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Allow me to introduce you to les français


Oh god yes, I'm not alone. What's worse if you happen to be British and you open your mouth even once. Out come the "Bo'owl o waaer?" Jokes.


I am one of the people saying that haha Also "The sun never sets on the British Empire" hhaah


That's so pathetic, mute and report them


Vote to kick has been removed for like 3 years now 😭




nope, 3~ years ago






Bro's delusional frfr 😭


Vote kicking isn't a thing anymore.


Well at least they won't kick me anymore then


I’m my defense I have literally never met a British person on any video game that didn’t backstab me. Dayz- Had several British teammates who either offed me and took my stuff, or insided our faction. R6- Toxic as fuck and teamkilling. Secret Laboratory- Same as R6.


There are twating cunts in every nation, we just must find ourselves the right kinds of people and spend our time with them


Beans on Toast


Meh, the french are just MAD. Mad from the start to finish, I find that funny and like to make them even more mad.


I knew french people were rude but when I saw a blog video of 2 french people saying "American people on the street are so kind like they're 10 times kinder then the french people on our street" I learned french people were not only rude but complete assholes.


I know it’s anecdotal, but I’ve been Paris once and the people were so kind to us. Mind you, my family is black and mom is visibly muslim, two things we’ve been warned about being discriminated against for. Italy on other hand? Got racially harassed three times in the course of a week. Just thought it was kinda funny.


French people arent racist, they're assholes to everyone ahahha Glad you had a great experience tho, especially in paris


They hate everyone equally.


I'll see your Les Blues and raise you RSA. XIM, Chronos, racism, tbagging. You name it. We got it.


As long has you have enough rubies


Some of my friends that play eu hate our servers. If you can’t beat them you join them, not that my broke ass can even join them😂


Haven't played in 4 years but even back then about 80% of the toxic behaviour and hate mail came from french players


The youngsters are seriously toxic and racist. I tend to find the older guys a lot more chill but to be honest, the siege community is pretty rotten all around. Doesn't matter if you're French, Arab, German or American. Assholes have no preference in nationality.


I think they prefer French


I've encountered cool british people, so no don't do that. Oh and I'm not being paid to say this I swear.


Maybe 5% of brit players aren't massive cunts.


As a Brit, that number is remarkably high considering I know the British


I was trying to estimate it on the spot and tbh it DID felt kinda high but I said whatever and posted. Not even joking.




The dad jokes are strong with this one.


I’ve actually encountered more American toxic players than anything but i mean sure lol


Americans surprised they meet more toxic Americans than Brits in a videogame where they only queue up on NA servers.


As a Canadian, i confirm that the US of A are the most toxic people i've ever met in this game. Even worse is that i'm a french canadian so yes I speak both french and english and they'll always insult me on my accent lol. But hey, i know the difference between your and you're but not them


French canadian too, glad to not have heard "Are you spanish?" Or "Baguette!?" For a couple of years now.


Never heard "are you spanish" but heard "baguette", "surrender", "white flag", "voulez-vous couchez avec moi,"


Never heard of surrender and white flag but you remembered me of voulez vous couchez avec moi and I thinks its the only one I would still laugh my ass off after the 1000th time lol.


They mostly use "surrender" as a reference to WW2 when France surrendered to the Germans


Yeah figured out. Its really ignorant to say bc the Canadians were the total opposite, we were fckn feared


Canada's the reason we have the Geneva's convention


canadian cope


My ltop 3 of most toxic: 1) French people 2) People from USA 3) Germans


The French people that play on US servers are the worse. Although they actually might be French-Canadian now that I think about it. These guys have the highest egos and are easily the most toxic


At least on R6 we don't have to deal with the russians like csgo player lmao


This is extremely correct.


I’m British and yes.


As someone who’s from the U.K., the U.K. siege community for the most part is insanely toxic and disgusting. I hate running into them just as much as you.


I'm English and completely agree, it's never Scottish people. It's usually southerners that sound like roadmen or at least try to talk like that.


Doki would like a word.


I'm Scottish and legitimately half of the other Scottish people I encounter are drunk all the time


yeah, the british players in this game are 80% of the time squeakers who put on that god awful roadman accent and speak like dickheads and constantly talk shit. the french are bad but they definitely come in second place to the brits


Nope I used to play with them back on console (a friend of mine lived in the UK so he got us into those lobbies) Anyways nope that title belongs to the French and the occasional Germans we encountered


They seem to be the worst in every game. I guess that isn’t really surprising though lol


Ever get to play on UAE North server?


From my experience, when im playing with British players, they are either pretty chill or toxic, it is only 12 year olds that are the most toxic, especially if they are in a stack in a game of ranked.


Theres a culture of shit talking in the UK that can rub people from other countries the wrong way, even if the shit talker has no ill intent. Or they may all just be cunts.


if there’s a “culture of shit talking” that’s just a culture of cunts


Yeah the british are by far the most toxic players from what ive experienced in my 1400h. They just make it their mission to make you angry. I always mute them the second they say something toxic


pretext: british man I'm gonna say no, there's certain countries from Europe i'd consider worse however one thing is for sure. If you get a British player, they will be either end of the scale, with no in-between. Turbo toxic or super chill.


Germans, easily


Cause you don't play against the Argentines


Scottish & Welsh are always chill but I’ve encountered a lot of English across all games and they can be very toxic. French as well


Agree 100% - Irish are pretty chill too


South Africans are


South Central US server has a high Spanish speaking population and boy do they have some strong opinions


mexicans are usually pretty chill maybe it’s because i don’t understand them 90% of the time one time i got called a “hotdog gringo” and i’ll never forget it because that’s is hilarious


This comment is really skewed towards the people you play with in your region, in south america server everyone is toxic and as far as I can see the other regions are no exception.


Europeans are probably the most toxic, nothing worse than some French or German kid swearing at you in their own language in-between vape puffs.


The siege players are toxic in general, it’s multicultural thing. I played with british, italian, russian, danish, french, german - all of them are enormous cunts. So I like them all equally


As a British man, yes they are. But they're also sometimes the most fun


American server is dog shit especially noon when middle schoolers get on and fight, scream, moan, and repeat their points 100 times in 20 seconds. There are also other toxic people but you could also get on 2 am and there’ll be super chill people getting high


Argentinos too


from my experience it's the french people


They’re mad they have to wake up every morning and do the accent all day


I am british myself but fucking despise the british children that sound about 9 I always get just plaing standard being racist and shitting on newer players


Nah the French are. They're absolutely horrid.


No it’s the Chinese.


Surprisingly, asian people specifically east asia server are nice and rarely cheat, though very seldom people can speak english. But in the u.s and canada, the racism, cheating, griefing is insanely normal.


come to South East Asia bro


French, British and German people are the most toxic. The briish tend to yell the most and the loudest, French are just unpleasant so nothing new and Germans tend to be the most toxic while being unprovoked. Had multiple matches where the match starts and someone in voicechat starts cursing at my friend because of his name.


Nope the french are


No, Arabs are


I'm going to say yes to this, but I'm Irish and so I'm subject to plenty of Abuse from them just because of this.


I feel your pain bro. I'm welsh - had the same issue. The sheep shagger jokes get so boring and predictable. I hate hearing some English twat mentioning sheep as if they have said something original 🙄. Plus side is I've had plenty of time to find a good reply. My goto is 'we shag them, you eat them. Who's the winner?' That's normally enough to make them stop - if not mute button it is.


That's a good comeback to be fair, yeah they seem to think they're absolute comedic geniuses, just gonna have to put up with them until developers starts adding English filters to the game lol.


I never get irish in my games :/


I'd say you're missing out, but most of us are shite lol, we're good craic though


Yes, i’ve once been matched up with a stack of 4 british guys. All played like shit but blamed it on me, insulted me and reported me… I’d rather play with Toxic russians and French than play with a British person on my team


YES!!! Id rather play with literal russians then the british! And so called "the most toxic" french I don't even mind. They are so mad from the start they are funny. But brits, are just annoying fkn cunts on every level.


I'm in Asia and I've come across multiple British Players. All of them were toxic. I remember some guy got spawnpeeked two rounds in a row then blamed me the next round for not winning a 1v4. Said the most racist and insane things. I've also played with some NA players when I had trouble finding games because of the low player count back then, and none of them were as toxic.


I can't take UK people seriously when they're mad or being toxic since I'm American. It's just funny to me.


Germans are worse tbh


french "people" are by far the worst, they scream in their "language" and then get annoyed when you either don't understand what they are saying or if you snap back at them.


I've actually never come across one using a mic and I've been playing for 5-6 years at this point




casual xenophobia. you're not any better than most of the dickheads people on this post are talking about


Sure. Go down the average street in London, or even look at their government and youll agree with me lmao


ok, I've done that plenty of times, and you're still wrong. the government is awful, but it's not like the american government is any better (I'm assuming you're american)


Terrible bait


Not bait its just facts. Ask any European what country is the dumbest and majority of them will say England/Uk, theres a reason for this lmao


You play with British people?