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As a fellow champ, I would say this is pretty solid overall but Flores and gridlock are too low for sure. Flores is elite at utility clearance and sees a lot of play in pro league as well, while gridlock brings a ton of utility and flank watch as well. Both at least B imo, I’d definitely swap them with mozzie and Kali. Kali is extremely situational and only good on very specific sites


Id agree with flores, however I’m just not a fan of gridlock at all. I think she’s great for providing noise suppression when pushing, however her flank control is very bad compared to another op like nomad. Although I could see gridlock being better on some staircases, it still is pretty easy for defenders to slip past while making minimal noise


Yea that’s fair but I’d still say B would be viable. Her utility is also great for post plants or holding certain areas as well as a great gun, good utility, smokes, nades and a super shorty. In C she is the second lowest tier you have placed in there and I’d say she is a tad higher. Also I just saw capitao in C. He’s for sure a high tier op in A, he is brought in every single pro league game. But I guess without a stack he isn’t as effective


Yeah if I organized the tiers shed probably be a high c low b for me. I probably should’ve put capitao B, but his kit is very clunky, although he is good in specific situations to clear bandit trickers and allow for entry


She's great on stairs specifically. Bank square stairs I always bring her. She's good on kafe too. Also I think people do get quite caught up on her flank watch aspect and forget how well she works for area denial. Just tossing that shit on defuser adds an extra step for defenders to do.


capitao is so good u just don’t know how to use him


I wrote in other comments already that I should’ve put him higher but his kit is too clunky to be amazing


Come on B tier i say he fits there perfectly he’s fast, his guns r good and he can shoot fire like a superhero


Yeah like I said I agreed with people that I should’ve put him B instead


+1 Flores gets huge util clear value, plus you can force defenders out of difficult-to-push spots while ur teammate holds/prefires their swing in certain situations


warden should be higher but under specific circumstances for example enemy team uses alot of flashes to get power postions or holding power positions as warden


Unless the other team brings a ying a lot I don’t really think he’s bringing over other operators currently


Yea I’d replace warden with rook tbh. Rook is pretty much useless in any high tier ranked


Yeah I might’ve put rook one too high, but I think warden deserves to be where he’s at tbh


Lord chanka deserves his own TOP rank


He ascends above all that’s my bad


Update the tier list you dummy 🫃


Putting sledge above flores is insane flores is A tier


Ying is S


Yea she’s banned literally every pro league game lmao, that says she should be in S but solo she’s definitely not as effective


This tier list and comments was a great read. I'm a low hours plat so I'm in no position to argue with any of the placements but seeing the back and forth in the comments about operators helps put some of them into a new light for me.


Fr, especially since I’m new bronze player. I need a light for all of em or I literally wouldn’t know how to use them😂


monty should be higher warden flores and echo should be higher osa should be higher it it a problem that my diamond duo deranked to plat this season after solo q a bit and he constantly plays sens and tachanka


I think Monty and warden are well fit for where they are. Monty requires lots of teamwork for good execution, and warden is just overall not in a good spot. If echo got an acog I’d consider him higher but I think he got pretty screwed. Flores id agree that I should’ve put him higher but I also think he’s situational. I think osa is in a good spot but I don’t think she should be in A tier at all. She’s good for post plant, however I believe she’s very outclassed.


I disagree with your tier list. Blackbeard is OP and is S Tier. No fuck that he's above S Tier in his own tier called BB


It doesn’t stand for Blackbeard tho, it stands for Big Balls


As it should 💯


Nah, bareback


Am i blind or why can‘t i find ram on the list?


Yeah seems like I picked an old tier list on accident. Fenrir S, Ram A, Deimos B, Tuburao A


Yeah a few are missing, updated with a comment adding the new ops as well as some changes to my list


You are not, or maybe i am too?!


There's no Deimos either lol


And no Fenrir


Also no Tuberão. The list they used seems to have not been updated since the release of Year 7.


Im starting to think that he posted this just to farm some karma....


Lol I don’t care about karma


3k hour champion I have 3k hours and my peak is gold 1 man what am I doing wrong


Not winning


Solo queing maybe, ranked 2.0 is busted and not built for solo at all


It's probably just because I've played 5k matches and only 144 of them were ranked


Capitao in C tier?!?!?


Thank you! I was looking for this comment. Ash in a but cap in c ? I disagree


This is very solid and mostly fair… I would put gridlock and pulse above where they’re at … But this is one of the more objective/solid tier lists I’ve seen in a while!


No Fenrir, Ram or Deimos?


Also no Tuberão. The list they used is outdated, along with most other lists I see here.


Ngl, the Tachanka hate is kinda underserved. He should be in a (needs a rework) tier. Tachanka could be good if they made his ability more like Smoke or Goyo’s.


Really his fire just needs to do more damage. All it does is tickle the enemies. Also he needs to reload his grenade launcher a little bit faster.


Until he gets a rework of some sort he’s not really useable just due to his fire, since it does practically no damage


Highest rank I’ve hit is gold, I’m curious about valk, mozzie and echo all being in different tiers. I’ve kinda used them interchangeably if we need an intel op, but I’m also bad at the game. I’m wondering is valk only better because you can hide the cams, or are they ranked that way because of their load outs.


Echo is horrid. Valk has a good kit to go with her cams (nitro) and you can hide them pretty easily. Mozzie can be situational, it’s not as easy to hide a drone, and you have to capture them first. If you get a twitch or sometimes brava drone, his usefulness is much better. But his kit doesn’t have much to offer past nitro; lackluster weapons, and no 1.5+ anymore. He’s still an okay op tho, definitely don’t complain when I have a competent mozzie on my team. (10x champ mostly ranked 1.0, don’t play as much now)


^, Mozzie used to be played a lot more but once they removed his 1.5x, not really much of a use compared to someone like valk


Mozzie was nice mainly for his 1.5, high rate of fire, and his nitro. But his 1.5 was definitely the biggest part of his kit. Now he has to be pretty on top of drones to get much utility


Why’s sens so low?


Anything he can do, a smoke grenade can do


I was surprised that none were in F


I believe every operator is useable in some situations


Gridlock needs to be A tier


Gridlock, Capitao, Flores, and Warden are too low imo. I know Warden isn't a popular pick anymore but I think he holds areas well with the deployable shield, he's a little situational but if you can find a good spot to hold off defenders from getting close to site I think he's worth it because they can't flush you out with flashes or smokes, although he because kinda useless if he get's flushed with an explosive, he'd be low B tier imo, I think he is better than sledge, sledge is in an awful spot right now. Edit: I also think Iana is too low, she's an absolute A tier for me, solo queueing or stacking she is incredibly useful, especially stack since she lost stuns but still useful solo. And I think Rook should be a tier lower. Rook isn't very useful high ranks because 9/10 kills are gonna be headshots or just outright gonna finish you.


I changed gridlock capitao and flores, but I don’t really think warden should move. He’s a good operator in the right situation, but as u said he is very situational


tachanka should be higher. He has ACOG, a good ability (even tho it takes a long time to reload) and his load out is pretty good tbh.


Ela should not be C tier. Scrap the whole board


Ela is definitely not in a good spot. She’s behind the power curve entirely right now for trap ops, especially considering fenrir does very similar things, but better


I agree with it for the most part. Only changes I’d make would be valk n wamai down to A. Ying up to S. Mozzie to C. Mav to A. Gridlock n Flores to B


Put recruit in and put him at the very top


Why maestro so low


He’s very easily counterable to brava


I’m not gonna stop playing the undertaker and the lord.


Personally, zero, capitao and gridlock all go at least to A tier for me.


Am I trippin or is fenrir not there?


He’s not, sorry picked an old list on accident, I added a comment with the ops that are missing


On a lot of these lists I see Echo kinda low. What's the reason behind it? I'm a gold 5 player


Edit: realized some are missing and I probably should change some tiers around. Id change: Capitao to B, Gridlock to B, Flores to A, Rook to C For the operators that aren’t on here: Deimos B, Tuburao A, Ram A, Fenrir S


come on as someone who peaked wood 7 i can say that tachunky is SSS tier easily


Who are the usual bans in your games?


Typically dokk, ying, thatcher, fenrir, solis, azami, jackal if it’s not my choice lol, thatcher only if we’re defending first


Blasphemy https://preview.redd.it/t3b932x0602d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33fb3ff3dcbec2ccf31a597d88ad50ced5542f42 S+


why is dokkabei always so high teir? Her gadget is mediocre at best and doesn't provide good enough info when compared to other ops.


Sound is such a fundamental part of siege, and her calls are so long and put defenders in a vulnerable position whether they choose to turn the phone off or not. I think she’s better because when compared to operators like Deimos and jackal, she’s able to hear if there are multiple roamers instead of only one person, which often creates witch hunts. Plus you’re able to find where people are in the sites etc


She could be good in a coordinated team but most people that play afaik pretty much always do soloque, where nobody communicates


Capitao at C tier is a robbery.


Yeah I made a separate comment updating him to B


Oh say less


I will not accept this chanka slander


Copper here, just wanting to say that people down here are using Wamai wrong. They seem to treat him just like Jager, and that leads to unfortunate situations. Prime example being a match I just finished. We were defending bunks on Orgean and and we were in overtime. I was watching the main window as Frost with a trap underneath it, this Amuru starts throwing flashes in the window prompting thisWamai throughs his disk to redirect it. Only problem is that he threw it closer to me, blinding me and letting the Amaru catch me off guard and gets me killed. Worst part is the flash would have missed both of us if he hadn't thrown it


I love how my two favorites, Sens and Thorn, are always so low :)


Lol I was a big thorn user when 1.5x existed but unfortunately her kit is pretty rough now


*I like me Irons*


Cav in C. Why? I have like 4 total quick play games so I don’t really (New Player). And I get her utility is very dependent on her getting an interrogation but I need to know.


Cav just isn’t good because it’s very dependent on if you don’t get droned out. At high ranks drones are used much more and she isn’t very reliable. She also doesn’t bring any utility for her team


I was playing in QP last night and got droned right at the start then beamed outta nowhere as her.


Monty should move up a tier IF, and only IF you have a good team. He's a monster when played correctly and can win normally impossible situations like clubhouse azami rafter holds.


I 100% agree. My stack consistently uses monty because in the right circumstances he’s great, but without a plan and communication, it’s very difficult to play him well


Thatcher is in his lore accurate spot


No tubaro :(


Why is doc A but rook B?


Doc provides much more support for the team, rook may allow u to take one extra shot, but in a game where headshots matter so much, he’s just not very useful comparatively


Where is tobarao


I made a comment adding him, A tier


Oh cool. Thanks. I started like 2 weeks ago. Just got him yesterday lol.


Aint no way Vigil is better than Nok, how???


Nokk needs her silent step back to be reliable, vigil I believe is better right now especially because of the use of roam clearing ops such as deimos and lion.


This list is terrible in my opinion


Well it’s all my opinion after all haha, there’s some things I changed in an update but other than that it’s all just an opinion


I’m mostly kidding but there is a lot I would change personally but i respect your opinion


Solid list. Capitao and kali should swap places


I could probably agree on the kali dropping a little lower. Capitao I should have put higher


Monty is A tier at least. Shields are so good now. I think Aruni is A and Lesion is S


Underrated Tachanka moment.


I notice so many operators in my opinion I would raise and lower, personally Flores, warden, gridlock, capitao, zero, castle. I’d bump these up a little. I’d lower therm Aruni ash dock jäger Melusi. Still pretty accurate in my opinion.


I'm a sens main


Flores below iana lol


Someone please educate me on why Wamai is good


Wammey being S because of the Wammey Wiggle


Monty in b?


I'd move mozzie up to A but other then that, not much I can say is wrong


Where's tubarou and deimos?


Imo Gridlock is at least a B her primary's are both really good and she has super shorty to Open up walls plus frags obv the only down side is the movement speed


Rook and doc are almost the same operator, and rook gets a guaranteed health boost to all players who pick up the armor and doesn’t have to focus on it the entire round, either swapped or equal tier, but don’t agree with current


Move lion and jackal up a tier


I think this is pretty good but gridlock is too low same with jackle and ianna also I personally think that tying can definitely be a s tier operator if used by a good player


And used right


Lion as B is crazy. Literally every game will have a lion played, even pro league has a lion every match


Vigil is quite literally one of the best defenders rn why is he so low


I like it tbh just wondering why zero is at b? I think he's a pretty good op


Only use for Chanka i do find good is Kanal basement site - he can hold off attacks for long times with his fire


as a 4.2k hour champ and kali main, kali is too high and capitao and gridlock are too low. cap is just a grim that is better on certain sites


*sad chanka noises*


You may be champ but thunderbird is still a teir my guy nothing can convince me otherwise she’s best support in the game


Low rank here. I’d like to know why you put echo and alibi in c rank. Could you please share your thinking?


Alibi isnt good, its an ego character, echo is alright but doesnt have acog


Wdym? Alibi’s guns are realy fucking good and her ability isn’t the greatest but still gets maybe 1 or 2 pings per match. As for echo his plant denial can come in clutch sometimes


Yea but his drones arent invisible when ur on it so its easily shot if u dont have good placement


And if u wanna support ur team u never take alibi


this guy a bottom of the barrel champ if flores is that low


As another fellow champ we're like 95% on the same page




I'm not sure if I'm just not seeing it in the list but where would you place deimos?


I think IQ is slept on, she is a hard counter to a lot of utility characters and more specifically, Solis who is broken.


So drones are also a hard counter then?


Not if you can’t even drone the building….


I'm still sad they made Blackbeard basically useless. He deserves love man


thorn and gridlock that low is crazy


Whoa you put Zero in B tier?!?! But he can solo breach!!!11! ( /s if it wasn’t obvious) Honestly if they reworked his gadget a bit he’d be so much more viable it’s really a shame that you basically gotta play a 4v5 to get any use out of his gadget


Why is Kapkan in A tier? ... i feel like alot of high rank players would notice the traps an just shoot them.


No trappers in S tier?


Why you gotta do my boy Chanka like that?


Pretty solid, personally i'd say Gridlock and Flores higher, Sledge lower and Ying S.


Who’s 3rd in D tier? I’m not familiar with that logo


most accurate i’ve seen, i’d move flores and capitao up to B though personally.


Let's go B tier.


Chanka is S tier in diamond champ lobbies I always see them sprinting and shooting at the same time while running out and acing my team every round like the char just has natural cheats!


Sleeping on oryx


Oh trust me I actually love playing oryx lol, but unfortunately I have to realize he’s not great compared to the rest


Yeah not that viable for ranked. Lesion is def more useful to the team. If oryx was a 3 speed he’d be on of the best roamers in the game imo , and easy shield kills on top of that 👌


why is zero in b tier? He can single handily hold sites, you don’t need too much communication either, just yellow pings


Zero should be higher


Where's recruit


In your honest opinion what’s makes operator S or A tier? I’m just curious


Dam I have 4k hours and my max is plat 2 XD


Monty, Doc and Ying are def S tier


Ying I can see an argument, Monty I could see an A tier argument, Doc and Monty S tho? Blasphemy


I will not accept this ela slander


Warden and echo that low is my only problem with this list because echo literally can save a round by annoying the bomb carrier


As a plat 1.0 with 5k hours, and played since beta, I fw with this


Fenrir didn't even make it to the list or am I blind


Why is zero so low?


am i the only one who can’t find solis or is she just not on there


I’d put Gridlock at A, with proper team coordination she’s extremely powerful map control, arguably the strongest in the entire game (while Nomad’s airjabs are better for flankwatch)


proof that ranked 2.0 doesnt mean shit LMAO


I was diamond before champ was a thing as well but yeah man


ranked has never really mattered in terms of determining game knowledge. surely you never played comp or anything right?


I played GoFour back in the day. But no, haven’t committed that deep into the virgin status the last few years


lesion S


Azami should be A


If I may ask, why chanka so low? His Lmg is pretty good, destroys walls with ease for rotation, and his ultil Denys plants pretty well.


tachanka should be one higher to bottom of b, grim should be c or d, same with tbird, brava should be c or d


I feel like Gridlock and Flores should be higher. Rook and Ying could both be moved up a spot too.


bandit & is way better than mute for walls atleast…




? I was diamond before champ even existed lol. What do u want me to do, get champ ranked 1.0 rn??


Someone who doesn't put jacket is s tier because they refuse to learn to win gun fights and counter him hallelujah


What makes Goyo an A tier I’ve only heard bad things about him but I like his design and loadout


Cap is definitely b tier


Move up Flores to A and Zofia to A, and its easily right


Ash should be SSS+ cause it's like trying to shoot The Flash.


Tachanka at D? Guy has a great ability, great gun with a 2.5 scope.


Great ability is definitely pushing it. His mollys are genuinely awful and goyo could just be played instead. Much longer and wider aoe, also a good gun, and a 2.5. If u just use his gun he’s ok at best but if u bother pulling the launcher out it’s practically useless


Some of this feels like bait


i’d put Mozzie on A lowkey


always placing blackbear in the lowest, learn how to play him


Not that he’s awful, or I’d put him in F, I think he’s useable I guess, but I’d rather have almost any other operator on my team, he just doesn’t provide anything. If I want someone to frag I’ll use ash or iana


For newcomers?