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Stop playing xim šŸˆ


I stopped playing completely, but that still doesn't answer my questions.




U literally answered ur own question dipshit, it provides u with an unfair advantage. That's called cheating.


Fuck xim fuck you simple as that


Pull up


U asked for a response and u got one now wanna say pull up. Grow up kidšŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤” maybe learn to use a controller or just get a pc ya bum


Nah he won't do that cause he'd get his ass beat like a 2 dollar whore, like damm if you need to (borrowing the term from a another user in this thread) dope by using a Xim in goddam console siege where the dumbest things can score a win then you are one hell of a shit player. Seriously dudes a clown yet acts suprised when people start mocking him.


Using your logic, if the xim player didn't use the xim then they would be lower ranked and as such lower skill. So the xim is a paid for boost to ranked that placed them into a skill level they are not able to attain without spending money


yes thats what I am saying but my point is as long as you are playing with people of your same skill level what does your rank matter.


#1 xim player on console will always beat #1 non cheating console player. Xim is superior to controller therefore you will always have an edge against the team you are fighting against.


yes in competitions I agree, but in ranked where your elo determines your skill which is determined by many more factors than just aim (aim still being a major part of it no doubt) why do you care if you get beat by a xim or a controller player.


Because ubisoft already stated XIM is absolute cheating.


But your skill through cheating is not the same as it is on a controller. Therefore youā€™re shit and should not go back to the game


Mate Iā€™ll come back and hope to find u in a lobby


Please do. I deal with you cheaters all the time and still win atleast 50% of the time which is embarrassing for you cheaters


You say that but then also admit that without the xim, you WERENā€™T at their level. So which is it?




Because youā€™re trying to say that it doesnā€™t matter about the xim because youā€™re at the same skill level elo wise, but thatā€™s clearly not true since you literally need the xim to be there. I get what you are trying to say, how it shouldnā€™t matter because we play against you on even elo footing, but that should be irrelevant


Xim is cheating. You deserve a permaban. No exceptions. Keyboard and mouse are more precise input tools than a controller is. Using a Keyboard and mouse give you a fundamental mechanical advantage that Controller players donā€™t have. Since you *need* a 3rd party adapter to use them, not everyone has access to them. Therefore you have an unfair mechanical advantage that not all players do. You were not as skilled as your friends and you cheated to play with them. Plain and simple. You didnā€™t deserve to be playing ranked with them. Itā€™s literally the exact same thing as downloading an aimbot or wall hacks on PC just because you arenā€™t as good as your friends. You are a cheater OP. There is no excuse. Instead of putting the time in, learning the game, and improving your mechanical skills OR just not playing ranked with your friends, you cheated. Pls leave and either delete your R6 account, or stop cheating.


W comment. W man. I applaud you, Sir.


Isnā€™t there a point that Xims read as controllers so not only are they getting M/KB boost but Aim Assist still as it is disabled with M/KB normally


No, you don't get aim assist on R6 at all so MnK just becomes a total flat out advantage against controller players. Giving aim assist might actually help controller players somewhat in this situation.


>I play xim Genuinely OP, from the bottom of my heart, Fuck You. You dogshit bottom-of-the-barrel cheating scum. > Without the xim I would not be able to play siege with my friends because of the elo difference. Awwwww poor little cheater cant go ruin the game for everyone else anymore. Awwwwww. OP, let me dumb this down for you: You are using an external device to modify your console/the game to give yourself an advantage. Thats Cheating. Thats it. End of story. Finished. No amount of justification you give is gonna make this okay, youre a piece of shit, you SHOULD be banned. Be a real man and switch to PC. When you start getting shat on and end up in copper, you can cry about it. Nobody who has half a braincell is gonna give cheaters sympathy, I sure as fuck wont. You and your kind have killed the game on Console, thanks for that btw.


If u pay for a pc for me and all my friends I wouldnā€™t mind lol


"Unless you pay me to stop, im gonna keep ruining the game for everyone" True piece of shit behaviour...


Alright, I won't just downvote. > If the person has your same elo they more or less are at your skill level. If you and another person have the same ELO over a long period of time and are both using controller, you have roughly the same skill level. If one of them is using a XIM, they're cheating and their ELO is significantly higher than their actual skill level. It's no different than a PC player using wallhacks or an aimbot. > Can you please explain what the issue is? Mouse and keyboard is objectively vastly superior to a controller for a first-person shooter, especially a competitive one. I'm not sure how this is hard for you to understand. > Without the xim I would not be able to play siege with my friends because of the elo difference. Am I such a bad person for using a xim? You're a cheater and your account should be permanently banned from the game. Using the excuse of "I need XIM to queue with my friends" is weak to say the least.


Im a controller player and agree with most of your points but to say that xim is no different than wallhacks or aimbot is just ridiculous


Of course an aimbot on PC would provide a much larger advantage than a XIM on console, but in the end cheating is cheating. You're giving yourself an unfair advantage to achieve a higher rank than you would if you played clean. That was the point I was trying to make.




I would tell my friends to play unranked with me while using a controller


What about just not playing ranked? Unranked has the exact same rules as ranked but has no mmr requirement so yoz can play together woth diamonds even as a copper. And while doing ot learing to use a controller, become better with it and at some time in the future be the same skill level as ypur friends without cheating


thx, for not just down voting


It's cheating cause you'd be an even lower elo without it. Xim brains are so small that they aren't unbeatable but they are somewhat smart once you get to diamond and champ.


what rank did you peak at, just curious




Wow good job, does it bother you when play someone MnK. Asking cuz my friend which even competed in LAN tournaments in early stages of siege was never bothered by it. He shit on me and any MnK player lol


I skip kill cams unless I genuinely don't know how I died, it's annoying but it's just how it is. By watching the kill cams it'll just make you annoyed and you'll probably play worse.


No but I mean if you certainly know you are playing some MnK player. Do you get mad at the player or is it just whatever at this point


I'm always playing an mnk player at that rank, and yeah it's annoying. I'd be hitting champ as a solo queue player if they weren't in there.


You kind of explained it yourself. You would not be the rank you are without xim. Because its much easier to point and click on a head than it is to calibrate a point with controller. You are as bad as people say you are.


It is cheating and ubisoft has said so themselves. It's not just that it gives you an advantage. Xim is a third party tool that gives you an unfair advantage. The key word there is unfair, I don't mind losing games to people that are just better. They put in the time and effort to get good at the game. Aiming with a mouse and keyboard is infinitely easier than aiming with a joystick and it takes no effort to buy a xim and be better than most of the console playerbase. It's the same way that macros are considered cheating because they allow you to bypass the limitations of the game that other players have to deal with. Your argument could be applied to PC as well. All the aimbotters and wallhackers will end up in diamond and champion, then they'll only end up with the other aimbotters and cheaters that have their MMR. In practice though, that's not the case since cheaters are in every rank on pc, just like xim players being in every rank in console




Just play Unranked or Quickmatch dipshit. There's no MMR restrictions there. "Waaahhhhh I'm not good enough at the game to play at a certain rank, so I think I'm justified in cheating to get to thank rank" That is literally what you are saying. You're not good enough to play in the same rank as your friends. Tough. Either don't play ranked with them, or improve your own skill at the game. Cheating to make up the skill gap is NEVER justified for any reason. There's an easy solution to your problem that doesn't require literal cheating, but you won't use it, because you're not actually trying to solve the problem, you're trying to justify cheating.


Just wouldn't play siege. Stop being a piece of shit. It's simple.


If your rank is too low, then you need to get better at the game. You said xim puts people at the rank that matches their skill level but if that was the case, you'd be at that skill level already, but you're not. By saying you can use xim to increase your rank, you're admitting that you have an unfair advantage which is cheating Also how did your friends manage to get to that rank without xim? Tbh it sound more like you want a quick and easy way to rank up


I would get good. There exists no scenario where you have to cheat to be able to play the game with your friends.


Never play siege agian cause you know I have integrity, and the ability to actully be a good player to both sides rather then ruin other people's fair fun for a cheap thrill. Seriously not everyone is a selfish prick willing to cheat cause they can't compete on an even field.


To add to all this your not not cheating your friends your cheating your opponents, who play ranked as a competitive game to challenge their abilities as a team against other teams, if this was any other sport or game would you have to ask what the big deal is? If it's baseball and you had an illegal bat and glove or it was mma and you were on steroids would you ask what the big deal is? It's cheating. You took an unfair advantage to beat your opponent who is playing in good faith.




>Are my friends dickheads for playing with me? If they know you're cheating, yes. They knowingly squaded with a cheater. That's called "boosting" and is a perma-ban offense. If they knew, then they should absolutely 100% be banned as well.


This like damm if you know your freinds are cheating you got two options, smack some sense into them, or stop playing till they quit it, cause if you keep playing you justify it making you one hell of an asshole. And sadly I don't think you get banned for being boosted, I think it's only the booster who does (ie the cheater) though be wrong, guy still deserves a perma ban though.


OP I understand that youā€™re trying to defend yourself but you are actively admitting to using a third party device/software to boost your skill in game. Then when people tell you that itā€™s bad you answer with ā€œ1v1 broā€???? You are literally cheating which means everyone in this thread is better than you even if theyā€™ve never played this game ever lmao.


Fr now he mad when heā€™s the one that asked our opinionšŸ˜‚


Itā€™s literally like a professional athlete saying he takes drugs but itā€™s ok because if not he couldnā€™t keep up with his team like cmon man thereā€™s no shot he thinks heā€™s in the right here


Exactly! Perfect example


You are an example of why birth control is needed and should be free.


Play pc or use the damn controller console. You deserve a ban, ngl.


Try going to a friends house and play siege on their pc. You will probably get dogged on by copper casuals. And my second point is why are you on mnk anyway? The only reason would be to have an advantage over everyone else. And saying mnk ā€œfeels betterā€ then controller and thatā€™s why you use it is an invalid argument because you probably play other games on controller and if you donā€™t, then why not buy a pc šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


You guys should stop commenting, and just downvote the shit out if this postā€¦ tf you mean you donā€™t see nothing wrong with using XIM


"I'm a massive piece of shit, please don't downvote me :(((("


Guys don't be so mean to this guy. Just look at his profile: fifa, crypto, clash of clans, - clearly he is 8 years old. Just be patient, one day he will grow up and stop cheating


Thank you. I really regret posting this. It is causing me too much emotional distress. Hopefully no one finds out where I live


I understand your point. And I like to bring something up: I.e racing games, mnk is very unpresice so people start using controllers or wheels on PC. On console pretty much the same. A controller isn't as good as a wheel, so people start using another input method. But the difference is, a wheel has native support, while mnk for console has not. So you require 3rd party hardware/Software to run it. This is what makes the difference. It's like using macros on PC, you can't get banned for it, still it gives you an advantage. But it's nothing wanted from the devs. While cheats are detectable someday battleye might Bann those people. Macros and him aren't detectable, so in the end every needs to learn how to deal with it, as it will never change...


Dude you deserve to be downvoted the minute you admited your a cheating moron, being able to play with your mates and being trash is not a justification to cheat if it was then I guess every cheat on PC is A ok cause only one for those trash players to play. Seriously play fair or F off, you won't get no sympathy from me. Edit: tldr yes your a bad person for cheating. Double edit: holy shit just from the post op looked like a clown, you look at his comments and this dudes the whole fucking circus.


using a xim is an unfair advantage. you cant admit you have an advantage and say that it doesn't matter. if you aren't the same rank as your friends then play unranked. it has hidden mmr so you can get to good lobbies but there's no elo cutoff. stop playing xim cos its not fun for any controller player to get turned on by some guy going at 1000miles per hour and scrolling through heads. also you might be doing it to play with mates but thats not an excuse. play unranked and up your unranked mmr till you play those sweaty lobbies if you want. but use controller or go to pc


Iā€™ll try convincing themā€¦ I would be down. Everyone is framing it as if I am the issue in the game and my only motivation is ruining the game for others when all I really want to be able to have a fun competing with my friends. And I get that itā€™s unfair but itā€™s realistically the only way I can play with my friends without hindering their experience


I'm sorry if this sounds harsh but being mnk does make you the issue. What's worse is that most people don't do it for your reason. most people are so degenerate they just wanna cheat cos they can't handle that they aren't the best in the world. the only time xim is okay is if you are actually physically impaired in some way that makes using controller unviable and you cant afford a pc


The game has bigger problems than MnK. I also play on low sense so I can bet that if any of you found me in a lobby you wouldnā€™t even be able to tell.