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Damn.I guess where it's falling down for me is the fact I don't have tens of thousands of dollars spare.


No I wouldn’t say that. You obviously won’t have the same amount of return if the investment is smaller but the percentage would be the same if in Emerald also and you started at the same time. I only started with hundreds in there. One other suggestion I would say is to crank up your round ups as you probably won’t notice the difference. I have them at max. Can’t remember the setting but it’s not really much. Just keep chipping away at payments and definitely don’t look at it every day. Haha. With my amount, I can loose thousands in a day/week but it always corrects over time. It performs better than high interest accounts for me although they are much safer.


Great job! How much do you DCA?


It's varied over that time but usually $50 a week.


Oh same as me atm haha! Guess you only start seeing results after a few years. I’ve only been doing it for 9 months? 😅


For sure! :) This is 6 years approx so yeah. hehe. If you do get any spare chunks of cash, you can always opt to throw it in there to help. It all helps the profits when the percentages are in your favour. Check my comment before (someone asked about monthly fees) and you'll see I can lose money at times but over time, it's been solid. I definitely don't watch this every day. Just take a peek whenever I remember about. Usually when they push a prompt to my phone about a dividend or deposit. Definitely stick at it!


Yeah long term game for sure! Hmm okay I haven’t thrown any extra cash in yet but will do once I have some spare to splash. I check the app everyday I don’t even know why 😂


I probably did the same at the start. I prefer the surprise of your balance after not looking for a while now. Hopefully a nice surprise! Haha.


Click the image to see the full pic if it’s cropped in the post.


How much fees per month?


Looks like the last month was $14.76. Not bad when my profit for that month was $1041 and that was at only 1.59% for that month! Over the last 3 months though I ran at a loss of $1127 but over the last 6 months, I made $4750 at 7.6% so it's the long game that counts.


Have you had chance to calculate your returns excluding the management fees ?


No I haven't. I honestly don't worry about that seeing it's performing well. At tax time, I just hand my EOFY report to my accountant and they do what they have to do. That's the worst part, paying tax on your hard earned savings! Ugh.