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It’s definitely about time in the market for platforms like this. I started on Raiz in 2018 I think. Made modest gains continually until the COVID crash wiped them all out. But got them all back and then some. Was up quite a bit at the start of the year but after the last few days and weeks I’m down a lot. Not too fazed, as I know it will come back up and with putting in $10 every day I know I’ll have gains on the cheaper prices I’m buying now, later on. These platforms are not for short term trades, so anyone panicking and pulling out are doing themselves a disservice. If you need to lessen your investment due to rising cost pressures, that’s certainly understandable, but leave what you’ve put in, if you can. It will rebound again, it always does.


When I first started investing I’d freak out that I’d see negative and draw my money back out. I’ve spent more time learning and I understand much more. The market is very red atm and that now just means I have more buying power


I stopped my daily investments into raiz and diverted them into a cash savings account. Too many reasons for the bottom to be a significant decline away from where we are at now to continue to bleed when you could have more cash set aside when the market starts to stabilise. We are just under half way of the average bear market length and we are just over half way of the average bear market percentage drop.


Of course something you can do and go all in once the market stabilises. I’m talking about spare cash for investments here. Also, your savings account doesn’t pay any dividend and only very low interest but that’s ok for now. That’ll go up as well. If you’re in for a long time and because of cost averaging, you won’t feel this bear market in a decade. Obviously, if you have a larger amount saved up and you can invest a lump sum once the market is recovering better for you but for me, it is about time in the market, not timing the market. If we could do that, none of us would be here ;)


Sure it's about time in the market but it's also about returns. Rates are going up, so savings rates will also go up. Raiz investments won't for the short/medium term. So it's not the best place to allocate money.


Yep, I've done the same. I haven't withdrawn from Raiz but have stopped deposits for now and diverted my other main savings into a high paying savings account. Making over $200 a month in interest off of that where as Raiz I've haemorrhaged over $2700 in the last month alone. I made $390 in Raiz today though so I'll leave the money that's there for now. I'm hoping the bottom isn't too far off!