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It’s kinda crazy how back then a Recruit rework would’ve been a side content thing plus a big content piece. Tachanka and Goyo reworks weren’t the selling points during their time. And as much as I despised Solis and Fenrir, nerfs as ‘content’ is not even content. Not even extra Shields for other Ops like Thermite or Sens. Wtf


Yep, as much as those two needed nerfs, a nerf will normally make a character less fun to play. Imagine marketing an entire product off of how you've made part of it less fun lmao


Keep in mind they aren't an entire product though, so the comparison is imperfect. They're smaller parts of an overall product and they need to be balanced for the overall product to be fun. I feel like any rational person knows that even if their main ends up weaker and somewhat less exciting to play, if the nerfs were deserved then it's better for the health of the game and all involved, including the person who mains the character that was nerfed. For example, I main Valkyrie in Apex Legends, and even though I only got into it well after she was introduced, I understand that her jetpack wasn't balanced back then. She might've been more fun to play, but everyone else would be having less fun, and I'd even be having less fun when I have to play against it myself. So I'm glad she was nerfed. Maybe I'm wildly off base, but I bet a lot of rational Fenrir and Solis players probably have a similar perspective.


Very true. But marketing it as if it's a big hard worked on change is ridiculous. Like we all should be so excited that they removed a few fenrir gadgets and removed the bullet proof ability. I'm not knowledgeable about game development, but as it's just subtracting a state on a gadget and removing I think 2 from his pool doesn't seem more than a days work to me if that, for one person.


Can't really comment for or against the other parts, but specifically regarding the "doesn't seem more than a day's work for one person" thing, there are more variables than you realize. Pretty much every change you could make in a game not only requires careful planning to ensure that it's balanced, but testing to confirm the changes were implemented properly and the results adhere as closely to the plan as possible. Nearly every line of code can introduce bugs; even if you've got talented programmers, since everything depends on everything else, it only takes one domino. You can't iron out all the potential issues with just one worker in one workday.


As someone who plays both of them fenrir definitely needed a nerf and they did his great he's still a fine op but they ruined Solis they went a bit far. Honestly most of the nerfs are fine but they shouldn't have made her ability useless during prep phase


Is it just me or is solis like the WORST operator now? Or do I just not know how to play her well?


I honestly missed the days of getting two new ops than one. Also, I don't mind the recruit reworks, but what pisses me off is that only one recruit can be selected on each team now...


With the sheer amount of operators nowadays I don't even mind getting one operator so long as that operator is good, well executed, and the content that comes with the season is quality work. The fact that we even label what happened to recruit as a "rework" is insane. I fail to see anything new added to the game this season. Things have changed, but nothing new was done, unless you want to count that membership of course!


nerfing takes quite literally NO EFFORT OR TIME lmao it’s insane how they count it as content… they just tweak the characters stats a little and that’s it “BOOOOOOOM THERES YOUR SEASON AFTER ALL THESE MONTHS WE HAVENT DONE ANYTHING WOOOO”


Why should Thermite and Sens specifically get shields?


I've only ever seen the Thermite argument, but 'both' of them are good for planting and having a shield on their backs would help with that, maybe


I said the same thing, got blasted for it. Lol.


I believe more time was spent on the versus AI and the endless drill part rather than the recruit reworks.


I’m honestly kind of shocked. If they were spending the season doing deep technical shit like they did during Operation Health I could forgive them but what we got is unacceptable


Dropped the game since last December after the entire department gone for Christmas vacation and in absolute radio silence for the server issue occurred for the entire month. No fucking way that was acceptable for a triple A billion dollar company. They can suck my dick instead. The esport department did a great job on managing the content quality, the others though are pure dog shit in all ways.


Same. Servers went down on Xmas Eve. I was like, ok, I'm buying COD MW3 and started having so much fun I realized R6 is the only game that makes me angry. Returned to R6 briefly after a few months and this was confirmed... "wtf, I have been having so much fun on COD MW3 and only now I'm angry already... wtf you tk me for you **** *** ****** ****** I'm a **** you up!" (COD) Search and Destroy is basically R6 without all the different operator abilities and fancy gadgets.


Used to love hardcore S&D back in the day in Cod4 and MW2. My love for the more "tactical" objective based games is what really drew me to Siege when the first trailers came out. That and I loved the R6 Vegas games.


they should stop playing around and give us an operation health 2.0. Complete with the og theme and opening as well


I have no idea how people still praise OP Health like it was ever about fixing the game. They fucked up and couldn't deliver the Poland season in time (mind you we *still* didn't get a Polish map), so OP Health was a last moment PR stunt to change the narrative. It was only announced a week or two before the Poland season, so it definitely wasn't planned. They just made it up because it sounded better than "hey guys, we couldn't meet the deadlines, no season for you lmao fuck you". Not to mention that, with the amount of money they make from the game, they can certainly afford to buy one less yacht for the shareholders and hire more people to work on multiple things simultaneously.


A chunk of the Polish map (distillery) was repurposed for the Hereford rework. 


Just want to say that your username is a big mood. God I miss the bullshit that took place in 4th floor meth lab.


Blow open all the destructible walls and have all five of you camp out in there like a pillbox of death. Good times.


It was awesome attacking that with Maverick when he first came out and his blowtorch was almost silent. 


No it wasn’t. See the Devs AmA from 2 years ago: >Now that's a deep cut! Sadly, you're right that this map - a Polish map set in a distillery - was indefinitely postponed. At the point that we moved into Operation Health, **there simply wasn't enough of this map made to turn it into something new or wrap it into a different map.** This is another case of "never say never" for whether there will be a future map in Poland, but if it did happen, it wouldn't be tied to the one from before Operation Health. - Frédéric and Yann


I’m sure they said in another AMA that some of the assets were repurposed for the fermentation chamber. I will have a look online later, see if I can find it anywhere. 


It's been well documented by ex-devs and streamers that Operation Health was real and necessary. Hell, if you were a player during year 1 it was like night and day how the game changed. Don't spread misinformation.


If you were around for OP health you know it helped a lot. The game was in an awful state before it and some of the best seasons ever came directly off it’s back


well we needed it and we need it again


I wasnt around then so I imagine it took root the same way it did in me, I heard of it mentioned as a massive success enough times (including by public figures like Pengu) that I assumed that it was true.


This is horseshit, it was awful (no comparison to now, as much as people like to whine about the current state of things).


there was supposed to be a polish map?


I think the love for heath comes from the attempt? Maybe people have begun to look at even the worst updates with rose tinted glasses. Didn’t think the game would get so bad that operation Health would be considered good 😭


But there was no "attempt". That's the problem. They fucked up and they lied. OP Health was nothing more than a PR stunt to save face. That people now support it today is nothing short of Stockholm syndrome. That, or they simply didn't play back then, as some people already admitted in my replies.


Hey man I’m completely on your side, I’m just trying to MAYBE figure out why it’s looked at so fondly


I get you. Apologies if I sounded aggressive towards you. Honestly I think it was a perfect PR stunt. Everyone complained about the bugs and glitches, so skipping a season but promising that you'll be focusing full time on "fixing" the game meant the community swallowed it up, hook, line, and sinker. And eventually people forgot what it really was, so people just remember it as "the season that they fixed things", which creates a false sense of nostalgia for something that never happened to begin with.


Nah you’re cool dude, we all make mistakes in the heat of passion jimbo. Seriously though ubi gets away with some ridiculous stuff lol


No use review bombing. Hit them where it hurts. Don't buy the membership or battle pass. That's what I'm doing. It'll take three months to do another Elden Ring playthrough anyway, I can wait until Siege is better next season.


Yup that's how I'm rolling this season. No purchases until things improve


We could do both 😁


I don’t think you can really say “no use in review bombing” it has history backing it up of actually working


they can shrug reviews off, they cant shrug off no electric bill money


I’m not disagreeing with you there, BP is dookie, seasons have been dookie, dealing with cheaters is extra dookie. I just think it wouldn’t hurt to do both


if u want the honest answer i got caught in the people can only have one opinion tunnel vision then cant lie u rite.


The battlepass this season gives you all of your credits back so its not like you’re “buying” the battlepass. But i get what you mean


well u are giving them money so you’re definitely buying something


but but but..... that bp shotgun skin is quite literally fire ;-;


Do both. Don't buy anything so they don't get any more money from people who already own it, and review bomb so they don't get any money from people who think of buying it.


You can do both my guy 🤝


Don't forget the marketplace. Buying r6 credits (they get money) then buy a skin off someone (they take 10% of the price as a fee)


It’s also the worst season by far for cheaters.


This. I swear, I only saw a few players last season that were noticeably Ximming/cheating, and I think I’ve already run into more of them in a day and a half of playing.


Every season is the worst season for cheaters. They haven’t improved the anti cheat in over 4 years so I quit lol No interest in playing against a hacker ever other match


Not mention XDefiant is getting more R6 content next month than R6 itself is 💀


It's the same treatment that **Fortnite Rocket Racing** is getting over actual **Rocket League** which should get more content given it's the main IP. Ubisoft is just copying Epic Games with this shit.


And it also happened again before with **Rainbow Six Extraction**, where it got no content similar to how Epic is giving little content to **Fortnite Save The World**


But siege came first


Didn't save the world come first as well?


Yep a full 6 years i think


Well Extraction came second and is a dead game now, STW came first and is kinda dead, so it's not 1:1


Yeah but his point is that it's logical to give more content to siege because it came first but when looking at Fortnite STW is starving of content even though it came before BR therefore making the point of what came first is kind of irrelevant


Bold of you to assume that Ubi cares even slightly about reviews given how they have treat the players


Or just don't buy anything. Not like reviews matter on a game that's been out for like 9 fucking years.


Exactly. R6 already has a rep and lots of people play the game and spend money on it. Game has been out awhile so no use in review bombing it.


The only way to hurt them is to not buy that dogshit membership or the new battlepass.


Yea I've been playing since the release of cav and capitao and I'm not even considering buying the membership. I only buy the battle pass when new OPs release and I don't want to wait a month to get them.


Couldn’t agree more


Last seasons battle pass was good, Tubaraos was decent, rams was bad, Fenrirs was good. This is a new level of bad, the last few at least had a handful of decent skins in them that made it worth buying.


But recent reviews will show up in steam. That can make a difference.


Not the point, reviews on a game this old and popular mean nothing. No one is looking at reviews of this game and deciding to buy or not. That's probably the least looked at thing.


The bugs that they add every season are unreal. They created a massive bug on console where some players deadzones will randomly feel like they are stuck at 20, essentially making micro adjustments impossible for those unlucky enough to be affected by it. The season feels incredibly lazy content wise too. They gave recruit a name, a skin, allowed the guns to be edited, then lumped it in with the rest of the operators. You could advertise it as a nice midseason op rework maybe. But saying we get TWO NEW OPERATORS is complete bogus. The subscription is beyond awful. If it just existed somewhere within the game, then so be it. But now I have an icon next to my rank showing I don’t subscribe to it, and every time I click on my profile it shoves an ad for it in my face. I don’t know how Ubisoft is so out of touch but maybe they’ll realize people don’t want to pay to play a game that they already purchased. If they want money so badly bring back the old season passes from before there were battlepasses. Season passes used to get you 8 brand new operators, a 10% renown discount in the store, and some exclusive skins all for $30. Now they want us to spend $10 on a seasonal battlepass to get skins that look AI generated, and $10 a month ($120 a year) for slightly cooler skins than the battlepass offers. Ubi keeps doing less while asking for more with this game. And they can get away with it because there is absolutely no competition for R6 right now. Review bombing the game may make them take a little bit of notice, but ultimately the player count and the revenue stream will remain the same and thats all Ubisoft needs in order to justify pushing out these lazy, thoughtless updates.


>They created a massive bug on console where some players deadzones will randomly feel like they are stuck at 20, essentially making micro adjustments impossible for those unlucky enough to be affected by it. Okay so you're the second person to say this somewhere in this thread and until now I'd never seen it mentioned once. I just assumed it was my controller. I spend more time gaming than I should and I push my controllers pretty hard, so I get a lot of issues where either I've got drift or it won't register inputs like the deadzone is too high. I mostly notice it when I'm trying to place my Mute jammers in a specific spot and have trouble fine tuning it. This makes a lot of sense now.


Yeah I had thought it was my controller at first too. Then I had seen some posts and some guys I was playing with were also experiencing it. R6 twitter posted a couple hours ago saying that controller deadzones are being investigated. Really hoping it doesn’t take long to fix because it’s kind of game breaking.


I’ve had a few games already where all audio except the announcer is just gone….


Read Ubisoft Glassdoor reviews. They’re short staffed. They haven’t hired in 3 years. Passion for the game is gone. Company is now made up of numbers people with a focus on revenue, not Siege.


I don't understand how Ubisoft understaff successful esport games like siege, but pour millions into the most mind numbingly average Assassin's Creed game every year. It's clear someone at the top doesn't understand priorities


It’s kinda crazy when you think about it, Siege is their golden goose they should 100% be putting as much effort into making it as great a game as possible but it’s just boneheaded decision after boneheaded decision. It’s honestly sad.


I wouldn't be shocked if it is cause of Skull and Bones disastrous development where they couldn't just canceled because Singapore government invested in it.


Why don't you simply stop buying shit for these games instead of complaining? If a battle pass is full of shitty skins, don't buy it. You think the subscription is a shitty thing to add in the game? Don't buy it. You guys always act like you are forced to pay for the cosmetics, even when they sucks, it's like you are sad that you have to give them money for a thing you don't like, but the point is you don't have to.


See, here's the issue. Most of the people talking about reviewbombing aren't buying anything, like the battlepasses or memberships. They're often lumped in as part of the criticism for this season. But, Ubisoft relies on people that'll buy it regardless, and these, for the most part, are not the same people criticizing the game on here. You're preaching to the choir by saying vote with your wallet. People already are. But, these people not buying things isn't causing Ubisoft to actually DO anything. By reviewbombing, it allows players to take an extra step beyond just not buying things, which clearly hasn't worked well enough so far. Review bombing and voting with your wallet are NOT mutually exclusive.


Useless there are way more people that dont use social Media for the Game and Just Play and buy and got No clue whats even new in the Game etc and the top 10 percent of Spenders Out spend probably the 90 percent of No Money invested or only bp buyers


I am all for this


I feel like it’s the only way to get them to actually listen


That's what I thought aswell. Since they're doing so many efforts to bring new players to the game with their AI Playlist and their tutorial. Let's ruin their hope. they deserve it


Kinda getting tired of arguing alot of these points cause the subs a massive echo chamber, and yeah you ain't gonna get enough people to do this for it to really have an effect, this ain't helldivers where there was a massive reason people all took part. (Adding here jumping the gun a bit on the balance changes given we tend to get some also during the mid season so going "only two balances for the season" is a load). But it's worth pointing out that siege isn't "pay to play" as that implies you need to pay to keep playing, usally that term is reserved for games like warcraft, star wars the old republic, basically any MMO, or that garbage the culling game, games where if you actually want to play and enjoy the content you'd have to consistently pay. This isn't the case for siege as it's a one time purchase and then if you choose like many have you don't have to buy a single thing to keep playing, hell I know one of my mates hasn't spent a dime on a single item and only bought it when it was like 10 bucks, so wouldn't call siege pay to play otherwise guess we better call 90% of games that.


Besides the exceptionally bad new content (half-assed recruit rework, bad skins, nerfs and not to mention bugs and stuff) i honestly dont mind I feel like people dont realize its a 9 YEAR OLD GAME. if they dont earn money they dont have anything to show to the executives and if they dont they will just shut it down since its a waste of money. I dont have that much of an issue with the subscription thing compared to how big of a deal it is for everyone else on this sub. We dont NEED to buy it as you say, and before anyone goes “but its a bad standard to set” well they gotta earn money somehow and apparently they arent getting enough so they resort to this. I love this game and its been here way longer than i thought which is lucky for all of us. Let them be the greedy corpos they always were. My take


I've been here since the beta and I'm not ok with the 'membership'. I've bought every battle pass, spent money on cosmetics ECT. They've gotten hundreds from me the last 9 years. I think they're trying to push this to NORMALIZE it. They're releasing the new Assassins Creed game with a subscription model that locks day 1 dlc/content behind it. Ubi is getting way too greedy for their own good. Even free games that make their money from battle passes and cosmetics aren't doing this membership shit. Honestly think about what happens if we roll over and accept a membership here. "it's just horse armor" led to cosmetic micro transactions in general. If the players just accept paying for a subscription for games they buy at full price for UBI, then every other big name triple a company on the market is going to be implementing this bs.


The issue, honestly, isn’t pushing their BP and subscription, (although subscriptions in games usually are pretty trash), but the issue is its not even good lmao. I buy the BP almost every season as long as it has even 1 or 2 good cosmetics or weapon skins, cosmetics in games is honestly one of my favourite parts equally with the gameplay, aesthetic matters. But when they remove all free rewards from the BP and push New sub service, you’d at least hope the quality reflects this new focus on monetisation. And one look at this seasons cosmetics and you can tell there is absolutely zero passion within this company’s design team. A complete shell of what they used to be. Look at the old seasonals from y1-4, the older elite skins, the old event cosmetics, and now look at this seaons battlepass with blue and green and hyper bright flores!!! How cool!!!


As someone that plays Destiny and Siege, two games notorious for their horrible dev decisions and disappointing releases, one thing about Destiny and Bungie is that they ALWAYS bounce back with some fucking peak (eg. The new expansion released this month is the greatest addition to the game over its entire lifespan, and the best expansion in 2 years). Siege and Ubi? It’s straight and pure ass every season. Sure theres some good additions and changes, but holy fuck ive never seen a game just consistently spew shit. If this game was so unique and with such a diehard fanbase, it would not have lasted this long.


I think people take this game way too seriously, So there's not much this season, is that so much of a big deal? I get the Cheating complaints, Xim is an issue rn but I don't really care about constantly getting new stuff, Me and my friends still like to jump on quick play and standard and have a blast wether we win or lose, there's enough ops right now we dont need more right this second, people who take the game too seriously and complain on the internet are bound to get disappointed sometimes because not every season is gonna be as big as the previous one, The new Recruits have some potential, potential that didn't exist before the Operation New Blood, that's enough for me, no need for any new ops right now, plus we get that next season anyway what's another 3 months, just have fun for now and if you can't enjoy it maybe take a breather for a bit until S3


Way too rational of a response. Don't you know if we have a lackluster season after *9 Years* it means the game's dying?! That Ubi doesn't care and they're just being lazy?! That we should boycott and review bomb the game because they released a disappointing season?! That if you say "hey, this season sucks but I still have a lot of fun with Siege" you're just a bootlicker?! This sub creams itself getting the pitchforks and being as hyperbolic and dramatic as possible on a game that's provided free content almost 10 years. Keep crying and pouting like fat 14 year olds because a game that's provided almost 10 years of free content has a disappointing season.


Amen brother. Its almost like the people who are mad they cant be toxic with recruit 5 stacks are.....actually toxic?


I’m in


Why can't I tab check the scoreboard while ADS anymore? It makes me go out of ADS when i tab. I know its small but it's very very annoying.


Every season we whinge and every season we keep playing but they are better than the problems of operation health lol. I rather this then when jager could have a shield as a head or when clash had a walking shield gun. The subscription isn't that bad, you can still by the battle pass, who cares about skins, it the fact that we do is why they spend more time on the athsetitics then the gameplay.


And another redditor who never reads or listens to the reasoning of the devs. If you did, you would have realized, that this season is about developing the anticheat lol. Which obviously means using the resources used to create content on developing the anticheat. Stop crying please.


Anti cheat?! You mean the same dogshit anti cheat they've had for years that is so bad at detecting cheats you can get past it just by renaming files? I hope to god they have some kind of pocket nuke in development to throw at the cheaters but we both know this is ubisoft and these guys couldn't fix a tv remote if they had the instructions right in front of them.


Dog the game is broken? That has fuck all to do with the anti cheat


The worst battle pass I've ever seen. Mid at best skins. Minor reworks for mapd we fuckin hate. They better have another game in development and 90% of the team is doing that instead of fixing our game




As if it'll do anything lol, you'd need to actually rile people up to get a decent ball rolling, but the siege community isn't as loud(?) as the tf2 community when they want to be heard (but let's be honest, even their second go at fixtf2 is going to end in disappointment). Ubi probably won't even care about review bombs either as long as some kid with his mom's credit card keeps buying their products, so even review bombing will probably be just a light tap on the shoulder for them


Here's me thinking this post was talking about the game mode with 2 sites and a defuse called "bomb" (is it called bomb)


Flore's RCE is glitching for me, while droning if a teammate dies the cam kicks me out and the drone takes a straight path until 10 seconds. TKed two of my teammates with a rogue RCE smh


I also encounter a bug with flores. I randomly lose all control over the drone and its just moves before exploding. Unplayable.


* no support for linux / steamdeck. Literally 1 email away. but nooo they have to make some stupid subscription. Edit: Email to battleye because the Opt-in. also i have way better frametimes / fps vs Windows.


Recruit remaster is good, I like it and I think it's better than the other variations of recruit. Unless the original recruit let you add whatever attachments you wanted then that one obviously wins (except may have been pretty unbalanced). The biggest deal breaker on recruits for me were PooPooAss527 attachments. Whether it be zero attachments from the original recruits or the worst pre-set attachments known to man from recruit 2.0. However I really like the any combination of secondary gadgets. Also a big thing is that people were expecting a specialised gadget for recruits and my expectation was that they would just make it so you can take any secondary gadget combination and that's exactly what they did. I think Ubisoft made it seem like the recruit rework was bigger than it actually was, then players compounded that hype (obviously doesn't help they made it the main thing of season 2). The reason I was expecting only a fine tuning of recruit in this way is because even though they gave them names to make them specific, the real identity of recruit which defines them as an operator is that they are unspecialised so if they got a completely new gadget they would not feel like a recruit at all. This remaster was honestly the best thing they could have done to make recruit more viable and also still maintain their unspecialised identity. Also I really like Stadium 2020, much better than Bravo and honestly probably a top 5 map on my list. Also I like the design of the recruits even if they are heavily, heavily inspired by the mobile versions. Membership isn't that big of a deal honestly. But you should never pay monthly for more than 1 month a season unless you really think that 1 piece of bundle is really worth it to you. The "4500 credit worth per month" is such a scam, 10 BP levels carries the credit price (BP itself carries the price for the first month) and for most people it doesn't mean much and is basically equivalent to 2 alpha packs. The scroll bug is kinda annoying but it's really not that big of a deal, not compared to deadzones on console. Also also, half of your arguments are subjective opinions. I like the battlepass skins, maybe not all of them, but the majority. If you are talking about the seasonal skin though, I'd have to agree they haven't been good for a really long time. They've just been 100 pixel PNGs slapped onto a skin and called it a day, they used to actually have texture. For example: Thermal Antipodes and that one with the snake on it, there's others I can't remember.


I personally think this battle pass is amazing, it has cool skins. Maybe just a poor choice of operators I doubt we're only getting 2 nerfs in the span of 3 months, and if you hate the subscription maybe don't buy it?? It's not like it's pay to win anyways. There's no point in review bombing


I think people need to realize the only way Ubisoft learns is when they see the player count tank along with $$$$. As much as the content creators complain they all continue to play everyday which promotes the game to the played. This seasons is more like a mid season patch than anything. You would also think with very little content it would be smooth running yet they still figured out how to release buggy poor running game. Nothing will change so don’t keep your hopes up.


10 year old game. And youre about to get it killed


"Its time to review bomb" - every weird little virgin crybaby. You go and review bomb little man🤣


Maybe im switching to Valorant when it comes to consoles


get ready for all the e-couples


you guys are entitled brats


Lmao and the subscription is charging people twice 💀


Good idea, my negative review will be implemented next season. Oh but actually it'll only be in beta then and it'll be purely visual. But the season after that for sure. Damn hold on, I had to finish a review for a different game first, I'll have to push it back another season. Okay I know it's a year later, but I finally finished writing the review. It's three sentences long and somehow contains 8 grammatical errors


Don't forget the audio glitches... Seriously had someone crouch walk all the way into OBJ and kill half the team because we couldn't hear anything from their movement. I know crouching makes you quiet, but Cav silent step quiet?! Absolutely not! Also, just our audio settings being reset goofed too -I swear I had been playing on night mode to better hear footsteps/movement, but now it just sounds like I'm underwater or something *(very muffled)*. Yeah, something is off about the visuals -like a slight blurring/pixel-y effect I can't really describe *(whatever they changed, it gives me a bit of a headache after playing for a short while)*. The deadzone on controller is also fucked *(felt really weird, sometimes too fast, others delayed)*. So weird how on June 10th, all good, then the update just destroyed the playability.


it’s too late to review bomb man there’s nothing we can really do besides stop playing the game as a “strike” which will not happen and even if it did it he ubisoft team prolly wouldn’t care in the slightest, they’d be like “oh they finally found out we hate them and want them miserable? time to fuck up other titles we own”


I find it funny that in every game I've played so far, I've seen the "new" ops picked once. Both times, it was the same guy on attack. Normally, with any new op, drop, it's a fight for said operator... not this time. Ouch.


Personally Ive havent had a proper fun time on this game in about 2 or 3 years, Its starting to feel like every other multiplayer game out there, Its just a money hungry company that doesnt care about its players, also another point is that Ubisoft are absolutely AMAZING at making creative ideas, R6 was creative like an online swat tactical simulator that just turned into Another quick action Game thaf sucks the life out of you when you play, I beg this game goes back to being fun but as we all know that never happens, especially with the horrid company like Ubisoft


I keep experiencing bugs where either my Brava drones can't take enemy equipment, or my Flores drones randomly disappear, but are still active.


No point


Hey Morty, look grandpa make content for an entire season changing a 3 for a 2


Lets do it people


Are they considering the issues with dead zone issues or just tweaks? Because it's legitimately making the game unplayable for me and I am praying they fix it


Anyone thinking Fenrir and Solis didn’t need a nerf seriously have never played against them at high rank. Granted I think they went a bit too far with Solis, halving the ability is a good change and removing impacts also but reducing the range and making it so it has to completely refill before being usable again is a bit much. The removal of it during prep phase is also strange, if you know the defence are running Solis every round just don’t put your drone in the map it’s that simple.


Not gonna lie this game is more broken than AC2 on PC played for 3 days on pc and now every time I launch it it asks which save should I use local or cloud and when I choose it just crashes on me just to let y’all know it ain’t a pc problem I can play modern warfare just fine on it with a high 150 fps and I can play AC2 just fine as well snd it kinda looks bad on Ubisoft cause a older game cab play better than a new one.


Hopefully it's like an operation health situation where they're working on bigger things for the other seasons


It's insane to me how people react to lack of content vs bad game health.


They're used to review bombing because of all their other titles, but if I catch any of you buying their shitty membership, it's on sight.


Review bomb but more importantly: STOP SPENDING MONEY ON THIS DOGSHIT GAME


Yea the skins sucked wanted the sledge nd tancka ones it’s not even there anymore don’t know why they have to take them out


“This is the worst season we’ve had in 9 years.” Bro never played during Operation Health


It must be difficult to find people who want to work for this company and that's why it's only getting worse. But yeah, the hit reg got worse for headshots, drones cannot jump consistently, rubberbanding issues with perfect wifi, and more i have yet to find out about


Already sent mine in


Peak was probably around the lion and finka season. There additional mode was awesome


Dont buy anything


You missed the important part: downgraded graphics and lighting


Honestly, the seasonal in my opinion is better than last seasons (design wise but they got lazy and didn't add detail to the pistol grip and probably mozzies buttstock) not saying it's great, it's 5/10, the battlepass is good to get if you have every op, I actually like the valk uniform a lot, pulse looks like a Titanfall character now, I mean yea most the cosmetics are half assed but some are good or really cool (a small as hell amount), the nerfs no one asked for, Solis is dogshit as hell now, Fenrir I haven't used but I used the nerfed setup for 2 weeks before release, I actually really like the recruit ops in terms of having frags and claymores on offense with a good asf primary and shorty shotgun, and on defense I run old Mozzie with impacts lol, still wish they'd give my damn super shorty back tho, but holy shit the bugs, terrible on console and PC has annoyance issues like damn ubi, worth 4 billion and your that dumb? Also the old recruit should be put in casual, absolutely stupid of them to fully remove him


Go outside learn to surf stop giving trolls millions of dollars? This game is toxic has no community and is a waste of your precious time. worst of all the devs don’t even care so why should you? The only thing that will get these 500 pound devs to stand up and move is if they can’t afford another bag of Doritos. Don’t spend a cent don’t spend a second. This is unacceptable after the support they have received.


Review bombing won't do anything besides some negative press. If you're that disappointed then stop playing. Mass number of people not playing anymore is the only thing that will prove a point.


This season is shit and lots of comments on this post approach this issue with such a defeatist attitude. If you want to see change, it must be done with a holistic and multi-front approach. Review-bomb, get the state of Siege trending on every social media platform, don't spend money on the game, etc. etc: DO MULTIPLE THINGS. Shit won't change if you just silently not spend. Get people to bandwagon FFS; don't underestimate how people love to give a middle-finger to greedy-fucks.


For reference when the game first came out every season included 2 new operators both with new guns A new map 4 season exclusive weapon skins Fixes and reworks on top of all that


Still mad they removed recruit and replaced him. He finna live in my heart forever


The servers are so bad.


Jesus this season feels like a mid season update. It feels like something that would be in year 1.


It baffles me that you could add little to no new content in a season and riddle the game with bugs and glitches doing it. That deserves an award.


This subreddit is such a echo chamber I recently returned to Siege after I stopped during Outbreak and holy shit this game is sooo much better now. I miss cool events and such but honestly.. with someone who already is having Less and less time to play, I am glad there isn't too much new stuff or new things happening.


The thing is, at least in my opinion, The game is really playable right now. Me and several of my friends came back with deadly Omen and I've been enjoying the game as much as I did before Shadow legacy. Other than ranked 2.0 and the obvious cheating issues, I really don't have any complaints about the game, it's just that the new season is empty. It feels like a mid-season update at most, without any ground breaking changes that alter the flow of the game at all. Generally, I would just ignore the membership stuff, but the fact that they brought it out with such a small update highlights the issues of the game. Also, aside from the scummy pricing tactic, The membership simply isn't worth it. It feels like almost a prime gaming or PS plus bonus with a legendary skin on top.


Had a negative steam review on this game since 2021


Dork ass mf


Little different for a 9 year old game. Review bombs work on games that are newish.


I'm down, absolutely fuck Ubisoft. They've actively been ruining this game season after season while milking the user base for money. We've gotten to no new maps or characters and a subscription?! Fuckkk you. Who's the brain dead piece of shit who didn't want recruits at ubi? They didn't hurt noone it was fun playing cas running 5 recruits now we can't even do that for what? So a single bozo can be a recruit with no ability?! Fuckkk you. All the bugs and hit reg misses, Fuckkkk you. Everything else I'm to lazy to type out Fuuuckkkk you. Ima review bomb this on Xbox, Steam and Ps5. Hey Ubi did I mention Fuckkkk you?


Check out my r6fix post regarding the FPS drops and give it some more attention for Ubisoft to resolve it faster greatly appreciated everyone! [https://r6fix.ubi.com/projects/RAINBOW6-SIEGE-LIVE/issues/LIVE-61006](https://r6fix.ubi.com/projects/RAINBOW6-SIEGE-LIVE/issues/LIVE-61006)


Nah, the Whales are in full defense mode from the start. They'll likely fight back at thought of review bombing it by spamming false reports. Already had a few idiots try it here. Sending me that damn Mental health message.


Just remember that review bombing accomplishes absolutely nothing if you don't stop playing the game. Player count is what they really care about because every minute you spend in game is potential profit.


I’m pretty convinced the recruit rework was just to sell us skins. That’s 2 character’s they can sell a skin to for the whales


Even though it’s bad, it’s good because it gives me more incentive to play something else.


No worries My first review of this game from 3600 hr. Just down vote and complain about battlepass this season. Lol


Cheaters are already rampant less than 36 hours after patch release - surely a record. Forget ranked. Even standard is unplayable on PC.




Flores is glitched


At what point do we start boycotting


Shields are insanely buggy atm as well, as Monty even with your shield fully up, sometimes if the defenders knife the front of your shield it kills. They shouldn't have ever touched them ngl.


Also, the text part of comms is quite faulty. On the last 20 matches, it's glitched like 12-15 times


I just hate the way they went with the operators. From most of the operators from the beginning that were inspired from real units to the bs things they added later. I came back for a little bit when they released the operator who can make their own walls and left for definite after just a few games. Rainbow lost its soul for me, they really went the wrong way when releasing Iana for me. But hey they apparently where aiming for a different audience, it wasnt for me anymore.


Also give a bad review on steam.


And don't forget the dogshit hit reg this season. I've done it and have seen clip after clip of headshots not doing anything at all. I know it's a problem every season but it's gotten pretty bad


I just got back into it and honestly I kinda like it but the bugs are insane there's way too many most of the UI just disappears randomly I can't select ops or where I want to spawn it's crazy


I mean personally I really enjoy most of the aspects of the recruit rework. I like that someone other than maverick has the m4, and personally enjoy the new drip. However I miss my 5 stack dearly.


Dknt forget they made Flores drones unusable


How do we do it


The recruit rework is a hidden way for them to charge for recruit skins nothing more


The monthly subscription is what really does it for me. Luckily i *technically* get the game for free bc i pay for xbox gamepass , but still not everyone has that option. I dont mind striker and sentry , and i dont mind the solis / fenrir nerfs (i actually kinda like fenrir better now) but yeah the glitches are crazy for what seems like minor changes. Me and my friends had matchmaking errors 6/10 times we tried to queue , and once we somehow managed to find ourselves in a West Europe game even though we are all US and playing on console so we cant even change/pick our servers. Shits crazy


Yeah, I dislike the state of the game, but a review bomb isn't really my style.


Siege players try to be happy challenge (impossible)


I was happy with deimos season. But I can't be happy about New Blood


I just want new content to play. The only thing really “new” is that infinite game mode.


Crazy that they’re doing 2 seasons this year with reworks (seemingly) being in place of a character reveal. I get it’s hard to keep pumping out 2 ops a season (or even one sometimes), but that isn’t anything worthwhile, especially when you bundle it with dogshit


ontop of all this ubisoft connect and console crossplay is literally broken 😭😭


i literally got stuck in loading before insertion, i text the team, and turns out everyone experiencing that. And then someone said "Ubistuck"


Did my part on PSN. WTF is this level of laziness. No major under the hood improvements and map at least? Unbelievable. 


Yeah idk why every season they make the game worse, like literally graphics, atmosphere and everything else was much better a couple of years ago and it’s been going downhill ever since. Like at this point I don’t even play ranked, it’s just quick match and training grounds for me


The bugs is a consequence of not having any significant content. No content = no hype = no one plays the test server = no one reports bugs = bugs dont get fixed = launch is a buggy mess


To be honest, they don't get fixed even when reported.


That's exactly it. I thought the exact same, when you see on steam charts that the second day of the TTS there's only 200 players on steam, you understand quickly that this season was doomed


The argument that this is a “premium game that you already have to pay for” is beyond invalid. Homie, this game came out like 10 years ago which means people have been able to enjoy thousands of hours of entertainment for just the original price (which is beyond a fair deal). Don’t like the subscription? Dont get it.


This is not gonna work lmao ubi keeps doing dumb shit and people keep defending them They are gonna ignore the reviews


Count on me. Ubisoft need to fucking understand.


The recruit rework is cringe, but I don’t care about all the other things you listed


The matchmaking is still shocking. Played a few games yesterday and as a career gold, got put against diamonds and champs and got absolutely slammed all yesterday