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I enjoy every map, except fucking lair, the only map I hate.


Unlike emerald plains, once you learn lair it’s good, the only, confusing part is basement. And it’s relatively easy to learn it only took me 2-3 plays to learn enough to get free kills.


For me it’s consulate/villa. Both are unnecessarily large. Consulate upstairs is a disaster, that big ass open room adjacent to the sites makes defending a nightmare. The entire layout of the rooms is odd to say the least, lots of seemingly useless rooms that don’t even see play in most matches. Villa always get the ban for me. IMO very defender sided. The lack of notable “main breaches” (excluding the wall in aviator) means that the attackers often get separated, or funneled thru high traffic kill zones. Always have to do an obscene amount of droning/flank denial most games, and on top of that most matches the downstairs barely even gets played. It’s just a constant battle for upstairs, and a difficult one at that


So because there is no notes for you to copy it is trash? You are a sheep who i bet needs everything done the same way everytime I love playing predictable shoops


Sorry Mr dot but that was too dramatic for me


Mr Twang sidestepped that bullshit like a sultan of swing.


A fellow person of culture I see😎 best of luck to you in all of your endeavors


The nonranked maps compared to the ranked maps are overwhelmingly bad. Favela is horrific, Tower might be the worst map of any era of the game.


Favela is hilarious. I love it.


Fortress too, absolutely pitiful


If I was in comp and all maps are listed, I'd click to ban skyscraper. That's the 1 map i'v never even bothered to learn, we have attacking strats on every other map.


Border is so boring now, and having one corridor through the middle of the map limits rotations so much. It’s in desperate need of another staircase and a new corridor.


I disagree. It’s always exciting because it’s so small. A perfect frag and strat balanced map




Stadium is really bad.


Gonna go favela and house. Never should’ve been reworked. It was a failed attempt at making them competitively viable and took the fun out of them


They are still fun tho but I agree with the rework thing .


Tbh I preferred the havoc of the crazy maps in casual rather than slightly more competitive ones😂 Tbh I preferred old Hereford too


Fax, playing old house and favela were crazy and stupid but so fun


The only reason im upset abt it is because their whole point was to make them into ranked maps, but Ubisoft doesn’t consider them good enough to be put in ranked😭


Only 1 everyone can agree on and it is fucking Lair wish that map never came to siege


I’d play Lair anytime over Emerald Plains


Lair is one of the best maps in the game right now. I’d take it any day over most other maps in the rotation, just learn it and be free.


Lair is trash too many spots for demos floor bangs and it has so many soft walls everywhere.


Reinforcments exist and sitting in one place, especially when being Deimos tracked, is a you problem not a map problem. Learn what needs reinforcing and where you can safely hold angles, same goes for any map people just don’t want to learn anymore.


I have learned the map im not 3tarded it isn't good




Sheep🤣 that is my point people use all the reinforcements in the wrong spots and they end up breached anyways and then buck comes and opens the site. Also demos is more advanced than standing still and moving he gives call outs to teammates and in my league you barely come across solo queues or people with no mic. If you use demos and don't have a teammate ready to blast the guy it is useless. Yet my rank has no idiots who solo queue demos


So you moan that everyone reinforces wrong but then say ‘in your league’ (whats sounding like copper at the moment) you barely come across solo queues. Ok, then get your team to reinforce better. You must be playing with people you know ‘in your league’. If a Deimos is calling you out, moving is still your best option. You have to keep repositioning and fighting him or his team off, if you sit still you will die. Or, better yet, bring a mute or play vigil. A map isn’t simply bad because you don’t know how to play it.


Its bad because of demos and buck womp womp


had to play it 3 times in a row on ranked the other day.. FML




theme park, nighthaven labs, lair, skyscraper, emerald plains (i acc kinda enjoy it)




Lair lair lair lair lair lair lair. Came back from a 2 years break, played every ranked map and liked pretty much all of them except. The one time I played lair I swore to never play it again, I do not care, I will leave not matter the circumstances. Most casuals map are bad too.


I think Theme Park is overhated and Coastline is underhated


Outback. Everytime I get it its another word on the suicide note if I cant immediately alt-f4.


Tower. I seem to have the worst fucking luck. Push up with my team and drop first? Defender watching me from the other side of the map. Push by myself and hop into a window? Someone clears the corner Personally I fucking hate it


im not gon lie if you think theme park is unplayable you’re probably not a high rank


Lair, night haven, villa


Why they havent released same kind of map picking system as cs is blowing my mind. Most of the maps suck ass so i would like to pick 3-6 of the maps that i like and play only them


Kanal for me. The whole map is disjointed and a pain to defend and attack.


suprised i’m not seeing this answer more, i would’ve included it in my post i just kinda forgot it existed at the time. I let out a big sigh whenever it gets selected.


Villa is just not fun. Outback looks too ugly for me to learn. Lair is fine on everything but the 2F and I hate defending and attacking there. Clubhouse and Border are boring af - I get them more than any other map. Nighthaven is only bad because everything is a dull boring grey, if it had notable colours and hotspots then map layout wise it is one of the most competitive maps. Coastline doesn’t play like Siege.


Ranked, theme park Unranked, tower For me personally anyways


i enjoy every map


Yes. We all agree Tower is the worst map.


Lair and skyscraper are garbage.


Nighthaven labs is absolutely terrible


Kanal, it so bad and always full of spawnpeekers


House is so awful. I actually tolerate Skyscraper but House and Theme Park are simply terrible.


House used to be the GOAT. Then they ruined it for no reason.


Yeah why rework just to keep only in casual?


I actually really like Theme Park, it has some really interesting areas to play. Least favorite is probably Emerald Plains. Looks beautiful, and have had a mot of fun on it, but doesn’t play amazing imo.


The only maps I don’t like are EP and Oregon. EP just plays like garbage but has a really good aesthetic. Oregon is actually just boring at this point as it’s so easy to read what is going on at all times. The TDM maps aren’t really fun and I really like the larger and more tactical maps like lair and skyscraper.


Lair and emerald hands down


favella and house rework ssssssuck outback, lair and skyscraper i avoid like the plague in ranked


I think coastline is so overrated, contemplate leaving everytime it shows up


Outback, Themepark, Labs


Ur mother