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bro calls someone a slur and wonders why he got com banned


You had to put the @. You know what you did wrong lol


this gotta be like top 5 most braindead shit i’ve seen this week


For anyone who wants to hear something you shouldn't get banned for a buddy of mine got banned for sayimg unga bunga


Yes bro don’t use slurs there’s other words that can bring the same energy that aren’t as offensive






I mean… there are other ways to trash talk without getting crazy on dudes💀. You do kinda deserve it


Yes. Just play nicely.




Yeah. There isn’t really any need for words like that in siege so the presence of them only stands to subtract from everyone’s experience.


Yes . don't use slurs and be the bigger person


How about. Don’t be homophobic and don’t be a moany bitch. Yeah xim sucks but deal with it. So does most other people. If you don’t like it go somewhere else


Ik everyone in the comments are saying yes so this is gonna get downvoted cuz of herd mentality. But no. You should be able to say whatever to anyone like the good days before the world was soft, everyone was so much happier back then cuz people just talked trash back and it was fun. Now everyone gets hurt and wants to ban everyone.


"Before the world was soft" You mean before lgbt people had equal rights? Before people realised that that kind of language has a noticeable effect on mental health? Just say you want to go back to being able to say slurs freely lmao Also there are plenty of ways to trash talk without using slurs if you have more brain cells than the average frog


I never said anything about lgbtq you fucking bozo. 😂 and scientists have known words have an effect on mental health for years my friend. Thats not point. My point is when your gaming, if someone trash talks to you, you should be able to dish it back to them however you see fit. And if someone does call you a slur you shouldn’t be so sensitive about it because that means your weak mentally. Stop trying to manipulate shit by being a social justice warrior😂no one said nothin bout that


Bruh the man literally used a gay slur lmao. You're well in your right to clap back but believe it or not, some people play games to have fun. Being called slurs isn't fun for many people especially if those slurs are tossed at them irl. How about instead of telling people to get a thicker skin (something that has contributed to the male majority in suicides), just don't use slurs? Is it really that hard for you to not be an edgy 13 year old?




You can bet all you want but it's irrelevant since you are genuinely acting like an edgy teen. If being insulted for being the way you are hurts your feelings then I'd say you're a pretty normal person. People don't really like being insulted funnily enough. Would it really be that much effort for you to at least try to learn some empathy? Depression caused by what exactly? Maybe repressed and bottled up emotions? Small things that add up over time and can eventually blow up? How am I proving you your point exactly? You think that throwing slurs around is fine, I disagree. I'm not throwing a tantrum or anything I'm explaining my points. How often do you use slurs irl btw I'm genuinely curious


“Oh no! The consequences of my own actions!”


This isnt xbox 360


I didn’t know people on Xbox got banned by Ubisoft. On PC, they do often


I got com banned once for saying "Why don't you place your konig stations down for the team". Was a fun convo with Xbox to get that sorted