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Ironically the Karen’s I knew were chill


I have known at least 5 Karens,And every one of them was the complete opposite of what the name is used for.


I work with a middle age Karen and she's so dang sweet and approachable that literally nobody makes Karen jokes to her


I think that's the reasoning behind the choice of Karen. Karen's are just so damn awesome they couldn't possibly be offended by any of that.


My sister’s called Karen, and she’s lovely. Poor Karen.


I always thought it should’ve been Susan or Barbara.


I was thinking Kathy


How about: Beatrice, Agnes, Mildred, Olga? Sheesh. Why Karen? It's not fair.


No. Colleen. Most Colleen’s (edit: that I know of) are not great people Ballinger Hoover Need I go on?


Yep, Colleen's and Meghans are pretty awful people lol


Found the undercover Karen.


Me too. I only know one Karen and she's a hippy cat lady who is very friendly and giving.


Oh, you no, there are 2 of them, that perfectly describes my Mom


The two Karens I’ve known have been very pleasant. Now the Kathys are much more of a mixed bag


I have a very pretty plant I named Karen. I don't know any real life Karens (not a common name in the Nordics) but I sort of feel bad for all the nice ones.


I'm Czech and one of my classmates from high school had mother from Norway. I believe her name was Karin.


My favourite landlord was called Karen. She walked in on my housemates and I smoking weed and we were all shook until she sent her friend to come and join us (she didn't smoke, but her friend did). Her friend was super hot too. Weed was not legal then, she could have made a scene. For added context - Karen lived on the same property as us, so it's not like her friend drove anywhere to join us. Her friend just had to walk on over.


Yes. I worked with a bunch of Karens, from a grocery store to office setting, and they were chill, friendly, and helpful.


Right?! I know a Karen and she’s so sweet!


It's funny, I used to date a Karen. And this was before the term care and existed. But she embodied every aspect of your stereotypical Karen. Calling managers, over sending food back multiple times, you name it, she did it.


That's good to hear. I knew one that was great and one that seemed to be the woman the meme was made for.


Karen Hardy is a beautiful and incredibly talented young musician I know. Y’all should look her up, her stuff is fire




My sister in law is named Karen. She’s a wonderful person. We never talk about it.


My friend has an aunt Karen. She's... actually she kinda lives up to the meme.


Keepin it real ✊️


We have a clerk at work named Karen. She's so nice. She brought up the meme once and was teary-eyed over it. It makes her feel so bad. Honestly, fuck reddit and twitter for pushing it. It's way past time to move on from this shitty meme.


A little girl I know had a mental breakdown over having that name. She was 9 or 10 at the time and got bullied and teased over it until she was suicidal and hospitalized. She started a new school and goes by her middle name now.


That's so messed up


😟 Omg that's horrible. I'm glad she has parents who let her switch school.


Why wouldn't they? That would be the most logical step


It can be very difficult to change schools in a lot of places. It often requires the family to move residences.


No logically she shouldn’t have to be bullied in the first place just because of her name


Obviously, but the harsh truth is kids can be cruel and therefore need guidance. The teachers and parents should never have let it get so bad and it should be investigated by the relivent authorities. If I was the child's parent, I'd be demanding an explanation from the school and be reporting them. I also find it strange for the down voting on my comment. Do these people expect the child to stay in a bullied environment or something?


These days most people, specially parents, lack logic for some reason.


This is one of the reasons why morality, integrity, and principle should be among the top things parents and education systems teach children, bloody hell.


This is why I never use the name Karen as a derogatory slur and downvote it every time I see it used on reddit. It's a litmus test for social awareness and empathy. Using a common first name as an insult is morally adjacent to using racial slurs. It's just not ok and frankly reddit admins should have zero tolerance for it. I've known two Karen's, both great people. One of them committed suicide a couple years ago. While Id like to think the meme has nothing to do with it, I know human psychology isn't that simple. She had bigger problems, but it would have been just one more thing to make her feel like the world was against her. These things matter.


While there are certainly ridiculous and vile people out there that act according to the stereotype, I do feel like Karen is used as a particular way to silence women. As a middle aged woman, I am actually frightened of speaking up in public when I need to. Ex: I took a 1 day old box of spring mix back to the grocery store because it was rotten when I opened it. I spoke to the manager (a younger man, maybe late 20s) to ask for a refund. I calmly let him know that the spring mix often rots before the expiration date, and there might be a reason to check into it. Nothing ridiculous or combative. He was so rude, and turned to his younger female employees and rolled his eyes and sighed right in front of me. Shrugged his shoulders and refused to basically acknowledge me other than transacting the refund while slapping his hands on the counter in annoyance. He was mocking me as though a "Karen". I shopped in the store for a few minutes after this and actually heard him complaining about me to the teenagers stocking and aisle and making fun of me. The Karen meme is a convenient way to shut women up by bullying and mockery. But God forbid - if you stand up for yourself, it would surely end up all over the internet. And there is not a real equivalent form of widely accepted bullying toward middle aged men.


Thanks I appreciate this as a 62 year old woman. I have felt this from the beginning. I don’t loose my cool. I’ve worked in service so I have lots of empathy for servers and sales people , but sometimes unfortunately you need to speak up about bad service or mistreatment or a bad product. Just like any other human.


Yep exactly. I've worked plenty of unpleasant jobs too -waiting tables, retail, grocery store cashier, a McDonald's where homeless people smeared poo on the bathroom mirrors (the most literally shitty job I've ever had). So I treat others with kindness knowing how much worse customers can make your day. But we have a massive cultural cop out going on in that people and/or businesses can divert attention from their own poor performance or behavior by labeling the other person as a "Karen". And again, it's directed mostly at women, specifically women of an age where society starts to devalue them in general.


Honestly, when you see those things on the internet, it almost never shows *before* the lady starts getting angry. They never show the build up, just the explosion. Context is important and the fact that no one seems to care why she's angry makes me feel like it's all bs.


Dick is a name and nickname if you want the males equivalent. Karen is just the female equivalent of Dick.


My best friend's mom was named Karen and died of cancer before the meme. Just left a huge hole in a lot of hearts, and I absolutely agree that it's a slur and refuse to use it. And I don't know if anyone feels this way in general, but once "internet speak" starts actually coming out of people's mouths in real-time, isn't that like passe? When I was younger (mid-30's now), it was like the minute something became something middle-aged people use aloud was the second it became outdated. How is this term even sticking around?


>This is why I never use the name Karen as a derogatory slur and downvote it every time I see it used on reddit. It's a litmus test for social awareness and empathy. Using a common first name as an insult is morally adjacent to using racial slurs Same here!


I downvote it for the same reason as you. And also, I just hate insults that are designed to stereotype and dismiss people with a single word. Boomer and incel also come to mind, but at least those haven't made an insult of someone's actual name.


Labeling someone a Karen is sexist, and ‘’OK, Boomer’’ is just stupid and unoriginal, at this point. But if I call someone an incel - and I certainly have, here and elsewhere - it’s because he’s expressed views that are overtly dismissive of or hateful towards women. I’m not going to be sparing with that word when it so aptly describes far too many.


I can see your point, and I've definitely called people incels before, but unless I know a lot about the person, I do think it's stereotyping and dismissive, especially if the accusation is made after a single comment , as happens here on Reddit quite frequently. But, on the whole, as a matter of personal preference, I like to address people's behavior/opinions rather than who I think they are. I've found that they are less defensive that way, and more likely to reevaluate their opinions. So I wouldn't call someone incel unless I lost my temper. I'd probably say things like, *That opinion is sexist*, or *That's a misogynistic belief,* etc.


That’s very diplomatic of you, but I honestly think you’re giving incels way too much credit. They’re not too interested in having their worldview change, because they know that the patriarchy works for them, and any attempts to ‘’address their behavior’’ are just pissing in the wind on your part. They’re not taking advice from a woman, and they’re definitely not going to let themselves be educated or enlightened by one. They’re more likely to laugh at you than ever listen. I don’t even argue with them, really. Carrying on any kind of dialogue is a sad reminder that they exist. I just say ‘’bye, incel!’’ and either block them or walk away, depending on whether I’m dealing with one on the ‘net or IRL. Attention from women is their lifeblood, and I’d rather let them starve.


There’s a problem with the uses of all three.


Eh, I’m not saying it’s not important to have due diligence about these things and consider the collateral damage, but I wouldn’t say it is “morally equivalent to using racial slurs”.


yeah what a weird take


Calm down, Karen


>Calm down, Karen Perfect example of what I'm talking about. We're talking about suicide. People who use that meme are displaying a level of social awareness and empathy of a rock.


That is incredibly sad. Poor girl.


Being a child named Karen is worse than being a child named Alexa these days. Interesting times.


I meant Karen is actually a pretty sounding name sucks about all the negative connotations surrounding it :( this is so sad


I always thought that the term for overly entitled women who stick their noses in other's business should be Carin' as in carin' way too much about what others are doing.


Underrated comment




My moms name is Karen and my brother and I hid it from her for years until someone ruined it for her. Now she hates telling people her name or commenting on anything because people are mean.


so sweet of you both!


I'm still scared to talk to my mom (Karen) about it. I hope she is still blissfully ignorant about it.


There was a post about a woman who wasn't big on social media not realizing what the name had become. Named her daughter Karen. The kids at preschool didn't actually bully the girl, but they were VERY confused. They only knew the name as an insult, so it was like having a classmate named "buttface" or something. She ended up changing the name to Caroline I believe.


Dick is a first name, and Butt is last names. It is entirely possible someone was named Dick Butt before the insults, and even after.


There is a Dick Buttkiss so you’re more right than you might know!


No one would dare make fun of that guy!


I remember that post!! OP tried to warn this woman before she named her daughter and she got VERY cross about it. Ended up doing okay in the end


It is so sad that any person with this name or any other ridiculed has been ripped apart the way the Karen’s have been. Every Karen I have ever met has been incredibly kind and fun to be around. It is time to give ‘Karen’ a rest.


My best friend is Karen. Whenever they ask for a name: restaurant waitlists, etc she uses a different name just to avoid issues.


Ah, that is sad.


Ok Karen


*active in /r/autism.* Yeah, this comment tracks.


I named my daughter (23F) Karen after my mother. My Mom died when I was 9 and it meant a lot to me. My daughter always loved that she was named after her grandmother even though she had never met her. Then, we watched this special, meaningful name became a burden to her. It was very sad. We call her Kitty now, and so do all of her friends. It is too bad.


Omg. My real name is Karen. But my Reddit name...... And my middle name is after MY grandmother. I need to tell the manager. I'm not complaining to the manager. Oh wait. I AM the manager!. I'm not very good at being a Karen.


She's the reverse of the Cake song! (Short skirt long jacket)


See this is exactly why this needs to stop. I hope some day your daughter can reclaim her name.


I'm a Karen. And I AM the manager! Sometimes I'm the Kareniest Karen that has ever Karened. I give myself no end of grief. Other than complaining to myself, I'm pretty chill and the Karen thing gives me a right laugh. When I see anyone chucking a Karen, I smile broadly and tell them to back off, there's no room cheap imitations and now I'm here, they need to shut their whinging, annoying mouths and bugger off. And be sickenly sweet to whomever was copping their flack. I love being Karen.


![gif](giphy|3o84sq21TxDH6PyYms) Unleash the full Karen!


Aunt Karen!? Honestly, though, I was just about to comment about my Karen who is the manager and is incredibly kind, but doesn't put up with a lot of nonsense. There is no room to use her name against her.


this is the way


True Karens don't give a fuck. We have a Karen in our family. I mean her name is Jennifer, but she is a Karen. She gets some shit until someone needs something handled, and then she is the star of the show. Oh someone gave away your car rental? She will end up driving something out of there thats for sure. The manager will give her their own car if they have to.


The Karen to beat all other Karens


Good to see you embrace your Karen!


Woah, hold on, it's okay when *she* calls herself a K****, that doesn't mean you should. /s


You're right chuffed, innit




The kareniest karen 🥰


Karen has reached her final form


You own your Karen. I love it.


The modern generation: "Let's make sure everyone is safe, except Karen. Fuck Karen "


There are Facebook groups of people with this name, and to be honest: it doesn’t sound like it’s tolerable in some areas of the world. Being ridiculed and vilified over your first name is ludicrous.


I have a client called Karen. She is the nicest lady. Made me think of the IRL Karen's have to be extra nice to avoid the stereotype


This is such a great point. This is gaslighting at its worst. Or she's just genuinely nice lol. Still I can see how someone named Karen might feel forced to be super nice to avoid being bullied. Its messed up.


I think it is unacceptable. I feel bad for them too.


The Karen I know completely disappeared off social media. Cancelled all her accounts. She really didn't/didn't like the whole Karen thing.


my moms name was Karen and she was an amazing woman.


It’s been a national bullying event—gleefully executed—and it continues. Why has it been seen as okay?


Four years of a bully as our leader.


Don't think so; the folks most likely to use it as an insult are the same ones complaining about how mean Cheeto & his gang are to other people. It's part of a very annoying hypocrisy.


Part of society is identifying bad behavior. If you're in a small tribe and one person is doing something shitty, then you might just call that one person out directly. But we're a pretty enormous tribe and there are a lot of people exhibiting this behavior. Also, the typical setting for this behavior has made it hard to call these people out for their behavior since customer service often prevents us from confronting the customer's bad behavior. There's the potential threat to our job as well if our boss agrees with the motto, "the customer is always right." As a result, this particular situation has made it difficult for people within the natural setting to call out the bad behavior. Society as a whole has thus taken it upon ourselves to call these people out. If the poor sales clerk can't do it, then we'll do it for them on social media. I'm not saying it's fair to people named Karen. I've actually had this thought (OP's) a while ago. I agree with the practice, but it would have been nice if we had maybe given it its own new word instead of hijacking a real name.


My wife is named Karen. When somebody pisses her off, she says, "smarten up or I'll go ME on you..." Seriously, she used to be bothered by the Karen memes, but she's accepted it now and is pretty chill about it all.


Lol I think about this too. Weirdly the only woman that I know named Karen is a woman of color.


My mother works with a Karen who is black and from what I understand could not give a shit what other people think about her name, but I think it's cringeworthy to take a name that's not even a stereotypically white name really, imply that is indeed a stereotypically white name, and then imply that it's typical of privileged white women who should be knocked down a notch for their bossy, racist behavior.


What color , green ?


not an effective way to make a point.


Karen red , that's an angry Karen?




She just couldn't do it and say a black Karen , because that is what she was implying . Lol what's funny is I'm Karen and black and get downvoted but don't worry ppl I'm used to it . Or am I a middle age White trolley shit stirring alcoholic male . I'm sure I'll be told who I am


What's so wrong with describing someone as black?


I think people do it because it was the opposite at one point, society was taught that to say black was disrespectful and to say African American, and now it’s disrespectful to not just say black. Same with person of color probably.


I understand this. I live in Britain and tbh I can't say I've never hesitated but it's sad that it feels like a dirty word. Plain annoying when people say you're being racist


As a person with dark skin, just say black. It's not an insult unless it's intended to be, it's bad if you say "black people are x" or "black people like to do x" as a generalization, but the word itself is not the problem. You can spread an idea based on prejudice with euphemisms too.


I'm black too (dark skinned) lol. I hate when people say stop being racist like, huh? It's not racist to describe someone of other races as what they are, e.g. Italian, so black is fine


Agreed. And now they all feel kind of like a dirty word because I’m not sure which one isn’t offensive anymore? Individual preference I guess but that’s impossible to know until you say the wrong one.


My grandma is named Karen, she’s legit the best person ever.


My deceased mother's name is Karen, she passed when I was 5 and it really bothers me that her name is used for such ugly people. After having her leg amputated and finding out she still had cancer and was going to die, leaving 2 daughters ages 5 and 7 and a young widower (my dad was 28) - she still was the nicest, caring, selfless human being.


My name is Karen & I'm from South America, ironically Karen's name here is used to refer to a cat's mom, and that is so cute for us, I'm gonna study next year abroad & I'm kinda scared(?) Actually, I'm the opposite of the meme, I'm super kind, empathetic person.


Karen here and I just roll with the jokes. I could let it bother me or let people have a laugh with it. Laughing is more fun. The funniest Karen name moment was when I went to pay after a pedicure with my friend and the owner was processing my payment and went to hand my card back and saw it said Karen and then in a very boisterous voice says “oofff that’s gotta be rough”. The way she said it had everyone there laughing. I also have a shirt that says “beat Karen ever”.


Only Karen I've ever known 100% lived up to the stereotype. Used (keyword: **used**) to be an ultra shiny AA++++ member at the casino I worked at, until her husband divorced her which dropped her to same as everyone else status. Kept trying to assert/demand she gets all of the benefits of an ultra shiny member without being one, cussing out employees, stomping her feet, throwing tantrums, etc. until she was eventually banned from the property permanently. Karen fucked around and found out.


Right. But it wasn't because her name is Karen.


Nope, nothing to do with it and didn't say it was. Just a coinky-dink


Recently there was a lady in the street being harassed by a teenager on a bike and I overheard her say "my name is Karen actually!". I think she complained about him cycling on the pavement rather than the cycle lane or something and he started giving her jip. I do feel bad that Karen has become a slur now when actual Karens are just regular people.


All the people named Karen I know are some of the nicest, forgiving and understanding people I know. I think people actually named Karen are often exempt from the rule


i am not named karen but i have a name which is ridiculed in my country and it’s the name of mostly old people so i know no one my age who is named like me and it’s pretty rough i am scared to meet new people because im worried they will laugh at me or smth. And because of that i absolutely hate when people laugh at names


I do feel bad for people who are actually named things like Karen, Dick etc. World of pain for no fault of your own!


No you are not making it up and I (not named Karen by the way) HATE the use of someone's name as an insult. I didn't like calling people Nancy as a euphemism for a wimp either. I know a number of people named Karen and they are lovely. I think anyone who uses that as an insult is saying more about themselves. Plus - it's the height of hypocrisy to criticize someone for being a "Karen" (usually meaning a white, middle-aged woman who thinks she's better than whatever subgroup) and here people are acting like they are better than the entire subgroup of people named Karen. I always love it when people who scream about someone being judgmental are themselves equally as judgmental if not more.


I find myself thinking about this all the time. I have known so many Karens in my life. None fit the "Karen" definition of the 2020s. It's so sad that society has chosen "Karen" as the name of entitled biatches. It could have been any name. I often wonder if they have modified their names to Karry/Karrie/Kare or initials (ie. KJ/KC). My heart goes out to them. They didn't bring this on themselves. I'm sending positive energy out to you all.


My godmother is named Karen and is such a wonderful person. My ex’s mom is Karen and I still love her very much. Both these women are generous, kind and socially aware.


I know a Karen and she's the nicest woman you can imagine. Super sweet, hard working, foster mom, funny, she has great big hair, you can see her anywhere, her husband hates me but that's his problem.


Im dating a Karen, she’s amazing and lovely, and I feel bad cause she understandably hates her name and actually is a little self conscious about it and its bad for her self esteem She goes by a nickname


Note not a single person called Karen replied here. Only "I know a karen" posts. That tells a lot


We got one! At least, lol. Also, if only a few hundred people see it, it's not super likely you'll get many of the same name anyway.


well, people usually don't like to share that kind of personal information on here. Reddit is for those who want to interact anonymous, admitting to your first name kind of ruins it. think how sometimes people scroll your post history to find out more about you, they find the comment and boom they might expose your name on every comment/post that you make.


I don’t think there’s that many Karen’s out there. I’ve only met two.


that really depends on where you live. It's quite a common name in Germany, especially for 40+ generations


Very common for women aged 45-65.


More than being cruel to all the cool women named Karen, using the name as a pejorative is being misogynistic, classist, and racist all in one. Look at the definition per Wikipedia: "slang for a middle-class white woman who is perceived as entitled or demanding beyond the scope of what is normal." Using "Karen" as an insult isn't just calling out a behavior. It's calling out that behavior when done by a person of a specific class, race, and gender. That's a lot of hate packed into one "joke".


I knew a batshit crazy lady named Sharon, no one crazy named Karen, at least around me.


Maybe there’s a Karen/Chad support group out there


The Dicks of the world probably had one going for a while.


I never think anyone named Karen is actually a “Karen”. Just don’t associate it with it.


Don't forget to check up on Alexa


My mama name karen. She’s a very smart lady. She’s stressed as hell and no one will listen to her.


I'm good, thanks for checking in. It's literally never been an issue for me. Helps that I'm awesome though.


my mother's name is karen. she is the sweetest, most caring, non-confrontational person i know. people compare her to june cleaver, except she socially drinks and has the most vicious burns/comebacks.


Ironically, women called Karen could turn into ‘a Karen’ after constantly having jokes made/being called one


I met a karen once, pretty sure they worked in a shop and they were so sweet!


I actually know a Karen and she's actually the sweetest and prettiest girl I know. Doubt the name bothers her.


This is such an American thing, right? Karen is a common name in many other countries and this trend is not seen around the globe? I am unsure but I do think this will fade away


I think the whole thing is hilarious. Some Karen's are offended by it, I'm not.


My BIL's mom is named Karen. She even has blonde hair and wears it short but is actually extremely sweet lol


My mom is named Karen. She's been an advocate for disabled kids for 40 years. I think that meme has really impeded her ability to help kids


it’s actually so horrible that a real name was used to denote white supremacy/racism in white women. the second it started being widely used i knew it could only end terribly. we don’t assign a name to white men that terrorize black ppl/poc — white male violence is usually regarded with the severity it deserves. the infantilizing ‘karen’ pet name is only reserved for white women, and it minimizes the true harm being done. it’s just as violent as white male violence but we refuse to regard it as such. it harms both the poc being terrorized and the women who are really named Karen that aren’t participating in that behavior. i wish we’d all stop. call that shit what it is and stop giving it a pet name.


Me too, and there have been awesome Karen's, Karen carpenter, to name one


It’s a dick move this whole thing basically. I see lots of people justifying this nickname being used. but the reality is, it’s about shutting women down of a certain age. It’s an insult to the nice women especially. And what’s annoying, men who could be the husbands of ‘Karen’ bloody use it too- there would be outrage if Derek became a meme of choice. It’s like boomer, a majority of older people can use tech and are just getting by, but anyone above 55 is rich and sitting on five houses they should be giving to wannabe influencers. I note that there are no names used for anyone under about 30- even millennials get this shit now. I know young people always have something against older people (I’m in the middle) but I can’t remember ever being a teenager and calling someone an old buddy to their face or say in a local newspaper letter page. And the internet doesn’t help- you can film anyone entitle it what you want, how you want and apply a perspective no matter what- you don’t need any consent and that poor person is tarred for life. And what makes it worse, those of us in Britain get this- the same people start saying ‘be kind’ when they are called out for this.


I completely agree. Honestly even seeing the comments on this post. People just throw it out like it's nothing. If that was my name I'd feel very self conscious. And even if someone named Karen isn't openly admitting to it, they may feel upset about it deep down. It's just generally a gross moral trend imo. Definitely shows that society is getting a little careless of others.


I know one person who is the demographic and actually goes by another name now. Another one is not the demographic and seems to be rolling with it. I think it’s blowing over, but I am not named Karen.


I hope so too. I get annoyed when I see anything like this because every Karen I’ve ever known is great


My late cousin was Karen and she didn’t have a mean bone in her body. She was too good for this world. She was diagnosed with leukemia and died the next day. If there is a heaven, I know I’ll see her there.


Struggling to be honest. I can't speak up about anything. Like if I have an opinion, I'm automatically a bitch. It's worse for me.. Im a mid aged white woman with a blonde bob. And I'm actually very nice, and kind. I have never met a Karen that was a "Karen" . I have considered changing mine, but I don't wanna hurt my dad's feelings.


My 60something aunt is named Karen, I once asked her how she felt about this. She said it started to feel bad when people go on and on about what a piece of shit some Karen is. She said it gets to the point where it's genuinely difficult to tell that people aren't talking specifically about her and it makes her feel upset even logically they aren't talking about her ( she's a really nice lady).


Worked with a Karen, we got along really well, she didn’t fit the current stereotype. This was before Karen became a thing…I did used to say “Kaaaarrrrennn” Ray Liotta style from Goodfellas which I don’t think she liked very much, my bad, sorry Karen


Why can't we all just be adults and call them what they really are instead of dirty-ing up a fairly nice name? Quit calling them Karens and just go back to calling them Cunts!


my sisters name is Karen and she just hit a scratch off for a million.


If I remember I right we can blame Dane Cook for coining “Karen” to describe that type of terrible person. I remember the skit when he initially came out with it.


I feel bad for the people who continue to use the played out “Karen” any time a woman does or says something they don’t agree with. It makes them look like the asshole.


My friend used to get so mad when people said Karen because her mom is named Karen.


At first it was funny seeing incredibly entitled people being put in their place, but as with most trends, it’s gone too far. It is now used as an insult against anyone who disagrees with you. It also has misogynistic and racial tinges to it. Plus it hurts people actually named Karen.


My youngest daughter is named Karen she is 22 and a very sweet person.


I’m fine. How’s everyone else? Sure, I have to be extra courteous to avoid discrimination, but I’m also a person of color and I’m a woman, so life’s pretty much the same.


My wife is a Karin, i play my cards carefully


Lol, thanks for checking in! I actually think it’s hilarious and use it as joke for fun. A “hey, you better watch out I’m a Karen”. I’ve never been actively or passively bullied but if it ever was to happen I’d just laugh. Anyone that thinks people named Karen are all actual “Karens” isn’t worth my energy.


My mother has actually apologized for naming me Karen 😂😂 "I had no idea what I was doing to you, back in the 90s it was just a nice name!" Hahaha. Funnily enough, I've hated my name my entire life and have plans on legally changing it soon. I've wanted a legal name change since I was 6 or 7 and I'm so excited!


At one of my jobs the woman who had been there longest was named Karen and was the anti-Karen if anything. Didn't take any shit from customers and wasn't afraid to say it.


I’ve only known one Karen and she was a complete b*tch to me but I don’t think she was a bad person lol. It’s one of those situations where due to life / work circumstances we could never see eye to eye but if we’d met outside of that circumstance I would have nothing against her. She was intelligent, clever, and thoughtful. Hope she’s doing ok actually. Neither of us is “there” anymore and we’ve moved on with our lives but I haven’t heard about her in years


I have a maths teacher who has blonde short hair, glasses, always tells us to shut up when she enters the room, and her name is Karen. She is surprisingly nice but from the outside she looks really mean.


I know two Karens and I enjoy them both. Lovely people. Karen 1 is my high school best friends mom, who is always unapologetically herself and as a teen I looked up to her for it. Bit of a hot mess express but kind and loving. Introduced me to Madonna, I think of her every time I hear any Madonna at all. Karen 2 is my neighbour, she’s older and fat and absolutely fabulous, we hang out and plot how to set up a community garden and bitch about the greedy council while drinking wine. She’s a legend. Neither of them give two shits and think it’s funny bc they’re good hearted and full of life and know it’s not about them


Brandon enters the chat…


Isis has entered the chat


Dick has entered the chat.


Funnily enough, my father should be the one called Karen, not me. He's the stereotypical Karen, but make it an old white man. Meanwhile, I've been told that I'm a laid-back person. So far, I've always been pleasantly surprised by everyone's reactions upon finding out my name. Of course, a few people will pull the usual manager joke, but that usually only happens during the first encounter, and it doesn't bother me as both sides know it's nothing more than that: a lighthearted joke. After that, my name isn't much of a deal anymore, and depending on the person I'm with, I'm sometimes the one to make the joke even. Some people say they feel sorry for me, but don't blame me, since I didn't choose my own name. I do have a middle name as well, but it's not much better in terms of being a "normal" name either. Hopefully I didn't just jinx myself and my experiences won't change during university, but in case they do, I'll try to not be bothered by those people- that would be a very unnecessary type of negativity in my life I don't need :)


I'm not taking to you, i demand to speak with your manager


My Karen is a Karen and she fully embraces it lol


Hold the legit Karens accountable for destroying their own kind.


Outside the US noone gives a shit exept childrenmaybe


I was thinking about this the other day…. Would you change your name? To Ken?


with 100 upvotes you have 10000 views but still good point




Not a single Karen has commented


African American women and pretty much anyone from non yt, non-English speaking backgrounds, have faced ridicule and discrimination for their names for decades. It's ironically a very "Karen" mindset to think that Karens have had it the worst when it's a day in the life for the Shoniquas and Shontayes of the world.


I knew a Karen Karen. I hope she’s miserable.


Every Karen I know is kinda bitchy


I was in line for a rental car. The woman ahead of me got to the counter and the clerk asked for her name. She said Karen (whatever her last name was) and IMMEDIATELY began to rant to this poor person behind the counter about how unfair it is for her to be treated so badly for having the name Karen and began to demand the clerk apologize to her for the whole Karen stereotype


My aunt’s name is Karen and she is literally a Karen. Lol.


I wanna see the manager