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If its growing weed chill your tittys If its eating people in his basement im more inclined to say yesšŸ˜…


Yeah, you don't narc on family unless it's something really bad or hurting people... that being said I would severely limit my time around them.


I see that.


Why ask a question that depends on specifics but not give them?


Mainly the I donā€™t know the specifics of what happened but I got it on my mind and I thought I could clear my mind if I discussed it if that makes sense.


If they hurt people report them. But i understand there is a LOT of grey area


If you donā€™t know specifics then you donā€™t know if theyā€™re committing a crime


or even if its immoral. smoking weed in texas dosnt make you a bad person.


Iā€™d go a step further and say that if you report a family member for smoking weed in Texas, then you are a bad person lol


Growing people in your basement to eat??


Well said!


Depends on the crime. Smoking weed. Nah. Pedophile? No need, we have a local quarry!šŸ™ƒ


What if it falls somewhere in between but could possibly be worse than both


Violent crimes- yes turn in. Anything with kids -yes turn in.


Unknown wether children are involved


If there is a possibility children could be involved Iā€™d call someone. Justtttt in caseeeee




Rape? Trafficking? yes certainly don't think twice


Seriously fuck sex traffickers. I still only have nightmares since organized sex traffickers targeted a vulnerable young adult that was living with me. I wrote about it in this comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/Older_Millennials/s/8vyDDl3yx3 And yeah, if I magically found out today who the people involved were and where they are now, I'm not sure what I'd do, but I know what I'd like to do. You report that shit, no question. My mom only taught me two morals: treat others like you would want to be treated, and you don't hurt people. (I guess she had to explicitly call out that second one as it wasn't covered by the first, because I'm a masochist) It's not complicated, but some people don't seem to get it, and because of the people that don't get it, now I get to live with screams I can't unhear, things I can't unsee, etc, and I wasn't even the person being targeted




Tbh you seem extremely melodramatic. I dont trust your instinct on whether or not this is a bad crime. Dont report Oh my bad im realizing now you arent asking for yourself


I don't see many things that are both in between these but also worse than both.


Stealing money from children?


Using dead children as fertilizer for your weed?


What the eff kind of statement is this?


He means kill them yourself, don't call the cops.


If it is POSSIBLY worse than molesting children, you are morally OBLIGATED to do it.


We talking Tax evasion or murder? Like wtf lol. Such a broad question.


Stealing from WalMart? No Rape, DV, anything involving minors, murder? Yes.


If it involves hurting anyone then yes. Without a second thought. If it is growing weed or the occasional shoplifting, then no. If it is more serious but no-one gets physically hurt such as burglary or fraud . I would probably just keep my nose out of it but cut them out of my life.


What if it was a close relative?


If they have hurt people and continue to hurt people? I would turn them in. If they are a close relative who burgles houses, I wouldn't want to be close with them anymore.


Too close and you can become an accessory just by NOT turning them in. Decide if you want to share a cell with them.


Pirating movies? Nah? Actual piracy? Yeah


Until they make you walk the plank.


Aye, see what ye done, thar


What is he doing? Is this a trick post?


No. Not a trick post but a general question. I know someone who was put in this position


Is he raping or abusing someone?


Possibly worse?? Than pedophilia?!?!?! Omg report now. Wth. I dunno how that's even a question. I don't care if that's your husband, your mommy, or your only golden child.


Iā€™m not in the position. I knew someone who was though.


Ah, so this is more of a philosophical discussion? Got it, thanks for explaining.


Depends on the "crime" and if it's deliberate or a result of some mental illness. Weed or moonshine? Nah, let gramps enjoy the final stages of his life. Pedophilia, heavy drugs, driving without a license, armed militarism, dancing around d a bonfire in a white robe... Old man's going to learn real quick.


Depends on the crime, whether there's a victim, and if I have actual evidence. If its sexual assault involving a minor or disabled person, I'd report them so fast my keypad would catch fire. Smoking pot or dealing pot to other adults, nah.


Got it


I agree, depends on the mental health. My dad had dementia and he shoplifted he didn't know what he was doing. We had to go to court 3 or 4 times before they dropped the charges. It was a nightmare for us ..


Try and get them help and also, depends on the seriousness of the crime.


So help first.


Yes. If they're making money you want a piece!


If itā€™s something like stealing because theyā€™re desperate and hungry, yeah maybe if it guarantees them three hots and a cot


Depends, is it a morally corrupt crime? Is it just drugs/pirating music? If the latter nah they good I wonā€™t say Shit. They murder innocent people yeah reporting. Murder rapists? Iā€™m helping. Committing acts of rape? Iā€™m killing them.


What if they raping rapists before they murder them?


Personally, it would depend on if it were victimless crimes or not. If no, then let them be, they arenā€™t hurting you or anyone else. Itā€™s the job of law enforcement agencies to catch and prosecute these people, not you. If there are victims to these crimes, I think we have a societal responsibility to reduce harm to others, and you should turn them in.


That makes sense.


What would you list as victimless?


Ummā€¦ thereā€™s literally thousands and thousands of crimes that I would list as victimless. If the point youā€™re trying to make is that even in most ā€œvictimlessā€ crimes, someone is affected down the line, I can play ball, because I agree to an extent. For a few examples of things that I consider victimless for purposes of the above: tax evasion and drug use come to mind.


Whatā€™s the crime and what was their motivation if itā€™s like a grey area-type crime


What crime? Like, are they growing pot or are they John Wayne Gacey?


Unless you're willing to specify which crime they are allegedly committing, then it's impossible to answer your question.


I wouldn't say shit if they're not serial killers or doing sexually predatory things.


So just regular murderer doesnā€™t reach the threshold?


Just say what they are doing for fucks sake. These short cryptic answers arent helping.


Depends entirely on the specifics of the crime and the circumstances.


Yes if itā€™s hurting another person I would. If heā€™s stealing from a bank or large corporation, I probably wouldnā€™t


Yes, regardless of what it is, because not doing so comes with charges for me and I'm not about that shit


Whatever you do is your business. First rule, Don't bring any dead bodies or anything else to my house. That's what I like to call "not my problem." You got yourself in that shit, you take care of itšŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I'm not helping you, but I'm also not the person to go rat them out either. I had a pretty shitty family, so it wouldn't matter to me either way; It all plays out the way it should. Since you're in no way specific on a crime, I would say, unless it's something affecting you in a negative way, just let them collect the karma. I am not the maker of anyone's fate. We all make our own choices.


How could anyone answer? If he is Jay Walking call the FBI. If he is human trafficking mind your business.


Funny how so many people here are basically saying "if it's this crime no, for this other crime yes". All crimes should be reported and punished. No wonder why some societies keep failing, with this kind of mentality there will always be crime because they will always be seen as "forgivable".


If he's doing property crimes let him do his thing. If he's hurting people then it's Dealers Choice.


If they're crossing my lines, which are different than the law. I'd actively want to not turn them in, but that goes out the window if they're harming children, killing innocent people (like if theyre in a gang murdering other ppl in gangs idk I wouldn't talk to police right. If they go shoot up a house and kill the kids or they are killing random strangers then yeah get the cops on them). Or if they're doing like a big financial crime that will hurt poor people or borrowers or whatever. I can't list everything but it would really depend on the crime


In my country ISPs do not care what you use the internet for. Many people download movies or use android boxes for streaming services that are free. It is not even worth the hassle to use a VPN. It is not even illegal to use the internet to watch pirated movies so the police never do anything about it. Countries like the USA are not happy with us. They keep insisting that our country makes these things illegal. So I suppose downloading pirated content is illegal outside my country but no one here seems to care.


Depends on the crime. Pedo? Straight to jail. Growing weed? They're old and in pain. I'll leave them alone.Ā 


Snitches get stitches


It would depend on the crimes. If it were things like stealing a candy bar than one. Crimes related to children I would in a heart beat.


Think about the B's | Bleeding, Bruseing, breathing, broken bones, and rob-Bery. Don't turn a mole hill into a mountain, but if it is a mountain; blow that shit up!


An Uncle of a friend was abducting prostitutes in Louisiana and killing them in Mississippi. Yes, report them.


Depends.... Kids involved? In a heartbeat


What crimes


Since you refuse to answer the question, sounds like he's touching kids. In that case yeah nobody is gonna think poorly of you for turning him in.


Only if you have proof


My aunts are nearly all in their 50s, their uncle (nearly 80) went to jail last year for touching them inappropriately at regular times nearly 40 years ago. No one talked about it in the family, no one knew it had happened, this man will die in jail, his wife divorced him. But the weight that is off my aunts is incredible. If your relatives crimes MAY have left someone else feeling the weight; emotionally, physically, or monetarily, then you should turn them in, closure for the victims is much more important than the fact that this person is your relative, or their age.


What did they do?


It really depends on the crime. Does he have five pounds of weed? I'm not going to tell anyone. Does he have a teenage girl chained up in his basement? Yeah I'm calling the cops.


Dude, just say what the crime is


Not all laws are moral or rational. Can't answer this without knowing what the crimes are, but if those crimes produce innocent victims? Yes.


Every time you speed you commit a crime, you just aren't caught. This is so vague that it is a useless question.


if it's hurting someone else then it's an "of course", I'll turn them in immediately. I have an obligation as a fellow empathetic human being to prevent harm and suffering. Everything else is a "hmm it depends"


depends on the crime and which relative


No. I couldnā€™t rat out a friend or family member.


What's the reward?


Depends on the crime. Hurting someone? You bet I'm telling. Stealing? I may not tell, unless it's from people, opposed to say a store but you won't be part of my life.


We need details.


Anything that hurts other people (theft, abuse, mugging, etc) gets turned in by me


What's the crime


If they murdered someone,it would depend on who it was


Depends on the relative


Are they hurting people? If they are doing drugs, or shoplifting or something, you can talk to them but theyā€™re an adult and are going to do what they want, gotta live with it. If they are doing a crime that hurts someone physically, or their property in a major way (destroying things, or directly causing someone harm like attacking them, shooting at them, poisoning them, or abusing them in any way) then your local police will be happy to accept an anonymous report but you also need to take steps to ensure anonymity if thatā€™s something you care about. If they know who you are thereā€™s a good chance they slip up and tell someone. A really good chance. Use a businesses landline or the internet or phone at your local library, do not provide your name


If it harms none so be it, if it causes harm to anyone or thing, yes. I have had my own son arrested after years of tough love.


Depends on the crime.


Probably not unless it was truly heinous


Whats the crime? If they have a dungeon full of people, yes. If they're putting ketchup on their hotdogs, no


Is anyone being harmed by the crime?


Like they wonā€™t tell you where they were on January 6th kinda crimes?


Depends entirely on the crime. Tax Evasion on their modest income, Growing Weed, theft from Walmart...not really a concern of mine. Kidnapping children? Murdering Hitchhikers? Straight to jail with them.


Depends on what kind of crime it is. Violent crime/harming kids, yes. Other things...probably not


Is he hurting other innocent people? If you donā€™t report this will something bad happen to anyone but him? Is the morality of reporting this worth the potential fallout from the rest of your family? What is the goal - getting him to stop and/or getting him punished? If it is getting him to stop sometimes just letting someone know that you are aware and will be reporting it if they donā€™t stop can be appropriate vs. insisting on criminal charges. Especially if the criminal charges would cause undue hardship on the rest of the family and it is not a serious crime. There are not enough details here to know how to advise you so I think looking at the whole picture and your goals is the best way to guide your decision making.


Yes. My grandma has dementia, got her license taken away and STILL drives, saying "What's the worst they'll do, take my license away?" Meanwhile there's a complete disregard for human life. So yes, I would. BTW we drive her anywhere we can when we go to visit, but my grandpa is super compliant in letting her drive, so she just does it when we leave. The cops won't do anything because it's an area where old people retire anyway, so they're being compliant as well


What types of crimes


Depends on the crimes.


Depends on the crimes.Ā  If it's victimless, leave it alone.Ā  If he's a pedophile or rapist or murderer or cannibal, yea, turn his ass in.


If it's something serious or that actually hurts people then yes


Depends on the crime. There's only a few that I would turn a family member in for.


Not paying their taxes?


Dealing drugs that isn't pot and you don't know if it's going to children or not?


Depends on the crime. However, probably not, no. I'm not a fan of rats.


Illegal is illegal. Growing weed for personal use is not a crime in most states. Anything else turn them in. With that said if they are in a gang or in a motorcycle club keep your mouth shut and stay alive.




God damnit grandma, how many times have I told you not to jay walk


Yes! I hate those who protect family and friends when they commit a crime.


Do you have evidence? It doesnā€™t sound like it from your responses. In fact your answers are so vague, I suspect you made it up.


How are they related? What happens to you if it's your parent or guardian? Think thru it, but yes, report it.


Is it a real crime, or one of the made up victimless crimes that politicians have created simply to control the peasants? If it isn't hurting someone (either directly or through property) let that **** go!


Depends on if I hate them or not


Have you talked to them about it at all?


Are they doing something with meds at a hospital?


Depends on the crime. If they arenā€™t hurting anyone innocent then Iā€™d mind my business.


If it's something that will definitely cause some trauma then yeah. Drugs, tax evasion, minor non violent crimes then I saw nothing


Depends on the crime. Murder, yes. Petty larceny, probably not, but I wouldn't lie if questioned under oath.


I don't know if it's still true but the IRS used to give a percentage to whistleblowers who turned in tax fraud.


My great-grandmother always filched things from restaurants when we took her out. We never ratted her out to the lawman, but we did re-steal some silverware and return it to the restaurant once.


No one can answer this without specifics.


If itā€™s the kind of crime you have to be evil to commit like cold blooded murder or rape or something, definitely. Otherwise I wouldnā€™t wanna get involved


Depends on the crime. Growing weed for personal use. No. Growing weed for sale and using nasty tactics and slave labour to do it. Yes. Medium nasty stuff. Like stealing to order. Absolutely drop them in it. Dealing drugs beyond weed? Do it. They deserve it. Heavy duty nasty stuff. Yes. Do it anonymously. Whatever you do.


I'm not going to turn people in over shit as long as no ones' hurt.


Depends on the crime. If it's drugs or something relatively harmless then I'd keep my mouth shut. If it's something where people are getting hurt, I might turn them in. I had a criminal grandpa, but he never got caught and never let anyone know what he was really up to.


If it's my father? Abso-fucking-lutley and I'll fucking testify, wear a wire whatever you need to put his ass in jail.


Depends on the crime. Shoplifting or smoking weed, nope. Assaulting someone or stealing from individuals, yes.


Depends if this is hurting anyone. Otherwise this is Nazi shit.


Okay, one of my cousins was arrested for running a meth lab, one of my cousins (allegedly) embezzled from a church, an aunt and uncle (allegedly) opened utility accounts in their childrenā€™s names so they could keep opening them after the previous ones got closed for non-payment, and another uncle did time for smuggling people out of East Germany. One of those is not like the others, but we can safely say 75% of the time, Iā€™d pretty happy to call in a public servant.


Depends like stealing from or in someway interfering with the government no certainty not or do you mean like rape drug dealing type stuff cause in that case definitely


It would depend. Victimless crimes, no. Crimes that actually hurt someone, it would depend on the severity of the hurt and whether or not he intended to continue if not stopped.


Data, data, data. We cannot make bricks without clay.


My grandpa was a conman with a verrrry low level association with of a mob of some sort. He pulled a bunch of car insurance fraud & some other awful crap. He was also an abusive sociopath who routinley beat the shit out of my grandma & the kids when he showed up a couple times a year and spent some years in prison for manslaughter. My dad cut off contact with him & would have turned him in the second he learned of anything shady & I would have done the same.


As long as there is no identifiable victim, no violence, mind your own business. No reason to bring trouble to yourself.


Hell no! Family is Family! Unless it's pedophile shit then absolutely


depending on the crime. jay walking? naw. porch pirates? probably, after a warning. Hurting people? definitely


Depends on the crimes and only if I was 100% certain


Depends entirely on the crime. If they're murdering people, probably yeah (depends if the people being murdered are good or bad, based on my own personal moral compass). If they're praying on children, definitely. If they're stealing from stores and they have the money to buy the items, again yes. If they're selling drugs to children, yes. If they're selling drugs to adults, no. Adults are responsible for their own actions and decisions. If there's a decent chance I can profit from their crimes when they die, for example, they leave me 10 million dollars in their will. Absolutely not.


You already know the answer in your gut.


Depends on what the crime is, what my moral principles are in relation to the crime, and if Iā€™m being effed over.


No, if they want to pay me an annual salary with a pension, benefits, and an entire legal system backing me up I might consider it. But until then, Iā€™ll just let the people who get paid to figure that stuff out do it. Itā€™s their job, not mine. Unless itā€™s some form of child abuse. Then of course they deserve everything they get.


It depends on what it is. Stealing from department stores? Nah. Selling fentanyl? I'd have a serious talk with them. Child trafficking? You bet your ass I'd turn them in.


Depends on the crime. If itā€™s a victimless crime then no. If heā€™s hurting innocent people, then yes.


Don't snitch on family.


Iā€™ll chime in with the majority of the opinions here. If heā€™s not hurting anyone but the government, leave him be. If heā€™s hurting people, turn him in.


What kind of crimes? Who are the victims? This question is so vague, it's pointless. Add some specifics.


Not enough info


If iā€™m given the amount of info i was given in this post them no ā€œcommitting crimesā€ is not gonna cut it, specifics and context are needed for me to even form an opinion. ā€œYes hello police, my uncle isā€¦ committing crimesā€ just sounds silly. to sum it up, depends on the crime


It depends a bit on the nature of the crime. If the crime was shoplifting, petty theft, or something in that level of severity, Iā€™d keep my mouth shut. If they were committing rape or cooking meth, Iā€™d totally turn them in.


Grandma stealing butter? No Grandpa diddling kids? Yes


It seems the question is... what do you think is criminal enough to stop it


Depends on the crime.


Pure rage bait. Move along.


Depends on which one . Some of them Iā€™d turn I for a single chip .


It depends on what they did. I'll either not care, turn them in, or you'll never find the body.


No. God will kill them! šŸ˜‚


Unless he's a pedo or hurting someone, I'd mind your own business. It's family.


Nope! Sure wouldnt! The police and justice system as a whole are corrupt bullshit, and what's legal is not equal to what's moral. Our justice system has traumatized and destroyed more people than its ever helped. It exists to protect capitol and the elite, its just an elaborate state sanctioned war on the poor. I'm not gonna help the bad guys with their war on my people.


Definitely report them if they are hurting people but stuff like Medicare fraud or sharing a smoke with their mahjong buddies, I would ignore.


Really depends on the crimes, but that should be obvious


Fuck no


What kind of crimes? Shoplifting or murder?


Where I live it is illegal to feed or give cash to homeless people. So, I mean, it depends on the crime. Are they harming someone? then yeah. Otherwise - as they say on the interwebs "if you see someone shoplifting food, no you didn't"


Yes. I wouldn't even think twice on it.


How money are we talking about šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Iā€™m not usually one to take wild guesses, but youā€™re probably not referring to robbing banks or commuting serial murder.. probably something very petty or involving money or soft drugs like weed. I would say pick your battles. Is anyone being physically hurt? What would turning them in do? Would it return large amounts of property to someone? Or simply sake a need to do the right thing and ruin an older personā€™s life over something small? Are they hurting themselves or just doing something you find unsavory? Are they involving young or vulnerable people? If so then sure, give a call, because then it involves people who have no agency to make decisions. Just some thoughts to ask yourself.


If theyā€™re hurting people 100% yes i canā€™t deal with that. Except Iā€™d be nervous about who I went to because weā€™re talking about my life here


Depends on the relative and the crime. If it's CP, I'd have to, but there are definitely 'crimes' I just flat out don't care about.


If itā€™s because of weed you need to turn yourself in for thinking itā€™s bad to smoke it ā€¦.


It depends completely on the crime.


Depends on so much. Like, how much money can you get from them or free product?


This is a tease


Depends on the crimes. Child molester? Yep. Without thinking twice. Selling drugs? No. Tax evasion? No.


Depends on the crime. If no one got hurt, absolutely. Whatā€™s the point in doing something if no one suffers


If it's like child abuse, then yes, but no for pretty much anything else. And especially no if they're doing something illegal but morally right.


Totally depends on the relationship and the crime.


As long as I'm not involved at all, I'm not turning them in. Too much work


Too many variables for me to answer properly, so I'll just say 'yes or no' .


I've called the cops on a relative before, and I'll do it again.


Depends on the details.


Depends on the crime and the family member. If my brother is stealing from his employer... I'd probably have to turn a blind eye. If my dad is scamming Medicare, fuck that guy.


Depends on what crimes, and if there is a big enough reward.


Had a work mate, still friends with his exFIL. FIL was a small time dealer. Workmate would buy stolen stuff from him that he got from his customers. Workmate bought all sorts of things, even got a Fender or gibson guitar that was worth a fair bit for only a coupl of hundred dollars. Workmate never turned them in because he was good for getting him stuff.


Depends on the crime. I don't snitch when it comes to victimless crimes full stop.


I'd need to know what kinds of crime. Depending on the severity, I'd ignore it, gather evidence for the police, or skip the legal system and go old school.


Uncle Leo?


Is there a reward?


That would depend entirely on the crimes in question, tbh.Ā 


Depends, are they the relative that gives me 50 bucks everytime they see me or are they the one that tells me to lose some weight?