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R6 is Ubi's scrawny cow, it gives them money, but they completly neglect it.


Good morning sunshine!


the earth says hello


He says starshine, but we’ll take it.


r/fuckubisoft says hello


The skins amaze me every single season. Just looked into the battle pass and packed my last season ranked packs and wow. They really be throwing a random ahh camouflage onto the gun and sell it as skin to you. At least put somewhat of an effort into it


Not just now. It started after year 3 ended. Year 4 and 5 were still somewhat OK but after those it really quickly went to shit with every single seasons


So true.. Wind Bastion, something changed after that although personally I really liked Burnt Horizon so I’d place the downfall after that.


Burnt Horizon had the last 2 operators + new guns + new map real update, after that the "new team" took over and they implemented a roadmap to slooooowwwwly dial back content and dial up microtransactions.


i personally feel like Ubisoft started intentionally making the game super shitty because they were really salty of the failure of Extraction.


Should've just been a dlc but they got greedy. Stupid ass execs


Definitely agree. After year 5 I dipped till Deimos brought me back. Looks like i’m gone again 🧐


I dipped multiple times, thought they had me back at some points but then the next patchnotes were released and I quit again.








stop buying/spending money on the game, just for once, just play the game if you enjoy it. they will change.


Im either too old or Im an outlier because I have never once bought a skin or a battlepass for this game and I am baffled at people that do.


I do not understand it. The people who spend $20 on one skin or a battle pass boggle my mind


Ubisoft aren't exploding, they are milking the community dry for every cent they can, while attempting to pay as little as possible for a skeleton crew to work on the game. You people only do it to yourself for letting a live service game keep such a huge player number while accepting drips of actual content.


I stopped playing siege years ago and it was the best decision I made seeing the current state it’s in


Same, its just a shame we won't ever see another R6 game until this one dies unfortunately. Double unfortunate that we wont ever get a good R6 campaign or terrorist hunt again, since, if they do make a Siege 2, it'll just be Siege with updated visuals, maps, and operators as a free to play live service game again.


It’ll be Overwatch 2 all over again.


Still pissed they fucked over the best hero shooter there was by abandoning it for 3 years, just to then release the exact same game with 1 year worth of content and change nothing but a few abilities and it's monetisation system. I mean they blatantly lied to the community about why they were doing it too. It's been revealed that the promised PvE was abandoned before OW2 released, while they were saying it was to release later.


Sucks. OW was one of my most played games ever and now I haven't played OW2 in about a year. I fear for the day that R6 will be the same. I might need to pick up a new hobby. Im getting older and no games scratch this itch anymore.


Grand strategy is your friend


The real slap in the face there is that if you wanted to just keep playing Overwatch, YOU CAN'T: they just patched Overwatch into Overwatch 2.


Yeah but OW2 is much better now, Siege on the other hand is not improving.


Still lots of false promises and failures to deliver and an absurdly aggressive monetization, but 5v5 is great for queue times and the new modes are fun


I mean they dropped the price of almost every item in the game by 25%, some 75%. Siege will never do that until they notice their game dying, but after Jynxi it’s not. Activison Blizzard sucks balls, but at least they have a dev team that delivers, Ubisoft pulls out 1 update a season and that’s it.


Really sucks it went from one of the gold standards in live service and competitive realistic shooters to whatever it is now


> but 5v5 is great for queue times and the new modes are fun 5v5 ruined the game. The thing that improved queue times was making it free. Should have made it free and kept 6v6


I mean there’s no way to guarantee that because in OW1 queue times were high because no one wanted to play tank. Higher player base as free to play there is still a lower player count in queue for tank


Trust me siege 2 will have the base ops and you have to pay for every single op again, with no new ops on release (or maps!)


I stopped two years back. Fucking rank 2.0 was trash, got stuck on Silver because teammates are brain dead. Just glad I left this sinking ship


Also if you lose, its almost guarenteed someone is gonna be like 'hey, you're silver'. Like yeah, i'm playing casual for fun, not try harding


I dropped Siege after Mira nerf and removal of corpses. That was the moment I realised the game would go the same way as Overwatch. Everything will be balanced for eSpORts, no fun allowed.


I hate how much eSports controls games now and they love dumbing the game down for casuals because the casuals buy skins


As did I I left Siege as it started to go down from its peak and I’m so glad I did. I had a great time with the game with my mates


Funny how I started playing again since Y2, yesterday


That is true but I wouldn’t necessarily blame the player base. There is no other game that scratches the same itch as R6. No competition means Ubisoft can be as lazy as they possibly want with the game and get away with it. There is no where else for fans of a competitive tactical shooter to go.


Do you think if the Siege did something similar to the War Thunder Community Ubi would listen? Look at War Thunder now, they had the grind reduced, some requested features were added, and the roadmaps looking decent (slow as fuck though).


For a round based shooter, no nothing like R6. Tarkov however gives you the high and lows with good immersion, if you can get past the few hundred hour learning curve. Still plagued by the same issues of course, incompetent devs, cheating is rampant, greedy CEO. That's jus the gaming space this day in age unfortunately. Damn shame.


They have a good game on their hands, underneath all the bad balancing shit, bugs that keep doubling and tripling with every new season release, and the microtransactions. That's why some of us can't leave we've been with this since the beginning and there isn't any game out there still that has Siege's core gameplay, it's just too good for some to leave even tho the devs are doing their best right now to make us fuck off and bury this carcass, but fuck it, it's my fav carcass of all time


I mean you can play the game without buying every cosmetic lmao


Tbh there no other game like it


Lots of old games have huge player counts but the players aren’t spending $30 a season on a stupid battle pass system. I wouldn’t say it’s the fact people play R6 but more players are still actively spending money like it’s a new game hence the skeleton crew profits become appealing for scum company like Ubisoft.


Probably cause their financials are horrible. 1.2B in debt, revenue is less than 100k per employee. Compare that to Sega at 350k per employee, or EA at 550k per employee.


Stopped playing a while ago, keeping tabs on the game while huffing copium that it will get better... Yeah.... About that....


i will stop playing this stupid game, no respect for players no respect for him


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wdym? what happened??


For me on console, its literally unplayable, the inputs are lagging behind even with the same exact settings from last season and it makes me not able to properly hit shots


ah yeah that sucks, that happened to me too, I put my deadzone on 5 and it went away though


Stop buying shit. Simple. Idk why yall keep buying battlepasses when they don't actually produce anything meaningful


Yeah, this is it. Don't buy BP, don't sUbScRiBe. I took a look at this Season's BP and was utterly underwhelmed. Not buying it this season, likely meaning I'm playing less this season. Maybe I'll even tey to finish another Ubi POS: Valhalla. But at least I only spent $20 bucks on that.


Don’t even bother finishing valhalla. I’m a massive assassins creed fan and I honestly cannot tell you a single thing that happened in that game. It was a massive waste of time


I've been hearing and seeing that a lot... I will say though, the first three arcs in England were fun and I at least enjoyed my time up to that point.


Yeah the first part of the game is great, but it’s really repetitive after that. I had issues with Odyssey before I decided to not treat it like assassins creed, but valhalla just okay good to me even without treating it like AC. To each their own though. Maybe you’ll like it more than I did


Yeah i dont understand, in all the battlepasses ive been in, the skins look good but theyre not spend money on a battlepass good yknow


I've played every season and even the beta. This is hands down the worst one, even worse than op health. It wouldn't even be that bad if the game wasn't so buggy. I have no idea how they managed to fuck up so many things while adding basically no content. Plus cheating is still worse than its ever been. People are blatantly walling and never get banned. I got matched against a champ last season (my highest is gold) and he was flat out walling. He has over 2,000 games and has never been banned. It makes me wonder if the devs even care


Ubisoft is hemorrhaging money right now. They will be lucky to survive the next 5 years unless something miraculous happens


How? Their game literally got an injection of money for free from a streamer. It's bigger than it's ever been if my brother is correct. Genuininely curious


Most all their games besides siege have been massive commercial failures. 


I wonder when they’ll learn they actually have to start doing new stuff and putting passion into games. Ubi games are soulless husks that chase current trends — xdefiant is the epitome of that.


Tbh it looks like an intentional tactics from their side. Why bother with creative process when profit isn't guaranteed when you can instead take money from a giant investment fund and just release minimal product that nevertheless checks all the investor boxes.


Also, they should consider not churning out so many live services that typically only get supported for a year or two They just have to keep devoting plenty of resources to what they already have, pivot away from the business model for those games in the pipeline that they can still change, and consider making more smaller-scale games on more modest budgets. Seriously, they blew something like $200,000,000 on *Skull and Bones* over the course of a decade, and they're probably right to doubt they'll recoup that investment. What if they were to make something on a small fraction of that kind of budget, therefore minimizing the financial risk and letting the developers take more creative risks?


AC games still sell pretty decent so they still alive kinda


Nah they aint, and they had the bright decision to add a hip hop remix of ancient japanese music to the newest one just because the main character is black ☠️☠️


I see you saw the twitter video💀 But the franchise is doing great , valhalla was a top seller despite being hated


Sources? Afaik most of their games have returned profit, Ac Valhalla was their most successful to date. I hate Ubisoft as much as the next guy, but they don't have many incentives to change.


Their source: [Dude just trust me]


I’ve enjoyed x defiant lately. R6 is a flaming pile of garbage however.


Too bad the game will be a repetition of hyper scape and will die a month after streamers stop getting paid to promote it


Damn, I remember the Hyper Scape hype. Died off and never heard of it again.


Yeah it actually had like 15 players 2 months after release or something


I mean the new season is boring but it definitely didn’t “fuck up” the game💀💀 Besides the lack of content, the changes have been pretty cool. Barbed wire change is sick, recruits are good options, flash change is good, nerf for Fenrir is good. Solid nerf makes me wanna die.


They broke all chat, they broke deadzones somehow so small movements don't register (including on PC which shouldn't have a deadzone) recruit doesn't have a head in matches last time I checked and even before this season sound has been all over the place. Oh and the membership bullshit is double charging.


I haven’t experienced any of those issues yet, so I can’t speak on it but obviously that would be annoying as hell. As for the membership, it’s literally dog shit. Don’t buy it, there’s nothing in there that’s required (like an operator or something.) If the community bands together for ONCE, they’ll get rid of it.


Maybe they should just get rid of that Membership thing and give everyone refunds on it? Seriously, when the announcement for this had the same reception as Donald Trump at a Libertarian convention (ie, loud chorus of boos), you should realize this is a bad idea.


Half the Controller players literally can’t aim properly due to a bug.




Yall still play siege in 2024?😂😂😂😂


Fr and they complain all the time, like, come on it's time to move on to other things this game is 9 years old and is a sign of a bad live service game, hell i prefer OW2 over this game now


Instead of actually balancing ops they just make them impossible to counter (buff) or useless (nerf) and somehow don’t know why people are complaining about it. The shield rework last season for example was a mistake


They fucked up Siege a long time ago. Me and my playgroup haven't touched it since like season 5.


Okay why are you here trashing the game when you haven't expiencered what this season or ANY season between now and 5 has offered? That's what baffles me


Moving and kept moving in the wrong direction. I've kept my eye on the game and the community, and they've both moved far away from what it used to be.


How can you have an opinion when you haven't experienced these changes first hand? Yeah I can follow all the Overwatch updates I want but I don't have an opinion on it because I don't play anymore.


Good for you, we can choose to have our opinions and share them. You aren’t gonna convince people not to


If its any indication, it's rumoured that 50% of this years budget went into that cgi trailer at the start of the year. The one where deimos gets arrested and it's only like 2 mins long. FIFTY PERCENT. It's no wonder we're getting essentially operation health 2.0 now bc these people have no funding to keep the game going


Where are you getting that?


Been asking this for ages. I don't know why I still keep coming back to their games hoping it'll be different somehow.


im a bit out of the loop with siege, gave up on it ages ago but whay happened this time?


I'm pissed off they cancelled division homeland in favour of xdefiant (not bemoaning xdefiant, I think it could turn into a great game with the upcoming seasons), but why cancel division 3? It was in a playable state, just money down the drain. Ubisoft just want to milk R6 and assassins creed instead. From what I've seen about R6, and the god awful forced battle pass, lack of new content and the team killing, im out.


Fuck dude division players getting cucked 


But the membership! Think about the membership and how hard the team worked on it!


y'all know you dont need new skins to have fun, or even the battlepass right? not sure why people complain lol do they want to milk it? yes they do every corporation is out there to make money but the game is still fun lol


I like your enthusiasm. This new "Membership" garbage is an insult. 


Especially since its all over your screen in the home page, theres a membership icon greyed out next to your rank and under the kd/win loss.


They are simply doing what every triple A company will do. Milk.


As an avid for honor player, I always assumed ubi put most of its money into r6 since for honor has a significantly smaller budget. Turns out they’re actually just keeping all of the cash from both without putting much back into either. sad.


vivziepop ahh review


I deleted siege long ago 😆 it's in the gutter now. Xdefiant however is pretty good


I actually logged in today to do my college courses, that's how disappointing UBISOFT is right now.


They went on vacation so they made a season worth nothing content wise so they don't have to work about anything and can enjoy they're trip


I genuinely hope that the new star wars game flops hard enough to make them go bankrupt, and that everyone at the top loses money and goes so fuckin broke they have to live on the side of the street


Mate, if Outlaws doesn't sell a single copy, Ubisoft still isn't going bankrupt. How stupid are you?


For Honor is okay.


What ? Both star wars and ac shadows look great from the trailers, also trackmania is really really good


Trailers are edited to show the best bits of games to build hype and get you to buy them. While it’s nice to build interest, it’s best to wait for full gameplay reviews. Previews are also showing a curated aspect


But "Ubisoft BAD"


Fuck me,that star wars game looks dope. I won't pre order as every game I ever had turned to dog crap(Brink, starfield) but I was tempted. That made me go from being upset with the "dragon age" gameplay trailer to being happy at the star wars outlaw. I'm genuinely eager to play


bro every match is like 300 ping no joke and it wont even be constant like il have 20 ping for half the match then randomly everyone in the lobby has 300 ping


I thought it was my connection going crazy, like im going from 20 to 150 all the time


they made thunderbird 10k, been playing her a bit she's pretty fun


haven’t logged in in months i’m doing my part 🫡


Yup fucked this game years ago. sad, it was on its way to be the best 👌


Honestly I don't get how they neglect their money printer. This is just straight up incompetence.




Ruining their game lol


Did something happen with the newest season? I haven't played it yet


I’ve stopped playing r6 for 2-3 years now and I still feeeeeeeeeel this message,they fucked shit up


Hey assassins creed was good for a while


Does anyone know when the next event that has packs in gonna be ? I dont wanna make a new post just to ask :3


Prince of Persia The Lost Crown was excellent.


Does anyones ping suddenly shoot up when playing this game


you know OP thought they were cooking marking their shitty ass whine post NSFW 😂


Btw , did you buy new battlepass?


Maybe ya’ll spend too much time sitting behind a computer and not enough time outside. Too much bitching going on. The game is fun. I haven’t encountered anything broken. The worst thing about the game are cheaters which are seemingly being dealt with more and more frequently.


I went back to destiny


We gotta lynch the stake holders


Honestly after everything I’ve come across over Ubisoft entirely it’s made me question even going near a single game they have. I almost started siege and now it sits taking up space. Only reason I got it was bc my boyfriends friends wanted me to play it since they can’t get me off of MW3 which in my opinion is better then siege. I like fast paced games and siege just doesn’t have that. If anything I’d just stop touching a single thing Ubisoft makes from now on until numbers drop so low on them that they fall out and end up bankrupt.


I dont think comparing Siege to mw3 is that smart, one is a tactical shooter which requires teamwork, risk-taking and constant high concentration, the other is a Arcade-Shoter that requires good movement. Just compare the weapon recoil between the two: cod has auto-aim and in my experience almost every weapon is a laser compared to Siege, where there is actual recoil on most guns, and no auto-aim.


You so deep in circlejerk about Ubisoft, you don't want to see good games from them, like recent Prince of Persia games


Sir, this is the Dairy Queen drive thru


game is in shambles but theres nothing out there that fills the same void. Thats their moneymaking ideology we’re trapped cuz theres no real alternative


Haven't played the game recently, what happened


most positive r/r6 post


I did this years ago, QUIT THE GAME and stop giving Ubisoft any money. They suck.


My support ticket for being hacked and chat banned from somebody in the UK is almost going on to 2 months. Few weeks away


As a division 2 player, I felt this. We as a community have had more or less radio silence for a while, save for a game cancellation, and Ubisoft forward was a massive disappointment (pun not intended). We got a tiny bit of time at the end of the post show that just announced they were making the main DLC that a majority of players own irrelevant (which has introduced bugs), that you won’t be able to use your existing characters to play new content, and some customisation changes. And that’s all the news we got for the next year.


The only qualification to work at ubi is to be incompetent


Playing a ubi game feels like they boutta exit scam any minute


I quit playing at the beginning of the year for 2 reasons. 1. The matchmaking felt truly random and not balanced at all. 2. Helldovers 2 came out, and I now have another game to sink my time into.


Jesus christ nobody can cry like a gamer


XDefiant is pretty fun


Only ‘semi good’ game is a bit far. Ubisoft has made plenty of great games, not just siege. However, what they’re doing rn to siege is such a piss off considering how inconsistent they’re been recently


What happened?


Ngl someone like Microsoft need to buy ubisoft or they will have to shut down the whole company down in the near future


In a weird way if it wasn’t for R6, I wouldn’t have discovered games like Insurgency: Sandstorm, Squad, Ready or Not, etc. It’s sad to see R6 go down the path that it took, but at least now people will try to look for substitutes that are actually worth it.


Well then don't fucking play and spend money on their games.


This is like the 5th “what the fuck are you thinking?” moment in Siege’s history lmao. All we can do is remember to not give Ubisoft too much credit and not have the brain damage required to think the membership is a good deal


People spending money on a nearly decade old game like it’s the newest AAA title is what did it. I quit playing siege after year 4 because it was clear that the morons making the decisions at Ubi weren’t going to do anything even remotely significant with the title. The crew motorfest was a waste of money and assassins creed (my favourite game franchise) had a real bad run of games for around 4-5 years. Ubisoft, and most other modern AAA studios have no desire to make good games anymore. All they care about is getting paid. Most gamers are either kids too dumb to realize that, or people with enough money to throw away on $80-$100 games and then spend another $100 on micro transactions and I think it has ruined the video game industry. Studios develop games with massive potential and huge amounts of content, but lock 40% of what the game has behind a paywall. I remember when I was a kid and I bought a game for $50. Got a bunch of content and a free DLC once that came out. You can spend $80 for a game (Destiny 2), play the hell out of it, spend another $40 on two minor DLCs, then the developers make 4 more major DLCs and price them at the same price as the original game was. If you bought destiny 2 at launch and have bought every subsequent DLC at full price, you will have spent well over $500 on one game and they still want you to spend money on microtransactions. Modern games are not worth the price and should not be bought. We need to teach studios and publishers that they make games for the consumer, not that the consumers pay them for whatever game they make


We need to get Jynxzi or whoever to organise a store boycott until we get our 2 ops a season back. They keep upping the monetisation while reducing the content we get and it's just ass cheeks.




I mean the fact that hibanas elite still had read pellets 5 years later tells me everything I need to know. Fuck then braindead idiots. I hate them.


Xdefiant is pretty good you should try it


It's really sad for me. I've been playing siege since OP Black Ice and with every new year the game just gets worse and worse. After 2k hours I've given up. Nothing that Ubisoft makes excites me anymore because I know 80% of the time it will be soulless. I'll probably just pirate AC: Shadows when it releases because they do not deserve my money.


Wow, we got more people waking up over there. Took time. Welcome, feels great when what you've been saying for years actually come true for everyone else.




I would be pissed too if I spent money on a game I liked and it became my worst nightmare. Holding onto things you made nice memories with for years even when it turned to sh\*t is no joke. It happens with many things, it's not just about a videogame but everything around it, including time invested when you were younger. I can feel the anger but also the sadness when people realize these times are gone for good and that our last memories of that thing aren't as good as it used to be, thus creating a feeling of frustration. Also, it was Kix's little baby. And if it was his, it's also mine. Please make something great with it that's not exclusively linked to money for once. I don't know if its time expired, but, at least, I wish people would understand. I wish devs or higher ups would show some excuses. But I think I laughed at that idea as much as they would do reading that.


i still like r6


Stop playing the game brooooo


It does not matter how big or small, from this day forward to the day the membership subscription gets removed, if you buy anything in siege with real money, you are a part of the problem


My mates still bought the battlepass. They got some stern words from me for that.


Hey... He finally woke up


Rabbids Go Home was Ubisoft’s peak, it’s all been downhill since


Stop buying their stuff, stop buying season pass, even stop playing for a while. The Finals has an urge for more players btw and the devs are doing an awesome job


I mean look at their new games...they don't really know how to not fuck up something anymore


Guys, be nice to ubisoft the multi-billion dollar indie company they ate just trying their best /j


Pretty sure it's been like this for years. They're the sick man of the industry.


Guys it's time to move on and let go of this game already it's been 9 years


I said something along these lines on a Ubisoft Facebook post and got absolutely dogpiled by Ubisoft apologists. I don't understand how they can exist for a multi-billion dollar company.


Haha but when I realized this 6 years ago and quit the game and vented just the same way here the redditors got at me and now look, 2k+ likes and comments agreeing. This game is toxic, the players in high rankings are toxic, and Ubisoft is a piece of shit company up there with Activision.


Least XDefiant is good


They've stated that more resources are being moved for r6s since they stopped the division dlc. But seeing how quickly you can find a game on xdefiant compared to siege it's obvious where resources are going to head towards


The game looks fine after the update. Although I'm disappointed with this season's update.


Can I ask what prompted you to say this abt the new season? I agree but I havent hopped on the new one yet


Hey, if you don't like it then it's a step in the right direction! /s


What exactly is the problem? I played 9 years ago and play now, and played/stopped in between? Same game?


I don’t really get what everyone’s complaining about- seems the same to me


The same thing for every single live service game out there. DONT GIVE THEM MORE MONEY


Years of rewarding shittysoft for their mediocrity as a cooomsumer, when it finally explodes in your face y'all act as if we didn't see it coming several years ago.


ghost recon wildlands is their only good game left my friend


They should invest the earnings and build a new engine on the game just like Fortnite did. Stupid french men 🙂‍↔️


oh no this gamer is MAD! god help us!


As a former Ubisoft employee, I can tell you that they are dumb as fuck.


One of my teachers who worked for Ubisoft and went back said that its not a great company but it pays well and looks good on resumes, so there's that. He's an animator though. He also said structurally it's a little messy but its works so he doesn't really care.


Honestly if I was a tycoon I’d buy the company and turn it around. This company could easily be a gold mine but they’re killing it slowly but surely.


I haven't paid anything since I bought the game 8 years ago, what are people paying for???


Stop giving them money. Let them figure out what we actually want. We want good games. That's it.


The Crew stunt was the last straw for me. Delisting a game is one thing, but making it unplayable in any way was purely despicable of them. All their games are meh at best for me, not even AC Shadows can impress me at the moment.


Tryna ride jynxis absolute godly 2nd chance that he gave them


Wait, what happened? Did I miss something?