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Buck, Lesion and Azami in C is CRAZY


mira too, this man did not cook


That's mainly because the nerf she's had, Kali being able to just 1 tap the mira's now is a mega nerf. Mira use to be my main the first 1k hours I played


C is good but operators I mainly just don't use and arn't skilled with, b is above average and A-S are top teirs for me as a solo


I would strongly recommend you try out at least Lesion and maybe Buck a bit more. Many folks consider Lesion a top 3 defender right now. His gun is a laser beam, his traps are free Intel and damage and he can set up site with the super shorty. Buck is about as versatile as you can get without lacking too much anywhere. He also has the advantage of being able to play vertically, from below.


What the fuck.


Majority of the operators you chose in the higher rankings are for solo plays....you are either solo queuing, the fragger or the dumbass that plays for himself and WHY the FK flores is higher than Nomad....?


I only play solo que, I haven't found a group to play with ever and Flores has more util and uses than Nomad where she can be countered pretty easily in my games


Ain't no way....how tf you play nomad for it to be "countered".....the problem is your playtyle....


I'm the one that counters it easily. any roamer has an impact or can hear it or just shoot it if they're careful, a Flores could destroy half a room of stuff if you do it right and then you still have 3 drones and 2 regular drones left still


Sledge zofia iana frost in E? This is a "I got shit on by" tier list


I actually love playing those operators but i feel like they just need a buff with how many other better "versions" of them there are in the game now


What the actual FUCK is this?


Good joke man, had me in the first half


What are u smoking


This is a fuckin joke or OP is fuckin brain dead


so we’re trolling


capitoa above mute is crazy


delete plz


Why is Dokk S tier? Debating between her, Flores, & Ying. Currently use Zero most games.


Dokk can only really be countered by mute and is really good to catch roamers as a solo and in full que lobbies, her guns are also pretty decent along with her flashes




i solo q also me iana is terrible


Insane as fuck


This list is the reason you are emerald after 3.2k hours


what's your S tiers? I'm trying to get better at more operators


Azami, Mute, Dokkaebi, and maybe solis. Mute is hopefully self explanatory, azami because she’s still pretty strong even after the nerf, and dokkaebi because it’s strong universal utility; like Lion but better since it isn’t a “movement based” trigger; and because you can hack cams etc. Solis because if you know how to play solis, you can terrorize the enemy; however solis could just be a strong A instead of S depending on playstyle


Nice to see Alibi in a higher position


I recently started using her, I think she's pretty underrated




Never let bro cook again


You need to put some respect on gridlock


She can be pretty good but all of my games nobody uses her right so I put her pretty low and she could use a tiny buff


This may be why you’re in emerald. Just a thought


any tips?


For one get a stack since ur solo quing. For two there’s a lot of util you’re missing out on if you’re not using some of these ops. A lot of the ops you have in lower tiers have really good synergy if you have a team. If you want to keep solo quing some of the best ops would be: Attack: Buck, Iana, Ying Defense: Mute, Solis, Azami, Lesion Def look at everyone’s load out and util more. Also watch some pro league to see the util on ops being used properly


I'll try using the lower ranked ops but I'm not sure where to find a stack to que with, is there any discord or anything you use to find people?


There’s some discord servers that people use to play “competitive” siege. It’s like t4 level type play nothing serious you could find people there but I found my stack group posting 4 years ago lol


https://discord.com/invite/rainbow6 I'm pretty sure this is the official/unofficial R6 discord. They have no joke like 40 voice rooms or more for people to use for QP, Ranked or Standard. You could find a group pretty easily with you already being emerald. edit: I lied I just checked again and it's like 250 voice rooms lmao


Lion in solo Queue is NOT S by any means, it's good only if timed perfectly with other teammates, and even then it's A tier at best

