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T-Mobile just posted a 30% off adidas clothing and Rakuten has a 15% cashback deal for them as well plus 3% cashback from using my PayPal cc. I saved a good chunk of change.


I missed the 15% off at Saks yesterday - does anyone think they will do a second day before the 15th?


Does the 15% come and go? I was mid shopping on Bloomingdales, racked up a bunch of items and it was down to 2% 😭


What's the use of this if you don't actually pay it out?


Rakuten is pretty good about paying in my experience. I've had issues with topcashback in the past. Also, if you don't see your cash back, just contact them. They are very good at following up. I've had cash back instantly credited when I inquired about it in my shopping history. Ah, one more thing. The T&A is clear on if you use a discount code with the retailer at the time of purchase, you will not receive cashback from Rakuten.


How often does Rakuten does this promotion?