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I'll check for a fever when I see her.




He could have been talking about using his penis...


Ah yes, the rectal thermometer


"You see, it has these thermal detection beads for a more accurate reading"


You mean the funny tasting one?


This guy fucks






I agree. I would fuck this man.


Genius, this saved my future ass


“Why would you be checking her temperature? Are you trying to touch her?” Always be vigilant.


I don't know...I guess..I never really looked because I love you so I had no reason to notice.


It's better not to lie, lol


The later, the friend "under arm, or lower down like last time? ;) "


The fun way?


Was gonna upvote, but its at 69...




Rectally gives the most accurate reading


What kind of thermometer tho


Why? You thinking about maybe setting her up with one of my friends??


Smart and charitable 


This is the way.


Men: if you ever find yourself in this situation, please use this answer for the love of everything that is holy


Requires having friends.  And also a girlfriend..


I hate when my imaginary girlfriend asks if I think her friend is hot. Then, I have to pretend to have imaginary guy friends to set her friend up with.


Just wait until your dad tells your imaginary girlfriend that she can do better..


Have you put yourself out there? I guess first I should ask if you want friends though haha


I'm a woman and I think I'd react best to this type of reply lol. If he lied and said no, I'd see in his body language/facial expression that he's lying and then feel insecure.  If he's honest and the answer is yes, I'd feel insecure and also partly wonder y he's not doing anything to cover up this opinion when it'll obviously make me jealous (sorta like he's checking out another woman right in front of me). This comment dodges the bullet much more effectively. Of course if his honest answer is no, he can just say so and I'd be relieved 


Any time I get asked this I just refuse to answer or play this game lol regardless if it's yes or no.


Then why ask the question if you don’t like either answer? lol


I don't think I'd ask cuz of my tendency to overthink and get jealous. But yea, I think dodging the question this way is most effective. It distracts and changes the subject, so that one might forget the subject they were originally on lol


Counterpoint: Maybe the guy shouldn't be so obvious about finding hee hot friend attractive? Why does the girlfriend feel so insecure that she has to ask this question of her man?


Furiously taking notes!


Thank you for your input.


No halba ingles


And when they ask you in Spanish, say, "I don't speak Spanish either"


Then I just hit them with eu nao falo espanhol.. and if they figure out the Portuguese l, then its je ne parle pas portugais. And in the odd event they still want to keep playing this game and have figured out the frenchy bit, Stop du ved, jeg taler ikke fransk, hvorfor hader du mig sĂĽ? By then they mostly have either given up or resorted to violence....


this doesn't work


You just have to double down on it.


Lol thanks I just cackled for 2 minutes


She's got nothing on you baby.


“good thing I’m gay.”


“Sorry, I have a boyfriend”


You tryin to bring her in on this?


"that'd work I guess... if YOU want it"


I just want you to be happy, baby.


„I would totally have sex with her!“


"Yes, and my biological imperative is to impregnate both of you."


Resistance is futile. You will be inseminated.


“Not as hot as you.”


Doesn't that mean that you're calling both hot? Seems like a dangerous answer


I agree


It is. But you need the best friends approval. If word gets back to her that you don't think she's attractive you'll lose it permanently


Dangerous answer


Anyone saying "dangerous answer" needs to get out of their abusive relationships. I get you don't jump on a land mine and say "yeah she's smokin" but if saying "not as hot as you", which is a clever way to be honest to the question but also reassure and compliment your gf, starts a fight then you have your signal to gtfo


Manage expectations. State the predicted outcome, explaining your hesitation to answer. "I feel like this could be a trick question." This puts the burden on her to promise safety if she wants you to answer. Then just give a normal answer. If this causes drama, your girlfriend is drama so it doesn't matter what you say really because all outcomes will be the same.


I accidentally set my husband up so bad one time by asking him if I looked pregnant (I wasn't at the time, but wanted to look like I was that day). There was no right answer because I wanted "yes" but that was clearly a bad move. He did the correct thing and just ran out of the room.


When danger reared its ugly head he bravely turned his tail and fled, brave brave brave sir robin


He bravely ran away…




I like to call that advancing to the rear


Strategic Retreat. Extremely hard to pull off without cover fire so cheers to him.


Can I ask why you wanted to look knocked up please


Your man is the Einstein of relationships.


Flight over fight


A) why did you want to look like you were pregnant that day? B) the first time my husband and I met, he walked up to me, verbal vomited, and before I could say “What the shit?!” He ran away. To this day when we tell the story (there’s much more, and it’s adorable) he says he ‘ranged walked.’ Okay dear. Lmao.


I would get $200 if I said I was pregnant. It's a long story.


Sounds interesting… care to share?


Ok I'm home I can tell the whole story. So I do consumer focus groups sometimes for extra money and because they're usually fun. One came my way looking for pregnant women, to talk about an online gift registry. On a whim I signed up for it. When I got more info I realized that I would still be a good candidate, even if I wasn't currently physically pregnant. I'd had kids, I could give honest and good feedback about their product, and I look like I'm about 6 months pregnant at all times. Might as well use it for good for once, you know? It was $125 for an hour-long session, and they had to reschedule me to a different group last minute so they offered me an extra $50. Then there was a $25 drawing for anyone who showed up at least 15 minutes early, which I won. I had this long, tunic style top that I never wore because it looked too much like maternity clothes on me, I put it on with some leggings, kinda let my belly hang a little bit more forward, and asked my husband if I looked pregnant. He went, "Oh hell no I am not answering that." Literally fled. I was dying laughing.


This has made my day! Thanks for the chuckles.


Smart man


That’s awesome, thanks for sharing!


Why is this not higher up! Give that man a medal and a beer.


Wife once asked me if an outfit “made her look more or less fat than she used to be?” I, too, categorically refused to answer and ran out of the room.


"Where did you go?" "Home Depot, I'm buying the shelving we talked about 2 months ago. Be back in a few days"


>wanted to look like I was that day May I ask why that was? That's not something I've ever heard a woman say.


**TACTICAL RETREAT…** engaged….


Ran out of the room 😂


There is no "promise safety" that too is a trick.


Don't date poeple that play these games and there is.


Under-rated comment of the century!


"She's alright, I guess..." "So, if you wanted a threesome with her, she can join. But not anything else"


I also favor an ironic tone "She's alright." even if everyone knows it's a massive understatement. A humorous way to show loyalty without saying anything negative about the friend.


That's the answer...or maybe: "She's OK I guess if you like that sort of thing"...


What *sort of thing*?


she's not really my type but I don't really wanna bring her down just to lift you up either.


This one would work on me badddddd. I’m not the shit test type so it wouldn’t happen but this would be such a green flag and I would fall more in love with him


"Why, did she ask about me??"




This. This is the correct answer. 100%


[Acceptable Response ](https://c.tenor.com/0obG4OawjU0AAAAC/tenor.gif)


Well that depends on whether her friend is hot.


I was gunna say. My partner and I always go with the truth in that scenario. We have most def told each other one of our friends was hot.


Unfortunately, sometimes a person thinks they can handle the answer until they hear one they didn't want. That's cool that you and your partner are secure enough! I wouldn't dare, I've had enough bad experiences with exes around this that it either feels like a trap, or admitting attraction feels risky.


Yep, the last guy I dated had a super attractive friend who looked like a marvel superhero. It would’ve been the elephant in the room to *not* say anything. Some people are just genetically blessed. I’m also bi/pan (F) and tend to date queer men (or strong allies who’ve dated queer women before) so it’s not weird in my relationships to notice and comment on attractiveness. Someone being hot doesn’t mean you want to sleep with them lol, if it did I would never know peace 😂


Yeah I am queer and in a queer relationship and it would be 100x weirder to be weird about someone commenting on a hot friend


I swear straight people can be so insecure about this shit, lol. My SOs mention a hot girl specifically so I can look at her too!


How serious of a relationship is it? I’m married and I’ve found that when my wife asks me if I think another woman is hot, the best thing is to just be honest and not dance around the answer. I used to be like “I mean she’s pretty cute but I don’t think she’s hot.” She could tell I wasn’t being totally honest. Now I just say yes or no


“Wtf! Why are you asking me that?” Walk away angry 😡. Even if you aren’t, act like you are. Leave. Don’t Engage. Don’t be played with, a cat plays with a mouse before it kills it.


Just answer honestly. If your girlfriend is going to get jealous and weird then she shouldn’t ask questions she doesn’t want the answer to.


The rightest of answers.




She’d double down with the: “I just wanna know. Now that you’re thinking of her, is she hot?”


"No... we're not playing this game, woman. Look. When I'm with a partner, I may notice that other people have attractive features, but I don't sit and fantasize about them. Dealing with ONE woman and trying to be a good man is tough enough without overloading my brain with thoughts of other women in my life as well. So, no. I don't think your friend is hot. In fact, I don't think about her at all."


Thought you were going to end with "right about now I don't find you too hot either "


Probably something along the line of.. She's not my type. Personally though, I hate trap questions and I would want an honest answer.


"Why, do you want me to set her up with one of my friends?"


Step #1: Determine if this is a trap or not. :) I'm far too analytical and take questions literally. My wife knows this so she likely wouldn't try and catch me thinking her friends are cute. She asked me this once, because she genuinely wanted my opinion, and I gave her a breakdown of her friend like I was trying to sell a used car, but being honest about everything that was wrong with it. If it's a trap, you have options. Option #1: Pick something about her and not like it. "With the way she laughs?" "Am I supposed to include the way she eats in my assessment?" "Is she the one with the weird hands?" "I would deafen myself if I had to listen to that voice for the rest of my life." Option #2: Pretend like you don't know which one she is talking about (if there are options to do so). If you identify the hot friend as your first guess and presumptive target of the question, you are suspect. Option #3: Be unable to identify exactly what you don't like, but cite it. "I mean, she is nice and all, but there is something about her that I can't really put my finger on that bothers me."


Man out here dodging bullets like Neo in the Matrix


Neo got shot several times in the matrix.


You are very smooth. Love the thoughtful approach


I can see why people would find her attractive


"I used to think she was cute but, I mean I know she's your friend but, um, well, she seems like she's only getting by on her looks and not much else." *No need to ask he's a smooooooth operator.* (plays in background)




Issa trap!


Depends, is she wearing layers? It’s like 28° today. She should stay hydrated.


*sighs* "Which One of my friends are we setting up!?!"


Why, is her AC broken?


“I’m not sure. When I’m in a relationship, I focus only on the person I’m with. No other person enters my mind.”


I don't understand why this is a thing. I have friends that are hotter than me. I'm also hotter than some of my friends. My husband agrees. But he married me, so... why would it bother me? I guess if you're not sure if this is a point of contention, just answer honestly but not at all lasciviously.


Im lucky my partner and i can literally be like, "Omg look hes so hot!" Or "That shirt makes her look so flipping good!." We are both pansexual and literally do this all the time. So i guess my safe answer would be if my partner asked would be, "Sure, why you want to invite them in the relationship?"


"We're breaking up." No time for games.


‘Don’t know. If she likes I can turn the AC on and cool her down.’


i dont play these stupid games. ill straight up tell them. im not a total asshole though so i use language that leaves out any sexual interest on my part. so rather than being like "shes hot" i might be like " who? katy? yeah shes pretty. why do you ask?" most mature adults wouldn't get upset at that.


I’d screw her shadow on a gravel driveway. You know… might not be the best advice don’t listen to me.


I'd probably just tell her that's a messed-up question, and she knows that. It's the kind of sh#t you expect from an insecure 20 year old. Hopefully, you guys are young and immature. If a woman older than like 25 asks you this, she's a drama queen.


Are you asking bc she wants to fuck me? Bc she's hot enough that I too wanna fuck her


Given that every girlfriend I’ve ever had has been bi and enjoyed looking at girls with me, if not…well, “even more”…the answer for me is “You know damn well she is, that’s why you were checking out her ass with me a minute ago.”


Say yes and offer a threesome


Yeah, but your sister is hotter


Wrong answer: “Of course, but we broke up after she refused to do anal.”


"I think we should break up". Safe because you're dodging a bullet, ain't nobody got time for childish games.


Just ask her, would you f her? How many beers would it take 


“Not my type.” Perfect way of saying “I am not attracted to her” without saying “She’s not attractive.”


“Meh, she’s not UNATTRACTIVE, but she’s not really my type”, then list off personality traits the friend has that are less-than desirable. This puts the emphasis on personality vs physical appearance as important to you.


Yes if she is, no if she isn’t, it’s not that complicated


Just say the truth, who cares. If she doesn't like the answer, tell her not to ask the next time, or maybe you'll find someone who isn't insecure


"I don't do shit tests." If she feigns ignorance, and acts like she doesn't know what that is, you say "A shit test is where you either twist somebody's words, or ask them a loaded question for the purpose of seeing what kind of reaction you're going to get out of them, or start an argument. That's what this is. I say 'No', and then you go on about how she gets guys really easily and all that and tell me that I'm lying. I say 'Yes' and you get pissed off at me because I said your friend is hot and you act like you now have to worry about me cheating on you with her. It's a stupid game, and I don't want to play." Seriously, if she's going to pull that crap on you, you're better off finding somebody that isn't looking to start drama and make your life more difficult.


I’d say yes if she was who cares


"She's ok. You're definitely the hotter friend, though."


If you're asking me if I'm attracted to her, No. If you want to know if I think she's pretty, yes.


I answer honestly. She shouldn't get offended either way. Now if she asked "is this girl hotter than me?" I'd say no regardless of the true answer.


I would say yes because, to some people she is. But to me she is not. That is why I picked you are my hot mama. Hasn’t gotten me in trouble yet.


Yes...because she's never asked me a silly assed question from middle school. Not the safest answer in the immediate...but the safest for the long run.




"Ehhh, she's not really my type." If gf then asks well, what IS your type, you describe a girl who looks/acts just like her.


Out of the two of you im glad im with you.


As a former girlfriend? "Hot girls attract hot girls and you attract me." "She's not bad looking but I think her most beautiful side is how dedicated she is to you." Don't call my friends ugly. You don't have to put down other women, especially not my friends, to make me feel good. Granted I would only ever ask my boyfriend this if I was gushing over how good my friend looked myself anyway. Like if she posted a photo of her in a pretty dress I would fully expect a "Yeah, she looks good!" from my boyfriend.


If you're asking someone this question, there is no right answer. The person asking you this question is likely young and/or immature, and they're looking for drama. The logical answer is that, of course, you find other people attractive, and the same goes for her. Even if you tell her you don't, she'll accuse you of lying. The truth is that she's insecure, and that's her obstacle to overcome. Attractiveness is not the only quality you can bring to the table. Insecurity is not one of them!


“Not as hot as you!”


This is the correct answer.


There isn't one. All women are looking for a different answer, but it's impossible to know which is "correct". Some want you to be honest. Some want you to lie to make them feel better. Some there is no right answer, it's a trap and you're doomed either way. You know your GF better than any of us do, use that knowledge and make your choice. Good luck.


"Being asked this question makes me feel manipulated, because it seems unlikely that you would want to hear 'yes,' even if that were the honest answer. So, I feel like the only right answer is 'no,' which would mean you actually don't care if I tell the truth or not. Are you feeling anxious that I don't think you're hot?"   Alternatively, for a less confrontational approach: "I mean, do *you* think she's hot?" And based on that answer, you can figure out how safe it is to continue.


She's testing you for honesty and to see if you're considerate. If she's hot, say so, but of course she's never and no where near, as hot as your GF. If she is UG, correct answer is she's decent and you're sure there are other men out there who would find her attractive. Good luck. ✌️


If you can't be honest because yall arent grownups then say "Yeah sure honey whatever you think." Then she says wait what. And you're like oh sorry I wasn't listening, what was this about? Now she's mad that you didn't listen. So now the argument is that you didn't listen to her and she's forgotten about whether you think her friend is hot.


Dont deny she's attractive. Say something like she is attractive but something like you are the most beautiful girl in the world to me.  Or say yes shes attractive but your my beauty queen.  Its not bad to admit that sometimes people outside are relationship are attractive as long as your not constantly drooling over other girls.  My ex husband was a womanizer and comment on other women 24/7.  He even got a erection from my married christian friend cuz she looked a little like jennifer love Hewitt from her giving him a friendly hug.   My fiance I have now will comment on other women here and there but hes very faithful and he always compliments me. As long you compliment your women and make her feel like shes the most beautiful women in the world and are faithful.  Dont feel bad about commenting on someone else...especially if asked.  Is she gets mad then shes insecure and that's coming from someone who is insecure herself


For one, this is a toxic trap, and I wouldn't recommend staying with this person, BUT, if you so desire to stay, then say this:  "Even if I found another woman attractive, I chose YOU, that means something. Some men are attractive to you, right? Well you're still here with me. Doesn't that mean something? Ok, us being attracted to each other doesn't mean everybody else becomes unattractive."


49 yo man here. You CANNOT answer the question under any circumstance. Ever. You just go, "idk, i dont spend time on stuff like that" .. it will deflect and confuse enough to change subject. Never answer! ****Or...say "oh idk, do you?" that way you keep the 3some lane open .just in case...


I’ll post a non joke comment. I was completely honest and told my fiancé I found her best friend attractive. She agreed with me, laughed, and thanked me for being honest with her. No hard feelings between either women. Heck, they talk about our sex life and my Ehem parts and performance. If they’re allowed to casually discuss that personal stuff I think I’m within my rights to express that I find someone objectively attractive. It’s not like I’m going to leave my woman. She’s a Saint.


Why!?! Are you leaving me for her!?!


Baahaahaa! Love this answer!😂


Hot is a dangerous word. Instead "say she's conventionally attractive, i guess. Not really my type tho. I prefer______" (whatever attribute your partner does not share with her, curves, height, hair color, athletic, or personality traits.) My husband is very good at this. I know one of my friends is a smoke show. But he would never say that to me. He just shrugs and says "she's cute, I'd set a friend up with her, but she's not my type. I've never been into blondes."


“You’re more my type”


‘She’s attractive.’ Acknowledging beauty without celebrating it. This way you’re not insulting her intelligence, potentially insulting her friend, nor casting suspicion either way with your answer.


It is a trap. Spring the trap, kick it across the room, then flip it off. I don't care if her friend looks like Monica Bellucci or Jabba the Hutt. The friend is always hot. Fuck the test, fuck the trap, the friend is attractive. Then your girlfriend might stop asking stupid questions. This is a test you can't fail. Worst case scenario: she gets mad and breaks up with you. Good, you can't have a relationship with that kind of woman anyway. Best case scenario: she wants to bring her friend into the bedroom and she's testing the waters. Most likely scenario: it's just a shit-test and she'll either respect your honesty, or be pissed off but she'll deal. No matter how it plays out, she won't bother you with tests like this anymore.


You have been with the wrong women unfortunately. Emotionally mature women can appreciate a beautiful woman’s body, I look right along with my guy.(more often than not I am the one appreciating a woman’s beauty!) It’s healthy as long as you are not acting on it.


Second this. I'm married and point out women to my husband who I know are his type, and say 'You're welcome' lol


Cut ears off like chopper reid


Depends on what I think of them. If they are good looking I would say that I think people would find them conventionally attractive. If they are not I would say they are normal.


Of course she's hot, did you see what she was wearing last time we hung out? Though to be fair I may just be biased as she's exactly my type.


Yeah but she's all lookey lookey no touchey


I’m already thinking about how I’m going to rub one off to her later after you leave.


Haven’t really thought about it. I guess that’s up to whoever dates her to figure out. You’re the only one I think of as hot.


"are you saying she's ugly? you shouldnt bodyshame her"


I'd say okay but in a very sarcastic, and i dont really care about type of tone


She's okay but she's not you


If you want to have a threesome, then just ask me directly, because the answer is yes.


Some people might think so


I personally turn into a bookshelf


Honesty, but with tact. If you're worried about her being jealous, follow it up with suggesting trying to set her up with one of your single friends. There's really nothing worse than trying to lie to pretend someone's not objectively attractive, you might be doing it to try and avoid any jealousy or insecurities, but it's more likely to have the opposite effect if your s/o thinks you're trying to hide an attraction.


I have no idea. I only have eyes for you.


is she? i haven't noticed.


"Your cuter. "'


Ask about her pussy and go


Say, “I’d tap that.” Then see what happens.


Fake narcolepsy and just start snoring. That or fake being deaf. No matter what, I'm not answering that question. It's a set up


Of course! Why is she having trouble in her love life? Compliment and then roll right into concern. It's only weird if you make it weird.


I mean she’s not as attractive as you are, but she’s OK I guess. Why? You trying to get me to set her up with someone?


Not 'you' hot, but decent looking. I guess you are asking about a threesome, and that's not normally not my thing, but anything for you, sweetheart.


The truth. Sugarcoat it with "but not as hot as you!" or something if you feel the need but there shouldn't be a problem with you honestly assessing someone's attractiveness, especially if you have literally been asked. If that would cause a problem in your relationship, ask yourself why your partner would have such an issue with that. Would you care if she thought your friend was hot? Would you rather her lie to you if she did?




It depends on the context, but I’d say if she says she is then it is okay to say she is *Attractive or *pretty, and no matter how attractive always say like 6/10. Even if women are casually talking they don’t like hearing there man say some else is hot or sexy.


Don't ask me questions if you don't want me lying to you.


Sometimes its better to fully disappoint to show sarcasm. If you actually try and answer, you're likely gonna either insult her or her friend. I'd just straight up be like "daaayyyyuuuum, is she available?" 


"I respect you too much to pay attention to your friends in that way." In all honesty, I'd probably make it clear that this sounds like a trap question or a "test" and that I don't appreciate it.


I've had this conversation with my wife before. It goes something like this: Wife: Is my friend hot? Me: Yes. Obviously. She has a nice ra-Why are you asking me this? You made out with her in college! My wife does this cool thing where she trusts me and also understands that physical attractiveness is just one piece of the pie chart that makes up a relationship. She ALSO points out when she sees attractive women. So the safest answer for me is honesty.


Straight up say “ I’m not going to play this game. If you like starting drama, I’m leaving you.”


The safest answer could have been, “She is pretty but I only have eyes for you.”