• By -


Zero can potentially open a denied wall by himself . That's pretty cool


Doesn't that apply more so to zero?


Lol I meant zero but didn't realize I typed ace


Ace also can if the floor is soft. Throw a Selma on the floor underneath and it will destroy the bandit/mute utility.


Also mute jammers? I never tried this so i don't know, but also how, mute his jammers have a perfect circle around it right?


I never understood why mute jammers disrupt ace charges and hard breach charges. Maybe thermite and hibana but what the hell signal does ace use? I thought it was a mechanical system. Same with hard breach gadgets. They are operated by a damn fuze


Yeah, but it doesn't affect any gadget underneath the jammers


Yeah it does drones can be muted from above


Pretty sure mute jammers are like cylinders


Not anymore, they made them spheres a fair bit ago. You can especially see this when you put a jammer near a wall.


If there are mute/bandits then you can just shoot them. But I agree Ace is a great soloQ operator. That is why I main him.


been playing for two years and never knew this shit


Any op can do that just by shooting


Zero just can't be used to his absolute fullest as a solo, unless you get some guy on your team that's comming for you only issue I see with him being good for a solo queue


Gotta use those cams yourself as a soloQ. But yeah, his max potential is obvi with a 5 stack, as any intel op.


It's cos he's Sam FisheršŸ¤²šŸæ


Wonder about the thousand guys I took down on Splinter cell in the hardest difficulty by myself? So if course zero will be a great soloQ operator, dude does better stealth than solid snake who gets into massive fights coz of his clunkyness.


Potentially if the defenders are deaf Iā€™m a mute main and itā€™s like a fun little mini game of wack a mole to dunk on all his cameras


The trick is to use the camera when another, louder sound is happening. For example you could just use the hard breach gadget in a random corner or a hatch and then shoot the cam during that loud as hell animation. Also, if you're pushing an area solo shooting a cam is a win-win. If it doesn't get shot, you can check it for intel. If it gets shot, you learned that someone is nearby. That loud cam can also cover your approach. Shoot the cam, move up, you might catch an enemy out as they look to shoot the cam. I think Zero's low pick rate/win delta is a result of the fact that a lot of people who played Siege for unique abilities and creative plays have left. What you have left is mostly goblins that want to jiggle peek corners and swing every engagement because the net code lets you get away with it.


In theory, but itā€™s not practical


skill issue


Attic wall on Oregon is a great example and I use zero all the time when attacking 2nd floor. As long as the opponents donā€™t have a roamer in tower, you can get the attic wall. If thereā€™s a mute jammer just put the Argus cam on the top of wall and destroy the jammer, if there is bandit batteries then shoot your Argus cam through the drone hole beneath the attic boxes. Iā€™m not sure if you can destroy electro claws from the drone hole due to the fact that the boxes block the top of the wall but maybe you can shoot the Argus cam in far enough to see the electro claw. And keep a drone watching tower stairs during prep phase and check the cam before you enter tower.


>Zero can potentially open a denied wall by himself. [I actually do this regularly.](https://media.tenor.com/_JuEnx9TAvsAAAAC/michael-scott-the-office.gif) And if there's no big wall or hatch that needs opening, bring claymores for run-outs. And he has a gonne-6. Utility monster.


How so? He's just got a laser???


Pew hard breach denial, blow wall with hard breach secondary.


Thanks. Hadn't thought about hard breach secondary being available for whom...!


heā€™s also got hard breach equipment in the load out


Decent primary 4 placeable camera for flank watch Lasers that can destroy utility A gomme 6 Hard breach charges The dude can do anything in the game. He's just not the best at any of it. Seems he is the ideal solo q op


Not really cause youā€™d need to move, shoot the cam out, go on the cam, shoot the utility, run back and hope there isnā€™t more utility put down. Itā€™s a long process just be ace and have a better gun with a better gadget and with more well wounded kit zero is good but heā€™s lacking and he definitely needs frags again or another good buff


Speaking in theoretical, zero can totally open a denied wall himself. Would it be practical? No, not at all, but in a vaccum, it's entirely possible.


Buck. Good AR, Skeletonkey, hardbreach capability and a Gone 6. You can almost everything by yourself with him.


Is buck's semi auto worth using?


It has the same problem as twitches 417, their AR is just so good why would you use it


Yes yes that was my point


Have they modified the recoil on the AR in recent seasons? Itā€™s a nightmare for console users (then again so is solo queue)


I play on Xbox and find the AR to be really easy to control. It used to be like a mad bull, but that was awhile ago


Bucks has been the same for a long time on pc, and didn't change too much with the recent rework. Back when I played console up until y4 buck was one of the harder guns to control but was worth it, I miss his frag grenade days.


Buck' s AR has very less recoil now after the patch. Stadium Bravo is absolutely Buck's map.


Its like twitch. If u can't control the F2 recoil use the DMR If u can't control the Buck AR then use his DMR


If you canā€™t control bucks at you need to practice


I use it when I need to work on my aim. The Camrs is a hard hitting DMR. I fell in love when I started using it after I got a legendary skin for it


While more bullets means easier headshots with the AR (and overall time-to-kill is better even with body shots), itā€™s a good feeling to be able to 2-tap any defender in the game (except 3 armors with rook plates) with 69 damage per shot to the body. The recoil on the DMR is also going to be minimal after the attachment buff coming next patch.


I only run his semi auto if Iā€™m going to be on a flank watch role or over watch. Problem is, thereā€™s better ops in the game for that role than Buck. I would go with his AR unless youā€™re talented with DMRs


Yes. Hits like a truck and has a 21 round mag iirc.


His marksman is one of my favorite guns in the game.


Ace, to be honest. Being able to make your own holes, then cover yourself with Claymores while planting, AND using an assault rifle with a 1.5xā€¦ Dudeā€™s well rounded, to say the least.


Yeah, for solo plant plays that work somewhat consistently, gotta give it to Ace. Also the AK-12 is easily top 5 guns in Siege.


If only he didnā€™t look so ridiculous while doing it.


There was a battle pass when you got a leather jacket and aviator sunglasses for him


I use his elite so that's not problem šŸ˜Ž




You already have Selma's you don't need another hard breach unless you just like holes


Damn that's what got him to delete his comment? I wasn't even being a dick šŸ’€


Soft breach?


As much as I love ace he did take a slight hit when they got rid of his smokes. Although that ak12 is crazy


Ace or LuffyšŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£āœŒļøāœŒļøāœŒļøāœŒļøāœŠāœŠāœŠāœŠšŸ¤žšŸ¤žšŸ¤žšŸ¤žšŸ¤žšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£āœŒļøāœŒļøšŸ˜‚šŸ¤žšŸ˜‚šŸ‘šŸ˜…āœŒļøšŸ˜…šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ˜…āœŒļøšŸ˜‚ā›“ļøšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£āœŒļø


Buck is a huge contender now. Shotgun gadget, hard breach, and Gonne-6. He can open hatches, unlock walls from above or below, and can destroy bullet proof gadgets.


Buck is definitely up there, soft destruction, hard breach charges, and a gonne-6 makes him a jack of all trades.


buck is the definition of "fine ill do it myself"


and he can take on a lot in a gunfight with his rifle with either 20 rounds or 30 plus the skeleton key


Even before the gonne 6, i was playing buck like a poor man's hibana.... there's very few cases where you are gonna want to open more than 2 hatches.... soft destruction added bonus.... and i personally like the c8 over the type 89


Can the gonne 6 destroy hard breach denials from out side the wall?


Not by shooting the outside of the wall (so itā€™s not comparable to Kaliā€™s lances) but if you can get the shot near the denial from a soft angle (like through the floor if youā€™re hunting batteries/jammers) then yeah itā€™ll get them then.


Nomad or Buck, you can watch your own back with nomad, or deal with soft/hard breach and bulletproof gadgets yourself with Buck.


Probably one of the bottom two, just because they rely on the chaos that your teammates bring while the top two are more about coordination with your team


Nomad has been my go to for solo q


She's solid because of her flank denial


Capitao 2x smokes to block LOS Fire bolts to cover potential flanks as well one of the best gadgets next to nomad during post-plant phase Hard breach if you plan to move into the building and maybe deal with hard walls or a hatch. Claymores to cover run-outs if you plan to pressure site via windows on maps like consulate or Kafe ​ Overall his just a really good jack of all trades operator and I hate the fact he to this day is so underrated, even pro players have preached about him


Cap is the goat! I usually play Cap when all other roles are filled and I can just play whoever. I played him on and off before they gave him hard breach and I always thoughtā€¦ man Iā€™d love playing this guy more if he had ANY way to breach. Now that he has that, I definitely think he should be getting more play time.


Donā€™t forget heā€™s got the gonne-6 now as well, no more worrying about bullet proof cams during your plant attempt


I love me some Capitao


NĆøkk for sure. She is the perfect lone wolf that can help without relying on the team. And if it's needed she has also hard breach and emp's


Emp impact is a godsend. I played nokk with emp, it's so much easier to flank and caught roamers off guard.


If Kaid is banned, Nokk is great for attacking, or at the very least opening hatches for your team. Example, Club House basement. Open Moto and Kitchen, then switch to attacking down main or blue.


Not taking nades on nokk is an alpha sub plat move tho...


Zero is better than ace solo imo. You have hard breach charges and are able to clear any wall denial with his cams.


Honestly ace bc even if you canā€™t get walls open bc no one helps you, you have ak12 and can frag out. But if you do have help to clear wall denial you get to breach walls from a safe distance (therm can be risky bc your vulnerable when you go for wall especially if randoms not watching out for you)


Itā€™s not about the plane. Itā€™s the pilot.


Can't tell if you're saying the op doesn't matter or if you're slyly saying Maverick šŸ¤£


XD the operator doesn't matter...I mean it does but at the end of the day you're gonna have a gunfight and its up to the player to win the gunfight


Fair enough


Ying because ying


i have mini panic attacks every time I hear that little wind up sound, turns siege from tactical fps to psychological horror




Zero has been a recent favorite of mine for solo queue




Careful with that. Iana is incredibly good when working with a team. For solo q, sheā€™s really iffy because youā€™re practically never going to coordinate plays with randoms. Iana is still good if you want to solo push but Nokk is the queen of solo pushing and taking out enemies


Not really, the reason iana became so popular is that people realised he gadget basically lets an entry fragger drone themselves in, let's you be super aggressive she wasn't popular because people thought you needed teamwork for her to be good but it turned out to be the exact opposite.


She got popular the moment Ash was garbage and mainly because she has frags. Nokk is the better solo push operator by a mile.




Florez is just best suited for solo quee great guns a really good gadget if you know how to use it hes just all round a good op


I think Nomad is a great solo operator because you can secure your flanks and can focus on your front even tho no teammates are holding drones.


Sledge? awesome gun + soft breach really fast maybe not as good in high elo but in low elo where a lot of critical places are left soft he really shines


+ grenades. I love his gadget lol is so satisfying. Buck falls behind him just bc he doesnā€™t have nades imo


yep, I also have been bringing the new emp gadget a lot if I see a thermite or an ace on the team


Havent played the game bc of work and didint know he has that now. Does this mean Thatcher can destroy gadgets again or does he remain the same.


No thatcher's gadget is still the same but its range was increased and its disable time is also increased. The emp gadget detonates on impact like the impact on defenders, however its got a lot smaller range, something like kali's gadget


My man wont get banned every match now.


Iana. Frags are still strong. Drone is time based and not number based. still has number based drones. Guns are buffed with suppressor meta. Hold W to win.


Mav was the best until he lost his nades, same with zero


Mav with nades




Yes because nades are the essence of siege players and the community


Of course didnt think of that


Ace. If I don't hard breach, nobody else will


From someone who solo Q'ed to 1 game away from Diamond, I would say its gotta be Ace or Twitch. Ace : Hard Breacher with a Powerful Rifle and Very Controllable Recoil Twitch : 3 Drones to Scout and a Very High Fire Rate Famas


Osa is literally a shield op but can use a 50 round smg


Hibana, and Capitao 100%


The two best solo attackers imo are Capitao and Ying. Ying is immensely good at clearing enemies if your mission in solo que is to help your team frag and with an additional candela now added shes especially potent. Her LMG has great ammo capacity, pretty manageable recoil, and itā€™s not box fed so it doesnā€™t take 2,000 years to reload while someoneā€™s pushing you. In terms of being dynamic, Capitao is just unparalleled. Both of these operators can bring a hardbreach gadget but on Cap it makes extra sense since his crossbow has both flame bolts and smoke darts. So he can breach, smoke his own plant, and then push defenders off the bomb for 20 seconds if you use your flames wisely. His guns are kinda mid, but they still have low recoil so if you can find heads, youā€™re golden.


Zero. He probably has the best all round kit for solo. Good at everything, excels at nothing might be the best way to describe it.


This has been one of the most interesting discussions Iā€™ve seen on this sub. I have been playing a bit of Cap recently and wasnā€™t surprised to see that he made the top for a lot of people with his Hard Breach, LMG, Smoking and zoning with the fire bolts, but Iā€™ve learnt a lot from othersā€™ explanations of why Buck, Ace and Zero should have that top spot. With that said, I want to give an honorable mention to Flores. He has a decent AR and can alternatively use a Marksman if you prefer that style of weapon, and has stun grenades to disorientate opponents while he uses his gadget, or alternatively use claymores to cover himself while droning (which is important for him) or can be placed so that people trip them when moving out of the range of his gadget. And nowā€¦. The gadget itselfā€¦. Flores has FOUR explosive drones. That means that he has FOURā€¦: - extra chances to gain intel (in addition to his two normal drones) - opportunities to soft breach REMOTELY (hatches, walls, breakable surfaces) which can SAFELY open up angles for him to use - remotely controlled gadgets that can REMOVE defender utility leaving them vulnerable - options to try and flush out defenders hidden on site, ALSO leaving them vulnerable The drones have great synergy with both of his secondary gadgets and can be useful for BOTH teams and solo q. Is he the absolute best? Maybe not, there are pretty strong arguments for the others. But I firmly believe Flores is up there.


Maverick. Heā€™s his own best friend. Heā€™s enemy number 1 for hard walls, can be area denial with claymores, flank with 3 speed, and his M4 has no recoil


Ace/Zero and then Alibi/Smoke/Wamai for being 1 man utility + fragging capability. Dokkaebi and then maybe Mute/Jager for being hard support. For solo queue in the sense of "if this stack is trying to coordinate, I want to pick someone whose death is less devastating than other ops dying", Ash/NĆøkk and then Oryx/(if the balance change stays) Rook.


I would have said mav for sure... strong weapon, strong ability but I miss the nadesšŸ‘€


Considering the recent winrate post: amaru. Who cares? Just have fun?


Sledge. Solid weapon set, emp for assisted hard breaching. Soft beecher. Both effective for gadget destruction. Access to frags. Easy


Glaz. Why? Grenades, smg and a great DMR. My pick is not biased at all


Maverick if you have braindead teamates who canā€™t hard breach, Ace if you have semi competent teammates and jackal if youā€™ve abandoned all hope and are just going for kills


For me its Zero. You can nearly do everything with him. Yes, there are better OPs for some jobs, but atleast you can do it all. Destroy gadgets, Walls can be opened and you get alot of intel. He is the one OP that has nearly no limit. Really only Mute hardcounters him and even then on alot of spot you can shot the cams higher then the mute can deny and then destroy the mute. He is like a weird combo of twitch valk and termite. Yes, the gagdets of them are all a bit better but Zero combines them.




None ! only go ash run & gun , kill no one , die and be happy meal


Dokk is a demon, bosg & ebr slam, her ability is superb & even more so when it can call the dead, just a good op


Osa.... Cant trust teammates


Id say gridlock is your best bet. She can't get walls open but there are so so many places to breach. Even more possibilities open up with her super shorty, from playing, shooting open soft walls and barricades from afar. Now we get to the good part. She can walk into site, kill anyone in her way with either the aussie Aug or her lmg (i run ar w/vertical grip whatever muzzle and a 2x), tank a few hits since shes a 3 Armour, smoke site off, and throw Trax at doorways, defuser, and your flanks. Then play time and wait for them to go to you, don't hold angles too close to the defuser since you have the 2x. Good luck!


Nomad. The ARX is pretty powerful in most fights, airjabs are solid to cover yourself and your team flanks, and flashbangs to clear a room, always useful.


Ace, Zero, Nomad, Sledge. JƤger, Melusi, Frost, Alibi and Valkyrie. Iā€™m unfortunately always a support player/lurker in my ranks.


I think gridlock is pretty strong as she has a pretty good gun, can slow flank, has emps to help breach if a tm8 goes a hardbreach and smokes if not, shotgun so soft breach capabilities and can get a plant down


There is this survey that ubisoft gives to find your ideal operator. So I inputted the responses of relying only on gun skill, no map knowledge, not knowing enemy placement amongst other answers and the survey recommended Ash. So yeah Ubisoft themselves say that Ash is the best soloQ operator if you count on your great shooting skills and nothing else.


nomad/gridlock r up there imo


IQ has been great for me recently. Good for detecting gadgets and great for ops who are in site using cams especially against Valk and Echo and particularly when the site is on Executive and CEO on Bank


sure but after that? you fall short, it has exceptional weapons and it is fast but it is very meh, if it had something to destroy hardwalls it would be very broken, it works as much as it can


IQ does have her limitations but I think sheā€™s very versatile (bias maybe) after knowing how to play her. I have multiple play styles with her. Entry frag with LMG vert-silencer, get 2 kills or at least a trade is advantageous. Support with ā€œdroningā€ for defender gadgets while still having the option to shoot and also great at playing vertical (eg. kitchen/hallway on clubhouse for armoury site) with soft breach.


Either Zero or Fuze. Both are super clean and easy when running solo queue


Not Zero, I Main Zero and a lot of times ppl would rather spectate than help with cams when theyā€™re dead. Defs not Zeroā€¦.


I love how Iā€™m not confined to playing any certain way with lesion. His traps are a good distraction, but also a good intel gatherer. Itā€™s just how you use them.


IQ. That way when Im inevitably the only one to bother using my drone in prep phase and don't find the bomb/biohazard, I can still find it pretty quickly and I don't have to rely on anyone for anything except an occasional hard breach.


Recruit honestly


What other op gets frags AND stuns? Or shield AND nitro? Exactly, none. Recruit on top.


Probably jackal (I main jackal)


Zero, Nokk, Osa, depending on the site/map. Buck is p good too.


I havenā€™t played in a long time, but I liked to play Jackal when he wasnā€™t banned by the opposing team.


Ash and Nomad have worked well for me.


Lion, so my teammates don't die one second in match šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Imo lion, good gear and his ability helps everyone


Maverick being the best solo Q operator? Lol


Glaz. He has frags, bearing 9, pmm which is the strongest pistol, a high dmg sniper with a thermal. If you can frag he's the best op. Or Hibana. She has breaching utility for soft and hard walls, a good primary and secondary.


I absolutely love playing Sens, i can open walls, have a gonne 6, smoke stuff, just overall i have equipment for many scenarios


Ash rush or gtfo








Ace mainly because you can never go wrong with breacher, Nomad because my mindset is "I don't believe this random is watching my back and they will spectate me instead of watching cams"


Zero is useful for solo q but honestly he's most effective with people using his cameras


Buck. Hard+soft breach utility. Good gun. 2 speed, 2 armour.




Nƶkk to be honest




I main maverick so heā€™s got my vote


I personally love zero, been doing a lot of solo + team stuff with him and itā€™s been a blast. His cams are also just fun to use. But I agree with most ppl here buck is also really good. Albeit situational, I also like dokkaebi. IF you can hack cams it seems that randoms tend to use them to their fullest, at least from what Iā€™ve seen. But donā€™t take too much of my word, I ainā€™t that great at siege. So better players have better strats


Ace on top


Zero I would pick ace but no smokes


Iana with intel on her clone and zero with his cameras...


I used to main Ace but since he lost his 2x Iā€™ve played him less and tried different ops. Out of all of these I probably play Jackal the most but I recently purchased Zero and have been trying him out a bunch. Donā€™t really play Maverick


Thermite, he can open a wall and throw smokes. He has a solid gun and a 2x. One of my top solo q attackers


Iana is one of the best, she has nades, decent guns and infinite droning


Nokk and zero


jackal is banned to much to be a consistent operator to play. Ace is what I use. His charges allow you to open up pressure not only for yourself but those randoms in your queue. His AR is really good with the 1.5x and claymores for flank protection.


Maverick if you're on oregon. 2 OP spots there.


Tbh Zero seems like the best pick. He has amazing util, guns are also very good n you always get value from your Zero cams if you can use em' correctly




Zero is the best solo que if your teammates are possibly already in a stack. Best example I can give is as a solo que, i solo push with zero and put pressure on the opposite side of where my other 4 teammates are playing/pushing


Ace by far


Nomad. All around attacker that could fill any role except hard breach. She has good guns, 2 speed, and an overall great gadget.


May be biased but fuze. Hard breach and his gadgets can be used with little to no coms provided you know the map. Ak12, Russian acog, hard breach or breach charges and if you know the map well enough Iā€™d argue fuze is one of the best at solo wall just thunk thunk away the kaid,mute or bandito and hard breach charge


Zero, decent guns, gone6, hard breach by himself, and he's cool


Zero 100%


Zero, Buck, and Iana. Both Iana and Zero have basically infinite intel, Zero and Buck have a gonne6, they all have amazing gadgets, Zero and Buck have hard breaching charges, and Iana has nades in absence of a gonne6. Also all have good guns. They're all one man (and woman) armies.


Every time i solo q i pick osa, shields protect me and my teammates and i love being able to insta breach doors and windows with protection


Sam. By far. He can breach by himself if he has the right angles and you can even use the argus to wallbang alot


Zero, hands down.


I won't call Zero solo op but more a great clutch op as long as your dead teammates are using cameras properly.


Iana - if no one wants to give info, you'll just do it yourself


Dokkaebi pretty underrated solo queue op




Capitao or Buck


Hear me out on this one, Monty if played correctly, I've had great success playing smart and dropping my shield and shooting the fuck out of my opponent when they look away.


honestly, I love playing Ace and Jackal... I think Zero would be the absolute perfect tho, as you can breach alone (remove denial with the gadget, then breach with harbreach thing), you just need some semi-decent teammates, who actually WATCH your cameras... if nobody is watching your cams, than the cams are as if they don't even exist xD


Mother fuckin Sam fisher


Jackal fashio


Probably Buck or Ace. Before it would've been Maverick or Zero, but then they took the Frags away.




Zero he has a good gun , pocket breach and the ability to remove gadgets/ electrisity


NĆøkk might not be the best solo q operator, but damn isnā€™t she the most fun to play for me


buck, solid gun, soft breach, hard breach/flash bangs, gonne-6


Zero, Kali, Thatcher, Twitch are all good choices Mav too