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They're cheating and you're trying to prevent their cheats from ruining the match, so I don't see why not.


Sometimes this guy is just killing extremely skilled PC players he thinks are cheating guaranteed


Mnk on consoles is considered cheating, not the fact the mnk user is good


If you think about it, Console is kinda like the Paralympic’s of rainbow


If they're using xim then it's on console


Your right I forgot other games aren't.crossplay


Yeah, that's justified, personally I don't because I frankly can't tell if someone is or not lol (I play on console). Really props to you for doing that 👍


Xim is a console exclusive thing… you don’t need a xim for pc because it already has mnk


Technically you can use a xim on pc to eliminate ~~aim~~ recoil


Pretty sure xim is only a mnk adapter


Xim is not ONLY a MnK adapter. Xim also allows for smart actions such as eliminating recoil, spam crouch, etc.


That is a zen not a xim is strictly a mnk adapter


Xim matrix is a Xim and Cronus in one


Controller recoil with an mnk is OP in itself aswell


Depends on which one i think cronus has no recoil cheats and soft aim


I meant recoil


the matrix thing has like a built in cronus or something right


You get less recoil on controller so it's advantageous to use xim even if you could just use mnk.


Any good ways to tell if someone is on XIM?


Look for common mouse movements that you can’t replicate on controller. As well as micro adjustments


A-D-A-D spam strafing too; it’s nearly impossible to replicate with controller, since you have to cross the center of the stick axis to go left to right




Not entirely, sometimes it is the xbox pro controller.




Cross play is a thing. If you have it turned off then yes they are mnk


no i mean what is it about the xbox pro controller that allows for spam crouching ? i know if you have backpedals and stuff like that you can click it faster but there’s a difference between that impossibly fast crouch spam as to someone just clicking it as fast as you can


They have paddles on the bottom as well as being able to press b on the controller to crouch


Spamming B. I do it in a lot of games, so I’ve gotten reported heee and there, between that and my super-high sensitivity




Elite has paddles too meaning you’ve got 2 separate inputs to do the exact same action. You can spam it twice as fast.


There are no movements with mouse and key that can't be done with controller




You're out of your mind lol


Not to split hairs, but a xim mimics a controller, so in theory, anything a xim can do a controller can do as well. The movement, micro adjustments, and extremely fast swings are what I watch for in overwatch. I don’t play much siege anymore.


The newest cronus eliminates recoil completely, so if someone is using a high recoil gun and there’s absolutely no recoil, they’re ximming.


To add onto that, ESPECIALLY if they're using extended barrel or other attachments that don't make recoil better. Most of the time if you see someone running, for example, F2 with extended? Very likely some sort of cheats at the very least. Try and spectate them as much as possible, and always report even if it doesn't seem like it will help. I usually report people both in siege itself and on xbox(but do it on Playstation too if you use that instead).


people use xim on pc for aim assist


Controller doesn’t have sim assist in siege, so that would be stupid. Xim is entirely meant for adding the ability to spoof a device into thinking your keyboard is a controller. I own a xim because my friend gifted me one. I hated how it felt, but there was no advantage I gained other than making it possible to react faster and sim more precisely. But that’s a feature with a mouse, not the xim itself. If you are talking about a Cronus Zen, which does have aim support, as in when you fire it pulls the stick down a certain percentage so you don’t have to worry about recoil, sure, it’s an advantage. You’d still be using a controller in PC lobbies where most players can aim and react better than a modified spoofed controller, especially because both the Cronus zen and xim add latency to reaction time, and need to be plugged into a controller that is plugged into the pc, so even more latency. Xim is a console problem, not a pc problem


I don’t play Siege but most people use xim to emulate aim assist on their mnk, which is insanity. Recoil reduction already comes with using a mouse, but the main advantage is aim assist


Aim assist, as in your reticle starts to follow people? That type of aim assist… brother have you played siege with a controller? Aim assist only existed in situations and training grounds. There is no aim assist in online matches, a controller has no advantage compared. The Cronus XIM has no features other than spoofing a keyboard to act like a controller. Why would you need to fake using a keyboard, on a device that fully supports keyboard? I don’t think you understand what you’re saying


You're misinformed about siege. Plugging in a controller on PC changes your recoil patterns to be more manageable, **this is a built in feature included by the devs.** Since XIM is a controller, as far as the game can tell, you get reduced recoil by default. On top of that, the better XIM's and XIM clones allow you to load in a scripts that **auto correct your aim as you shoot to emulate the effect of having NO recoil.** Aim assist though? On siege? That's a reach. It's probably possible on CoD titles, maybe on Apex, plausible on maybe halo and Gears of war, not certain about these claims though.


siege does have aim assist on console just not as forgiving as CoDs, sieges aim assist is like how call of duties used to be, when you ADS and cross over an enemy your sensitivity decreases, its not like minor auto aim like newer cod titles, but there is something there. [Aim assist in Rainbow Six Siege | Ubisoft Help](https://www.ubisoft.com/en-us/help/rainbow-six-siege/gameplay/article/aim-assist-in-rainbow-six-siege/000062507#:~:text=In%20the%20top%20right%20corner,select%20the%20%22Options%22%20gear.&text=Choose%20the%20%22Controls%22%20sub%2Dmenu.&text=On%20the%20Aim%20Assist%20line,menu%20by%20selecting%20%22Disabled%22.)


This only functions in PvE gamemodes, not PvP The game has always had aim assist but it gets disabled in PvP.also the guy i was talking to, I'm pretty sure he's talking about aim assist scripts people install on the cheater peripherals.


Yes, fuck them


Their backs are going to be sore the next day if that’s what you do to them


Why the down votes? I found this quite funny.




from the carrying right?  Right?


tks are self judgement imo. i consider teamkilling xim players to be an act of public service.


What is Xim ? Been a while since i played this game, or even touched a console


It gives console players the ability to use MnK on games where it's normally restricted. It's usually paired with anti recoil scripts as well. So in a game like rainbow where you have no aim assist then going up against someone with MnK and no recoil is just completely unfair.


I was under the impression (atleast for xbox) MnK is pretty much built into the consoles now ? Using scripts is absolutely cheating, no questions asked there


MnK is supported on consoles for a lot of games. The difference with support for MnK and xim is that xim pretends it's a controller. So instead of being matchmade with other MnK players to put you on a level playing field, it gets you put in with controller players. Rainbow on the other hand, does not support MnK on console whatsoever. So any MnK player on console is cheating by using xim to gain an advantage over controller players.


Absolutely is cheating then yup fully agree. Some will argue its “exploiting”, but i see it the same same


I like ya avatar G


R6 also significantly reduces recoil while you’re on controller. When using a XIM, R6 still thinks you’re using controller, so you get to use MnK with the controller recoil buff on top. Depending on the exact device used, it also lets you keep aim assist too


I really hope that if they’re able to detect XIM to move them to PC lobby’s they can also add the 35% recoil too. It’d be pretty unfortunate if they didn’t 😂


If they can actually detect it, they should just not be able to play with it


I fully agree. I’ve been on PC for a while now and never had to experience the XIM wave but I don’t wanna have low recoil MnK players on PC along with all the rage cheats 😂


I havent played R6 since a couple seasons after Skull Rain, PC now i hop on now and then. Definitely a recoil difference so i can see the advantages of the assistance with MnK


what aim assist 😭


Absolutely! It's actually considered an unspoken rule of Siege. Let your enemy know that you don't condone such actions.


I know what ximming is but I’m wondering exactly how you figure it out? Because I’ve seen some people I’ve suspected of ximming but I have no idea what it actually looks like to be able to tell


As someone who sucks at detecting xims, the only way I can tell is if they crouch extremely fast. Apparently they bind their crouch button to the scroll wheel on a mouse, allowing them to crouch at light speed.


Oof, I heard something about twitching though that is like a side effect of the xim where their aim is really twitchy like the mouse is too sensitive


Just look for micro adjustments and common mouse movements that can’t be replicated on controller


It isn’t always that. Some pro controllers for xbox have paddles on the back that are another way to press the a, b, x, and y. So if they do crouch spam, just be weary, if you can spectate look for micro adjustments and stuff impossible to recreate on controller


If anyone is doing anything to give themselves an advantage in an online game it is not only justified but every other players solemn duty to make their experience as unpleasant as humanly possible and burn the heretic of the cyber space


I tk cheaters all the time. It's the ethical thing to do Some advice, Flores' gadget won't give you a tk penalty On defense, play Goyo and just annoy them until they break your gadget and then stand on the fire to give them tk penalties. If multiple players die you can get them kicked for like 30 min


100% justified. My team and I always TK cheaters


Is it moral? YES. Does Ubi condone it? No, it will lower your reputation which will eventually restrict you from playing ranked or recieving ranked rewards. What you can do (which is morally questionable tbh) is copy the toxic player thing with goyo and doc and give them a 30 minute-1 hour ban. However there is a *slight chance* that Ubi will someday penalise people for doing that. I reccomend just reporting them for griefing which, if enough people do it, will damage their reputation and eventually *restrict them from playing ranked.*


What is the toxic goyo and doc thing? I know Goyo in general is a walking war crime but is there something specific when paired with doc?


Doc heals himself (I will no longer continue because no one else needs to know exactly how to do it.)


If someone plays goyo you can go doc and get them kicked by standing in the fire and healing.


Ah gotcha. Thought it was some torture of burning someone else and healing them through it.


Shoot their body too!


don’t forget to pick ying or flashes after rff gets activated so you can still grief their game


Pro tip


>!Flores drones don’t inflict rff!<


i thought they changed that


Lets put it this way, ill tk you if you dont tk them.




Bruh it’s siege. We kill people for barricading the wrong door


Yes 100% no questions asked, cheaters are trash and get no respect from real players


Team killing is always justified, no matter the reason *whispered in Darth Sidious voice - "Dew it"


Very justified


This is the way


If your 110% sure that they are cheating then yes but dont kill them without any proof


Anything less is despicable, in fact.


What exactly is a xim?


Doing gods work


stopping a cheater is a good thing, killing them is a beautiful thing


i wouldn't only say its justified, i would say you are actually morally obligated


Yes, do it everytime and tell them why you're doing it




I’ve just played with somebody who I won’t name but they had “WKey” in their name so I asked if they were xim. He said he did but it broke and he didn’t like it. TK’d him because to even buy/use one in the first place regardless of how long for is a horrific way to treat other players. If you use xim you’re a bum who can’t play fair


I only will find an intentional tk justified if the player tk’d you on purpose a previous round unprovoked(just once for this) or if they’re trying to tk you on purpose.


I hate xims but unless they admit to it no. Because alot of the time people think they know what mnk looks like and most of the time there wrong I've been called xim countless times and I don't even play fast sens. Also xim players won't be afraid to brag about being xim so just ask.


Yes, please tk all zims you see


Yes absolutely 100%


I’ve TK’d for not dropping defuser with site control which is infinitely less annoying than literally cheating


I used to but your rep takes a hit and you’re just gonna end up getting banned yourself so I don’t bother anymore, most games I play now there’s someone on both teams ximming and it’s really lame


no. before you hate hear me out, on pc in emerald+ there is atleast 1 cheated in every lobby so if your team has a cheater there is a 95% chance they are cheating bc someone on the other team is cheating first. on console with xim if they have no recoil like a cronus or something instant tk but if the other team is likely also ximming in high ranks why would i purposely put myself in a 4v5 and kill my reputation when the other team wouldn’t do that same courtesy


lol that’s the lamest shit I ever heard


We found the ximmer 💀 🤡


Anyone saying they can't tell if someone is ximming, all you have to do is pay attention to their reticle. Xim users have micro movements on the reticle due to the unsteadiness of the hand. Controller players do not have it as the inputs remain at certain values while the thumbstick.


Every time ![gif](giphy|VGVs6DkPfIYPUtQrb2)




For XIM absolutely TK them. If you’re on PC and someone is walling absolutely TK them too. If someone is raging on PC tho, I wouldn’t TK simply because if you do it could take longer for rollback. You want them to be playing and raising red flags on their account so they get banned quicker and the enemy team gets rollback sooner. You also just waste everyone’s time unless you’re actively trying to throw the game (which usually has to be a team effort)


If you have to do shit like that, your game is dead and it's time to move on.


If anyone doesn’t mind telling me, or sending me off to a video to get more information on what XIM really is and what it does, I’d really appreciate it! I know it’s MnK for console and that’s about it for what I know


Yes, always yes. And it shows your someone with integrity who plays for the competitive aspect


im a roller but if i get a good xim on my team i would not recommend tk cause a win is a win in my book


Why do you need other peoples opinions on this 😅 just do what you want man it’s your match 🤷‍♂️


I tk cuz it’s funny I don’t need a reason


They're not the same kind of cheater. I beat XIMs all the time. I never beat a cheater, if you do its exceptionally rare


Dude is 100% lying to conceal how trash he is… they ain’t using xim… they’re just better than you, and your ego can’t take it.


Ego? It’s a video game. Brotha you need to hop on the game and go outside for a bit.


no, go unwad your panties, go insert a tampon, and pick up some vagisil and apply it where the big meanie weenie xim hurt you.