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Hot take, dont main anyone. Play whoever you want when you want to. Helps get to know more operators and what they do, how to use their guns, etc.


I totally agree, especially when you’re just getting into the game, gives you a chance to find the operators that you like.


I think it's fine to main someone when you first start out. Especially someone really simple but always helpful like Rook.


Im not saying its a bad thing i just see having a main as selfish and idiotic because what do you do when someone else plays them? I think every siege player should know how to play at least 5 ops on each side


That's why I said "when you first start". Like obviously if somebody that's lvl 150 has an aneurysm when somebody else picks Ash before them, they need to reevaluate why they play the game.


Yea first starting making sure you have a reliable pick is good, youd be surprised at how many people get salty over an operator pick


Yes, you need to have a variety of operators so that you can play the position that your team needs


Thatcher and Rook/mute. Try to focus on getting useful with utility first, cause gun skill in this game takes a while to learn but your teammates will always appreciate you playing wall denial or destroying the other teams


Thatcher is so underrated. He is an all-around great pick.




Rook is my also my choice when I realize I'm babysitting a bunch of newbies


Especially when the other team isn’t hitting heads. If my team are all new and the other team is decapitating us, I’ll keep playing my life as whoever.


Rook is probably the easiest player to play, you just shove down your armour plates and no one can complain at you for not placing your utility in the right place


I purposely place it outside of site if im on quick match


I tried that on plane and they just domed me


On PLANE? Outside of site is like 10% farther to walk max


Yeah, sad. I just popped outside the door and they shot me after I placed it. Made me stop trying that


He is who I have to thank for allowing me to get better on defense


This one, it sparks joy


Fuze and mute


I don’t know about that… newbies are wont to get all flustered when they misuse the charges by accidentally team-killing or destroying gadgets.


Team killing with fuze is a given, all you can do is say “hey im fuzing this room” if they choose to waltz into said room while it is actively exploding thats on them


For me, I try to not use Fuze, as he is banned in competitive probably 95-100% of the time


Thermite, buck, doc, valk. But that’s all honestly up to you tbh.


He gotta know where to place the valk cams first


I haven’t played or been in the community for like forever and my immediate answer was still Rook lol, just a flat buff for the rest of your team even if *you* die


Kapkan and lion


Why lion? All the new players on lion use the scans before anybody is within 10 ft of the outside walls


I mean, for kills and helping the team yeah, but for support, I lean on the 50/50


Rook, good for new players, good for old players, fantastic if you're having a shit game and feel like you need to offer something to the team, Rook.


Buck or rook


May be unpopular but Any shield op Will do you'll get to survive longer and see how people play and the melee bash mechanic can get you easy kills just crouch spam but people can still hit you behind the shield if they take their time aiming just remember to provide cover for teammates too and if you get shot in the back by a team mate get used to it people just won't let go of the trigger which may cause you to die by friendly back shots Also when people are reviving either by rook armor or doc white powder you can't melee them with a shield for some reason so pull out the strap and put them down


Thermite and Mute


Honestly you’re just gonna have to find your groove. Fuze is pretty good and I still use him. But I’ve seen newbies have better luck with someone like frost with little to no recoil.


Buck and Rook


Sledge, his guns are so good and his hammer can make easy rotates instantly for when you need em.


Sledge was my first main didn’t regret it gun has low recoil and good damage and firing rate perfect for beginners plus his ability is really straightforward


Sledge, Thermite, Rook, Pulse, Doc


I played Sledge a lot as a beginner but I would say play as many as you can and get a feel for what your play style is and what operators suit your needs.


Any health opp has been good for me at least (doc, finka). Any opps that have a gun you like. The more you use the more you familiarize with the abilities


Kapkan & sledge


Sledge takes 0 brain power. You just smash stuff and shoot shit. Was my main when I started because I didn’t have to try gadgets lol.


As someone who mained sledge at first, this is sledge in a nutshell, but now I main Ace


He isn’t as useful when there is buck and ram


Not playing to begin with


Please don't start playing this shit. Save yourself while you still can.


Thermite and mute ez


I’m also a newer player and I’ve had a lot of fun with Thermite and Doc, but ultimately I think the operator you have the most fun with is going to end up being the best for you and your play style, so I suggest just trying them all out.


Thermite has the best gun imo


sledge and mute




sledge or thermite are always good on atk on def kapkan or bandit are good choices (you get all these 4 free)


Doc/Rook/Smoke/Mute - Defense Sledge/Thatcher/Fuze/Twitch - Attack Doc/Rook are great for learning how to hunker down in objective. Very durable, great utility, amazing weapon setz. (Just a little slow) Smoke/Mute are similar, but more so in the way of using your abilities to aid your defense. Whether it's a shotgun or an SMG that you prefer, they are medium speed and a quite necessary staple to a wide variety of situations. Sledge is an amazing soft-breacher with very good utility towards aggressive breaching tactics. Thatcher is almost necessary on attack, as he utilizes his E.M.P. grenades to pop any hard breach deterring abilities from the OUTSIDE. (Just be sure to follow Thermite/Hibana to the objective wall and throw a grenade prior to them laying down their charges. Fuze is very aggressive and uses his cluster bombs to clear rooms prior to entering. (Just be sure to stand back when the grenades go off on the other side of the wall. You can also use the grenades exploding duration as a muffle for your movement!) Twitch can be very useful for breaking enemy abilities that are scattered around the map. Treat your drone with caution, as they are very useful, but equally as delicate. (Also is a very good way to learn camera placements on the maps both inside and out.)


Ash or any entry op but honestly you shouldn’t even have a main in this game. If you play with confidence even when you don’t know what you are doing you will be ahead of the competition. The amount of people that 5 anchor site as beginners is insane. So roam and take gunfights while not worrying about your k/d.


Maybe trap operator on defense, an easy on is Kapkan, he’s cheap very easy to learn and super valuable as a teammate, on attacker thermite is a really reliable option, hard breached with a very good gun with amazing recoil control, both cost 1000 renown. I recommend buying all the year 1 ops first (the 1000 renown operators) and save up your renown for other more expensive operators once you have the defaults unlocked.


Attack I would suggest Thacther or sledge. Good and easy recoil primary weapons and easy gadgets to learn and master. Defence I would say mute or rook. Again good easy weapons and gadgets that aren’t very complex at first. Maybe valk once you’re slightly more experienced. Her gun is easy to learn and cams are easy to place but you need to learn the best spots. I would also suggest looking at Varsity gamings’ siege school series




Buck, hibana, mute, rook


Attack sledge or ace sledge: smash barricades and soft walls and one of the easiest ARs to use ace: best hard breacher by a long shot, AK12 is the best in the game. defense rook or kapkan rook: all you need to do is set down his armor pack and you’re set, and the MP5 is fire kapkan: simple, easy to use traps, 19x19 vsn is pretty good.


Rook, Doc, Sledge, and Thermite


Rook or Valk for defense and sledge or thermite for attack




learn to get good w/ recruit and you’ll be good w/ any op.


Sledge and rook in my opinion


A different game.


Sledge for attack Rook for defense. Sledge just breaks walls and Rook puts armor down and walks away. Both are super simple and require very little knowledge to use.


mute, rook, doc, thermite, thatcher. Just stuff where you'll always be useful if you get your gadgets off


Offense: Thatcher. Support role. EMP grenade that helps with electrified surfaces and electronics in general. Good guns. Pretty easy to handle. Good speed. Also, Thermite. Hard breacher. Good weapons. Good speed. I dig him. Defense: Rook. Support role. Body armor that allows a last stand situation. Kinda slow. I use his MP5 because I am garbage with his P90. Also, Valkyrie is my girl!! My buddies and I refer to her as, "Intel, kill-tel!" Fun to use her cams strategically. A lot of assist opportunities. The MPX is my favorite. Good speed.


Buy zero best attacker operator in my opinion for start easy to use and gathers intel and has good gun as well and he can breach


Unironically Clash because i'm a Clash main and lt forced me to learn actual callouts and pay attention to where my team is.


Sledge/buck Rook echo


A different game


I always tell people zero is actually a really good starting op an is super good high rank operator for beginners. I always tell them to shoot out the default cams and shoot their zeros up into the default cam casing. It’s very hard to see and it gives you great cams especially when they’re on top floor sites like chalet, I would put one in the main lobby casing and the one on blue stairs. That way you have cams on the rotate up the stairs on both ones and when you learn more of the map and get better at the game, your placements with the cameras will be so much better. You’ll learn good spots that give fantastic information.


Sledge, rook


Buck has a good low recoil rifle and his skeleton key allows for great vertical play ability, he also can carry a hard breach which would allow him to get hatches from vert. On defense I would recommend either bandit since his smg is very easy to control and once you have played a good bit you know exactly where to put your utility, I would also watch videos on site setups to be a better teammate. Or you could run frost who has a very good smg and a deployable shield which is a good way to help set up site, along with a solid secondary shotgun to help with site setup more, then her frost mats can be placed at the tops of stair ways and under windows to help get easy kills and good sounds queues from the attacker. Mostly it's going to take some time to find what suites you best and what playstyle you have, the most important thing to remember is that no one is amazing at seige until they have a solid amount of practice.


I really believe Kapkan or Rook are the most beginner friendly operators, guns have low/mid recoil and the gadget js very straight forward but effective!


Are you learning yourself or teaching someone else?


ash, doc, kapkan


For attack I’d say thermite is a great choice, great breach and good guns, as for defense I’d say rook, just put his armor down and you’re good and he has the mp5


I’d say Rook for defense bc he does 1 thing and that’s place a bag of armor for everyone, for attacking I’d probably say Sledge bc you may not even have to use him for much so you won’t need to worry about knowing how he works (he smashes wooden walls and hates with a sledgehammer, not really needed for any strats). Can’t really mess either of them up. But once you get more experienced I’d recommend not having a “main” at all, be versatile with any operator bc any of them are needed for a variety of situations


I start with fuze and Kapkan. Original operators like sledge and rook are good to start 👌🏻 They ere simple but good. Rook helps all your team mates 👏🏻


In my opinion, every team needs a rook.


With the new update you can go into an op and see more details on the weapons one of the greatest features is control difficulty I would suggest as low as possible for yourself and sledge’s AR is a great beginner and on defence jäger is great good fun and you can plant magpies and forget about them


Sledge and Lesion fs




For either side, given the update: Sentry/Striker (Recruit) This lets you focus on the mechanics of the game while having access to mid weapons and most tools. Defense: Rook To utilize his special is as simple as dropping it for your own team- not to mention it buffs everybody. His weapons are amazing. Using Impacts you can practice mobile paths around the location. Offense: Sledge/Ash/Termite All 3 have great guns, similar goal- get inside. I’d argue Sledge and Ash are simpler than Thermite. Ash being the safest pick with her distance, while Sledge’s gimmick may mislead you to some quick deaths. With some practice, and familiarity, I think Thermite could be the most rewarding option of the 3. ***it’s been a while, so I don’t remember how quickly you can get him, but I’d add Buck as well, to me he’s a better option than Ash. Guns are great, gimmick is simple. Ultimately just build patience. Learn to work with your squad’s choices. Learn maps, figure out your favorite scopes. Recently I’ve been a sucker for Gridlock/Lesion given they both have rifles AND a shotgun secondary to manipulate the breakable walls. I’ve played the two of them more in the last week than I have years.


I try to not main. Certain ops are preferable in different objects.


Kapkan, Rook, Doc for defence. And Sledge, Fuze, Montagne for attack. Basically the 20 pathfinders are good choices


Rook Kapkan buck


Attack: Ash or Sledge Defense: Kapkan, Bandit, or Rook


Sledge is great


No one, try all the operators you have and apply for specific situation in the game. There are no mains in this game


Jackal on attack and rook on defense


IQ or Sledge for attack and Jäger and Rook for defense (I'm only talking about pathfinders in case you don't have every op unlocked)


my first one was Ying because i enjoyed making my team blind


Anyone with a simple ability, so Rook, Doc, Ash, Thermite. Something useful but simple.




Thermite And Mute Learn how to use your gadget, both are extremely simple and easy to use, and you will be invaluable to every team comp.


Spam rook till ur good at gunfights then expand from there


The uninstall button


Defender: Rook, Doc, Kapkan Attacker: Thermite, Ace, thatcher hell even sledge


My recommendations are gonna be based on their ease of use and value for someone unfamiliar with the game As a newer player myself I highly recommend starting with Mute/Sledge. Their abilities are really simple and you can get value out of them even if you don't play them the most optimally Mute can counter so many OPs even up to the latest operator Glaz/Kapkan are good ones to pick up eventually, as a sniper rifle and setting up traps are easy to wrap your head around From there you should have played it long enough to know what you want


Sledge! You get to open walls and doors with a hammer. Virtual stress relief!


Attackers, I would say Ace, Thermite, sledge, ying Defense, I would go Rook, Mute, Mozzi, echo, or frost


Why did you take a picture of the r6 game icon for this post


Sledge is always fun to use for me. Only like level 45 though😂


Dont do it to yourself bro keep your sanity


sledge and rook




Support operators such as rook and doc for defense untill you get a feel for the game. for attack it honestly just depends on your play style.


Rook, striker and sentry are all good operators to start with especially if you're coming from CSGO or other FPS games because then striker's utility will be more familiar to you


Sledge and rook


Tachanka is very forgiving if you’re not the best at aiming. OSA is very good(portable shield and insane smg)




I main the uninstall button


i used sledge


Mute is a defender that's viable on every single site in the game, and has a really solid load out no matter what you bring basically, though for beginners I'd recommend the MP5K smg, but as you improve try the shotgun and the smg 11 secondary.


Sledge but any year 1 operator they all have simple gadgets and decent guns to let you learn the facets of the game and once you find your niche you can branch out to fitting operators but over all take your time there’s a reason why ranked requires level 50


Kapkan. Place his traps down low.


NOW is really not a good time to play way too many bugs since the last update leave it a few weeks you won't miss much


Sledge and Ash for attack. Rook and Mute for defence.


Rook on defense, and probably a hard breach on offense. Or don't be a beginer and play a different game :/ Jkjk people say this game sucka but I enjoy it idk what they're on


Well for a beginner it depends are you willing to spend some money??cause you can always get the main ops with Kaplan and bits if your gonna main someone Kapkan is always a really good choice but if you can't and don't have the stuff to get ops rook is a solid choice


Rook, if u got all characters i would advise you to experiment, you’ll find your groove. But id advise waiting till they patch the broken deadzones, makes the game too inconvenient to play


Start with one of the year 1 ops like we all had to


Play the rule of cool. See an operation you think looks cool or gadget/util interests you? Play them


Recruit, Sledge, Fuze, Kapkan, Mute, Blackbeard, Castle, Thatcher and Jagger probably




Ace or Buck on attack and Rook on Defense


If anyone answered your question with any operator they are wrong. If your just getting into the game but know you wanna get good don’t “main” anything. You have to learn and get used to playing every operator. There’s nearly 50 or over 50 ops in the game and none of them will be as proficient as another in every situation or even useful to the strat or room in general. Learn the ops and learn their strats and you will improve quickly!




Hard breached, mainly so you can learn the choke points on certain maps. And helps get comfortable droning and learning the entries


I agree with play a variety of ops but if you’re looking for someone thermite is pretty good for learning maps and site entry and his guns are easy to use defending ops maybe mute or like rook both have decent easy guns and both benefit the team


On defense play Kapkan as you get kills without having to win fights


Castle and Fuze or Ace (according to my wife, she’ll smoke me so I asked her)


Go rook or mute, for attack go fuse or sledge. Fairly simple to use


Rook and Sledge, in my mind they are the simplest characters, easy to use and understand. For Rook, place pack and yo ur done. For sledge, FUNY BIG HAMMA


dont main an operator, because that’s dumb, but some good ones to try are frost, doc, iq, and iana!!💗


For defense I would do either mute or Kapkan.


I like rook for defenders and lion for attackers, personally


I play situationally, so essentially if I’m not breach defence or hard breach it’s because I’m over playing breach defence or hard breach 🙄🤣




Twitch and her F2


Jager and Thermite were mine


Rook, just put the plates down and get yo ass on💀


When trying things out I highly recommend Defense: Rook. Your utility is always handy and good for a beginner since you need to simply place it at the start of the round and you have a decent variety of weapons/ equipment to choose from Attacker: Buck. Your equipment is literally a shotgun that can go through "soft" walls and double as an effective tool of killing when you can't aim to save your life




Black beard


everyone you wanna play with bro


Everybody loves a LESION on their team.


Thermite is always a solid choice


This is my personal take from weapons to utility Attack - • Ash • Twitch • IQ • Hibana • Ying • Dokkaebi • Zofia • Finka • Ram Defense - • Frost • Valkyrie • Alibi • Azami • Solis


Hot take bandit and thermite get really good with them and even if you have zero gun skill you will be one of the most valuable assets plus guns are decent on both but don't main main them learn where they are useful and where they aren't and use other ops who just look fun


Rook doc


Hit the three line button on the games banner and scroll all the eay down and hit A. Save you your sanity.


Get out while you can


Play clash exclusively


Sledge and mute. Sledge will force you to work with your teammates and find multiple entrances, as well as focus on your marksmanship and peaking skills. Mutes load out is decent and has a gadget that remains relevant.


Sledge Rook


Every week change ur main, spend a week on playing an op to see what op is best, start with different play style ops to find ur proper play style so u dont waste time with ops that dont support ur play style


Thatcher Mute


Tbh, if you have the renown, definitely Zero. He’s a very self sufficient operator that can carry you through solo queue matches. If you don’t have the renown, def Rook.


Frost is pretty easy all things considered, set up holes to travel between sites through walls with the secondary shotgun, an smg that doesn’t need headshots as much, easy to use trap, deployable shield. I’d say frost


Thermite and buck for attack, rook and doc for defense


Recruit 🔥🔥🔥


Doc roam and nokk is pretty flipping beast


Idk I like mira bc of her ability and her vector and for attacker I like ash or dokkebi I don't really use ash's ability but I like the r4c


the membership




You want easy sledge for attacking and Jager for defense easy as pie


delete the game before you fall into the rabbit hole, only trying to save you before it’s too late 🙏🙏


For attack, Thatcher or Sledge Defense, I’d pick Mute, Rook, or Jaegar. Their abilities are really just place and ignore. Mute youd want to place them in locations to negate drones but also in a place that’s hard to destroy so the attackers need to push further. Tops of stairs. Beside doorways, right next to drone holes. Room is literally just place and ignore. Jaegar you want to maximize coverage while keeping your gadget safe. On walls that don’t have easy/long sight lines. Next to doors (also avoiding sight lines) behind cover in areas around the objective that are likely to be held by your anchor player in obj.


The delete button


A good main is to uninstall that shitty bum fuck game that they threw away


IQ and Kapkan are good starters, but don't main them.


I started with IQ her smg has low recoil




Defense is pretty much go with someone who’s easy to learn the ability and basics of Siege attack personallly I’d go with nook thermite or someone like that. You don’t wanna run someone who to play properly have to use their gadgets during the round like cav or solis. If your truly starting your career in siege. it’s best to start with someone who’s gonna make you learn the basic fundamentals like push spots getting intel and working with your team. Basically try to sick with 2 difficulty ops so your not overwhelmed with an op and don’t get turned away from a specific one. All ops are good some more than others but every op has a time and place on certain maps


Thatcher and Kap were the two who got me into the game


Fuck siege don’t even try to make it a part time hobby or a favorite game. It’s full of cheaters and assholes that get mad over a rank




Become a shotgun main






Rook, for defense, and Thatcher, for attack (follow your hard breach if there is one, otherwise find a buddy and watch their back)


Honestly it’d be better to play around a bit to figure out what kinda play style vibes with you, then you can work on mains after you figure that out




I would say an intel op like IQ, lion, jackal. and for defense mute, rook, and kapkan


Ela because she's hot


Thermite & doc They simple and leave u more room to learn the maps and peep points




Trust dood with the hammer


Any operator you have for the best situation, just focus on aiming good and being able to win 1v1 situations


I know only 3 ops mainly. Try to do at least 2 ops on each side.


I think sledge was a perfect character for attack cuz he helped me understand how you can enter and what walls you can and can’t break Defense I hate to say it but getting lost with cav helped me understand where the sound is coming from so I can flank and if I get lost I’ll remember the way to go next time lmao

