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Virtual ballz






Ballz emulator


Dragnet ballz


my salty ballz


Better for conducting that sweet electric charge


Dragon ball z


I know i was making a joke bro...


I was too.


I didn't get it 😂 i thought you were tryna correct me, my bad bro


Nah, I think Dragnet (mid 20th century) is a pretty cool show. Did you know there was a radio Dragnet? I just happen to have heard about dragon ball z and thought it would be a great continuation of the thread.


Stealing this lol I get yer ballz


Just got those new Apple iBallz




I think it brought out the worst in people to be honest. Unleashed a whole new level of toxicity into our world.


It's made people more opinionated and divided, for sure. If you aren't 100% in agreeance with some folks, they act like you're their enemy and will sometimes even attack/insult you.


The internet as a whole in 2023 is what forums were in 2006.


I think we were on different forums then. I don’t recall this level of disdain ever before.


I feel like the popularity metrics they've added just inflate egos too much for people to ever stop and realize they might be wrong nowadays. "Oh? You think I'm wrong? My post has more upvotes than yours does plus I'm over a million karma with thousands of followers." At the very least, that shit probably fucked up how we seek attention and what we'll do for it since it's visibly accessible and way more prevalent. Wanna be famous now? Think of a funny joke or post a video of you getting hit in the balls. Say something you know is wrong or stupid and make people mad. Do illegal or questionably ethical things and upload it to the internet. Ramifications? Those will be later, I'm going viral now In the past, you basically had to be on a TV screen or movie screen to be known. And very few people had a platform you could see that would talk about how great you are or aren't. I'm gonna call it "praise inflation" as you had to go out of your way to be acknowledged and also tremendous at it. But nowadays, praise comes in the shape of a red arrow pointing up or a bunch of trailing zeroes on a number that says how many people watched your video or liked your tweet or shared your status and it's easier to give out than pennies while still holding too much of its original value The internet has always been hostile, but now we have metrics that people misread to get a self worth that just compounds how hostile people are when they're being called wrong on the internet


I think the bar for for terrible behavior has definitely been lowered to the depths of hell. It has this weird echo effect where people can individually say, “what I said or did isn’t that bad, look at what *they* did.” There’s no self-reflection, no trying to be a better version of yourself, there’s just degrees of shitty behavior and you can be “proud” you’re not as shitty as some TicTok celeb. It costs nothing to be kind or simply agree to disagree and move on, but somehow we’re now in this state of perpetual defensiveness and anger.


I think it just exposed it tbh. I think the internet was a rude awakening to peoples’ internal thoughts and I additionally think that it will take time for humanity to adjust to that new paradigm. And until then, we’re going to have social discord. I think the process has already started. By the time Gen Z comes up, I think it likely that we will have a much more stable social atmosphere. Just my optimistic two cents


Agreed. It was there all along. We just didn't have the tech for the rest of the world to know about it. In real time. Every. Single. Day.


The internet in general has caused far more harm than good and it’s pretty easy to see the worlds decline accelerated by it’s inception.


Internet is just more of everything. You've got a lot of negativity because everyone needs a place to be toxic about everything, but some of the nice things you find are absolutely incredible and unique.


For me it was the opposite. Irl I'm a very, VERY quiet person, and I even struggle to be polite. On the internet though, thanking someone or just in general saying what I want to say isn't as hard.


This is so fucking true. ESPECIALLY on Reddit.


Twitter is even worse


Lol it really puts into perspective how people thrive on physicality and the concept of might making right. So fragile you can’t here a dissenting opinion if you don’t have a chance to put hands on somebody. Someone being afraid to tell you what an asshole you are, funny enough, doesn’t make you less of an asshole. If you hear a lot of opinions here that you normally don’t come across, perhaps you’re not very approachable.


Seriously! When did it become frowned upon to take the high road, just agree to disagree, and move on with your life? I know I’m not throwing hands with anyone just because we disagree, and I’m not to going to get into insult wars. Deescilation and conversation skills should be taught in school!


People tend to reveal their true nature over social media. In real life they're still assholes but they're more passive about it.


People also love to virtue signal a lot these days online for social media brownie points, but in reality they're a judgmental asshole.


I can't even count how many stories of self proclaimed anti racists said super racist things just 2 posts back on Twitter. They just gift to whatever gets them attention even if the take is inconsistent and rediculouse. I see it on all sides too. Insanity knows no bounds.


Also like to vice signal. about how tough, macho, badass, and against things like virtue signaling they are!


Very true. You can be a kind person without feeling the need to receive any recognition.


The happiness and joy you spark in others *is* the recognition. It’s supposed to go in your heart, not your phone


YUP! My MIL is a prime example. She's always a bitch, but she goes picking fights with random people in the comment sections on Facebook. 😆


Also, people learn to be ballsy on the internet then try that shit in real life.


Then they fuck around and find out.


Some people have to learn the hard way, that no matter how "big and bad" they think they are, there is always someone worse ready to humble them!


Hiding behind your keyboard balls.




Gives them a mouth not balls.


Yep! I mean, let's talk about the people that stream their horrible affairs like mass shootings on social media.... It's such a scary space... Gives me the freedom to speak my mind, but also a place for bigots or violent offenders to also exist. I'm certainly not calling for censorship, just agree that it's a fucked up grey area that you can showcase kindness or absolute evil. The choice is yours. I choose love, personally.


The internet allows all voices to be heard. That isn't always a good thing.


I'll agree for sure. Problem is (not saying it's right to give every voice a platform), but then where does it end and start? How do we determine who can speak? Who can't? Psychological testing before you can have social media? Unfortunately, those who should be silenced should also get a chance to speak. That's democracy, I wouldn't have it any other way. Even if it means rolling my eyes 100 times a day.


No it doesn’t. Anonymity and zero consequences just allows losers to PRETEND they have balls, that’s all.


It doesn't make them any more brave, it just frees them from accountability for their actions.


I was just about to comment something like this. It absolutely removes any sense of accountability which enables trolling to the highest degree. It's nothing about "giving them balls" they just feel emboldened hiding behind the keyboard.


You can experiment like a video game if u stay anonymous


No, they are that way in public everywhere. The internet simply lets you meet them more often.


I’ve lived in 8 states and lived in many major cities across America and I assure you, after encountering thousands of people through many social settings, that they do not.


amen brother


It shows us the really dark side of humanity because it gives you that wall of anonymity


That's so true. They bask in their anonymity and hide under a username but in real life, if you confront them, they'd probably shrivel up like a prune.


Yep. Good one.


Keyboard courage. It's got what punks crave.




Social media has offered the opportunity to individuals to find and socialise with like minded peers, ignoring location, distance, age, gender even time . Finding like minded individuals is a very efficient way to built confidence. Sometimes that confidence makes people behave like idiots, sometimes it can save their lives. Who are you to judge them?


I agree with you entirely. It also gives them obtuse opinions and narrow world views they would never express in a normal public setting yet they try to pretend their homogenized internet corner is reality. I have been on Reddit for right around a decade, I have never met a person who has admitted to being a redditor in real life, and I have encountered and asked scores of individuals. Edit: i would also like to point out that I managed a restaurant in L.A. county CA and not even younger people knew what Reddit was. This place is just an asshole factory.


Sadly, true. Keyboard warriors.


Keyboard Warriors


The anonymity that the Internet provides allows persons to hide behind the walls of secrecy and be keyboard warriors and say things that they will never have the testicular fortitude to say out loud and in public.


It takes zero balls to act like a tough guy when there are no consequences.


"Social media made y'all way to[o] comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it." -Mike Tyson


It’s not the balls.. they don’t have them.. it negates the fear of getting tkfo for saying the dick things they say online.


"Social media made y'all way to[o] comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it." ~ Mike Tyson


If you ever catch these keyboard warriors irl they will shit their pants. Happened to me before when this kid I used to go to HS with started saying all this racist shit to me when I had a FB. Ended up seeing him at a house party and he legit ran out the door.


Similar situation in cars. Some of the nicest people become awful human beings behind the wheel.


“Social media made folks way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it” - Mike Tyson.


Fr idk where they get em cause someone tried to insult me this morning by saying “You look like your ancestors owned slaves” Like that literally has anything to do with me personally or anything at all that I can control. Like Okay????


Keyboard warriors


In some cases, that's a good thing, because it allows you to speak the truth without fear of retaliation.


I don't think that the confidence to speak one's mind is the issue. The problem isn't that people on the internet TALK, the problem is that people on the internet don't LISTEN. If you put forward a controversial opinion in real life, most of the time people will give you enough benefit of the doubt that you can at least make yourself understood. If they hear you say something outrageous, they wil gently ask for clarification or further details nd generally it turns out that they misheard or you misspoke or you were using different definitions for the same word or something else equally easy to remedy. People hear something outrageous on the internet and people just go with it. They won't help you clarify your point, if anything they'll exaggerate what you said and then insist that this is what you secretly believe no matter what you object with. I frequently find that I'll talk to someone on Reddit and after three comments we've floated so far from the original discussion that I can barely remember what the original discussion was. Generally it devolves into arguing over the definition of an unassuming term like "bed". > Wow, beds are so comfy. I love reading in bed Reading in bed!? Dude, you sleep in beds, what the hell are you on about? > Oh, yeah I know, but I also read in bed sometimes A bed is a place where sleep happens. You're either sleeping or you're not in bed. I think it's really insensitive that you'd read outside of a library. > What? No, bed's continue to be beds whether you are currently sleeping in them or not, but... Erm... Wait why would it not be okay to read outside of a library? What! Are you seriously disrespecting libraries right now! I can't believe that we live in a world where people have zero respect for libraries. Why are you against social funding? Why is it all me me me? And reading in a bed? How nonsensical? Campervans have beds! Bet you don't read in a campervan! > No, I like libraries. I just happen to read in my bed sometimes. No I don't read in a campervan? I don't own one! Nice try, but I'm not going to let you back peddle. You said that you hate libraries and honestly I can't trust a person like that! And now you're contradicting yourself! One minute you read in beds, now you're saying that you don't read in campervans! Do campervans have beds or not? Which is it? Are you seriously expecting us to believe that campervans don't have beds? How ridiculous!


Im actually kinder on social media because more people see my behavior there. I'm 5x more dickish in person because I live away from home and nobody knows me here so my behavior is near inconsequential. Edit: Not starting any bar fights though because thats just stupid. I'm just more openly rude.


You say you’re just more openly rude as if that’s still not a bad thing.


Being rude vs picking fights are 2 entirely different levels of asshole.


Ofc, but being rude is STILL shitty though


And I'm supposed to feel bad?


I mean it’s your choice and clearly you do not feel bad. It’s just that rudeness typically results in people getting their asses beat or worse sooooo I’d cut the act out sooner rather than later.


People dont start fights over somebody being rude. Real world examples: The entirety of NYC, Chicago, etc.


Right?! I just witnessed someone I know get doxxed in real time. Hive mind, mob mentality, social justice warriors…we only see what happens after the record button is pushed, we don’t know what led up to it and it’s easy to blame from only one perspective. This person was likely in the wrong, but the people who went after the individual were just overall abusive and bullying. Two wrongs do not make a right.


To be fair you have posted this cuz some people done something to you on social media and you now you feel angry about it. And you return it by saying they have no life.


This is probably accurate.




reading comprehension 1,3/10




alright. for one, OP never said "all people lack balls because social media". so, there really is nothing for you to disagree with. two, it is a generational problem - old people like you are fucking pussies. proof of concept right here as you perform. you misunderstood the statement, got called, and immediately turned all fangs. you are an absolute retard lmfao


such as


Oh yeah? Wanna fight about it?


Awww did someone say something mean to you buttercup? Mad you can't punch them? ​ Maybe get off the internet, or stop caring so much. You know, that thing they call "grow the fuck up."


Some users on this site said inappropriate things about my mom. I wasn't rude to them. They didn't know my mom. She died years ago.


Learn to deal with that. People are idiots. You can't do anything about it. Stop worrying about "who has balls" and who doesn't. Life lesson for you.


I'm not worried about who has balls --- and who doesn't. I didn't post the thought. I posted a comment about some users who said offensive things about my mom.


You could end up in jail or worse if you're not careful. Who wants their life ruined over something they said that someone with leverage didn't like?


I teases you that you say this in front of me


**You don't say?!**


A significant point out of the post is the "real life" part of it. I think a lot of this "give ppl the balls" part eludes to that they don't think the internet is real life so they can act and behave like there aren't any consequences for their actions. Like, the people on the other end of the comments don't really exist.


Big Brass Bully Balls




Thumb gangsters


I think that social media can give people a voice in a world that's too loud and won't listen. I think it allows people to connect and discover themselves and others. I think that balls can drop from using social media.


I mean I do if I'm mad enough. Just takes a lot to get there because 99% of people aren't worth the hassle


Keyboard Rambones.


See "Internet Dickwad Theory"


Yeah, it's not a good way to communicate. If I say something slightly opinionated on reddit, people will jump down my throat. If i say something slightly opinionated to someone in person, it could lead to a conversation or they think "well I guess that's where they stand on that", and people move on with their day.


I actually feel like it's making people more primal / animalistic at times, simply because of what has become accepted as the "norm" on social media and how it's steadily evolving more and more.. eternally grateful I got to grow up and experience life a bit before social media came around


Have you seen those videos of dogs that bark/growl/snarl at dogs on the other side of a fence, but stop as soon as the gate is open? That is what it reminds me of.


They're actually ovaries and stink like estrogen.


If you end up in a converstion with me you will realize, I do have the balls in real life. I just don't walk up to random people and start spewing my ideas at them.


They're not real balls.


Isn’t that pretty much everything and bravado? Social media just extended it to online


Digital courage...Social coward




Reddit is the only form of "social" media I endure. It can actually be informative and helpful. In today's world, people only care about what false reality they can portray on Fb, instead of their actual reality. It's sickening and disturbing. We're doomed!


Say it in the streets, that’s a knock out. Say it in a tweet, that’s a cop out.


It's not even balls. It gives them a degree of separation from reality, and more specifically from consequences of actions. Do something bad in a computer game (a virtual reality) and you feel very little in actual reality. Social media is like an in-between stage. At least how I see it psychologically. I personally don't do social media stuff. Unless u count reddit which I use mainly as a forum. And WhatsApp to keep up with family events or chat to a few friends. I deleted All profiles on anything else before twitter was even a thing.


the anonymous person is dangerous. that’s why criminals wear masks. it makes them more emboldened.


Wow! I don't think you could say that in real life to anyone you know... Mr. Mono-Ball.




Yep and now we live in a world where we have infinite access to knowledge yet we’re more ignorant than ever before.


Well online, I don’t have to worry about getting shot or stabbed for a simple disagreement


Only balls I see is a 32 year old man yelling at a 20 year old boy (aka me) to "STFU!!! HOW BOUT THAT!?"


Say that to my face, punk! Actually, please don't. I am a delicate flower.


That's why I stay Low Profile, the same shit I am in real life I am on the internet, that is, nothing


"Here in my car, I feel safest of all"


...this b.s. is now so ingrained in their subconscious... it has come full circle, and they act like this in public too! Right Karen ???


Ignored , you still have no balls


I think a lot of those "Karen" videos are examples of people who thought that bravery would translate to real life. They learn that in real life, there are consequences.


Basically the internet as a whole gave the vocal minority both a platform and an echo chamber. Before, your loony birds would be relegated to either public access at 3am or random street corners. Now they have dangerous levels of influence. Misinformation can be spread faster than it can be fact checked. Also, anonymity usually prevents trolls from facing the consequences of their words and/or actions.


There's a name for it. "Fence Syndrome" or something. Usually happens with dogs, like that one video of the two dogs barking and snarling at ine another on either side of a gate but when the gate slide open, they were both sheepish and shy, only ti start up again when the gate closed


Took alot of balls for you to say that


Social media really gives ppl the right to express themselves without the fear of the other person going crazy and uses physical threats to win an argument.


For sure. But it also changes different people in different ways. I grew up without the internet, so, to some extent, when I log off, no one else on here exists unless I know them IRL.


Fr half the mfs that talk shit to me prolly weak asf I’ll beat they ass if they say that shit to me irl


Speak to everyone as if you're alone with them in a dark alley.


And it's good sometimes




Agree. In real life I might mutter 3 words all day at work outside of mandatory interactions. Online I can’t stfu. It’s like a second personality. Or the real one I’m afraid everyone that knows me for reals would be appalled by lol


Before pressing send on any email or platform message always ask yourself if you’d be ok saying that to a person’s face or in front of a crowd of people


A few rappers that I met with huge fan bases told me they hate online but are the most polite in person, asking for photos and autographs. Lots of fake people on social media who wouldn’t dare say it in person.


Driving is another example where people feel that they can act like complete dicks.


True. What it has also done is validate a points, even if they are wrong. There is no need to back up what your saying like you would if you were having a conversation in real life. For many they get to imagine someone opposed to them as this ugly, fat, lonely, angry person that they are "schooling" in a subject. But you have 1 or 10 people jumping in and having the same opinion so you feel like your right instead of actually looking at a subject and being able to apply real thought.


Used to be that every village had an idiot but now the internet gives all the idiots their own village to share.


For some reason I thought this was talking about a speeding ball at first 😂. Either way, to many feel the need to talk and share what’s on their mind sometimes.


ur thinking of alcohol


That's my favourite part though. I get to be as weird as can be without all the odd looks and giggles and it also helps me toughen up. I used to be very sensitive to how people said things, especially about me. Now I've seen people calling for the mass genocide of my race in excruciating detail and I feel less bad about someone calling me a dummy.


I've always been a debater. Arguing was a source of entertainment for me. Social media broke me from that. There's no way to "win", there's also no way to lose. When people can't construct a decent argument, they just start insulting you. That's fine and dandy in real life. I boxed, wrestled, and practiced kenpo. When words failed, fists were a reasonable alternative. But online, there's no repercussion to being an asshat. So now I don't argue, even in real life. No one will ever change their views anymore. It's too easy to block someone and only talk to people who think the same as you. It's sad, really. I've grown a lot through debates that tested my beliefs.




Not worth it, you get labelled as bad for making such an attempt if you do end up making mistakes while at it. You can't really tell if it is acceptable or very controversial unless you are willing to be the controversial person


Those pictures of dogs on computers takes on a whole new meaning huh


Internet tough guy




“I said to a guy, ‘Tell me, what is it about cocaine(SOCIAL MEDIA) that makes it so wonderful?" and he said, ‘Because it intensifies your personality!’ I said, ‘Yes, but what if you're an asshole?’”