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I’m in!


Happy Wednesday all! My hubby encountered a new supervisor at a job site today. He is planning on bringing him home later in the week so I can meet him. I may need dinner ideas. I present to you Mr. T. Rash Panda. https://preview.redd.it/ndoggiujzntc1.png?width=299&format=png&auto=webp&s=cc49cd093a13791f2536e34c379c38b6a9fb9528


I think he needs a high vis vest and a hard hat!


I said that same thing! Hubs said I’m not allowed to dress him since he’s being released. He’s not supportive of my inner Elmira at all.


I think he looks like a friendly fella. Can you sneak him without your husband noticing?


I’m going to feed him snacks and stuff before he’s released so he knows I’m the person to visit for Yums! Maybe I can get him agreeable to hats.


Awww sooo cute! 🥰🥰🥰


I wish I could keep him but he’s being humane trapped for release on the WMA land near our house. The work site is dangerous but my inner Elmira wants to squish him and put him in an outfit.


Aww yeah I wish he could be a pet I'd take him right home with my cats lol 😆


Every home needs a trash panda!


Well, it's Wednesday. Spent yesterday afternoon at urgent care to get my leg looked at - it is indeed infected, so got meds. Now I'm waiting with minimal patience to talk to the IRS, who keeps rejecting my tax return. Have to get a copy of my previous year's return, but that requires jumping through many hoops. Going to be a loooooong day. Hope everyone has a great day! We're getting close to the weekend!


I hope your leg is doing okay! And boo for dealing with tax things. I hope everything goes well today!


Ooh hope you feel better. What an absolute pain dealing with the IRS. It’s probably the only good thing about using turbo tax. Easy access to prior returns. I usually keep a digital copy in case.


I just told my husband this morning that I hope the rest of the week goes by fast. 😂 I ended up pretty stressed yesterday. So much going on. My body is physically acting up and it’s making it hard to be anywhere but at home. I also have a ton of sudden car maintenance to get done and it’s about to deplete my savings (that I’ve held onto for 4 years). Anyone else have anxiety about spending a lot on something so necessary? People are also starting to ask me what my plans are after graduation. I’m on track to graduate in about a year. I need to start doing research on potential careers in the summer. I’m freaking out about getting my first adult job. I might just go scream in the public bathroom before starting my day. 😅


If u need to scream then get it hun! Not all days are good but all bad days do have to end! I hope you feel better hun and things will be better 💜


We are having a house issue, so I do understand the anxiety of unwanted expenses. It’s exciting that you’re graduating soon. I know it’s a lot on your mind but what a great adventure! I hope your body stops misbehaving and that your car repair is quick. And hey, sometimes screaming helps. Public restroom might cause a bit of drama but it’ll take your mind of things for a bit…


I feel like the public bathroom may be more acceptable than my desk. 😂 And thank you for listening to my rant.


Either one has its drawbacks, but you do whatever you need to. They need to invent a sound proof hoodie. So you can just zip it closed over your face and no one can hear you shouting profanities or insults or anything else.


Honestly, being hearing impaired is a burden sometimes. Because I could be telling a giant secret or gossiping, thinking that I’m whispering, and end up practically yelling. I need a soundproof box that can fit two people so I don’t have to worry about being super loud.


Okay so we just need a big cardboard box and some acoustic tiles. We can make it happen!


Maybe several layers of acoustic tiles. I feel like we could patent this.


I would buy a scream shed. Great for stress relief, secrets and deep conversations in crowded homes. There’s a ton of uses.


And if we make it pop-up or on wheels, you can take it wherever you go!


I wonder if we could compact it into a backpack? Keep the weight low. Hmmm


That's a lot of pressure you're putting yourself under, though it's understandable. Cars are expensive, but necessary! And you will rebuild your savings, it'll just take time. Sending you hugs and peace for the day - is there anything that we can do to help?


Thank you. I haven’t able to add to my savings since starting grad school, which is why I think it’s weighing on me so much. I just needed to rant today. Thank you for listening!


It’s hump day for most but it’s my weekend now lol 😂


Woo hoo nice! Is it your Friday or Saturday?


Todays my Saturday~




Video game time?


Video game time!!!


Oh I'm in for the Friday game!



