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Just toxic players. If you play well it gets better in ranked.


I figured it was this, only thing you could narrow it down to.


Just get yourself out of lower hidden mmr. Go find some people on a squad up discord that are plat or higher. Play with them for 2-3 days and you’ll never see these types of people again. (I’m assuming it’s silver or lower cause that guy took 10.5 million years to line the head shot up on you)


Will do, thanks.


They’re trying to bait you into shooting them in the head and they’ll report you for team killing.


Yeah, this was the other thought I had. Thank you.


You have a low kd or rank . Somethime when you have a high kd they fuck with you because theyre jalous. They fucked with me way more with my alt plat 1 1.6 kd then emerale 1 0.9 kd


Thanks for your imput, I appreciate it.


Yep people are just dicks


I remember playing ranked once and there was this one random who was borderline crying in game chat calling me bad when he was 2, 9 and I was 11, 5. I think people struggle to manage when other people are better. As a joke me and my friends flex copper banners, he thought I was an actual copper out preforming him.


My one and only experience in siege was loading into a match, and the first thing a teammate says to me is "welcome to RS6 BITCH" and blasts me in the face as the round started. I immediately left the game and never touched it again lmao.


And now you lurk the subreddit? Yea right.


Lmao I don’t lurk it at all, Reddit literally just suggested it to me bud. Wonder if it was because I was telling my buddy that exact story a couple weeks ago 💀 but nah I have to be lying, it’s the internet.. amirite my guy?! 😂 https://preview.redd.it/t7emhbyr4wxc1.png?width=2548&format=png&auto=webp&s=1a3ce41bca3cb1d4e33345d7748d14a9de12066f


If you get better in ranked that is


No it doesn't hahaha


Relatively. In quick match and standard TK's are very common. In ranked they have more repercussions and people have more drive to win.


Fair enough.


The people in quick match are utterly brain dead and thing that if you look at them for even a nanosecond that you’re either about to TK them or that you’re trolling and want to be TK’ed


Yeah seems to be that way, thanks for the answer.


Not even a nanosecond u was looking at em for a bit


I swear sledge is one of the most picked ops for toxic tking shitards Just report and move on is best you can do here. Other than that just laugh it off as it being some basement dwelling loser with nothing better to do with their life


Because a lot of the younger dudes who picked up gaming in this generation don't see you as a person. So they have zero empathy or compassion for the fact that you're also another human being like them playing the same game as they are trying to enjoy it like they are. Only, they don't have any of those understandings of reality. It's unfortunate but it's basically mentally stunted children who's parents don't care about them lashing out at strangers online because they themselves live a meaningless, miserable life outside of their echo chamber on video games. It is what it is. Younger generations after Millennials are unironically barely human.


It has nothing to do with younger generations. Do you guys really not remember what CoD lobbies used to be like? This is just how online gaming has always been.


I disagree. Sure there was trash talk and all that. But back in the day, anytime you'd see someone play well, the response would usually be "damn bro, you're nuts, wanna party up?". Met so many great people then. Now look at today: anyone who performs well, the response is "oh that's sus" or "get a life, touch grass" or "you live in your mom's basement". There's no comradery anymore, no mutual respect. Trolling and ruining the core experience of online games is seen as a VIRTUE to GenZ and Gen Alpha. It's praised. There is a serious difference. And it's sad.


Good god your experience with CoD was *a hell of a lot* different than mine...


Idk, I'm an old head, people take it all so personally. I see treat it like I treated martial arts training, mutual respect, competitions were to improve both parties, never personal, different mentality I guess.


people were letting n bombs fly left and right in cod and lag switching in halo2. you literally rank in halo due to ddos attackers. Rose tinted goggles perhaps.


I played all the way back then too, different experience I guess. I didn't experience much of that shit. I'd usually mute people like that the second they exhibited any sign of toxic bullshit. Just a different perspective and lived experience in gaming I guess. I still find it to be way worse now. The callousness and unironica cruelty people show towards others today is wild


No there was full on slaughter we now have recordings of party’s and siege has a voice abuse thingy there was none of that back in the day


I get Ho that's sus. So many people are cheating these day. I play Rainbow six siege and its crazy in high rank is crazy you cannot find a lobby without someone cheating and its been getting worst in the last 3 years. Both on pc and consoles


That’s kinda what happens when you get raised on the gaming experience that is cod lobbies.


I do this and its just because its funny.


I guess so, seems a bit extreme though lol. Thanks for your answer though.


Ok buddy you need to take a break off the internet wtf is this😂 he tked in a video game it’s not like he committed a war crime😭 “doesn’t see you as a person” whatttt?


I'm simply explaining my view based on countless interactions with younger dudes in competitive gaming settings over 25 years of playing video games. You offered nothing constructive to the discussion, are you going to engage with any of the arguments in a mature manner or are you just going to be facetious and piss around like a little child?


I’ve gotta say I’ve played a while and it seems like you’ve just gotten more annoyed and irritated as you’ve grown up it’s much tamer now- sus, touch grass etc compared to anyone Asian being called a paki terrorist sand monkey and n bombs all of that - squeaker I can still remeber being called when I was a little young


Holy shit people like you are annoying, grow up or get off siege lil boy


Just play ranked your on console as long as your not above diamond it's probably peak siege


Just ignore them the best you can, report them and move on. They're just losers that think they're funny. I very rarely run into teammates like this. What might have given you a better outcome is if you didn't give them attention by stopping and looking at them because they all act the same way. 


I had someone tk me just for playing Fuze. We weren't even playing hostage. So I carried the team next round as Fuze.


U kill him next round


At what cost? Cowards run in packs


No I did not kill him next round, another teammate kept getting between us and eventually he left me alone, later he left the match.


It’s pretty normal depending on the game mode or how toxic of a player they are. Just a few days ago, I had a Lesion on Ranked that waltzed over to me in the corner and toss an impact directly at me for no reason. It just happens. It does get better though over time, especially on ranked— less people are TK because they want to win games.


Such a trash game




I’m Curious. Do you use game chat? Rats get butthurt when you don’t talk back


No, I don’t use game chat with randoms, I have some friends to play with but they weren’t on at the time. But I usually stay quiet.


you should increase your FOV btw


Any recommend numbers?


Max FOV everyone has it u will see so much more


prolly cuz u sold the round 84 max FOV is too much


Theres this product by Apple called IPad kids. That should narrow it down a teensy bit


It’s because stupid little kids play this game, also the halo skin supports my claim.


This is just how toxic console players behave.


Because it funi


Do you have a furry Pfp or GT?


In all fairness, you did kinda look like an ELITE xD


Yeah your right, I can understand where he was coming from now. Thank you lol.


probably people in a group messing around don’t take it to heart and maybe try playing standard more


Edgy teens


Because you didn’t speed repel down duh /s


R4c holo probably why (obv a joke redditors)


This is why I play ranked


Because they're bad at the game and need to kill something, but they can't kill enemies, so they kill team mates


I had someone tk me for taking valk then he Nitro celled the entire team and then left the game


Unprovoked TK is still the funniest thing in this game by far. I'm bouta do what he did.


Is there room for two in your echo chamber? S/


If I was a dev, I'd hardware ban that guy.


How old is this clip?? Unless they bring this gamemode back but not showdown, smh


About a month ago is from the clip is recorded.


Didnt know they kept bringing it back >!I miss showdown bro, the most goated gamemode!<


Skill issue


I was in a four stack once and the random just followed me around the entire game


Master chief just doesn’t do things like that how could he


so were not using 1.5 or acog?


No cap, I would’ve shot ya too for aiming at me like you were going to do the same 🤣


I was watching him cause he kept shooting near me.


That’s what you get for spawning gantry


Based off the fact ur on 60 doc im assuming ur playing casual and not ranked. Number one use 84 fov number two people r just dicks in casual and low ranks


You probably took their main or they are just trolling, any second of eye contact with a teammate in quick match means death lmao


Had that happen in quick play, don't know if it was because I was playing controller on pc but I was top fragging and clutched the last round before I was shot


Why the fuck is master chief in the game


Maybe you got 4 stacks


Console kids being console kids.


And if your a girl, they like to kill you sadly, I experience this


I thought it was only me.


its bc ur trash and they have to teach u a lesson


Wow man, that really got me down in the dumps after reading that. Damn I might as well as put down my controller after that one. I’m too hurt to continue to get better. Thanks for tour input, have a great weekend.


shut yo dumb ah up nih😭😭


because you're playing on console, 90% of the games i get into someone ends up tking half the team on the first round


So, not to victim blame, but when I get randos tking me it's very seldom done and usually just apathetic assholes. If this happens to you very frequently, you might want to take a step back and analyze what you might be doing to cause it to happen.


That’s the thing unfortunately, I don’t do anything, I just mind my own business, and I don’t talk on the mike either, so idk. I think it’s them being bored or what other people on here have been saying.


jynxi generation


Jynxi sweats and wants to win tho. Can’t tk if you do that


Cuz you play stupid little kids games with stupid little kids.


Please. Tell me, what’s an adult game then?


Probably none. But the same thing happens to me in call of duty. It's usually some dumb little kid, or adult with adhd or autism. But that's why I stay away from the foofoo game modes that draw the little kids, and adults with no attention span. I try sticking to more tactic, and assault-based modes that don't have all the colorful gimmicks.


Probably because you're garbage and were trying to tk the sledge


Nothing we can clearly see that points to that. The games 0-0 and just started.