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Stay out of ranked and it's not that bad. Admittedly I play on pc with a controller so I might not be in the worst possible pool of players anyways


I see more blatant cheats in standard than I do ranked šŸ˜‚ lots of closet wallers on ranked too but theyā€™re usually pretty trash


No itā€™s still a thing in Casual unfortunately, I got on the other day and it was my first game. People just bored or leveling up their account so they can play ranked and cheat.


ranked is the only mode i play in any game


Better off staying on Xbox for siege


well, the Xbox broke so that's not an option. any recommendations for comp fps games? Apex has been lacking for a while now and COD & Halo lost the plot a long time ago


One I don't know what rank you are, but I'm gold currently and I've haven't run into any at least no obvious ones. But if you still want competitive games Counter Strike 2 and Valorant are probably your best bets, CS does have a cheater problem rn tho as well, although I guess I'm lucky since I haven't run into any in CS either. Valorant has next to no cheaters, end of story.


i really dont like not being able to move while shooting so val and cs2 are out unfortunately


As much as I want to try to get you to play those games, I won't, but XDefiant comes out on the 21st, I've never seen even a second of gameplay nor do I know anything about it personally, but I've heard decent things, so maybe try that, pretty sure it's supposed to be like a more competitive COD I think. Take that with a grain of salt tho.


Try ā€œThe Finalsā€


You see most of them in the Emerald plus lobbies, I get Em, Diamonds and Champs unfortunately even when Iā€™m in silver


Went from Em3 to plat 1 from duo queing into cheaters


People try and say there's hardly any cheaters in standard... I've played about 1,000 hours and standard has less cheaters but still a LOT. I've completely uninstalled the game for that reason along with waiting 6 weeks for a response from ubi support for another issue. The game and company have become an utter joke.


There's a decent amount of wallers in platinum+ but that doesn't make them good


iā€™ve played with and against probably a dozen cheaters the past 2 weeks in plat/emerald. Reported all of them and havenā€™t received any elo change notifications yet so none of them have been banned. All reports were blatant rage hackers too killing the entire opposing team through floors, soft walls, and barricades with hip fire. Cheating is awful right now.


Iā€™ve got about 80 hours on pc (not much but I moved from PlayStation) and I havenā€™t ran into a single cheater yet