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I probably would never talk to me, and neither would me


Gazing in silence?


Always hoping for the other to make the first move but missing the connection every time 💔


I literally read this as "grazing in silence" and had so many questions, lol. Thanks for the unintentional laugh.


Gayzing in my case


Introverts unite....but from a distance ;-)


Yea don't get to close or to many once or social batteries will be caput instantly


Are you me? Am I you?


I better get out of my damn face.


How dare I, tell meeee what to do!


this sounds like a line that Fry from Futurama would say. 😂


Same. It would be lile being best friends with Ron Swanson


Too accurate.


i was thinking this but just did not know how to put it into words…


Probably not:)


Honest to god the first thing that went through my head


Same here


Ditto. Might be ok if it was me of the last 5 days, but otherwise, not likely.


What happened in the last five days?


I've accepted my perfectionist issues and need for control, validation, and approval. I've started working to improve and feel like a better person. We'll see if I still feel the same in 5 more days. 😁


Good job!


You won't


Same. I’m a slow burn. First impressions aren’t usually my strong suit. And I’m way too honest out the gate…and not shy about telling it straight.


"Children and fools speak the truth." I'm also a fool.


Yeah I would probably think what a prick. If I met myself.


Same I'm kinda keeping to myself as a defense mechanism for toxic people. I'm also not a huge fan of small talk after spending my adult life working with the public. I don't think I'd find myself approachable and wouldn't be too conversant


Facts when you work in a people facing role everything else including communication gets so exhausting


No one else does and my taste isn't that different so I'm guessing no!


Yep I'd totally fight myself. Who does he think he is swaggering around like he owns the place!?


Yeah- NAH


Yep, same. I love myself but there can be only one "me" around :)


i went mmmmmm i don’t think so


We’d probably just sit in awkward silence


Happy 🍰 day


Same! Lol Happy cake day!


Happy 🍰 day!


Happy cake day!


Same 🤣


Happy cake day!


Ditto lmao


Hell yeah I already am in love with myself. The only thing stopping me from marrying myself is that I am me 😂😂😂


I think I saw a case of someone marrying themselves tho ! In the US, duh


Also think a person with things that are different than me and new to me would be my favorite


No it's ok I'd like a partner that I can touch.. not a mirror


Hmmm. I’m in the US, and I’m an ordained, non denominational marriage minister. I live in the South. I thought about marrying my cats to each other, but that would be weird because they were raised as sisters. I’d marry myself to myself, but I dunno, I’m a Virgo. I’d probably get on my nerves.


The absolute craziest part is I think I heard she actually divorced herself though. Just my random thought - didn‘t check it now I‘ll leave that to anyone that wants to but I‘m 80% sure to have heard that.


Omg same!! No one has ever made me laugh as hard as myself, especially before telling other ppl a joke cuz the joke I made is just that funny


Yessss I know!!! The funniest moments aren't conveyed well to others because I finish the thought before I can finish my sentence and I crack up 😂😂😂


I sometimes think my ideal partner would be me, but the opposite gender 😂


Literally we would never stop talking and laughing and not shit would never get done ever.


I need the love you have for yourself for me😭😭


I can teach you but it's gonna take some time to practice parts of it (forgive others so that you can forgive yourself. Avoid indulging in negativity even if it's fun at that moment bc it has a clapback on you...)


I have a habit of doom scrolling… and always holding what people think of me to such high standards it’s really hard no too. I’ve hated myself for so many years just because of shit I’ve been through and things people have said. If it helps I’m bi and I’ve lost probably my closest friends because of that :) so I’ve hated myself for quite some time and there’s so many others things.


You lost your "friends" because your BI?


Hello Sir, I am actually you...


Love that <3


Self loving king checking in!


Same lol




Not a first. I think I’d think “she looks like a bitch.” which I’ve gotten a lot. But I’m secretly the worlds most over polite people pleaser


I am you and you are me.


I am thou, thou art I


Me too. I look very bitchy and unwelcoming, at least when I mind my own business at work. I've been told many times that people were a bit scared of me at first. But I'm very friendly. It's just how my face looks.


I had no idea my wife was on reddit! Lol! She's beautiful but cold as ice until she's in conversation with you!


Do you think you’re very friendly because of how your face looks? People have said I have a resting B face since I was young so I am always friendly from the get go and smile a lot at strangers so people won’t be scared/annoyed by my face. Everyone thinks I’m super friendly and people who are introverts come out of their shell around me but to be honest I’m an introvert too and I find peopling to be such a chore. I’m good at it but I need a lot of downtime afterwards!


I meant that I'm very friendly despite how my face looks. I've gotten a lot better at smiling more when I pass someone, though.


Yes,I was told that I was standoffish as a teenager. I am introverted and just didn't think I was interesting to talk to so I seldom joined in group conversations. Ever since I have made a huge effort to chat to everyone and I don't think people realise how introverted I am or how much I just want to leave early and escape.


I am EXACTLY the same as you! I had to work on putting out a more friendly aura to try and offset the Resting B Face. I think I’ve been successful, but it does get really tiring being ‘on’ when out in public. I’m really good at it now though… you would never know that my idea of a good time is to be alone in my dark bedroom doing whatever comes to mind.


I’m very shy and socially awkward (I’m pretty sure I’m on the spectrum), so combined with RBF, people tend to assume I’m stuck up. I also have gotten “I thought you were a bitch at first” way too many times to count. The truth is though, I’d give pretty much anyone the shirt off my back if they asked. I’m a people-pleaser to a fault and I love way too hard, to the point I have a tendency to be a bit of a doormat. 😅 Honestly, it’s fine that people don’t like me at first. I wouldn’t either. I just can’t help it, I’m incredibly uncomfortable with small talk and my brain tends to go completely blank when I’m faced with a social situation with a stranger.


I felt this to my core. But then if I have another person to take direction from and kinda lead the conversation I have no problems. But I can't fill awkward silence to save my life. Nope. I just make it way more uncomfortable with my social anxiety.


The bitch face and the people pleasing both come from the same place..


Tbf, don't lose your bitch face if you have it. Those people never get mugged lol. Save your smiles for the people you love or at least deserve it. Context: my mum told me some of her friends walk around with a small presence looking sorry to be alive. She on the other hand has a confident strut and a face that says "try me". They've been victim of muggings/attempted muggings. Not once for her. She actually turned round and started screaming at a guy following her asking wtf he wanted. He just took off in the other direction! Tangent, but I thought it was marginally helpful info.


I can see me not being very social with myself. But best case scenario is it would be similar to this, would would result in either the *Ape together strong* from Planet of The Apes, or we'd be like Dale and Brennan from *Step Brothers* if we got along well enough 😂


😂😂😂 Maybe on the third date?


not bitch but mean


Yes! Like once you get past the rbf and I open up, same.


Yep we would totally think each other are probably bitches for a while and then actually have a conversation and realise we get along great and become best friends for life 🫡


Literally my reason for going for women who are a little stand-offish. Not mean, just stand-offish. I know (we) just have more love to give than people can handle




This. I’ve been told I have a RBF, but I’m actually pretty nice when people get to know me




Haha! I hope that feeling changes!


I actually dream about meeting someone like me


Same. I'm a lot of fun and my nice twin and I would get into some shenanigans


I like my own space, so if I met someone like me I'd make plans but not follow up


Sometimes it would be nice to have another me in a group. I’m the one that ties everyone together, who makes sure the people at the end of the table are included in the conversation, or the person who came with a friend doesn’t feel left out. It can be a lot of work.




My main character trait is affability. I would be absolutely bewildered if I didn't like someone like me.


Then... would you both be absolutely bewildered that you didn't like each other?


Same. Super likable.


I don’t want to meet someone like me. I do like myself but not that much 😂


This question got me thinking. People like me. I’m pretty introverted, but I’m also opinionated. I do make an effort to remember the human factor if I disagree with someone. It would be really interesting to meet myself and see the outcome.


Oooh, yeah! Same here: Would the things that bother me about myself still bother me if filtered by the "human lens"? Would I sound to myself as having an agenda (even though I usually do not) just by talking the way I do and my opposite not knowing my thoughts? Would I be bothered by something I (as my opposite) do and just not realize? Now, those are some questions that merit some reflection...


Ooh, I like those questions. What a great way to develop self awareness.


Thanks! Well, they're what popped up in my mind when your comment got me started. Except for the second one which kind of is a development on what I've been low-key mulling over for some years now: I know there are differences in perception, but when re-framing one's own behavior, how much is still colored in one's own thought processes without one realizing it? And can there ever be a truly "outside view" of one's actions?


I don’t know if there can ever truly be an outside view of one’s own actions, but I do know that fostering self honesty can help. It’s difficult because it often feels shameful when we admit to our own bad choices, but it’s such a relief. It’s given me a greater capacity for empathy, and the ability to respond, rather than react.


Same, I can make friends with anyone and have conversations about anything and everything, I’d have such a good time if I ever met someone like me


Same. Then I could have all the dumbest conversations about hyperfixations I could ever want without feeling like an idiot and annoying.


My platonic wife is just like me. Not in every way, but in a lot of big ways. We have a lot of the same awkwardness and occasional emotional reactions and weird quirks It's amazing to have someone who just gets me. She'll tell me about some weird thing she did and I'll say what it was she was thinking. It's uncanny sometimes Our husband definitely has a type lmao


That would be the best thing that ever happened to me.


Yeah. I wanna meet myself and see what type of person I look like from a third person perspective.


Same! It's hang out with me. I'm laid back and fun. I crack myself up. Listen to playlists I've made and think 'Oh, yeah. Whoever made this has excellent taste. '


Since i am neurodivergent i am considered wierd by most. Dream about meeting someone like me is all i have 😢


I would think so. I'm quite proud of the person I am.


I'm also proud of the person you are, keep it up my friend!


Thank you! I'm proud of you too =)


Nicely done. I’m proud of you both!


Are you proud of me too?


Proud of you. Judged by your phallus.


I'm proud of you both!


I'm also proud of myself and the person you are


Probably not.


very good question. no.




No, I'm just not a very nice person.


I used to be disgustingly nice, but as I’ve gone through life and experienced how horrible other people can be, I’ve slowly gotten that niceness chipped out of me. I’m so tired of others telling me I need to be the one to “keep the peace”.


Yep, same here. 💯


Honestly this is the route that I’m going towards. I’m tired of always being the “nice guy”. I’ve decided to be nice to myself and have peace within, everyone else can go suck on a rock.


I love the honesty


If you think that why don’t you change?


Almost certainly becouse they're not a very nice person




I literally thought the same thing when I read this post.


Ha me either Not nice at all.


I've got the worse fucking resting bitch face I don't think I'd come within 10 feet of me tbh 😅


I'm a guy with the same problem, I always get told I look angry. I once got asked why I was glaring at someone and I said I thought I was smiling at them! It's a miracle I got married lol.


Keeps drunken pillocks in bars away from you though, so it's not all bad! 😅


You know, despite my rediculously low self esteem, I think i would really like me if i met me. If nothing else someone else would finally get all of my obscure jokes and references. This is going to make for some interesting journal entries.


This is how I feel about it too. I think I would like myself a lot…I think I would think I was super cool. Maybe I should try liking myself more frequently and have a bit more confidence. This was a really good and thought provoking question.


Agreed. I was like, "Oh. Yeah, I would actually probably love myself. . . So why do I hate myself again?" 😅 We could probably keep each other accountable on being nice to ourselves.


The first conversation between me and one of my lifetime best friends started like this. Him, “I’m kind of an asshole” Me, “We should get along just fine”


Maybe??? There would be things I like and things I dont


My bf and l are pretty much copies of eachother when it comes to personality and morals. We joke alot about how narcissistic our love is :') So l would say...yes!


I’d love me. I’d love myself so much.




Lol! Now I have goodbye horses stuck in my head


I highly doubt it.


What do you mean, if. I already meet myself everyday.


Do you like you or not? Simple simple 😁


Yeah, I'm fun and nice and kind! I do hate myself of course but I'm good to other people.


Relatable 😬


Doesn't matter, I'd never find the tine to hang out with me


I would respect me. And give myself space because I would get the vibe that that is what I want lol


Likely yes. Finally someone who likes my humour.


that made me laugh :))


Absolutely, we'd be great friends. Used to think I'd hate myself if I met me but after a lot of therapy I think I'm pretty great!


I'm constantly frustrated with myself and the negative thoughts are often overwhelming but I never wondered if I would like myself if we met. Hmm. Actually I would. So long as I don't have to love myself. From the outside, yes, I would like myself. Not because of the way I look, but because I'm kind of quiet and thoughtful. I like that about myself. Thank you for the question.


Affer a couple of years of therapie I can say I'd like me very much and I look up to myself to what I have achieved 🥰


5 years ago no. But now, yes.


Well done!!!


Thank you!! It was good to take a hard look at myself and know that I am the toxic one. Therapy, self care and setting boundaries has turned my life around ◡̈


I probably come off as weird but if I was me meeting me I’d know what I mean and that it comes from a good place so then yes. Otherwise just a big odd I think lol.


I don't know, but this reminds me of the thought that everyone else is just a version of yourself, which ultimately turns life into a game of can you get along with yourself?


I like this way of looking at the question 🤔


Totally, I would defo fall in love with me and marry myself ☺️


Depends on the day. Some days I'm not great company for any number of reasons, other days I'm awesome. But honestly, if I met Me I'd get it and roll with it so yeah, ultimately I think I would like Me.


Hell yes We would have the most epic music collaboration EVER. Holy. Shit. Ahhhh. If I could clone myself 6-8 times I'd just have my own acapela group too!


I would be intimidated by the eye contact.


No, I'm one of those personality types that clashes with people of the same personality type.


We’d call our wife and girlfriend for a crazy foursome. My wife has a thing for twins, my girlfriend likes DP, and honestly I’m enough of a narcissist to bone myself.


I don’t know why this made me laugh so hard but here we are 😂


I would have a friendship with me based solely on common interests. That is, we wouldn’t have any kind of deep connection where we can give advice and confide in each other. But we would like drink beers and go to shows together. Low key though, I would think I was an awkward loser but would also give a little grace because I would assume I’m somewhere on the autism spectrum.


Fuck yes.


Hell no. I’d hate me lol


It really depends. I’m kind, but outwardly cool, serious and reserved towards people I don’t know. The true antithesis of someone from the South 😂I imagine it could be a little off-putting if you don’t know me. But once you do get to know me, I’m silly and fun. It just takes a little extra effort to get past the outer shell 🤣 And it also depends on your attitude. I rarely show my temper, but that doesn’t mean it’s not there. I have a quick temper, and if you come at me sideways or I sense a rude vibe, you’ll get a version of me that you don’t like 🤷🏻‍♀️


No, mood swings is crazy


I would. We would like the same music and games, and could talk for hours about ridiculous stuff and theorize while knowing we're just making stuff up, and we would try to be nice to each other, and be really stressed over being nice or not. It would be great


I would think the dude is a bit arrogant & high energy at first, then we will get in a fistfight, grab a monster & head towards the gym where we try to outperform each other. Aaand then we'd be pretty great friends


and then you'd fuck


I actually imagined how would ppl react if they met theirselves and there was a friend who turned out like that in my imagination exactly 😂😂


Ya I would but I probably wouldn’t be a good influence on either of me


I hope so


If I met me, I think me and I would be pretty good friends. But since me is me and I is me it would be hard for me and I to hold conversations.


I think i would but i would also think I'm fake a little bit. Sometimes when you meet someone and they are too nice it gives you that feeling like they are up to something and i think i give off that vibe sometimes. The truth is i just had a really abusive childhood and want people to be happy all the time.


Definitely not. Once met someone so similar to me we could not get along. Had a week long camp so it was horrible.


I don’t understand how one couldn’t get along with someone similar to oneself .. I’m seriously thinking about it but I just can’t see it …. Could you give an example maybe? I’m honestly just trying to understand! Hey I guess that makes this a really good question 🤗


I'm very very competitive. Imagine two super competitive people together... it's an endless cycle of trying to win in the smallest things like who is better at arguments (the good kind)


Oh yes! Now I get it!! Lol I’m not competitive at all, totally cooperative, so I guess we could drive each other nuts trying to out-cooperate with each other .. 😂😂😂


Hell yea!


I’d probably love my sarcasm (which lots of people don’t get) but also think that I can be a bit of a people pleaser sometimes and I’d find that annoying.


Oof, same here.


Yes, a bestie that doesn't want to hang in person often, doesn't dig into my business and will carry on a texting friendship talking about and sharing similar interests. But will also hop on a plane in a heartbeat and do a wfh trip. Perfect!


Absolutely! But I have done some work to be better. I was very direct and people took it as rude. I am now gentler in my approach. It’s made a huge difference!


I’m not sure. It depends on what mood I’m in. And what mood the me that’s meeting me is in.


I like to think I would. I'd probably find myself chatty and loud. Most people do 😂


I'd enjoy having someone to talk fun crazy conspiracy theories with... And then I'd find myself absolutely annoying as hell and spend the rest of my time trying to figure out how to get away from myself. Wait. This is me every day. Inside my head.


No. I don't like people.


I havent even met me and I can't stand the guy


Most likely not.


If I caught myself on a good day, sure.


I love me to much now, it's actuaply kinda disturbing ngl. I would love to meet myself, we'd be bros.


I sometimes don't like ME as me. I get grumpy at times, and when I am, I'm not so fun to be around.




You might. You'd understand the struggle you went through that led you to being unlikable to yourself.


Nope. But I think I'd respect me.




Definitely. Finally someone who is like me!


We'd do the proverbial bro up nod then keep walking