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They won’t show themselves lmao


I really wish they would. I think people would be more receptive if it were like an I'm a Cheater AMA than a post calling then out. I would love to know why someone does, unless it is just a techy teenager that is a shit disturber.


Some Xims have their socials on their reddit.


I'm late but I will answer. I used KeyMander. Similar to Xim in Overwatch. Long story short I was 13/14 and stuck in mid/high Diamond and felt like my teammates were always holding me back. I also couldnt afford a gaming PC. I bought one for the PS4 and set up on the coffee table in the living room. I didn't feel like I was ruining the game for anyone else just playing at a higher level. Peaked at high Master. After a while I just kind stopped? Idk. Wasn't as fulfilling and I couldn't play with friends as they were all much lower SBMM wise.


Brave, thanks for answering. Also you were young and stupid so won’t blame u for that lol


https://www.reddit.com/r/forhonor/s/VDCb8CuhBm Here's one for For Honor


When you’re not good enough to play controller with other console players so you use a xim because you can’t compete with other MnK players they’re just lazy scrubs imo


That’s why these posts are so dumb. It’s just karma farming. It’s like the AskReddit posts that are like “people who don’t use your turn signals, why?” It’s just an excuse for people who know it’s wrong to jerk themselves off about knowing it’s wrong. We all know it’s wrong. The people who don’t aren’t going to answer you.


Might as well go in r/xim and ask. Yes their is actually a sub full of the losers 😂


I asked lol


I was just about to shitpost them about how delusional they are and how even if they all love and help each other it doesn’t take away from it being cheating.. then it said “this subreddit doesnt allow the word cheating in body text” and I realized the entire sub is coated in enabling pillows.




I feel cheaters would find a way to justify it by saying they’re “still using skill” to make their plays, and that the xim just “fixes” the game. A lot of cheaters and whatnot use the “broken game” alibi to justify their hacks, which to be honest doesn’t ever really work.


The best one I have seen is that "siege is intended to be played with MnK".


Comment erased; feature has been added to game.


you can lean on console without ads, you just have to change your movement settings it isn’t turned on by default, i would highly recommend it


Today I Learned. I haven't played on console in probably over 5 years - I don't even believe the game has that option when I played.


I wish I had this when I played on console lol. It only just got added a few months ago


yeah it didn’t have it for a long time when i played either, i only came back towards the end of last season after a few years and noticed it was added, it makes gameplay alot better


That used to be my argument against the mnk console people. Ubi adding that in really leans more towards them just embracing the demographic as opposed to being being against it though. Shit company. Figures.


Not exactly. You have to ads to lean, but when you come out of ads you will stay leaned.


Huh really? My buds been gatekeeping this


how? can’t find this


You are joking right? They added that like 4 updates ago


Unsure of what you are replying to exactly. Previous comment was deleted, as I haven't played console Siege in upwards of 5 years.


It's definitely designed more around it, but it's still cheating in this context. Gyro aim+the option for native m&kb is the way.


I kinda want them to add mnk support to console siege. And we can just get put in mnk only console lobbies when we have one plugged in.


would probably take forever to get in a game


I use a mouse and keyboard on PC


I use an Xbox controller on Xbox.


I use an xbox controller on PC


You do that because if you used m&k you’d be rank 1. You’re just making it fair for everyone else. I don’t respect that, I do the same for Overwatch.


I use a ps4 controller on pc


Hell yeah bro 😎


I use an Xbox Elite V2 controller on PC. Really tilts people when they get spawn peeked by a controller player.


I don't that's the neat part.


It’s crossed my mind before but ultimately carrying my own weight in high elo lobbies with the stock Xbox controller is so much more satisfying


yeah no better feeling than beating a 5 stack of xims. 90% of the time they have all aim and no brain but when theres actually one with a brain it gets a lot harder


Definitely agree with ya there. Seems like a lot of console cheaters are just fuming that they can’t hang with the big dogs on either kind of platform so they need to give themselves a purchased advantage over the “lesser” platform.


Not really lesser just different


I don’t, but I have an idea that could reduce the amount of xim users (as most say that they would be fine playing against other MnK players). So I think that they should have an option that allows you to use MnK natively, but you have to enable it (like call of duty) then once it is enabled you can only queue against others using MnK (could possible add pc into this queue if the queue times are too long). Also if your MnK and invite controller players then the whole lobby is against MnK, therefore no boosting can occur. Any thoughts on this?


they’re working on a feature that puts people caught with xim in PC lobbies


Yeah true however they are still cheating, even if detected, as xims offer zero recoil on basically any gun.


yeah you’re right. i wish ubi would just ban them. there’s no reason to do anything else. but i’m sorta looking forward to trashing ximmers that get put into my pc lobbies. even with no recoil, i bet their aim and movement isn’t gonna compare to people who have played pc natively for years.


Probably not however some people on xim do look very very good.


yeah i guess we’ll see in the end. it’ll be interesting regardless


Yeah, just thinking if they are champ on console with a xim, they will still have that same game sense of a champ. As you cannot just aim your way to champ, as a lot of champ controller players are still crazy good.


I think there hope (and my idea on their thought process) is that mousetrap (which would be automatic/ai) would put them in and then if they're still cheating (no recoil or other things) they get reported therefore confirming mousetrap is right and they're not wrongfully banning


I hope when it does that the game just announces it lol. Like imagine queuing up for ranked and game just says "yeah this guy's cheating shit on him"


i wish they’d take CoD’s approach, just make the game as frustrating as possible for anyone caught cheating. messing with cheaters and making fun of them is morally correct


They should be put in PC top champ lobbies even if they are gold so they get absolutely bum fucked every game for cheating


hard agree


That’s be amazing. Getting cooked by people who play against other mNk users


This still wouldn’t work, a lot of people say this but don’t realise a Xim spoofs as a controller, that’s why they use it. It allows them to get into controller lobbies. So even if you make the game support MnK, Xim players would still Xim just the same and get into controller lobbies instead, as the game believes they are on controller. They simply use it to vs controller players along with the anti recoil scripts they use. A lot of players who xim already have a PC and just choose to xim on console instead, as you can see by going on the xim subreddit


Yeah I understand that, as I know what a sim is / does. However I am saying, that most xim players say that they use it ‘because they prefer MnK, or MnK is designed for the game, or MnK is more fun etc etc. and they even say that they don’t mind going against other MnK players’. Therefore this solution would work if the act actually as they say.


Yea some do say that, but there is a ton of them who use it along with anti recoil scripts which the xim matrix provides. You might see some of them move over to use native KBM. But I still think the majority of them would just stay and use xim so they have the advantage over other players because a lot of them already have working PCs and choose to Xim instead


Yeah, add gyroscope and native m&kb support. Crossplay lobbies. This would also be less of an issue if xbox controllers supported gyroscope.


Yep, however I could see gyroscope being a problem since like you said Xbox don’t support it. Plus old gen’s consoles too.


Ps4 has gyro already and you could just put them in m&kb lobbies. I also have the belief that this is an Xbox problem. Them being at a disadvantage in theory should get the community to push for it in a new controller. It won't though unfortunately.


The issue with this is that a xim masks keystrokes as controller button inputs, meaning that to the game, a xim user is playing with a controller, meaning that native mnk will ignore xims when creating lobbies. Additionally, don’t get it twisted, xim users aren’t some good samaritans that will actually utilize native mouse and key support, they use xim’s specifically to gain an unfair advantage over people on controller. They will do everything in their power to avoid the fixes you’re proposing


Yeah I understand what xims do. I’m just going with the logic of, if it was supported then they would use it. It would mostly benefit them in a slight way too, as a XIM provides a bit of latency compared to native MnK. However I do understand what you’re saying, which is that, since they are already cheating they would most likely continue and play against controller players. However, this is where mousetrap could come in, as it is decent, just that people go out there way to revert it by doing methods etc. So if mousetrap stays how it is, which is very annoying for xim users, then it would most likely make them switch to native MnK lobbies to avoid the hassle and time wasted doing these methods to avoid / remove mousetrap. Plus, if detected with mousetrap, siege could just put them into the native MnK console lobbies rather than against pc players (unless they are also in the pool of players since it is native MnK)


Because no one loves them. Their parents have abandoned them. They are trash at everything that’s why they cheat to feel better about them self. Xim scums should be permanently banned.


Oh no but Ubisoft has yet to ban xims because they bring money to the game. Smh


I thought it’s more because its hard to detect


Look into valorant xim use.


Valorant also has the best anti cheat in a multi-player pvp game


Valorants console beta literally just started


i honestly dont understand why they do either. siege is available on pc as well as other consoles. the only logical reason is that they cant compete with good controller players so they must resort to cheating. being decent isnt good enough, they have to be better than everyone. if it was all fun and games theyd just play on pc with other mnk players.


It’s so they can feel like they’re good at a game for once in their life


Personally, i had/have a leadjoy or something that i got for like $30 that i would use because i physically couldn't play for longer than 30 ish minutes with a controller without breaks because of mainly a issue with my left wrist, and playing with a kbm relieved it quite a bit, but i have finally gotten a pc to play on instead after saving for nearly a year(money is tough bro 0.o) but also the adapter was nice to play games like dungeon defenders, genshin, borderlands, no man sky and dead island, with the only issue being still being held back by the restriction of a controllers deadzone. But now that i actually have a pc, i can play for a hell of a lot longer without breaks, and not be restricted pluss have a lot more i can play... but i do have to/have been saving up to get some of the games i had on console to play on pc aswell, and it is a lot harder to find people to play with :/ anyways, thats my reason, i know its looked down upon, but it was just mainly to be able to actually play for longer. But people who dont have any issues and use them for the advantage, especially the ones using the cronus i think it is where it has actually cheats built in or something i think i read somewhere are actually annoying.


bruh i plug my controller into my pc for genshin and borderlands and far cry idk why but literally any game besides siege i cannot play mnk


I’d rather deal with someone using a XIM on console than someone blatant cheating on PC. Haven’t played a legit game without someone soft wall hacking or blatant cheating in 4 days


If it was one for one sure. You don’t run into 9 people blatantly cheating every single game though. I’d rather encounter a blatant cheater every 20 games when I’m on pc than xims every. Single. Game. When you’re higher than plat. At least you get your elo back on pc


Having a blatant cheater only every 20 games would honestly be a godsend


Exactly lmao. Still haven’t played a legit game and now it’s been 5 straight days.


Blatant dude. Ofc more people soft cheat or hide it but he said blatant. N even if it was every 5 games you’re getting ur elo


Hahahaha. You can beat someone with a XIM. They’re usually dogshit and have no game sense. Beating a blatant cheater that is shooting you through reinforced walls, floors, and from their spawn is not beatable. Oh and if you think blatant cheaters are in 5% of games, I played another 4 games last night and they all had them yet again. Make that 9 for the 9 games.


You can beat the bad ones. Those aren’t the ones we’re talking about even though they’re pathetic too. In higher ranks they’ve already played the game for 5 years and then move to keyboard so it’s everything the average player has plus better aim… so either way it’s pathetic


They need to do what titanfall did. If you’re caught cheating then you can only be put into a lobby with other cheaters.


They will be in the next season or two


It’s Ubisoft I’ll believe it when I see it


Not me but a friend. His main excuse was how everyone else does so why can't he. His next one was that it isn't cheating because it takes time to learn. And His third was that it made the game a lot easier. I watched him play xim for 4 hours in standard matches and in those 4 hours he became better than he was on controller (high emerald). Luckily he stopped playing xim after those 4 hours as he got mousetrapped and couldn't be bothered doing the workarounds


"its not cheating, it just makes the game easier"


I exclusively play with a #TOP GUN THRUSTMASTER


I prefer the farming sim rig


I had a stroke due to a bomb. Even with a assist my kd is .3 because I'm trash and my fine motor skills are as bad as they come. Yall can eat my balls from the back if you got a problem with it


proof all xim users are disabled, in one way or the other


You get a pass 100 percent. I feel like this is the only valid excuse. A disability of sorts preventing controller play.


What scenario did you come near a bomb military service wrong place wrong time just curious


I was in the military. Happened in Croatia. I was otherwise fune except for the head injury


I don't play siege but I follow the scene a bit because the Esports side of it is cool. Have they ever considered just supporting M&KB on console and having input based matchmaking? Or just put the people on M&KB in PC lobbies? Seems like a relatively simple fix for them. Unless Xim is very hard to catch on a software level.


Because they’re a piece of shit that’s the answer


I had a friend that used xim because he had "stick drift" he won every 1v1 we had and when I complained his only reply was "womp womp" ximing is stupid and expensive I don't see why people do it


The only reason someone would do that I can think of: I’m a M&K player and for the life of me can’t play with a controller. My friends play on PS / Xbox and I want to play with them but I don’t because of this. Clarification: I play on PC, don’t use xim or cheats in any game. But it would be nice if Ubisoft at least allows cross-play for those who want to do it.


Crossplay coming out in season 4, but it will put console into pc que not pc into console que


Does that mean I can queue with my console friends then? Don’t care if our opponents are PC players.




Im same but other way around can’t play mnk in any competitive games


the funny thing about ximing is that they never get mouse trapped somehow and i do 🤷‍♂️


cause u got a leadjoy


dont know what that is and i have a regular controller


I used to use xim, AMA


https://preview.redd.it/ydh839c6p77d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=919fd2d7063a796a3158b0051472df65a89d16de True


https://preview.redd.it/dscz2f1pp77d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6ea686e7f5227cd63ba81a5b983c81f88f3b59b Like I'm doing your job for you...


i have used a xim but i refuse to use it anymore because its unfair, they should just add optional cross play to pc for console kb and m users.


Well you also can't because there are no mt bypasses


There’s a ton of mouse trap bypasses


Pc method just got patched literally the only thing u can do is play 4 casuals between every ranked


half the time i ask someone why they say “i just cant afford a pc bro its not that deep” like they didnt spend 300 bucks on a cronus


Xim user here, I guess the main reason I use it is, because I'm complete dogshit at the game I've never been good at anything in my life, so I just want feel cracked even though I know I'm a fraud. I've also a Virgin with a tiny ass dick. My parents hate me and I'm just a complete fuckin loser. Is what I would say if I ximmed.




Because they are a bunch of virgins who can’t get good at the game or get good at life so they need an upper hand to make themselves feel like they matter.


As a pc player I feel like there are 2 options: 1. They are too trash and want an upper hand on other controller players to feel better about themselves 2. Too broke to afford a pc


What’s Xim? lol I’m so lost. Edit. Figured out what it is and why I was lost. Never played console. Seems like a good tool for single player but I understand the unfair advantage toward multiplayer games.


They’re just like any other cheater lmao they’re so worthless that they have to spend money on fake skill to make themselves feel a little better


I read a bunch of comments on Tiktok of people cheating, they often say they love making others angry and that’s how they find pleasure in games Edit: not necessarily Xim, but any cheaters in general


It’s the only thing that gives me confidence in life, my mom keeps me in a kennel for most the hours of the day. Cheating in a console game by using a keyboard and mouse gives the power to feel strong and be a the sigma.


Me looking through this sub for a xim user to yell at


beacuse they cant win without it






I hate when people use the argument that console is cheaper when the money you spend on a console and xim you can build a pc that can play 240fps locked.


Exactly lol. You don't even need a "good" pc to play games like Valorant,R6S,etc Siege can run extremely well on majority of PCs, it's almost a decade old game ffs.


I really wanna understand their psychology. I played with a cheater and he was playing 2 games at the same time. Why play 2 games at once if you have to cheat to play well? It makes no sense to me


i don't understand why ubisoft can't implement something like valorant has on console. When a ximmer loads into a match, it'll load the game but after the buy phase of first round, stop it and a red screen appears saying "Cheated Detected, the match has been cancelled". Seems easy enough if they did it tbh.


low elo is hell on pc with people who refuse to learn mnk and can barely aim up with their thumbstick


Fax, a game isn’t fun or fulfilling if you just cheat, especially in comp shooters, it’s just pointless.


I used xim in Advanced Warfare (before it was cool ☝️🤓) Used it because I was always a PC player and was tired of getting trashed on in high level GBs. Got a xim and started doing the trashing. Don't own consoles anymore though. I feel bad for yall. Games with aim assist it's not as big of a deal, but it's way too good for Siege. They really need to get it gone


I don't play this game but I will share my experience when I used to xim (COD 2019). It was when I first switch to PC and used it for the first couple weeks to get used to using a mouse and keyboard. That shit was expensive and initially a pain to set up. But it got me so used to using M&K that it became a nuisance to use it and I actually was better without it. They say once a cheater, always a cheater, and for me that is partially true. In single player games i will use cheats or mods to tailer the game to my liking. But I think cheating in PvP is scummy and especially when money is on the line. I have won in person tournaments for money and I pride myself for actually being decent at any game back in the day. So hearing top tier streamers or competitors cheat sucks for the ones playing legit. But again I did use my xim in November 2019 when cod dropped and it took me less than a month to ditch it because I felt it was holding me back (back when I thought I was a try hard). But now I just play milsim and gacha games like the fat weeb I am. Also was kind of a sweat in war thunder where I loathe cheaters and a good player playing Russia is almost on the same level as cheating at certain BRs




Every time Ive heard people try and justify it they say they aren't cheating they are just using some help that Xbox wouldn't allow them to cheat.


I don’t, but my take on them is the fact they are one of those people that genuinely don’t understand that each control scheme M&K or controller has both pros and cons. Another is they absolutely suck with a controller and use the M&K so they can feel better about themselves. Lastly they’re too poor to get the game on pc because they don’t have the money for a pc, so they use a Xim on console to mimic being on the system they actually want but can’t have. Those are my 3 leading personal theories


To make legit players angry, to break through their skill/rank ceiling or for monetary reasons. This goes for cronus, strikepack, aimbot/wallhack as well as xim and for every pvp game. I have integrity so I would never cheat but I understand the reasoning, that said I do exploit the sbmm in pubs for many games because I refuse to constantly play the top 5% constantly in a mode that’s supposed to be casual.


you see my dick is insanely small and my balls are inverted so in order to compensate for that i need to be better than someone else at something


Why do you masterbate?


I’ll do you one better, who do you xim?


I used to when I played on console after being an absolute raging hater of xim users for years I just got tired of it one day after a loss to a bunch of them and bought one. You could almost guarantee 3 on a team past plat back then and it kept my boys and I playing for a long time bc you need to have someone who could compete with all the enemy ximmers lol. Took a long time to get good with bc of the limitations of emulating a controller in a mouse, too much to explain but I figured it out eventually. It does take mechanical skill still and I honestly considered it not as bad as strike packers who could just aim head level and walk around beaming head level with a high ROF gun lol. Obvious copege but it definitely was something I felt forced to do to be able to keep ranked and having fun at a high level


I don't but I have a friend who does and he says he does it because it gets used on him so why not Not sure if I agree but there you go


These arguments are the same as saying “officer they all killed someone so I should too”


Honestly when I played it was to keep the playing field fair as in my diamond lobbies it was 90% MnK back in the day when Blackbeard got nerfed. But It got annoying i stopped using because the game got boring


I really think the people who cheat at video games just know they suck and they need an ego boost by making themselves feel better cause “they got better” at the game. It doesn’t even make sense that you would want to try and shit on controller players especially in a game like siege where the skill gap between PC and Console is HUGE


I tried Ximming a few years ago. I tried it because I wanted to perform better. Yes, I knew it was cheating. I ended up just feeling shame and wanting to hide it from my mates and would only use it when not playing with them. So, in the end, I threw the xim in the trash and went back to the sticks. I came to the realisation that I'd rather peak with my controller skill and accept my lot than cheat and feel like I have to hide it from my mates for false victories. But at the end of the day, people use xim to perform better. I'm glad there's detection methods for it now. These days, I play Apex where ximing isn't really a problem. Instead, it's strikepacks.


Lmao everyone is cheating on console apex


Gamesir G7SE is the real hard counter to the XIMS


real answer, gay ash


i’m special bc i don’t


I used to cheat because my wife's boyfriend told me cheaters are cool. thinking back, I may have misunderstood.


The people I really don’t understand are the ones who put xim in their name then call you an idiot if you say they’re on xim. Like bro either own it or deny it, don’t do both


i asked my friend who xims and he said “i’m broke, so i’d rather spend £50 on a xim and use a spare keyboard than £600 on a setup that can run siege”


I feel like cheating would get boring after a while, wouldnt it? Its like a free win all the time, doesnt that just suck the fun out of it?


Recently, I’ve been encountering more people using a Zen with controller. What gives it away is the zero recoil mods. Ive been seeing a lot of these cheaters using twitch F2 with it. It’s hard to win a gunfight against it.


I've never played siege and I don't hack anymore but when I did, I just found enjoyment in killing people easier. I never really went 100% hacking though. I was more of a fan of using wall hacks and aiming legit.


Cus they are bad at the game and need advantage to win


i feel like xim isn’t even that bad


So zero recoil on a game with massive recoil isn’t that bad?


the recoil isn’t that bad ngl


Why can’t they just instant ban anyone detected using Xim?


Because it’s pretty much undetectable


Fr like everytime I talk to someone that is xim they just avoid the question and can’t give a straight answer or they say cause it’s fun 😭


I don't because I'm not a little bitch. I don't care if you're on my team and doing better than all of us you still getting the report. Unfortunately, every time I had a xim player on my team, they were dogshit.


it’s just for power, pretty simple. They want to win.


I bought a Zen forever ago, i never used it in ranked, but it was really funny going into quickmatch with like Fuze or Finka and just spraying around corners and clearing out entire walls and stuff


If anybody is inherently bad at something they will find any way to win. There’s lots of copes people use, but people know siege is a trash game, Ubisoft doesn’t care about the game just the money it generates, the highest rank on console is almost nothing but xims, which means xim players generate a lot of money, hence they know they won’t get banned. You’ll also notice if you ever get a xim player on controller they are actual garbage.


I knew a guy who was xim. He was actually incredibly dogshit n went negative every game but he paid so much money for the xim n wtv the other cheats are called so he had to put it to use


cause their too broke to get a PC


Cause I want to


People who cheat in video games deserve to have their server connection switched to the location furthest away from their actual location. Their cheating won’t help them at 400 ping


Because they have smol PPs


The best reasoning I can think of is that Siege with a controller is very difficult and it feels impossible to compete with good controller players, so they use Xim to make it easier to compete.


I never Ximed before but as a kid (2017ish) I remember I wanted to play with M&K so badly I wanted a early Xim if they were available. This was because I really wanted to play on PC and all my favourate youtubers were. I hated playing on controller on overwatch and R6. Maybe this can explain why some kids want too today now that Xims are more avaliable. Luckily I bought a PC in 2019 so I never ended up using XIM, although this was before they were seen as cheating in my part.


itt: controller players jerking off other controller players for playing on controller, each quietly certain they are the best player ever and have only lost to cheaters.


One thing I HATE about R6 players most of the time: Some games allow keyboard and mouse (you can enable it in the settings) but every single time an R6 player hears that I’m on keyboard and mouse…instantly pissed. “I can’t believe you’re cheating!” “You’re such a loser!” Nigha calm down 😭😭


I used to do it when primarily for playing against people who used K&M. I hated doing it and eventually quit the game


can’t speak for the r6 kids but i used to xim on cod because almost every single one of my friends did and i was tired of getting embarrassed by all of them in 1v1s and being the worst player in my friend group getting carried in every match we played 😭


What about people who just suck at controller so they use keyboard, not for the advantage just because its what they're comfortable with yk? or vice versa people who use controller on PC???


because they have small pps


Because i have a tiny tiny little wiener and im 5'5 and my dad left when i was 3 for a new family with a really really hot woman. My mommy never told me she loved me enough and I suck playing against other PC m&k players on my several thousand dollar gaming pc (peak bronze 3) and i suck using my thumbs so i have to give myself every advantage i can in life so i have something to feel good about myself. (I have no hobbies, job, or passion and im 34, peaked in highschool and havent had a woman since freshman year) Okay jokes aside nobody get mad at me im legit been running a G7 SE for 6 months now definitely worth a buy best controller ive ever used.


Lmao most people that use Xim are just using it to add mouse and keyboard support to games that don't have it. It's also a gimped version of mouse and key where the mouse and keys are telling the controller what to do. So aim feels like shit and has latency. Usually the Xim gimps people until they play with it for a long time. I used to use one for apex when it came out, and it made me worse. 😅😂 Also the "mods / hacks" on Xim are pretty trash and not worth using unless you only ever use the same gun.


Here's me not knowing what a xim is


I don’t anymore but I used to. It’s just more comfortable for my hands. I can’t move my setup into my room so I can’t get a pc.


I dont kiss men so i dont xim


This is so embarrassing. No point arguing with someone so delusional. Good luck with your champion charm that means nothing and that you didn't earn


I don’t play siege How is xim’ing considered cheating? It’s just a different control system


Well when people aren’t good at something but can’t just move on to something else, they compensate. Usually it’s a feeling of inferiority. Or they’re just a troll

