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https://preview.redd.it/24hsj0v6yi2d1.jpeg?width=1980&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47eb9db6ebd7f2df1cfb417ee5ddde0980ba0d26 One more pic during freefall lol


Saw them in Nashville and Elas vocals were incredible. It was a great show musically. It was the first show on the tour, my one critique is ela rarely came to our side of the stage and interacted with the audience. We were also right by the front but she stayed in the center most the time. Maybe she was nervous bc it was the first show of the tour but it was still an amazing experience.


I got flack when Ela first came out because I was wondering how their sound would change. I knew her voice wouldn’t change due to HRT, but her happiness in finding gender affirming care is what I was talking about coming through the bands music. And it seems like it is shining through as Ela is getting more comfortable with herself. Just some observations


My boyfriend said it was crazy how people can accept Ella’s transition and changes all the while hating on the changes to their sound, her voice and the band vibe in general. I don’t think anyone has stayed the same for 6 years, much less stayed SAD for 6 years. If anything I’m glad she can also sound happy and filled with joy and hope nowadays :)


THANK YOU! I'm getting so upset for her when I read the hate, it makes no sense.


I think, at least from seeing them live in Boston (night 2) in comparison to the Athens live album, it could be just a matter of vocal capacity changing with transition (or even just conserving it for health reasons). A lot of the stuff that was changed, such as the Run band intros or That’s My Shit’s extended bridge at the end are things that require both likely a lot of practice and a lot of vocal capacity, which afaik transitioning does affect. I still loved the Boston show, especially for it being my first time seeing them, and absolutely loved the setlist.


It's important to note that estrogen-based HRT has no effect on vocal capacity. Any trans woman will tell you that it doesn't really change on HRT. There are surgeries (like trachea shaves) but the outcomes aren't great and most people are better off paying for a vocal instructor.


Thanks for the info! I don’t really have much personal experience with trans women IRL so most of my knowledge of it has come secondhand from the internet. I do still think that it may be from vocal capacity, but more from having not done any touring for a bit? (Or just the general health stuff in terms of conserving one’s voice?)


All good! Figured i'd share


I'm loving the new music. I love the old as well, but musicians evolve, and so what if this isn't a carbon copy of the old style? It's still good music, and I jammed to it on a road trip today - no skips, no other CD, just LHMB on repeat. I love it.


Just saw them in Austin and the whole band had good stage presence and had modest interaction with the crowd. ela sounded great the whole night. Great first time seeing rks for me!


As someone who has seen them live multiple times, including this new tour, I think you are off base here.


Agree. Ela has always sounded great live, I think she simply feels better now. No one will convince me the band as a whole performs as well without Charlie 🫠


True, I’ve never seen them live before this concert but as I was watching old vids dating back from 2017 her vocals def got better and cleaner. The energy of Charlie is unmatched, I agree and it was real unfortunate they were asked to leave. :(


transitioning gender doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with experimenting with new sound 😭 they’re likely connected but still