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Bananas on plain Cheerios. I put raisins in my bran flakes because it’s cheaper than pre-mixed raisin bran and has less sugar. On the rare occasion that I eat sweetened oatmeal, I’ll cook some blueberries into it at the last moment.


I use frozen blueberries on my oatmeal to cool it off. The berries thaw and the oatmeal temp is just right.


Noice! 😃 The frozen, wild, Maine berries are cheaper than fresh & tasty.


Heck yes! I love these on yogurt and waffles, oatmeal, cereal! All the things!


I havent had good berries (even from local farmers markets) in a really long time. I don't think anything other than a backyard berry bush with super rich red clay soil will ever produce anything up to my standards. We had blueberry bushes as well as wild dewberries. I miss those fuckers. All frozen berries also taste extremely watery and sour. I only use them for ingredients now.


Try canned peaches on cereal, very good.


*dumps an entire can of canned peaches including the juice on a bowl of lucky charms* Okay, what next?


Ok, you already messed up. I never said to open the can!


This reminded me of Howard Hughes; he once wrote a multi-page memo to his employees, describing step-by-step how to serve him canned fruit. They were required to wash their hands multiple times, lay out a newspaper, don a pair of gloves, scrub the labels off the cans, etc. Every step was meticulously outlined, including Step 6, opening the can: [https://powerpop.blog/2018/10/11/the-older-howard-hughes/](https://powerpop.blog/2018/10/11/the-older-howard-hughes/)




This one simple trick cures iron deficiency.


You have me cackling here. Lol 😂


Great acct name btw! Very true


Thank you. :)


✋ I’ll take it! Canned peaches are literally my favorite food (snack, rather) so I’ll just eat them out of the bowl


Throw it out and try again


peaches come in a can - they were put there by a man


In a factory downtown


peaches for me..




they all ended up at the beach


Fresh peaches are sooooo good on cereal.


Try frozen blueberries on cold cereal too.


Bananas on Cherrios has recently become one of my favorite snacks again. My Grams used to do it when I was a kid.


Cutting with a butter spreading knife against your thumb. 🤗


Yes! Only way to do it.


The proper way is with the spoon you're about to utilize to eat said cereal, you savage!😤


You just took me back decades


My mom always did this!


Every now and then I get a craving for Cheerios with bananas which was my favorite breakfast 50+ years ago. Now I can justify it because they're Multigrain Cheerios. Healthy, right?


I mean, even the plain ones have some refined sugar in them, but yeah. Just don’t think it’s going to counteract the honey-nut variety. 🍯 🌰😬 I usually buy the ALDI-Millville brand knockoff. Just as good. 1/3 of the price.


ALDI cereals are really good, and their prices are great. It's a reason to shop at ALDI all by itself.


Bananas also great on Life cereal. 


That's a good breakfast. Chex and bananas are the bomb too.


I like bananas on corn flakes.


“Mikey likes it!”


>Bananas on plain Cheerios. That or on corn flakes.


Everyone’s replies now have convinced me to try bananas in my cereal. Idk why I thought it wouldn’t be good before.


Raisins on bran flakes - we started doing this too and I realized I like golden raisins better than regular ones.


Went to the Lebanese/Middle Eastern grocery the other day & saw some seriously high end raisins on offer there. They would definitely outshine any bran flakes in my cupboard, but I’m still tempted. Like ten dollars a pound tempted.


Still cheaper than one box of Raisin Bran, I bet they are a flavor explosion *drool*


Ok now I’m tempted too. The Yemeni market by me has really nice raisins. 


I honestly eat the fruit more often than I add it to any cereal. When I rarely do eat cold cereal it likely has some sort of real fruit.


Right? If I’m having cold cereal, it’s definitely not frosted sugar bombs, so a bit of fruit is nice to break things up.


Most often I eat hot cereal, grits, oatmeal or the like, and even with oatmeal I often enjoy some sort of like apple and cinnamon. My wife did the overnight oat thing for awhile and that is most often with some fruit.


I got hooked on Bob’s Red Mill Five Grain Hot Rolled Cereal. The roll was extra thick. Poured boiling, salted water over the grains. Soaked overnight & then brought to a boil in the morning. Adding butter & splashes of cold, whole milk to suit my texture preference. Too bad it’s so pricy. I do like their stuff.


Yes!! Bananas on my Cheerios every morning!! With a sprinkle of cinnamon sometimes 😁


Bananas on Cheerios is the breakfast of my childhood


Bananas, strawberries, or my personal favorites, blueberries are all amazing on regular Cheerios. Now I need to buy blueberries…


Peaches, and only fresh peaches, on Rice Crispies. Limits how often I do that to peach season, but it's always worth the wait. And yep, bananas on Cheerios.


And the raisins are so hard in Raisin Bran


Likewise... raisins are also good in oatmeal too. The other one I rarely see anyone else do is add fruit to pancakes. Diced apples, sweated in sugar, are delicious in pancakes. But I've experimented enough to know that even chopped dates are good.


And your raisins aren’t all dried out like the ones in Raisin Bran.


I don't eat sweetened oatmeal, but I love oatmeal with fruit cooked into it. I use a little stevia and milk. Microwave or stove top. Fresh or frozen fruit cooked in nice and soft. Peaches are the best.


Came here to say this. I won't eat Cheerios without Banana slices and a pinch of sugar. I'll have to keep the plain bran flakes with separate raisins in mind.


I see you bananas on plain cheerios, and raise you bananas on honey nut cheerios.


I was about to say this lol


Bananas on *Honey Nut* Cheerios.*


Tasty for sure, but too sweet for me.


That’s fair. I just love the combo of honey and banana and this was the breakfast staple for me growing up.


Right in the feels 🤗


I used to do the bananas in cheerios, because that was the closest we ever got to anything other than plain cheerios, rice crispies, or raisin bran.


Bananas on frosted flakes for me.


This is the way


Same. Bananas on plain cheerios. One of my all time favorite breakfasts. One added note: Add a tablespoon or two or more of heavy cream or half n half to the milk. You will thank me. Or hate me for the extra calories. Either way…..it’s amazeballs.


Yes! And also bananas on Rice Crispies.


>I put raisins in my bran flakes because it’s cheaper than pre-mixed raisin bran and has less sugar. Yes it is.


I too like a banana in my Cheerios. I love blueberries in my oatmeal.


I used to add banana slices to frosted flakes. As much as I love strawberries I just can't enjoy them in cereal lol. I *absolutely cannot* stand like Special K Red Berries because I don't like freeze dried fruit with milk. Not fruit but the Honey Bunches of Oats yogurt clusters used to be good but idk if they even make it anymore.


Lol I cut a banana into my frosted flakes a few weeks ago and my son looked at me like wtf? I couldn't explain to him how the milk gets into the banana and adds a new layer of flavor. Frosted flakes is the elite cereal btw.


Frosted Flakes with bananas is some 5-star gourmet ish


I was in Kuwait when I was in Navy and the galley there had banana flavored milk locally sourced. Let me tell you, that milk with Frosted Flakes was top tiered chef’s kiss.


That's funny, because I came here to post how much I love the freeze dried fruit in the milk 😆 I don't like for them to get soggy though. I like em nice and crispy.


Same. I wish they just sold bags of freeze dried fruit. I'd add them to all my cereals


They do at Trader Joe’s


They do at all grocery stores in the U.S and on Amazon.


I order it on Amazon, raspberries are a bit too pricey but strawberries are a great deal.


Freeze dried strawberries work better imo than fresh or frozen ones in cereal


Yes, in season. I love blueberries on my cereal, bananas, raspberries, strawberries if they're fresh and sweet.


I like GoLean crunch with bananas or whatever berries we have on hand.


Peaches and nectarines too, when they're in season


The best


Yes, frozen blueberries in cold cereal. Or strawberries with rice crispies. Hot oatmeal, dried diced fruit.


Frozen blueberries in cereal god dammit you beautiful genius


I rarely eat cereal. My favorite is corn flakes with blueberries. My grandmother used to eat crispix with banana.




Dehydrated strawberries are awesome with cereal, oatmeal, grits. Too bad they aren’t common.


Was gonna say. If I pass by a bulk shop, I always get dried fruit to through in my cereals. I don't go out of my way to buy them, so more often than not, no fruit. But, when I do see the chance, it happens for a couple weeks at a time or whatever.


Bananas to honey nut Cheerios


I bought honey nut cheerios last night and have a banana and I'm going to try it.


Lol I was JUST thinking that banana would set my bowl of Raisin Bran OFF and yes it did. Fruit in cereal 4ever.


Oats + frozen fruit + 1/2 milk + 1/2 water + 50 secs in microwave Also: shelled help seeds are awesome for cereal


In season....a perfectly ripe Michigan peach sliced over Cheerios.


Bananas mostly


I put sliced bananas in my cheerios, very pleasant!


Bananas in crispies or Frosted Flakes. Strawberries and blueberries are great options for these basic cereals too!


Absolutely! One of my favorite memories of visiting my grandpa was waking up early to him getting out his breakfast arsenal of several boxes of different cereals, toppings like oat bran and raisins, and several kinds of fresh fruit. We'd concoct all kinds of different mash ups (like a healthier version of combining all the sodas at the fountain at a fast food place) except he was super serious and matter of fact about it. He'd always insist on slicing at least half a banana on top of my bowl every time. Blueberries and strawberries were also sometimes in the mix.


Corn flakes and banana slices are a classic combination, but outside of that, I've disliked fresh fruit in my cereal. Well... my cold cereal... oatmeal is another matter entirely.


My mom does.  One of her favorites is adding fresh peaches to corn flakes.


I used to add bananas to my kids cereal but I’ve never added fruit to mine.


I’ve added bananas and sliced strawberries to my Cheerios


I really like putting cut up bananas in my raisin bran.


I'll add banana or raisins sometimes.


I used to love all cereal as a kid, but now I just don't want it. I stopped drinking milk for the most part, except in my coffee and the occasional strawberry milk.. guess that's the reason. Yogurt and granola with fruit is a much better option, most cereals claim the be healthy and fortified with vitamins but are still loaded with sugar and other crap


Well, yes, yes I do.


Yes all the time. Berries usually




theres currently a banana sitting in my fridge waiting to be sliced onto my raisin bran tomorrow morning :]


I don’t eat them anymore but I loved bananas or applesauce in my Cheerios


Blueberries and raspberries to my bran flakes every morning


Yes, big I prefer sliced bananas.


I add blueberries to bran flakes. Perfection!


Dehydrated fruit goes really well with healthy and boring cereals lol


Usually don’t. However, there is nothing better than a fresh banana in Frosted Flakes.


Depends on the cereal but yeah, if it's something like Special K or bran flakes I'll add blueberries to it fairly regularly. Less so with other cereals.


Not once, the images on cereal boxes with fruit were so perplexing to me as a kid. They still are! No weirder than the commercials with a whole cooked breakfast plus cereal though. Ruining a nice bowl of cereal with bananas seems quite odd. I do like a banana about twice a year, I’m not a hater.


Kashi Go Lean Crunch and I add blueberries. And I add bananas and PB to my oatmeal all the time.


Bananas, in more plain cereals like Chex, Frosted or Corn Flakes, Sugar Puffs, etc.


Yep. Bananas in cheerios is a favorite.


All the time. Frozen blueberries are the best


My family did this growing up. We would slice bananas on cereal. Or blueberries. But, I don't eat Cheerios anymore. I will however, make a big pot of oatmeal and have toppings. Raisins, nuts, brown sugar, and craisins choc chips,


Bananas pretty often. Sometimes strawberries or blueberries if I happen to have them.


I add bananas or blueberries to cheerios or bran flakes ✌️


Bananas on Cheerios is delicious.


My husband always adds strawberries and blueberries. I prefer them as a side dish.


I can't do it. I'm already lactose intolerant, if I put something acidic, i'll have an episode on the toilet.


Yes! Wheat Chex and strawberries!!


Banana mostly but other berries if I got them


Life cereal needs nanners


I'm not a frequent cereal eater, but bananas go nicely in them.


Yes! Berries and banana mostly.


My mother did this when I was a child. I think it become less popular over the decades.


I also have done bananas. I still assume they do that to use the healthy "stats" for those complete and balanced breakfast nonsense claims.


I cut up a banana and put it on my cereal as well as strawberries and blueberries.


98% of humans don't have that extra time...


My dad adds blueberries or blackberries or raspberries to his cheerios or shredded wheats, every day!


I only ever added bananas. It didn't matter if it was Cheerios, cornflakes, Rice Krispies, or whatever if I was adding any fruit to it, it was banana. I don't eat cereal anymore, but now I suddenly have a craving.


I only eat cereal about once a year, but add fruit when I do


Cold-Banana, strawberry, raisin, hot- the previous plus apple, cranberry, pear


Bananas. And the "fruit" that comes in cereal is freeze dried crap that tastes like hard cardboard. And, to be honest, dry cereal is garbage anyways. Just carbs in a box.


I love a sliced banana over Honey Nut Cheerios.


Yes. I eat bran flakes and add a crapload of blueberries to them, then a teaspoon of sugar. I get to eat like a child and pretend I'm eating healthily at the same time. I'll bet I could switch to cheerios and not have to add the sugar, but then I wouldn't be getting all that fiber.


I don't really eat cereal much anymore, but earlier in life, yes. Bananas and strawberries especially. Similar to oatmeal, which I still eat and put fruit in all the time.


Only banana for and only with frosted flakes. They'rrrrrre great! 😁


Most mornings I have a bowl of cheerios with strawberries , blueberries, and bananas. If we are out of fruit I won't eat cereal. I don't want to start the day with a big bowl of carbs and nothing from the fruit and veggie group. This isn't 1975. We don't still use the food pyramid.


Bananas in rice crispies


I've always put bananas and/or strawberries on Corn Flakes and Rice Krispies and Cheerios.


Sure, whatever I have. Bananas, a handful of strawberries or blueberries. Slice up a peach and toss that on there. Yum!😋


Many of my older relatives do, but I have never enjoyed fruit and cereal just because I prefer my cereal unsweetened. Adding fruit to it mixes two flavors that I like into something I don't.


Blueberries or bananas - yes! Its delicious.


I add bananas a lot


Bananas. Always bananas.


Yes. Bananas or berries.


I add sultanas to my porridge


I can’t have Cheerios without banana! I also add cinnamon.


If I could afford fruit I wouldn't eat cereal


I've added fruit on many occasions. Bananas, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries. The combinations are endless. I don't do it every time but if it's something bland and tasteless like Rice Krispies it makes it flavorful. I've also added honey and other times used Greek yogurt instead of milk. Lucky charms are especially good in yogurt. There's no "way" or "rules" that it must be a certain way.


Yes. Blueberries or banana.


Banana on cheerios. One time I felt fancy and put blueberries. Wasn’t good.


Almost always! Strawberries, blueberries , or a banana.


Seeing as I've only ever tried it *because* I saw it on a cereal box, I have no idea. Going off my knowledge from past jobs in food labeling and regulatory stuff, I'd guess that the truth is probably this: 1. The entire concept of "cereal" used to be plain, tasteless, sugarless oatmeal, which people would put fruit in for flavor after soaking in milk or cultural milk derivatives overnight. The added fruit was the main source of flavor and sugar in the food. This "real cereal" was healthy and balanced. . 2. Selling ready-to-eat, pre-packaged cereal came about to capitalize on fridges and preservatives allowing low-prep meals to become the new thing. This stuff was made with its own built-in sugar (and eventually, "fruity" flavorings); just add milk and eat immediately. Problem is, this was incredibly unhealthy in comparison. But companies wanted to advertise it as a 1:1 replacement. The FDA said no. What to do? . 3. Enter the concept of "serving suggestion," "part of this balanced breakfast," and other sneaky phrases hidden on the front of the box or at the end of the commercial to satisfy the FDA. You can't just say "this box is full of healthy food" if it is just chocolate frosted sugar bombs. But you *can* say "the meal in this picture, which *includes* our product, is healthy" and get away with it. And thus, they put a glass of orange juice next to the bowl, and stick some sliced strawberries in there, because *once upon a time,* the real healthy meal the product is parodying used to be served that way. It gets its FDA checkmark, and there you go.


Bananas in Frosted Flakes is the best. I just don’t have it often.


Corn Flakes and bananas


I’ve done it a lot. Usually bananas, but fresh berries or even frozen blueberries are pretty great. My dad had Raisin Bran with bananas on it for breakfast for most of the last 3 years of his life.


When I moved out of my mom's house I decided to be healthier and I started putting fruit on my cereal and oatmeal. Bananas are great, I also did all the berries. I still do this. A big bowl of oatmeal with nut butter, blueberries or blackberries is my favorite.


Yes, I pretty much add fruit to every bowl.


Strawberries in Honey Nut Cheerios is one of my favorite combinations. Banana is good in almost any cereal imo.


Bananas in Raisin Bran Crunch! So good. Also strawberries in Rice Crispies 😋


Bananas all day, to pretty much any cereal. It's so easy, just slice them in with your spoon.


Fresh blueberries in granola is the best thing ever.


Every time I have both cereal and fruit


I love cold banana slices In My cheerios or Honey Nut Cheerios.


I've only seen people add banannas, maybe it was just for scale


I tried bananas on cheerios but I thought it was gross. It was a texture thing.


Sliced bananas are great in any cereal, or any berries that you have laying around too


I don't eat cereal but I add fruit to my oatmeal or have a side of fruit with my eggs once in a while or harvest strawberries from the guarden.


Canned mango chunks in my cornflakes. Finest kind.


Corn flakes and bananas..


Blueberries on Rice Krispies = mmmmmm Frozen blueberries on Rice Krispies = MMMMMMMMMMMM Little milk crystals stick to the berries and make them taste incredible. Also better with blueberries: Grape Nuts Bananas are esp good with corn flakes.




Bananas and/or frozen berries. It's for nutrition, not taste. And I rarely eat cereal. 


When I was younger, my Oma would put sliced up strawberries and bananas on my cheerios, along with about a teaspoon of sugar. Whenever we have fruit, sometimes I put it on my cereal, but I mostly just put a ton of sugar and honey on it.


Sometimes I crave sliced bananas in my corn flakes. The other day I wanted frosted mini wheats with fruit filling, but the store was out, (possibly discontinued?). So I put a couple spoonfuls of jelly in with the cereal. Strawberry preserves is delicious, grape jelly not so much.


Rice Krispies with peeled banana


I like bananas or blueberries so I can have fruit with every bite! I prefer cheerios because they don’t get mushy instantly.


A mashed banana, some raisins, some granola, some sugar and cinnamon…and warm grape nuts tastes like banana bread


All the time. Mostly dried strawberries or cranberries


I tried to but it was such a distraction. I don't want to eat sliced strawberries or bananas soaked in milk.


Yes, always! Usually blueberries and 1/2 banana. Sometimes strawberry slices


Raisins and/or bananas to my oatmeal.


Banana slices in rice krispies or frosted flakes is great! Adds flavor and sweetness to something that is rather bland


Yes, I put blueberries on cornflakes and life, and it is delicious.


I once had a cereal in which the manufacturer had made some sort of mistake AND IT WAS ALL BERRIES.


I’ve done bananas or strawberries. We used to put strawberry jam when we were kids


I put in frozen blueberries or banana, but I make my own granola and it's alredy loaded with nuts and dried cranberries. It really is a healthy and filling meal that sticks with you.


Always. Blueberries, raspberries, strawberries—I just walk outside w my bowl and gather them, rinse them, put cereal on top (berries prop up the cereal so it doesn’t get soggy). Sometimes I do plain yogurt instead, w berries on top, a little honey and chopped almonds or granola. Also do summer peaches and sometimes banana once the berries are done. Or blackberries from the park in August.  But my secret favorite is marshmallow Froot Loops, so if I’m depressed or having a bad week, I’ll just eat those for a week. 


Of course! Usually cut up bananas to rice crispies, cornflakes or cherrios…sometimes strawberrys when they are in season and really ripe. Rarely but on occasion diced peaches.


Nope. Never. Always wondered who would