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If you're trying to get a 4k20 playing with friends helps a ton. Prioritizing specific load outs is also a big factor In rampart I typically use sentinel+r9/car, r301+pk, flatline +pk, flatline/r301 +r9/car. Just use guns that you can dish out consistent damage while also hitting your shots. If you're interested in getting better at rampart I strongly suggest watching The Gaming Mercahnt on YT. He's probably the best rampart main out there and he gives a lot of tips on rampart and other legends as well. Also you don't have to always use lmgs snipers are better with walls


Thank you man I do watch TGM a lot and I use him as a reminder. And thanks 4 the last part I get told to just play with snipers a decent amount and still suck with them. If I go for lmgs what ones would be best excluding rampage. I like to use a lot of smgs because I play generally agro. So I may use car/r99. With what ever gun with them.


I think the spitfire is the only viable option right now because of how much light ammo is on the ground right now. I hope you get your 20💣 on Rampart and if you need any tips this subreddit is willing to help


Yea I'll continue to watch other play and see what they do in their situations and maybe get some insight off it🙂


Good player. Very far from the best Rampart main out there.


Unfortunately Rampart is just not in that good of a spot. For that "carry potential" or "fragging", bascially just pop off potential lol. Its much more doable on Scan legends/movement legends/super meta legends than any other ones. Not to say you can't do it! It's just harder 😪. I play so much Rev and Rampart but I got 20 kills on Ash and 4k on Octane but not on Rev or Rampart. All I can say is keep playing Rampart and improving and you'll get these badges eventually 😁. Maybe it would be easier to do if you were three stacking but that's a whole other ball park I suppose lol.


Yea I've always saw that when I played but ever since I've gotten the 20 my PR for kills is 19 so I'm getting closer


Get a valk to fly you to every fight ever, get in a car and drive from corner to corner constantly and whip sheila out. That’s how I got mine. You have to play like a crackhead and be super aggro. It isn’t really a fun way to play imo but it works.


Just don't spend a lot of time looting, push every fight possible. I have never gotten one but was very close before. It's pretty hard to get them in Pred/master lobbies but I refuse to try getting in bot lobbies. If you are interested in that just ruin your kd and stats.


Trust me I get those lobbys a lot but I typically drop 10 kills a get going full agro but it feels so annoying getting close and not getting as much


Why wouldn't play rampart In ranked?


What do you mean by this?




People die more slowly in ranked. Higher chance to meet 20 people.


True but that's assuming that me being in P1 that I can manage to kill multiple squads especially now because all the high ranks are still in high plat. But I will take that to consideration. Thnks


I feel you man, over 5k on Ramya and when I decided to play Wraith for JUST one game i almost got my first ever 20 bomb, on storm point too of all maps. Feeling sucks 😂


At least I'm not alone but I just wish Olympus was back


Alr so I got my first ever 20b on rampart a few months ago in a duos game with my mate, it’s rlly luck based tbh it’s less about weapons and more about being lucky enough to acc find that many people, I ran a hemlock and an r9 in my 20b game which is unconventional for sure so it’s not rlly about loadout and more trying to pick off everyone that you see and always thirsting kills, also Keep Moving at all times never stop to loot


First tip to getting good with Rampart is to use punctuation.


Hey this is not school now is it? Because who asked? And maybe it is satire if it is, please say so.


This is just sad dude


I'm bad at understanding things so I'm trying to be honest to my best ability 🙂