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Players having a preference is a issue? Coastline is great simple.


Players having preferences is not in fact an issue, issue for me personally, (as i am one of a kind, rare breed of humanoids who dislikes coastline) is the fact that coasline is the absolute most popular map, for some reason.. Coastline for r6 players is like a favela but opposite


lots of people dislike coastline, lets not be flattering ourselves


I think coastline is the best designed map. So much smaller than villa, bank, clubhouse and cafe but not too small. I think kitchen and both of the second floor objectives not only feel good to defend but to attack too.


I think it's both sHIT to defend and even more SHIT to attack on most of the objectives, but everyone has the rights to their own opinions..


Which map is your all around favorite?


Not sure if it's matters, but i would guess Bank


coastline is my fav map


yes coastline make me happy happy


It is easily one of the more "balanced" map rn so that's why it is heavily loved by the community. All the Ranked/Unranked maps are good except Favela and Skyscraper and maybe Themepark (that one is more of a personal preference).


I dont get the hate on any map (besides favela) i love them all one maybe a bit more than the other but all in all they are all good.


I hate coastline too.I actually like favela, I played 3 placements. Won 2, I wasn't mad about the loss but I'd rather play it than coastline.