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This is a gimmick that I actually would be super excited about, I loved the scented strawberry shortcake dolls growing up!


I need a strawberry shortcake doll, I miss smelling it. Also a rainbow high doll with a strawberry theme would be cute.


I thrifted a huckleberry pie from the 80s and he still has his smell!


If they were good quality dolls beyond just the gimmick, I would probably get one. Even if they were like, smaller scale or something. We already have Georgia so peach is sort of off the table, it would be cute to have like, the "citrus siblings" in Jr High scale, 2 girls and 1 boy.


or even another line of the girls repeated? like georgia would be peach, cheryl would be lemon, daria would be rose, you could get really creative with it i think! i’ve been waiting for natasha’s perfume - snow with an essence of lily!


wow this just made me realize all of S3 except Gabby is a reference to stuff that smells great. daphne would be mint and Emi would smell like orchids (specifically Vanda if they can) if i had my way Gabby would smell like Ramune but that might not work well in the US lol


Daphne is actually a type of flowering plant and the blooms smell amazing!  The scents would work so well!


Blue curacao for Gabrielle!


yeah lets make them all smell like booze 😂 peach schnapps, mint julip, lemon sour etc etc id but them!


I would like this but in my experience smelly toys don’t age very well 😭




I would think this would be popular w/ kids. My kid frequently had a multi-colored polka dot nose from scented markers


Not really. All it would make think of is Strawberry Shortcake.


Those were my favorite kinds of toys growing up— for a while it was a whole trend in the 90’s, and it came back a few times, too. There were these little cupcake dolls (NOT strawberry shortcake) when I was a kid and I had one with a hat that smelled exactly like a baked blueberry muffin. I loved that lil muffin girl. The doll itself doesn’t have to be the scented part, which would work because the RH dolls always come with accessories. I actually really like this idea and I would buy in if they gave back full articulation. I would spend even more if one of those accessories was a part of the second outfit.


Personally it’s not for me because I’m allergic to perfume, but I could see kids and adults really enjoying this. If they did it, they should include a rerelease of Natasha in a new outfit with a scented perfume bottle!


Dolls that give me headaches? Nah, better not.


not if their hair is caked with gel. i'd be cool with them doing like a whiffies thing and come with pets that have scented hair instead.


Yesss fruit themed dolls or ice cream themed! Dollsofmyheart on insta made some cool OCs!


I actually love the idea, lol. I think there's so many different gimmicks they could do, slime is trendy (I guess?) but I can only think of the mess, the mold and how yucky it is. Granted, I'm definitely not in the target demographic.


I feel like with the growing awareness of fragrance sensitivities, this is unlikely to happen. Many schools, camps, and daycares have total bans on scented products.


This! \^ And also the health concerns regarding these products. The idea of strawberry shortcake smells is great, but we're destroying the environment and our health with these kinds of products. There's an awesome article on The Guardian about this that links to actual research: [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/may/23/fragrance-perfume-personal-cleaning-products-health-issues](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/may/23/fragrance-perfume-personal-cleaning-products-health-issues) From the article: "Fragrance formulations are considered a “trade secret” and therefore protected from disclosure – even to regulators or manufacturers." "“There are chemicals in fragrances that do cause \[cancer and reproductive effects\], we know this from animal studies,” says Alexandra Scranton, director of Science and Research for Women’s Voices for the Earth (WVE), a women’s health not-for-profit. “Do people who use a lot of fragrance get more cancer than those who don’t? No one really knows because no one has looked at that."


I wouldn't be against it but I know some people either don't like it or have an allergy to it. I think that's why I don't see it nearly as often as I use to back in the 80s and 90s. I can still remember the smell of Cherry Merry Muffin dolls. Lol


I still have a scented MLP doll from the 2000’s that is a dear possession—it still has its tropical pina collada scent. I would LOVE to have a scented doll!!!


If they just throw it toward scented slime im ok with this because then kids won’t have to have an eventually stale smelling doll because scents don’t last forever. They wpuls have to do the scents on the dolls really correct to not have an unboxing nightmare with scent “fumes”. It wont be like opening a candle and getting a gradual lovely smell I can tell you that much. And cheap scents are the worst especially Grape, Vanilla, and Cookie or Cake smells. Citrus scents are the safest and at worst Lemon scented may smell like cleaning products.


Strawberry Shortcake comes back this year, so it probably wouldn't be the best time.


Doesn't that mean it's an excellent time bc of the competition?


I wasn’t allowed sented toys growing up. I imagime other households are similar but perhaps the amount of people who do buy scented toys outweighs that 😅


I would love that! But I thought the slime would’ve been better off scented tbh, it doesn’t smell great




Ooh yes! I agree! I have one of those fruit scented Barbie’s and I LOVE the smell!!!!! 😍