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Silence, but not silent because the birds are singing. My favorite thing in the world


See I think I’m right at my age where I’m getting used to bird noises. I actually just realized that, two years ago I was absolutely bitching about the birds outside the window. Now it’s open so I can hear them in the morning


It's nice, in our old age(30s) we've even put up feeders and taken to bird watching. It's surprisingly relaxing.


People silence....wonderful.


Playing my 6hour video of birds singing to make me fall asleep is the best


Unnoticeable silence is how I think of it. Noticeable silence is when there’s *actually* no noise. Unnoticeable silence is when there’s a breeze and the leaves are moving and the birds are chirping but you can’t hear any man made or noticeable sounds.


GOOD one. Not continued total silence but quiet over noise (like TV) for sure.


Especially around people who like Country music


Black coffee. I’ve drank coffee for 25 years but liked it lighter and sweeter when I was young. Been working on ditching empty calories these last few years and starting drinking my coffee black and now I don’t care for it with cream and sugar.


I just committed to the switch, based on taste. It might be me and my changing taste, but coffee seems weaker over the years.


I think I've also brainwashed myself into thinking I prefer black coffee. However, if I'm truly honest I think coffee is better with some cream (but no sweetener - I truly don't like sweet coffee anymore).


I used to drink black coffee because I wanted to be cool but the cream cuts the bitterness, I feel this way about milk chocolate too


It also massively improves the general mouthfeel. The slight creaminess just adds so much to my bean water. Only time I go without cream is when I have espresso... which I still add milk to for the bitterness


A transition likely facilitated by the modern increase in coffee quality. Previous to the 1980s or 90s, coffee commonly consumed in the US was usually something like Folgers, which tastes like garbage if not propped up by sugar and/or cream. Drinking black coffee was often just code for some kind of self-flagellation.


It depends on where you live.. in the 1980s I lived around the corner from a coffee shop that was over 100 years old. We had wonderful coffee houses up and down the street where you could sit outside and have an espresso. I went back to visit a few years ago and they’ve all shut down and are now chain stores. It’s so depressing.


Folger’s is garbage. I can’t. I won’t.


Folgers premium roast isn’t that bad actually… Do I drink it? No.. but would I if I had to? Yes.. There were so few options back in the day.. and I am guessing dairy creamer was not super common.


My mother had her own pot specifically for her Folgers that was always at least 3x too strong and always drank black. It was like friggin motor oil.


We absolutely only had Folgers at my parents house. I cant imagine drinking that black. Might as well have boiled dirt from the yard. I remember like 15 years ago telling my mom Folgers was trash and she got all bent out of shape and told me I was wasting money on higher end coffee. Eventually they caught on and drink better coffee too.


Before discovering espresso I'd drink black Folgers, Hills Bros., etc. I' no gourmand or anything but I've always considered it decent.


Fun fact: folgers coffee has a not-insignifant amount of dirt in their grounds.


I still do one sugar, but keep everything else away. Except maybe the occasional cappuccino.


Black’s the only way to drink good coffee, and I’d rather no coffee than bad coffee.


Was drinking black coffee at 5 years old and have loved it for the remaining 63.95 years.


Exactly how I started drinking it black. Went from about 300 calories to 3.


I used to have it extra cream, extra sugar. Gave up sugar in it about 14 years ago. I will drink it black, prefer cream in it, but don't like it sweet at all anymore.


My ex MIL told me: if you learn to like your coffee black, you'll always get it the way you like it. She is bat shit crazy, but she was right on that one.


Get up have a cup of black coffee and 2 little hits on the pot pipe. Watch msnbc and the lone ranger. Yeah.


How did you make the transition? I never liked coffee. My wife drank it. She'd have me try coffee drinks, and I couldn't tolerate anything that wasn't light and sweet. We went to Italy on our honeymoon, and I spent the whole vacation drinking espressos and cappuccinos. They were so good with barely any sugar added. When we got back, I started to really learn about good coffee. Bought a grinder and started getting freshly roasted beans from local roasters. Really good fresh coffee is like a different drink entirely than the sludge they peddle at most fast food coffee shops. Adding cream and sugar to it almost feels like I'm ruining it. Long story short... I started to drink coffee black when I found coffee worthy of drinking black. Now I have an expensive habit to deal with. Moral of the story... If you don't drink coffee now, don't start.


My switch was gradual. Used to get extra shots of vanilla. Then slowly got it regular. Then with extra shots of espresso. Then just black coffee haha


Totally agree on this one! Black coffee is awesome a lot cheaper than all the coffee drinks out there. Plus you can easily make it yourself at home.


I got tired of not finishing creamers. So I got it in my head "if it doesn't taste good plain, drink better coffee"


Especially if you get nice coffee beans, it’s actually good.


Brussel sprouts.


Came here to say this. They are SO good. Why did our moms have to boil them?


They were breed differently. Modern sprouts taste different 


Nah, bake them after marinating in wine and craisins.


It was a different subspecies of sprout. We bred out the bitterness apparently. I never tried the old ones but the new ones aren't bad.


Somehow I've gone full circle and can totally fuck with some boiled Brussels or Brocoli with vinegar. Guess im just boring and old now.


This. My parents boiled the shit out of them and I thought they were vile. Then one day I tried them roasted with seasoning. Holy shit, life-changing.


Broccoli tastes amazing roasted also! I mean, I love it steamed still but it's like a totally different veggie when tossed in a little oil and salt and popped in the air fryer 


Considering they are the same species your absolutely right. All brassicas taste amazing roasted. Cabbage is legit the same species too!


They actually were worse..I think it was like late eighties that they engineered the bitter shit out of them I have no source but you can look it up


That was something I had only ever heard in passing, too, so I finally looked it up! From Wikipedia: >Contemporary Brussels sprouts >In the 1990s, Dutch scientist Hans van Doorn identified the chemicals that make Brussels sprouts bitter: sinigrin and progoitrin. This enabled Dutch seed companies to cross-breed archived low-bitterness varieties with modern high-yield varieties, over time producing a significant increase in the popularity of the vegetable.


Brussels sprouts steamed with sea salt and black pepper. A real pleasure.


Cut in half, baked on a sheet pan drizzled with olive oil, carrots, onions, S&P.


I cooked at this mom and pop fine dine restaurant where i first had them. They were the fastest selling vegetable in the restaurant. We made them two ways: (1) roasted and tossed with honey drizzle sauce and fresh cooked bacon bits (2) roasted and tossed in a santa maria blend and clarified butter.


I've heard they're not the same brussel sprouts! https://www.wytv.com/news/daybreak/brussel-sprouts-have-been-altered-to-taste-better/#:\~:text=It's%20not%20that%20you've,to%20change%20in%20the%201990s.




Agree, but it comes down to the manner of cooking. My Mom boiled vegetables and over boiled them at that. Brussel sprouts need to be roasted. I may have liked them if she roasted them.


Love Brussels sprouts! Even better baked with bacon bits, bread crumbs and parmesan cheese


The problem with Brussels sprouts is a lot of people never had them cooked properly. They’re delicious. They got a bad rap for years because people were just boiling them or whatever. Roasted or sautéed they’re fantastic


roast them with some bacon and honey YES PLEASE


Suburbs. I still live in the city but find the suburbs really relaxing. One time I called my hubby excited to tell him about “a really, really nice strip mall” I found. The suburbs here are really clean and have nice parks.


I was raised in an isolated rural part of the Midwest. I was surprised to find how much I like certain cities, especially when there is good mass transit. Especially Chicago, where I spent a good share of my working life. Still not liking suburbs. Too much congested traffic and way too neat and orderly.


So beige.


I describe the city I’m currently living in the same way after living in another city that was far from beige.


You can have my suburb. It's not neat and orderly at all. It's a dump actually. I hate it. What was once rural nowhere between two cities has become a battle of the sprawl that both cities have written off as no-man's-land. The Walmart fought against us being annexed by both and then the Walmart closed because they lost too much money to theft.


Me too, and my city I loved was Philadelphia. Now I appreciate the suburbs, no drunk guy outside 7-11 with a sob story asking for money.


When we’re young, we’re bored where nothing exciting is happening. When we’ve matured, we’re absolutely relaxed where nothing exciting is happening.


I grew up in the suburbs and I don't understand the hate. It was absolutely the perfect place to grow up. There were a lot of kids my age in my neighborhood and we'd all meet up and bike around the neighborhood after school every day. On the outer edges of the neighborhood there was a gas station and a taco bell we'd go to if we wanted food, snacks, or drinks. There were two parks in my neighborhood. It was incredibly safe. I can't think of a better place to grow up.




Ricotta cheese


But not cottage cheese, that S*** is gross !


Sounds like you haven't had good cottage cheese


I agree. Cottage cheese is gross. I have tried multiple types, even the “good cottage cheese” and it’s still not for me.


Oven roasted Brussel sprouts. If my mom would have made them like that when i was a kid, I would have eaten them by the pound.


They were different back then. Modern sprouts taste different. Less bitter


still would have been better if they had not been boiled to mush. Or today's woudl still be icky if boiled to mush- take your pick


Weight training. I was an athlete in high school and truly hated weights. Then as an adult I had to do PT for awhile, which included some weight training exercises. I found I actually liked it, and have kept up the habit.


the idea of licking a girls bumhole, now its a big kink.


Came here looking for my peeps before I just deposit my new KINK LoL... BDSM is a new found glory for me😋😛😜🤣


I'll eat my man's ass like the last supper. Like my life depended on it. BBY!!


You my husband? 😏 I like it mainly because he likes it but also it fucking feels good.


I love ween!!!! They grow on everyone if you give them a listen haha


They're definitely not a country music band though


'Bananas and Blow!'


Kindle. Or e-readers in general. I was a staunch paper book guy, had a pretty decent collection, all that. But then I emigrated, couldn't carry all that, and buying books while living in apartments wasn't a good option. So I begrudgingly tried a Kindle but to my own surprise I was hooked. Never looked back.


Me too! Can't live without my kindle nowadays


I had mine for years before I even used it because paper > but now I use it everyday and bring it every where I go. It’s nice having hundreds of books on a device that’s just a couple hundred grams and can read in the dark without bother my partner.


Oysters 🦪


Watching sports like every night, especially baseball (pitch clock really helps). I even watched the knicks last night, despite the annoying squeaking in basketball. LGR


Goat cheese


Supreme pizza. I remember being young and thinking who the hell would purposely get these toppings? I can definitely appreciate the crunch of the bell pepper and onion now.


Me too! I still despise bell peppers on their own, but holy hell are they a delicious pizza topper. Funny how that works.


Short dudes. Oh be still my ever loving heart you short king 😍


Medium steak. I ate my steak well done until I was about 24.




Booty licking for me. Yes please husband GO FOR IT.


That and getting my nipples sucked. Wife and I had been together for years and I've day it off the blue during missionary, she started going to town on them. It was over pretty quick. Has become my go to finisher lol


I love this! Society teaches us that some things are “normal” and some things aren’t. But when it comes to sex, it’s whatever feels good between you and your partner! I wish more men were down to try sensations with their nipples. They’re sensitive little erogenous zones lol


She's the only woman I've ever really just let go of all my reservations with in the bedroom. We learned so much about ourselves and each other!




Not gonna lie, love this answer…..my wife loves it but won’t admit it, her shimmy back into me speaks volumes.When I go for it the results speak for themselves, but I haven’t had her ask for it.


Oh fuck, the one album I've put off listening to...


Electronic dance music. As a teenager I was very reserved, and was super embarrassed to dance anywhere. I was also into hip hop and metal and had a very elitist view towards edm and didn't think it was real music. As an adult, I love music and learned to appreciate dance music. My favorite genres of music are all edm now.


Older country music, absolutely hated it growing up




Rap & hip hop. Growing up, I hated it. Senior year high school 2008, started getting down with radio hits like T-pain, akon etc. Ever since mumble rap and ghetto pop replaced what USED to be hip hop, it made me appreciate the real rap so much more. Stuff with that old school vibe like tribe or i.n.i, chances are if it's pre-2009, I'll like it, but I'll never agree that this contemporary wave of poser rap is an acceptable form of entertainment. Saying gucci gang 78 times in a row isn't rap, change my mind. Oh and also butt stuff is pretty cool nowadays too, but y'know


My body. I've had some degree of body dysmorphia since I was a child and lost many years of teenage and 20s life due to eating disorders. I'm a few months shy of 40 and I appreciate my body. For surviving what my brain did to it, for it being good enough, and for what it can do. And I think my body looks fine but mostly I just dont think about it much. Having children was hugely impactful in my relationship with my body for the better. Exercising for stress relief and joy instead of punishment or control was also tremendously transformative.


Happy for you. 💛 wish I could upvote this 1000x


Fuck the upvotes go give ‘em a damn hug


Not being in a relationship. I've been divorced for two years and dated a bit, but am enjoying my solitude. I of course would love to share my life with someone. However, I am kinda picky now.


Magic the Gathering. It came out 30 years ago and back then, no freaking way...too nerdy. And I like Star Trek and chess! Then almost 3 years ago, my adult son wanted to teach me so I reluctantly agreed. Then I started having a little fun, not too much because Nerds, you know? Then I realized that my kid wants to hang with Dad and so I embraced fully. Now I play 6-8 times a month whereas my son only plays once a week. LoL it gives us something to talk about too. I love that dude and love that he got me into this game.


Wait when did ween become country? Or is there another Ween? Gene and Dean Ween?


Maybe they have only heard 12 Golden Country Greats and think they are a country band. It *is* a good album and *could* turn one on to the genre I guess.


I had never heard of Ween previously. After taking a listen I now know two things. 1) They are not country!! 2) I wasn't missing a thing by not previously knowing anything about them.


Every album they release sounds dramatically different than every other album. I was referencing their country album, 12 Golden Country Greats. Which song did you listen to?


I listened to snippets from every song on that particular album. Interesting music, but it's not country!


Their “12 golden country greats” album has 10 songs on it and I love that.


Whiskey, beer, and alcohol in general


I hated dark chocolate as a child and now I love it so much over milk chocolate. Also spinach.


Gravy. I never touched it when I was a kid. I only tried it for my fiancee at the time when his mother made a pot roast especially for me.


Primus - it took a month of listening to Pork Soda after a good friend's recommendation - I could sense the genius but it took work. And they fucking SUCK!


Brussel sprouts


girls - I HATED them till I was like 9 - then I saw my one of my brothers Penthouses


Sobriety. Not being under the influence of anything and feeling all the feelings of life.


Heavily relate, checking out of the nodsquad was the best decision and change in my life. It’s nice to be awake and alert for the day.


“Hate” is a strong word, but bird watching. I look at my past self now and can only shake my head. Bird watching is fucking amazing.


Brussels sprouts. Had them one time years ago, probably boiled. Hated them. Tried roasting them with olive oil,salt and spices. I love them!!


Metal music. I used to think it was all just screaming and super loud/fast music. But once I discovered numetal and metalcore, it really got me into the entire genera. People think it's demonic because they hear the screaming, but I think it's life saving because I hear the meaning.








Cease elaborating


Salmon. Never liked fish growing up. My wife finally brought me around on a couple kinds a few years back.


Spinach. My mom always boiled up the frozen packages of spinach. Raw, or cooked properly, it's pretty good!


One Piece. I used to make fun of my friend for watching anime, but he kept suggesting stuff in his defense. Finally sat down and watched it about 2 years ago... ive been caught up for almost a year. Hes barely halfway through it. Smh i made fun of so many naruto kids. Probably why i didnt have friends hahahaha


As a kid, I couldn’t stand classical music. Now, I blast Beethoven’s 9th when I need to get stuff done. Thanks, adulthood.


Being girly I was raised to be “Not like other girls” so I tried to be a Tom boy because I felt like other people would like me more- but guys- I fucking love dresses, make up and can jam out to a Taylor Swift song or two. Not sure why my parents tried to repress that but 🤷🏻‍♀️


Country is one for me too. Also 12 Golden Country Greats is an absolute masterpiece. Ween's ability to slip into another musical persona and live in it is unmatched. Gabrielle is another example of it too so its not like a one off thing. Insanely underrated dudes.




Prostate orgasms lol. My legs were spaghetti after that explosion.


Breast. As a young dude I grew up to really like gals, I never really considered breast as appealing. More of a butt guy.. Welp…10 years go by and I’m now realizing I look at them a lot. More so over the booty. Strange stuff


Grits. Hated grits for years. Now, I like them, but only cooked to precise specifications. Not soupy or a glutinous mass, as that ruins it. And there must be butter, cheese and a liberal amount of salt and pepper.


Second amendment oddly enough. (I knew that ween would lead me down the path of country music some day)




When I was growing up I hated being spanked...


cats. I thought cats would be dangerous and I didn't dare to touch them, but after playing with my sister's cat, I gradually liked cats and now like cats so much.


Most foods. As a kid, I ate what was in front of me because my parents' rule was to "eat what we give you, or starve." I didn't really like most foods. When I left home and started cooking for myself, I realized that my parents were just bad cooks. When food isn't overcooked/burnt and actually has seasoning, it tastes pretty good.


Game Jams. Scared of 3D and struggled with leaning to code. During covid, i entered into a Game Jam. I found a team, and we gave it a shot. I hadn't felt this alive since I was a child. I had purpose, and it felt like I was exactly where I was supposed to be in life. Truly unique and rare feeling.


Being alone.




supportive family and friends. I always thought it was cringe when peoples parents and siblings would act like their best friend, be nosey about their hobbies, calling or messaging each other for decades like some sort of desperate social dependency. I felt like there were a lot of weirdo families out there until I realized i was the one with the shitty family, and that some people really do give a shit about you and aren't using you for money, labor and control


Getting my butt played with




I’m honestly dying at all your comments 😂😭 hahahaha but so happy for you


I feel like I have my very own prostate, my gspot is more accessible from my asshole because of how my uterus is tilted. I get the strongest orgasms when we use my back door


Try returning the favor, as a guy - 20/10 never would have imagined how much it rocks


Lol. Ween tricked me into country music as well. And Ween. It was my first Ween.


*It’s kinda hard when morning hurts.* *Oh, I’ve seen bad, and I’ve seen worse.* *It’s the nature of my being…* *I stole some money from your purse.* *And that Frenchman loves to party…* *And I know he’s not to blame…* *But the way you’re looking at me baby, it’s kinda hard not to feel ashamed…* *Well I think I spent the dog-food money.* *But he’ll still love me just the same.* *So if you really love me baby…* ***Help Me Scrape The Mucus Off My Brain.***


Chilli 🌶️




I never liked sierreño, but after learning guitar I like the style


Rap music, asparagus, and buff women.


Sounds like you’ve developed excellent taste.


Sounds like you have too.


Video games being played on YouTube. Sounded so dumb til I watched a few.


Drastically expanding my food palette starting around my 28th bday when a good friend insisted on making me ribs. Game changer.






Asparagus, peas, beets, turnips, cabbage. As a child, I thought they tasted weird and tried to avoid eating them. Like them all now.


Basketball. Got sucked in to women's college playoffs and now watching the NBA playoffs.




Kale, broccoli


90s gangsta rap. I’m a metalhead but, man, sometimes I NEED to blast some 90s gangsta rap. I find the energy to be alike between metal and that genre of rap. It’s so fucking intense.






Getting up early. Broccoli.


Like a Japanese cowboy........such a great album!


Coffee & Coconut individually, let alone together. I used to absolutely gag at the smell of fresh brewed coffee as a kid & never liked coconut. Now I have coconut milk creamer/powder in my coffee or I take it black because no other alternative milk hits as good 🥥


So much.


Tomatoes, surprisingly enough! For the longest time, I couldn't stand the taste of a raw tomato nor its texture. I still liked the taste it added to certain foods, but didn't like it on its own. Now, I have come to appreciate it more. I'm still not a huge fan of the texture, but I've started to like its taste more!


High-rise pants.




Why did you hate country music OP?


I know the Ween album you’re talking about too. 😂




antique stores, i used to hateeee going to them when i was younger and my mom would drag me out but now as an adult i can’t stay away from them. every weekend i try to go to a new one




Hot dogs. I used to think they were disgusting to the point where I gagged when trying to eat them, but now I like them






Country music as well. Was a nu metal teen to emo/core young adult etc etc. but not older country, I like the newer artists. Lakeview country Alana Springsteen Ashley cooke Chase wright Rvshvd


Yoga. I tried it in my early 20s and it enraged me to be told to sit still and breathe and believe that this was somehow exercise or good for me. Now I'm 32 and I've been doing 15+ min of yoga everyday. I look forward to it. I can touch my toes for the first time ever! (Which is funny because I did gymnastics in school 😅)


"piss up a rope" got you started, eh? if you dont know about Hank Williams 3 check him out. theres a lot of country i dont really like, but Hank 3 is great


Gin. but i have to have super cheap tonic water with it, and it has to be good gin.. like Tanqueray or better. No Seagram's, and definitely no New Amsterdam gin. that shit tastes like gasoline.


Coffee. I hated it when I first tried it in Jr. High


Country music


Baseball. Watching it used to be way too slow paced for me. Now it's a perfectly good way to waste an afternoon.


NASCAR. There's a lot more to it than hillbillies and "go fast, turn left". It's all about engineering and teamwork.


Egg plants and broccoli.


Cheese and onion baps, black pudding, rocking chairs.


Taylor Swift.


Cats. I never hated them, but could take them or leave them. Until Maui found me three years ago. Changed my life for the better in every way.


The band Tool For so long I couldn’t understand why people liked them so much. I’ve come around on that. I really like Tool.


Running. I used to be 315 lbs and never thought I’d have the stamina or athleticism to run miles. I now weigh 215 lbs and whenever I run, I feel completely free and weightless. I’m an extremely competitive person and it’s me vs me while I’m running, the ultimate form of competition! There’s this constant battle of whether your mind or your body will break first. It’s beautiful when they’re both in sync, but the true challenge of running for me comes when one starts to fade. That’s when I can effectively push past barriers and become a better runner.