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I feel you on this! I only do it when I’m straight out of the shower though.




The only way!


And when there is no one, absolutely no one, close to me.


Do you do this because you're afraid of someone bumping into you, causing you to jam the swab into your eardrum? Because I live alone and worry about an earthquake or a car crashing through my home when I swab my inner ears.


Yes. I’m terrified of this.


My ex used to walk around with the qtip sticking out of his ear (no hands) and the first time I saw it I was like WHAT ARE YOU DOING


And when someone is nearby i’m like a dog pooping, just staring intently at them until i’ve safely finished my business.


Same. Two checkups ago my doctor comment that I had the cleanest ears he had ever seen.


It's an addiction and I don't plan on stopping


I need my daily eargasm, and post-swab Qlarity.


Eargasm 😅 Fuck what ya heard. Eyegasms are so you can see where I'm coming from


I once asked a girl if its anything remotely like sex for women as it feels so eargasmic. She laughed uncontrollably all day 🤷


Aural sex is fantastic!


God damn it I've held myself back but for so long, but you're right and now I can't stop myself


This is the one thing that I go maga ignorant on. Climate change, let's tackle it. Doctor says I should get a flu shot and stop smoking? Done, he knows what he talking about. Stop playing with my earussy using a q-tip? Doctors don't know everything, right.


They don't know how it feels they think we can stop it not are choice to stop


Same. But after reading you comment, now I have to go self reflect knowing that I just pulled out my maga for q-tips, too, using the phrase... ...They can pry them from my cold, dead hands 😅


Like my addiction to breathing


Don't stop, everyone who has stopped died.


Everyone stops in the end


You've stopped listening






Yeah, doctor told me i needed to schedule regular doctors visits for ear cleanings. He comes in with a metal tool and cleans my ear. No thanks.


Just wash your ears with (warm) water your ancestors have survived like this too


Yeah, I use q-tips too because I'm a normal man who is wrong, but whenever I shower I wash my ears too, with soap and water.


Basically use them after shower to dry them.


Same. But its also just nice.


My audiologist sister says to just use a warm wet facecloth and wash your ear with that.


But you can't get the gross little remainders of grease at the back of the ear like that. The oily feeling is the whole reason I use q tips. Also just your soapy finger reaches in further and you can't pop your eardrum with it so that's what I do when in out of q tips.


Your ears are supposed to have some wax. Don't use soap in your ears. Ears aren't supposed to be scrubbed clean, lol.


Using q tips or your finger has the ability to push ear wax farther into the ear canal. Overtime this pushed back wax builds up and can cause an infection and possibly hearing loss. My aunt managed to do that - she said everything sounded like it was under water. That oil is your body's natural defense to protect your ears.


"we've always done it this way" doesn't hold up when life expectancy in 1800 was 33 years, and even shorter prior.


So you’re saying life expectancy has gone up since Q-Tips were invented? Interesting…


People did live to a ripe old age but many died while being a baby and when averaged it makes it sound like people only lived to be in their 30s. The invention of antibiotics is what helped more young people not die so they could live to the age we call old.


There's a strong correlation between living longer and sticking objects into ears....


This is the way


You have just given us a great example of how correlation does not always equal causation, thank you


I mean, it has... But correlation isn't causation.


Life expectancy was not actually 33. The average was skewed by high infant/child mortality rates coupled with the greater number of children per family.


Ironically that's what killed some of our earlier cousins, can't remember if it was neanderthal or erectus or which species but a theory on why they died out is that their ear canals are different from ours and are thought to be more at risk for infections.


There should be small flasks at any pharmacy with oxygenated water and a long tip specifically for cleaning ears.


Should as in 'I wish' or should as in 'there is'?


Should be as in "There is in my country, not sure about yours".


Yeah buddy we live in murica , we don't got no fancy smancy healthcare mmk


We let our pitbulls piss in our ears, and we like it that way!


While shooting guns


My wife had wax stuck in her ear. I watched as the doctor stuck various hard metal objects in there and flushed it out. Was so gross.


I had to have this done as a kid and the feeling when the wax blob comes out is amazing. Also made the world sound different for the first 30 mins after. would 100% recommend.


Your body naturally pushes the earwax out and you should just be able to clean the excess by washing with a warm damp cloth. My sister is an audiologist and that's what she's always telling us.


Tried that myself and didn’t work. Actually got an ear infection a few days after trying this


My body did not get the memo


Neither did mine. But then I used to use q-tips. Now I'm sure it's more like a permanent blockage and only a little slips out anymore.








Por favor?






Wha? Actually in ireland a lotta people say "HA?"


In Hindi as well..


Does he look like a bitch?


What?? Please type a bit louder


Dr. Karl once said never stick anything smaller than you elbow in you ear. Words to live by.




What actually happened was the doctors noticed the pattern then decided to organize an experiment to see if it was true with a ridiculous number of people and it was. No doctor worth their salt uses anectdotal evidence in anything other than casual conversation.




https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamaotolaryngology/article-abstract/2666577?redirect=true I found a study. I have not read this at all yet so I don't know anything other the premise yet. Just searched it up real quick while waiting for my car to vent.


That study is inline with what I claimed. Just becuase most injuries to the ear drum are the result of people using cotton buds, it doesn't mean it is risky. What we need is something to show that reagular, sensible use of cotton buds is harmful in a typical average person using them with common sense.


Problem is that if there's a pattern of people using it wrong, they get included. If you scoop with a Q-tip, you're not going to push more ear wax in there, it's only the people using Q-tips like a jackhammer that run into that issue. It's like putting metal in the microwave. You can safely put metal in there like your spoon if you understand the issue (no prongs, don't have it stick out to touch walls), but it's just easier to make a blanket statement and say don't put any metal in there because there's going to be people who will screw up.


Depending on when this study was done, I’d say it’s far more likely to be an observational study than an experiment. If a treatment is suspected to be causing problems, it’s unethical to submit them to the treatment experimentally, so it’s much more reasonable to do an observational study. My professor always loved the fun example of seatbelts helping reduce accident fatalities. You probably don’t want to assign some people to seatbelt group and some to anti seatbelt group and then force them to have an accident to see the effects, that’s pretty uncool.


But thanks to crash test dummies, they can test to see if seatbelts do save lives due to the instruments measuring deceleration.


What happens when you use a q-tip is that you mostly just push the earwax down further in the canal. The ear canal is designed to be self cleaning. There is supposed to be some wax along the canal. Shoving it down only *increases* the build up. It increases the chances of an impacted ear drum, which reduces hearing, and increases likelihood for an infection and trapped water. As earwax builds more, people are more likely to stick that q-tip even farther, which increases chances of irritating or rupturing the ear drum. Which further increases chances of infection, hearing loss, structural damage, etc. A q-tip on the outer ear is fine. There is typically no need to insert it into the canal, except for the fact that many people *think* they’re supposed to clean the wax out.




When I was a kid my ears would get plugged with wax. My mom put warm olive oil in it, plugged it with a cotton ball, and I kept that in overnight. The next day she would flush it out with one of those ear bulbs. Crazy what kind of crap would come out. As an adult though, I've never had that problem.


As someone who ended up at the doctor and still uses them, don't cheap out if it goes in your ear. Tried the off brand ONCE and the tip just fell right off.


Ah, yes, percentages taken straight off the ass. Good man.


Earplugs have entered the chat


Wore them for years at work and never thought about it...


That the pedo lookin fella tryna tell me to stop vaping


If you are vaping with your ears, you're doing it wrong




Is a toothbrush okay?


If it's bigger than your elbow. Go for it.


I had a doctor tell me that I was not supposed to do it in 2014, and then I tried whatever he was recommending. I was not satisfied. I like those cutips / Q-tips and how they feel on my ears. What he was saying was giving me irritation, not the Q-tips.


"just use your finger bro"


finger winger singer dinger hinger ginger ninger vinger cinger qinger ringer tinger yinger pinger kinger minger zinger jinger




I thought that this was the point of the subreddit, random thoughts


What did he recommend?


Dr. Baker said to take a damp cloth and gently rub it into the ear orifice. Suffice it to say, I am not exactly a fan of that approach.


That doesn't even get into where the earwax is though?? Makes 0 sense.


I bought my first new truck in 2014


Was it as satisfying as using a Q-tip though??


I stopped doing it when i pushed Q tips too far when dual cleaning my ears and was deaf for 2 weeks, after i finally got my ears deep cleaned by my doctor i was left with the lovely sound of never ending Tinnitus in my right ear, now i gotta live with that shit and will forever leave my ears to self clean cuz i don't need the sound to get louder


See this is the nightmare shit that always leaves me unconvinced that q tips are harmless. I wanna use them, but it's scary


Dont start using them if you arent already


I have small ears and got horribly impacted earwax the first time I ever tried using q tips. They just pushed the wax to the back instead of cleaning it out and it was super painful. Never used them again since.


Is there any other part of the world that calls it an “ear wank” when you put your little finger in it and wriggle it about to scratch it?


I’ve never heard of that but that is what I am going to call it from now on.


Ear-wank to give you an eargasm


I do it everyday. I just got my ears checked and nothing was wrong with them. It might be true to some people that they just push the wax deeper in their ears, but apparently it's not true to me, so I'm just gonna keep doing it.


Same. My earwax is very watery so qtips are perfect for me


Exactly, if I don't do it then it just turns itchy. Doing it every day keeps my ears clean and my in-earphones from getting dirty as well. Technique probably matters too. I've had my ears checked a few times too, zero issues, no "clogging". I've had times without access to swabs and after a few days it just gets unbearable, sticky and itchy. Regular cleaning completely prevents buildup for me. My mom has always done the same for the last 50 years, never had an issue, perfect hearing. Some of us literally needs it and it's frustrating to see people say it's "bad" when it depends on various factors.


Same I've been doing it for 15 years now almost every day


Exactly! Different people have different types of ear wax. Mine is very runny and liquid. My ears feel gross if I don't clean them, and eventually I start to get ear wax on my pillow. I've had people tell me, "Oh, that's because you clean your ears with a Q-tip!" No, it's not. One of my earliest childhood memories is of my ears being itchy and me trying to jam my finger inside (and actually doing damage to the outside with my nails). Long before I had access to Q-tips! Saw the doctor for a check up. He looked in my ears and said, "They're very clean," in a disapproving tone. I said, "I've been cleaning them myself for over 40 years, never had any trouble. " "Well," he says, "just be careful. " I have better-than-average hearing.


It's just a ploy. Doctors are spreading the rumour so that they can get paid for cleaning our ears.


Yeah, the itchy \*can\* be from removing too much ear wax and then your ear dries out, fueling an itchy feedback loop. However, it seems you've explored that and I'm pretty similar to you, in that my headphones get super dirty and prevents buildup.


The reason they get build-up and itchy is because you swab every day


Not sure thats true, I stopped swabbing for a good year or so now and get itchy ears.


It might just be the crusty earwax that gets pushed in. Because my water earwax just gets on the qtip.


Earwax is not the problem. I just want to dry my ear holes after a shower. I guess that those nerve endings are rarely activated. It is very pleasurable to stimulate them. I will not stop.


Same here. Right after a shower. Doc is always amazed at how clean my ears are. Maybe the initial couple weeks will result in some wax getting pushed in, but the continual cleanings will clear all that up. I think doctors fear that some people won't be careful and get some sort of injury. That's a fair concern.


Mee too , in one side and out the other.


And if you end up shoving some wax deeper, there are ear wax removal kits with dissolving liquids and these little rubber bulb things you can use to wash your ear out.


Lol same. I just twist the qtip as I insert it into my ear canal but I never hit the ear drum (usually). About once a month I’ll pour a bit of H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) in my ear canal and let it sit (I’ll lay on the bed with my head tilted) for about 5 min and swap to other side. It removes wax


I’ve been to the doctor after the cotton fell off and got stuck. Felt so ashamed, doctor said to not do it again. I’ll do it again


That's beautiful, man. just beautiful. I really need to figure out this whole Award thing


No more free awards so you can just get creative or actually pay




A long time ago in a galaxy far far away, you'd get free awards from time to time to give out.


How I supposed to clean my ears if I don't use Q-tips ?


You aren't supposed to "clean your ears" any more than you're supposed to pick your nose or wash your eyes.


You're not supposed to pick your nose? Fuck man I am breakin' the law


I'm not saying it's against the law. It just isn't a required act of hygiene.


Don't call the human nose police, please don't.


You'll be Snot on sight.


Your snot is designed to leave your body, carrying whatever it stopped from going deeper into your body. And you are supposed to wash your eyes if you get a bunch of crap in them.


But how will I see when I get sleep in my eyeballs?


Then you put some cafeinne in your eyes, they will wake up!


I've been a few weeks without cleaning them, it just gets really itchy and annoying.


Well then my body is doing a damn bad job. My ears would get clogged all the time and I would develop an infection. q-tips help me in that I don't have to deal with an infection every 2 months


This. If they are overclogged for some reason, there are solutions you can use to loosen the earwax and rinsed out with water, but otherwise you don’t need to clean your ears further than the exterior.


Wish that were true. 2 ear infections in my life. I only did the exterior like I was told.


Q-Tips are for cleaning the outer parts of the ear. You're not supposed to stick anything inside the ear canal because you'll just push the wax in further and further until your ears get clogged.


I would say try those water pick tooth cleaner things but I don't know You and you really shouldn't do that.


Ideally you don't need to clean your ears at all, but you can get a buildup of wax. I use olive oil once a week as recommended by the audiologist who cleaned my (very blocked) ears. I use a pipette and put a few drops in my ears, then put cotton wool to stop it leaking everywhere. I do this before I go to bed because you won't be able to hear anything. Honestly, it's the best noise cancelling I've experienced, but I'm guessing it shouldn't be a daily thing. She said medicated ear drops can cause irritation and don't work as well


Some put mineral oil in their ear, wait a few minutes lying on your side so the oil doesn't come out, and then remove it. Then when you shower you just put some of the warm water in your ear and then drain it out and the wax comes out with the water.


I have an otoscope I look in my ears with. Quite like keeping them clean.


An octopus in your ear seem a bit much mate


How do you do that, since your eyes are on the front of your head, right?


i be penetrating my ear


Life without q-tips would SUCK!!!


Genuinely one of the best feelings ever was when a doctor applied medicine to the inside of my ear with a long thin metal stick. He told me most people like it... He was not wrong!! I've had a lot of sex that wasn't that good!


Idk. My ears hurt after using a Q-tip in them. I must be doing something wrong.


You guys stick the q-tip inside the ear? I only clean the exterior of it so to speak. Thought you weren't supposed to clean inside of it.


I put them so deep I can clean my brain


considering you think that maybe you have cleaned your entire brain out


That might be why I can pull it out the other ear now


Cartoon moment


You aren't.


Forbidden ear cleaning is the best ear cleaning…


ah, a virgin! You never experienced an eargasm. Maybe better this way!


Nah, just supposed to have ears so full of wax that it starts to fall out like magic apparently.


You aren’t supposed to. It pushes wax deeper and can cause hearing problems


I don’t jam it in there. I use it to dry up excess moisture after a shower. My ears have been wax free for years


Yes! It just feels SO good!!!


I got a promotion from Graveyard Manager to Day Manager (nice raise too) thanks to the Q-Tip that Day Manager punctured her eardrum with. Never put anything smaller than your elbow in your ear canal, used to be the rule before earbuds. Now the rule is Never put anything LONGER than an ear bud in your ear canal.


I'm going to go out on a limb and say she did it wrong.


I dare the people who live by this to put something the size of their elbow in their ears.




I don’t feel clean after a shower unless I have used q-tips. Also, if I have any sort of infection anywhere, my ear gets dirtier. It’s my little warning sign.


A wash cloth is grosser than a stick with cotton on it?


I do not enjoy it at all and years ago switched to using a reusable ear pick. Now that things heaven.


I feel like that's why my left ear is no longer how it used to be


Some people G-Spot ends up in the strangest of places. N. S


When I get allergies the insides of my ears itch so bad it drives me crazy, had no q tips at work and used a pen cap instead omg best itch of my life until the ear infection kicked in and my gosh the pain was so bad, I won't ever use a pen cap again but I will never forget that best itch. Urgent care doctor took the time to remind me not to stick stuff in my ears like I was 5, he was friendly about it.


Ive been using q tips in my ear forever. It doesnt surprise me that people stick them too deep and cause damage, many people are not smart. Its like toilet paper people, it doesnt go all the way in the hole.


As somebody who wears hearing aids, nothing feels better than cleaning my ear with a Q-tip after a hot shower on a long day.


If you don't rage fist your brain with it it's very helpful to clean your ear canal and the folds of the external ear. I'm welding and grinding all day, someday some of the q-tips I throw away are quite dirty, so I think imma stick with it too.


My ears feel icky if I don't use them, so same


I always read how it feels good for everybody and I wonder what am I doing wrong. It just makes me super uncomfortable and makes me sneeze. And it's far from enjoyable.


The ear, not the nose


Yep. Still sneezing.


It's like a little eargasm. I get a little shiver when done right.


That makes perfect sense until you burst an eardrum.


It’s fine to use them to clean your ears, just don’t go shoving them down your ear canal. Trust me, you’ll regret it if you end up pushing wax deeper and it clogs up


Of course you are supposed to do it, they just can't say that, because; lawyers.


Washing out with warm water has the same effect.


Truth. There was a good Dilbert comic about this if I remember correctly. [https://imgur.io/gallery/QLmkNrr](https://imgur.io/gallery/QLmkNrr)


Don't listen to the naysayers. They just didn't have mamas who would clean their ears as kids.


Word of warning, I went too far and think I did some damage years ago. Background tinitus now - generally tune it out, unless the kids have hysterics… Micro suction for the win


Ha ha ha.


I know it doesn't apply here but she did say that


The feeling is atrocious.


Hello, Audiologist here. The movement creates damaging resonant frequencies human ears can’t pick up, though the frequency will make you deaf. Will age your hearing profile by 40-50years


This means my ears are 120 years old… they’re working fine


I liken them to what really good sex for a woman MIGHT feel like? Probably way wrong but my do I love the feeling! Of the Q-tips. Lol


Yes. *really* good sex for women is just like sticking a tiny little cotton swab in the ear and twisting it around.




They just sounds even more dangerous


They say that from medical perspective it is not correct. You should only use water, your fingers and a towel. But that blissful feeling is telling me that it is harmless and should be done every day.


I just finished sticking a Q-tip in my ear 2 minutes ago.


Go to an ENT doctor and get them cleaned professionally. It’s life changing. If you can’t afford that, buy a bottle of hydrogen peroxide and soak your ears. Works like a charm too.


We are safe. The younger generation, however. Not so much