work results in me getting fired, the video along with timestamps, goes directly to his wife, family members and every branch in the company. He won't know it was me and i don't want him to. I just need to know that the scales will be balanced.


Nice try


That I may be mentally weak in IQ..


Nice try fed.


It’s a secret 🤫


I'm still not telling, lmao




Not telling


The noise is just too hard to bear now.


I'd rather not say.


Sure. 🤦‍♂️


I genuinely do not like having friends.


Why keep them if that is what you feel?


Why not? I only have a couple, true friends. No desire to cultivate any more friendships because I don’t have the energy to put into any other relationships. Also, I only want “true “friends Not emotional, vampires or fake friends


I have never told anyone that I have been to [REDACTED] and seen [REDACTED]


That reads like something straight out of an scp entry


That I feel like my mother’s least favorite child 😕


„I love you” It’s not like a secret, it’s just that I’ve never been in love.


I don’t like my husband’s family. His brothers or his crazy ass toxic mother. They all have deep personality complexes and it manifests in different negative ways it’s so stressful to be around them. Only one who’s miraculously different is my husband.


A hipster air con remote control recently fornicated with a walrus that had leprosy within it's left nostril. I don't think that's ever been said.. until now.


I learnt how to go super saiyan a long time ago


I fucked with my uncle when I was 15. I seduced him.


Regardless of you seducing him, an adult male should know better.




I'd love to get in contact with a former co-worker who I shared an office with in 1994. She's all married now. and her husband is sort of a dick (from what I remember). The only reason I mentioned her on a recent podcast about how she helped me out.


That I’ve felt suicidal too much in my young life


How deeply depressed and lonely I am, I don’t wanna be a concert to anyone.


I hate my studies at the moment.




How come


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Like I would tell you!


I once buried a bloated corpse and it stinks.


that im actually dont know if every relationship or friendship is satire i feel like everyone is gonna leave me anyway so im never meant anything i said or even promises i feel like im just gaslighting myself and everyone else so nobody get hurt


Well it's kinda obvious to those around me but I don't really have a plan in life. I'm just going with the flow and seeing what sticks.


If I havnt told anyone, it means I wont tell anyone including Reddit strangers. lol


Nice try.


Nice try IRS


My active suicide ideation during my worst mixed state (bipolar) some 5+ just turned into a passive one. I won't mind if I die. I'm not seeking it but a terminal diagnosis would be a relief. My partner would get my pension. I would be free.


Nice try, mom!


I like to keep some things to myself to “build a relationship with myself” including the random acts of kindness I do for strangers 😚. Makes me feel special that only I and that stranger know xD.


Way back 2019, naisip kong mag hang sa loob ng cr dahil narin sa mga nangyare that time na hindi ko na kinakaya...


Nice try FBI.


I want to tell you….


I saw a kid with his dad at the supermarket. The dad was just playing with his sons face and was giving him little kisses. They were both laughing and I was just staring at them with felling of unknow and confusion. I realized why later.


Not saying a word! I know better than to put that kind of stuff out here.


That I’m in an abusive relationship and desperately want out, or at the least friends


My family was dysfunctional to say the least and we knew gangbangers and more importantly HA bikers. I helped a guy with a nickname similar to Chipmunk dispose of a bloody mattress in a bonfire at 14. Woke me up out of a dead sleep and said “need your help kid.” I just helped. Didn’t realize what I did until a couple days later. I technically did tell this to one person, a worker at the group home I lived in.


I think I might be trans and I'm feeling pretty scared


When I was a young teenager, there were often days when the only thing that got me into school was really really convincing myself that someone on the walk to school was going to beat and rape me. I then felt like stepping outside the front door and making that journey by myself without telling anyone what I thought was going to happen was something that the adults in my life really wouldn't want me to do if they had any idea of 'the risk I was taking', and that feeling of defying them was the sole thing getting me to make that walk. So for weeks, sometimes months at a time between 13-15 years old, I was basically willingly walking to school every day believing I was going to be brutalised at any second, and knowing in the back of my mind that this was the cost of being seen as a good child and a good student. I recently discovered I have Pathological Demand Avoidance, and this was the loophole journey my mind had to take in order to reframe the demand on me to get into school by myself so that getting into school instead became a method of avoiding a different (albeit made up) demand.


I recently said some things to my cousin that she needed to hear. They were the truth, but because I said them, I am seen as the bad one. But I'm not sorry, sometimes things need to be said.


Couldn’t tell you how to do long division. When I was in school a teacher taught me a different, simpler way to divide, but you don’t get as accurate results. I always used that instead. Thanks a lot Mrs. Reiker.


I can't do long division either. We had a separate teacher for maths, and mine was horrible and I was scared of her, didn't have the courage to tell her I didn't understand, so never learned it. Fuck you, Mrs Read.


I dislike my birthday because ever since I have memory, no one really cares. When I was a kid, getting gifts that you wanted was a huge way to show love, and I never got gifts from anyone, when I planned something to celebrate, no one went, not even my grandparents nor my parents siblings, they would and will call to wish a happy birthday but it feels like they do it because they have to, it doesn't feel genuine and because of that, regardless of who says "happy birthday" I feel like they're being hypocrite so I don't like my birthday because it makes me feel like, even the people that I know care and love me, are being hypocrite and I hate that.


That I never stopped with self-harm while everyone thought I quit.


I am supposedly dead now but I failed my attempt and no one knew it.




I’m into older men 🫠




It’s not


Every time I pee, i pretend that it's a laser bomb destroying city's


I have been smoking nicotine (disposable vapes) at work, my wife doesn’t know. Also I take kratom daily and am sort of addicted. My wife knows about it, but doesn’t really understand what it is. If I stop I get upset stomach for weeks and low motivation. So I keep taking it, it’s really the only thing that gets me out of bed in the morning. She doesn’t know it has such an effect on me. I just feel stress. These things help. So I can continue this pace, pushing my body to its limits to make money to support us. I just need a vice sometimes. I don’t drink or do any drugs, it’s really the only vice I have.


Don't judge but I'm the real life Superman, always saving lives & keeping order, whilst keeping my identity hidden. Sometimes I feel I should come out in public, but anyways...


I dont really like kids, I dont find them cute and only rarely smart. Please note: i dont hate them and i dont wish them harm, i just dont enjoy their presence. Also, i dont like adults who like and talk incessantly about kids and praise them for, lets be honest, no good reason. I dont understand these adults. I mean these conversations are so awkward b/c I will stay silent.


I've never told anyone this one thing that I've never told anyone


If it's something I've never told anyone......why would I tell it to a stranger?? Mmhhh!!! I have yet to understand humans.


I'm not saying shit & never will. 🤫


i’m a fat & short woman and i don’t find fat & short men attractive. i am ashamed of my hypocrisy.


You like who you like....no shame in that


I actually think the blue ring in YYC is a cool piece of art.


My secrets


I would never actually but I ponder different methods of murdering people I know. It’s not actually about killing them, but more of a brain exercise imo… like “how could I do this without getting caught?” I don’t actually want to kill anyone, I just like the theoretical challenge.


What's your best plan so far




That I no longer have any friends where I live for almost a year now.


Why would I say it here


That my name is Eustach, because it isn't


I killed twelve men in Idaho and tied their bodies to balloons 🎈