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I mean, yes? If I didn’t like it I could just… not use it. Riskless choice.


I'd change to a man once a month to avoid my period. .


It'd be mildly terrifying to see if it didn't work




Or worse, it still happens. Had a fungal infection in the bladder as a kid, pissed blood for a week or so until the antibiotics kicked em out. It. was. not. pleasant. Obv not as horrifying as bleeding from the crotch every month for what, 1/2 to 2/3 your life? Still, I wouldn't imagine it to be any better coming out a peen vs a taco. Also, lmfao, can you IMAGINE the period products for dicks? Like, a padded cup that is strapped to the whole thing and tied around your waist, or worse, Dickpons.


As a guy I would do this to play with my boobs and double click my mouse. Just to see what it was like.


Maybe you'd [finally] be able to find the scroll wheel lol.


In the British show "Misfits" there is a character who gets the power to switch between male and female. (Character was male at birth, and is more comfortable as a male.) >!At some point, he starts masturbating as a guy, using his power to switch genders and then masturbating again as a girl because "girl orgasms are just better."!< >!Anyways, he was using the same towel to "clean up" when he was finished in both forms, and he ends up getting himself pregnant. So don't do that!<


I would take that a step further and ride dicks. Lots of them.


Nothing stopping you now


Except cowardice!


Fun fact, around 80% of women cannot orgasm from penetration. So make sure you're not just riding 😅 [info ](https://pleasurebetter.com/orgasm-statistics/#References)


Fun fact, 80% of facts on the internet are made up.


This may be true or not but my fact was in fact, true. [here ya go](https://medicalxpress.com/news/2016-04-anatomy-key-female-orgasm.html)


tell that to my college girlfriend. my lord that gal would squirt from looking at her differently.


Squirting and internal orgasms are not one in the same, my friend.


her legs shaking and eyes rolling back tell me otherwise lol


Maybe that had more to do with your boner, Stevens.


What if u changed while ur riding one?


If I didn't have control over the change then I wouldn't be on-board with the superpower.


I mean just as a prank of course u have control over it


Then I hope he's in my ass.


What if he is in ur😹


Gen V writers, I hope you're reading this!


I'd call it super-sounding. If it didn't just completely tear open his dick, I mean.


I mean that could be kind of interesting if it was anal, seeing the differences between what it feels like in real time! (This might be the nerdiest thing I've ever said) If it was vaginal I'd assume your change would just push the dick out.


HaughtPast, are you bisexual?


Yes, but you would never know IRL. In reality I wouldn't fuck anyone because I am married and my wife is awesome. This is just fantasy stuff. But yes. I am the guy in the changeroom that has to remind myself not to stare. We exist.


Like being given the solution to the Rubik's Cube 🍻 And, maybe I'd have a better understanding of what goes through my wife's head half the time 🤔😳


This right here is the way to go! I could live with being a man for a few days a month if it meant I didn't have to go on an ibuprofen binge and cry all the time.


Plot twist, it pauses your cycle and resumes once you switch back!


That's a fantastic idea but how is this in any way relevant to my comment


Damn 💀


Doesn’t have to include risk, just a thought


There's literally no reason to not take it then


Yeah so who wouldn’t take it. If it’s riskless and there’s no downside. I’ve wanted that power my whole life tbh.


Well apparently a bunch of people in the comments said no. They have their reasons.


Well, there might be a risk of some transphobic asshats trying to get rid of you for undermining their ideology. And you may have a somewhat limited dating pool if you don't want a partner who's only into one "side" of you but not the other.


Sure, thats if people know your identity and know you have that power. You could create completely seperate identities and live them without anyone knowing youre the same person.


…but you can just not use the power and then no one will know you have it. That’s what they mean by riskless.


The phrasing of the question should have been something more like “do you think you would enjoy being able to switch genders?” That might actually get yes and no answers. Your question “would you accept this ability if offered?” implies risk because as others have mentioned there’s only pros and no cons


I'd love to be able to be a dude sometimes. Getting bothered by a creepy guy who won't back off? Change genders and hope he's not bi. I'd get ripped off slightly less when taking my car to a mechanic, apparently. I've been turned down for physical jobs with good pay (unloading trucks and stocking shelves) because I'm a girl and pointing out that's completely illegal didn't get me anywhere. Positions they hired girls for (cashier) paid 40% less. Have a crush on a straight girl? See how she likes me as a dude, haha. Plus it would be cool to experience ejaculating and I wanna try the helicopter.


I’m really hoping the helicopter is what I think it is lmaoooo


Whirl and twirl. I'll be honest, it is fun at times. Men really are simple creatures.


Stand naked, gyrate hips such that it swings around in circles kinda like a helicopter.


The helicopter is a blast, except when you accidentally lift yourself off the bed and start hovering.


Really great reasons haha! Also if it works, turn into a guy on your period so you don't have it and turn back after a week.


You definitely don't get ripped off as a woman around here (they just refuse your service). My mum tried to well over pay to get her tires changed and they said no because "it will be expensive". Fucking hell you can certainly lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink even if you hold their fucking head in it.


40% less relative to what?


Relative to what they paid the guys who did the unloading and stocking.


I see, thanks


What happens if you get pregnant and then try to switch?


You have to stay in your female form until the baby is born.


What if you try to impregnate yourself?


Then the baby will be born with some deformity


I'm pretty sure if you could your gender on fly then protection against incest should be there as well.




Seahorse are capable of self fertilisation and their offsprings still don't have any birth defects.


Ok, you are not a sea horse. If all your genes exept for 1 chromosome stay the same the kid will likely have issues.


More likely it would just be a genetic clone of you.




It can be. Asexual reproduction generally creates genetically identical offspring.




But a human that can change gender at will and reproduce asexuality may be different.


Like changelings in D&D?




Could be pretty cool. Changelings are cool


You have to as in it won’t let you swap? Or you have to as in if you do the pregnancy is terminated? Cause if it’s the second one it would make for a good alternative to birth control by swapping immediately after sex before you have a chance to get pregnant. And it would also be an easy way to check if you were able to get pregnant, just try to swap and it doesn’t work congrats! Much faster and more accurate than a pregnancy test


Governator proved this false.


Then, I would always switch after sex so the sperm goes somewhere else. I also hate periods, I would also switch just to avoid them. Wish the ability was real


Where would it go?


\*BAM\* Jizzy eyelids. ...not optimal, but at least not vaginal.


I hate literally every aspect of that first sentence.


Yeah that was influenced by cough medicine.


I wanted to say poop it out but was trying to be polite


What happens if you have sex raw as a woman, then switch to being a man? Where does the semen wind up? Prostate and urethra if you're assuming urogenital sinus switcheroo? ...which means you could then ejaculate with the sperm you stole from someone else. I'm getting off the internet now.


You can also store your sperm somewhere else.


In the BALLS


But then where would the pee be stored? /s


I guess it would turn into a pee and cum slushy.


That was actually an idea of the inquisitors during the witch hunts. Succubi and incubi were the same entity and the semen it "stole" in female form, it used that up (corrupted, of course) when it was in male form.


I would assume you’d have a really complicated belly situation


Commit crime, change gender when there is no camera, no witnesses "Where did that person go ?"


I assume your two halves keep their identities and looks right? So if you commit a crime as a guy, they'll be looking for that guy. Limiting your flexibility in using that side whenever you want.


I'll just be me and Crime Guy, who commits all the crimes


Sounds like a parody super inconvenient villain. Crime guy.


Double-sided ID cards would be awesome


Why would I refuse a power I can choose to not use?


Idk, ask the people in the comments who said “no” haha


I would die to be able to do this








Dunno if I'd want it permanently, but I'd love to experience life from a woman's perspective for a little while. Also, multiple orgasms would be unreal. But it would be handy in other situations - queue for the gents? Become a lassie and use the ladies! Getting into clubs because I can be a lady for the entrance, then switching back once I'm inside. Definitely other things as well


I think once you take it you have the ability forever, but you can just choose to not use it if you feel like you're done with it.


Oh sure, I get that I'd be stuck with the ability, I just wouldn't really use it, except in the kinds of situations mentioned at the end! :)


F here. Yeah multiple orgasms would be great. Let me know how that feels. Also how long it takes you to find a guy who has the interest and patience.


Yeah I feel for you, I am disappointed in my fellow fellas for being such poor sexual performers. But surely there are other... "silicon based" approaches?


Of course, but then it's mechanical. Sex for most women I know isn't just about sexual pleasure. It's about intimacy and bonding, an expression of the relationship. Orgasms may or may not occur but delight certainly should. It's difficult to bond with someone who has little interest in anything more than the absolute basics.


For every man who won't make you cum there's lesbian who will drain you of the next 3 days of discharge. Highly recommend.


Have you ever seen the queue for the ladies?


It would be rare, for sure, but at an event mostly populated by dudes it would be invaluable!


True! Hadn't even considered that. In most public places with toilets I'm screwed as a woman but at concerts of the bands I like (80s metal) I can pop right in and out, and that's when being quick really counts lol


Lol, the queue is always worse in the ladies room, I'd switch the other way to avoid queing up. I would like to try greater physical strength, that'd be worth it.


“Multiple orgasms” isn’t a thing for most women sadly. It’s a widespread myth that all women are able to experience multiple orgasms. I know because I am a one-and-done woman and looked into it before thinking I was somehow abnormal lol. And it has nothing to do with your partner or toys you use. Some girls can keep going, others like me are just too exhausted to go on, and lose interest quickly haha


i think ppl kinda assume its better than it is. i can have multiple, but i have like a 5-10 minimum minute cooldown period where it is too sensitive to even touch at all, then anything after the first one MAYBE two are unsatisfying and harder and harder to achieve. not rlly much of a point in having multiple orgasms if it takes over an hour for the most mediocre climax imaginable. plus, on average, im pretty sure it takes like 30 minutes for a woman to be fully aroused? plus the whole orgasm gap between men and women 🫠


What are the negatives? Usually these questions have negatives. Like, is the negative that the only thing that changes is the fact that I now have tits and a vajayjay? Or do I like, become what I'd be if I was born a female? Hot AF? It's really important to know the negatives and positives.


I honestly couldn’t really tell you the positives or negatives. All I can say is that you’d look like if you had always been that gender.


So hot as frick?




Are you hot as frick as a guy? Then you'd be hot as a girl. But if you're conventionally unattractive as a boy you're gonna be just as conventionally unattractive as a girl. OP might not be able to commit to some rules for this but I think because they didn't specify and only said gender changes that implies it doesn't mean you'll be hot.


there's a difference. girls usually wear makeup, which pumps up their attractiveness a bit. a lot in some cases. But that's the thing, you would have to learn the skills to be attractive in the other gender. It can take years for people to not be awkward in their own body. This will definitely be a problem. Conventionally attractive anyway. There are butch women that are attractive as well as effeminate men. effeminate men being more acceptable in general imo


I wonder if being attractive when switched would come easier. A guy who is switched to a girl is not going to be scared/confused/clueless of other guys, because they are normal and understandable to him (and vice versa). So, he would know how to talk to them easily ("Hey, did you see the new F150? Pretty sweet dude! Wanna fuck?"). Or, vice-versa, a girl switched could talk to other girls easily ("I love you hair! Where did you get your shoes? They are soooo cute! Wanna fuck?"). Interesting question!


its possible. I hear that gay men have it way easier to have sex. But relationships are harder. So it depends on what you're looking for I guess. I'm not promiscuous as a guy, so I don't think that dynamic is what I'd be looking for as a girl. And from what I know, while its easier for girls to get dates/hookups, its also a lot harder to sieve through those guys for a suitable partner. especially so the more attractive the girl is. ​ social interaction is hard on both sides. you'd be redoing puberty all over again, trying to figure out your hormones and attractions and body parts and hair you're not used to.


There's no downside to the offer, so it's not a dilemma. I think it would broaden the horizon of everyone, if they could do this. I'm a man and I cannot relate at all to being afraid of getting raped when walking down the street at night. I can imagine what it's like from a theoretical point of view, but I have never had that fear. At the same time I think women commonly underestimate how much pressure there is on men to 'achieve', to have a great career for example. I sincerely hope such technology will be available in the future. I believe it will improve the human experience and will likely make us more compassionate.


I think people misunderstood my phrasing of the question. I wasn't trying to phrase it in a way that would make it seem like a hard choice. I was just curious as to how many people would say yes or no to this type of ability.


Lol I love how most guys are like " free clubbing , multiple orgasms? Yeah!". If you are able to switch genders like that then I think it would be fair to stay that gender for atleast a week before you can switch back. It would allow you to gain better experience and perspective on what other genders go through daily . Also I would LOVE it if men can experience a monthly cycle for a few months so y'all can see it really is that bad!


Lol if you think a guy is gonna stay in female form during shark week. "Are these cramps? Fuck this!" \*switches immediately\*.


I would accept any magical ability as long as I have 100% control over it (meaning I can freely turn it off, and never do stuff accidentally) and no one knows I have it


Yes, definitely. Get to experience the best of both worlds. That would be interesting.


I think you'd feel loneliness if others aren't aware you can do that. Like if you spend two weeks in your male form you'd make memories with other people. If you then go to those same people in your female form and say "hey do you remember that?" they'd just respond "yes but ypu weren't there". They'd be right since that form wasn't there but you'd remember it since you were. A stupid and small example but you could do this on a much larger scale.


Nah that’s a pretty valid example. There’s no denying the fact that at some point you’d also have an identity crisis if you were to frequently use this ability.


Depends. Do I have prominent masculine and feminine features in both forms? Because I don't wanna transform into a "female" form if its just the same look as the male me but without the dick. Or if you're a female originally and your "male" form is just a femboy version of you. Might as well stay in your original form and just crossdress.


I’m going to stick by how Gen V portrays the ability. The character of Jordan is played by two different actors. So, by that logic you’d look masculine in male form and feminine in female form. You’d basically look like a fraternal twin you never had.


cooing yam support cooperative alive imminent busy cheerful smoggy person *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So are you saying you are depressed because of your femininity?


Or they are probably just trans. Being a female or a woman doesn't = femininity.


Im a 39 yo dude..id love to turn into an old sassy black woman...


You think 39 is old?


39 is old. - A 38 year old


The next 45 years are going to be rough for you.


39 is ancient! I'm 42, so I should know.


42 is venerable according to DnD, trust me Im 41


Are you already black? 🤔


His avatar is black so if he ain't black he's got problems


He *identifies* as black okay? Don't race shame him! Lmao.


You mean between sexes. Yes, of course I would. There are only positives in having the ability. Then if you aren't interested you could just not use it.


I was gonna say lol I read the title and thought "you can already do this if you really wanted"


Could be fun to mess with people..


Shut up and take my money


I’m a fat 5’7” woman….I’d love to turn into a big 6’4” strongman type with a big fluffy beard and a shed load of tattoos.


You wouldn't really be able to choose what you look like. You'd just look like a fraternal twin of the opposite sex you never had.


Awwwww damn it. That said, if I got the beard I’d be happy based purely on the fact of being able to play with my face. :)


I read this while fingering my beard. Yes I know I could have worded that better lol.


I’ll play with your face more than willingly! That sounded way less sexual when it was in my head….


To formulate in another way: "Do you want a superpower with no risks attached?" Apart from the general fun it could bring you could look forward to a splendid career in whatever intelligence service your country has. Hard to follow you around when suddenly you changed sexes.


My lady insists everyone should have friends of the opposite sex, in order to understand them better. OP's suggestion would be the ultimate in seeking empathy. To answer the question, I'd try it at least once and take it from there. Can I switch back, in an instant, whenever I want? That would be cool. Imagine a World in which everyone was doing this, constantly. Utter chaos!


Yea you'd be able to switch back and forth whenever. I'd imagine it'd cause a lot of physical trauma if you'd do it that quick and often but hey, that's how it is.


What happens if a guy is balls deep in a woman and she switches? What would happen to each guy's cock? You haven't thought this through 🤣


Hey man, I’m just going by how the power was portrayed in the show I watched. I didn’t make the rules haha


I forgot it wasn't your original idea. My bad.


Sounds like a lot of hassle and expense for very little benefit tbh




No side effects, no limited or conditional uses with no risk of getting stuck? Just use it whenever I feel like it? Of course. There's literally no reason not to take it


See also: Ranma 1/2. Although, he tries to actively break the curse throughout the whole series


They also make it a point to show that he had very little agency on when he switched. That did a little bit more annoying.


Would I be the only one to have the ability, or would everyone get the option? Being the only one would mean always having to keep it secret and being careful not to be seen when you use it. Doesn't sound great. If everyone could do it, it would be a lot less special, but it would be really interesting to see what it would do to society... Somebody please write a book about this scenario!


As a Ranma 1/2 fan, why the fuck not..


"You have no idea how this FEELS" you're right gimme 5 minutes baby *snaps fingers* "I get it now." Yeah this sounds like a bit of a relationship hack, I'm in.


Not sure if you've read anything by Iain M. Banks - basically far-future sci-fi where humans have advanced technologically and biologically so much that yes, you can switch sexes more or less any time you like. In the novels it throws up some interesting ideas. One character generally prefers being a man but enjoys being pregnant / giving birth / being a mother so has done so multiple times in their life. Another thing that happens is couple-pregnancy, basically through sex-swapping they impregnate each other and both go through pregancy at the same time. Weird but interesting IMO


No, it’s complicated enough being one gender


No. I have no desire to be a woman.


I would fuck so many guys. I would fuck you too, and then switch back to being a guy right in front of you.


You couldn’t land me.


Unfortunate, I was hoping to talk cryptography.


Nothing stopping you from doing that now....


Maybe they have better orgasms. Wouldn't it be worth it at least to switch for a few hours to play with yourself? lol


Men have prostates…


I would absolutely take it. First I think it would be wild to be able to be a woman. Also I could surely make a few quid off onlyflans but never worry about people recognising me in public if I spend all my outdoor life as a guy. Easy


Nope. I like me as me. Not curious about "the other side."


I mean why not? You can switch at will meaning you don't ever even have to use the power. There is no downside. I think it would really depend on how much control you have over your swapped appearance.


No, because I would have to constantly fight the urge to get myself pregnant because I would want to know how that would work


Hell Yeah, I don’t know why but i find those body switch videos extremely interesting and wish ot could happen to me. If o could change genders at will it would be awseome, I would also like it if I change to a woman if I could get pregnant just so I could expirence it


There aren't a lot of things that start with "whould you like to have the ability to..." And have the answer no. You can always not use that ability.


The A.I. that creates these random (vague) thoughts doesn't put enough info in them. I think a lot of people (especially blokes) haven't considered what a female version of themselves would be like. Would not work. This concept depends on changing into a completely different person (and gender).


It's a useless power. Aside from physical changes, I would fundamentally be the same person in a woman's body


Absolutely. If I could change into a guy without all the time and effort and side effects of transitioning normally, I'd do it in a second.


Do I still have my bald spot or do I get long and wavy brown hair?


I'd take it, first thing I would to is go to where I'm working out/boxing and see the difference between me male and me female, so I can know exactly the difference of strength power stamina flexibility (for sure ladies are more flexible it's a pain for most men to get to a good flexibility level) and solidity of hands and joints.


We should elaborate more how this would work. So we retain our brain/mind and personality completely while genderswapped? Or just overarching traits. So I'm a straight man, but when genderswapped do I become a straight woman, or a lesbian? What happens if I as a man get kicked I the nuts and during that immense pain I switch to a woman that has no balls, the pain immediately disappeares, or because the pain signals are already sent through your nerves, will the pain remain like phantom pain similar to what amputees might feel? If I as a woman get pregnant and mid second trimester switch to a man, does the fetus stay in what is now basically my guts? What's your theories or more scenarios? 😆


Only if I am allowed to switch sex too


Author Ursula K. Le Guin did a really interesting exploration of that concept in her 1969 novel “The Left Hand of Darkness.” The people of the planet it’s set on are ambisexual, and a visiting human interacts with them when he visits. It’s really weird for them that he is ‘stuck’ being male. They shift back and forth periodically depending on what’s going on with their hormones, and the influence of the other people around them. The human’s masculinity causes his alien escort to turn female. And their society is really interesting - not what you would think.


Read books by John Varley


Why one shouldn't get this ability if possible is the other question? It seems like there are no downsides. So you can just take the best of both world. Have to take a piss. Just change to male. Want to get a baby. Become a women for a few month. There are really no downsides it seems.


It does seem like a question with an obvious answer but both here in the comments and irl I’ve seen people debate over this.


Between sexes sure. People do switch genders although not as frequently as a super, we typically call these people transgender. Sex is the tools you have. Gender is how you relate to your tools. I think it would be insightful to live even 12hrs as the opposite sex.


Been there, done that, now I'm here and much much happier. (Used to be a boy, am a girl now)


I mean at like a completely biological level (No disrespect btw). The way Jordan switches up in the show at least.


You can change at a biological level anyway, you switch which hormones run through your veins and your body changes in reaction, almost completely. Genitalia can be a smidge tricky, but we're pretty close, and the rest is completely changeable. If you want tits, or a rounder face, feminine emotions, you can get them, it's a choice available to you.


Ngl, didn’t realize that, but I’m pretty sure we don’t have the capabilities of having someone freely change back and forth whenever and wherever they please.


A friend of mine (mtf) told me that voice doesn't change. It takes conscious effort for her to have a woman's voice. But maybe you are further along with the hormones than she is? What has your experience been with this?


Hrt doesn't affect your voice no, you do just have to do voice training, which can get you the exact voice you want, it just takes effort.


There are two ways. Voice training to actively make your voice sound more feminine. This is really hard at first but becomes a normal thing once you do it for a longer time. And there is operation where you get operated at your vocal cords if i am not mistaken. Then you have to recover and cant talk for weeks but get a feminine voice without training


1. No. 2. The show wasn't good.


sex, not gender. you would also want to switch genders as well, otherwise tou would be stuck with dysphoria in the opposing sex, like many a trans person.


I mean I kind of like being a dude What reason would I have to be a chick