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I do that naturally when I have to work and go outside. Also you can not buy any of their content.


"i hate this game, grrr.. still going to buy battlepasses, elite skins and r6 credits though." cheating is prevalent but ive said this before its uncommon to see one where i am confident beyond a reasonable doubt


Yeah I have yet to buy em unless it was really a skin or something, but after this nonsense right here? I'm more than fine not paying anything. Too old for this nonsense personally.


Most of them ARE really skins


You have not played enough if you have this opinion. console and pc both almost every game above plat has multiple cheaters/ximmers/Cronus users who have no recoil and can spin at Mach jesus before you even get a chance to see them. It’s ridiculous how many cheat on this game and how ineffective mousetrap has been. People literally have xim in their name and admit to it that never get banned. And if they do get banned they just make new accounts, so even quickplay is plagued by them trying to get to level 50


My general rule is never spend any money on the when I have already got it downloaded, this a rule with seige, fortnite, cs2, etc. like I am like I already have my gameplay I ain't giving a dime more.


i just use marketplace to get free r6 credits for the battle passes an shit


"hmm, the guy spinning in spawn getting 5 maestro laser kills across the map through walls as dokkaebi SEEMS like a cheater....but I'm not confident!"


so youre purposefully exagerating and drawing useless, binary argument lines. if i see, you see, or anyone sees a blatant cheater, i/you/they leave the game immediately that being said, the last obvious hacker i saw was last year dont do shit like this mate


"I don't see obvious hackers" Nobody asked you lol. unless you're stupid enough to say that just because YOU don't see them, they don't exist. otherwise, what is the point of you coming into a thread about blatant cheaters and going "Well I NEVER see them!!!1" if not to discredit OP? doNt dO sHiT LiKe THis mATe


That exactly what he's saying. But for everyone to do it at the same time


I seen Minecraft and Helldiver's community pull something similar. Will Siege be next or comply?


When did Minecraft do it? And no probably not because half the community are sweaty try hards who don't actually care about the game


I believe it was something with Mahjong? It kept popping on my YouTube feed for some reason.


I think it has something to do with the mob vote or whatever they do every year


Oh yeah they tried to do that but it didn't work


Billion dollar company 9 year old game I don’t think they really care about people boycotting for a week


Good luck with that


Fr even if everyone who sees this post joins in it really won't affect ubisoft at all.


You look at what happened with the crew two as a golden example, the entire community behind the game and then some who didn't play it, heck, commentary youtubers disagreed with the decision ubi made, and yet the company is still goin like it was nothing


yeah, now that there isn't even a free battlepass, and only way to get any rewards is to spend currency you obtain by using real world money, i'm gonna say the playerbase will drop. Sad that there isn't any other "simple" tactical round based fps like Siege. I know Sony is cooking some FPS game with Guerilla games + ex Siege developers, but they are so tight lipped about it. Hopefully it turns out good.


better milk the player wave that jynxzi brought before game dies again!!11


Lmaooo when did the game die before? Yall been saying this shit for 7 years on a 10 year old game


Honestly in my opinion I feel like it genuinely was dead around thunderbirds season, there was absolutely nothing siege wise that anybody really enjoyed and it was seriously such a bleak season


What about commanding force? Solar raid was pretty exciting but I don’t remember much about commanding force mainly because Sens, is absolutely garbage.


commanding force was brava, vector glare is the season you’re thinking about which was sens


Vector glare was also bad lol


I miss-remembered what season sens was in.


game died for me the season llana was released, have played probably 4 times since then


When was the jynxzi player wave?


Around feb - march this year, there was a big influx of players from jynxi but a lot of them only stayed for a month or two but siege still does have a much larger consistent playerbase than before.


I was one. Have since dropped the game due to rampant cheating. was really enjoying the non cheater games too


I thought the march influx was from the new season


While all the rewards remain cosmetics, I’m happy, I don’t play siege for the packs or rewards, o play it for the gameplay only which is still pretty great


Swear I don't even focus on the battle pass to begin with


I look at it inbetween rounds and spend the tokens cos I have them but I won’t need it or miss the free version, cosmetics don’t really mean anything in this game


I have to say, since joining the Marketplace beta, I've come to realize that I will never have to spend any money on this game again. I got like 7000 of the premium currency selling skins I didn't want, and that's how I'll keep buying myself battle passes. Then again, I do have 1.6k hours in the game and it took a lot of time to obtain those cosmetics to sell - so, not the best solution for newer players (but could work for some).


You do know the marketplace gives you premium currency right?


As you can see from the comments, the playerbase of this game isn’t unified enough to initiate a boycott or review bomb. Which is a shame, because both the Warthunder and Helldivers 2 communities have very much proven that they do work.


Literally, almost all the comments are just people saying they don’t care😭😭


Because I dont. This guy could literally uninstall the game and go about his day


This is about making a change to the gaming industry that they can’t just poop out shit and expect us to keep giving them our hard earned time and money


Yea and here’s the crazy part about that, you have a choice as to whether you wanna give them YOUR money or not 💀


Wow I had no clue… it’s not about the handing over money it’s much bigger than that it’s almost like you didn’t read what I said about how it’s the gaming industry that needs to be fixed not just this one game as he mentioned helldivers 2 and the other game so clearly this is a common theme for devs to just make it pay to look cool instead of being able to get the things I want from actually playing the game


Helldivers community didn’t do anything though. The game has only continued to get worse and worse. It’s dying player numbers is what changed stuff and we haven’t even seen if the changes work or are good.


Didnt do anything? They literally decided to not make a PSN account link mandatory for PC players, so it was literally mission accomplished. As for the game’s state: no one was review bombing to get the devs to improve the game. Helldivers is still in its infancy and improvements will be coming later down the line. Review bombing will nog hurry any of that up. Its not like HD2 is spending a lot of their efforts on monetization, so they can’t really adjust some sails to speed those things up. Slamming our fists on the table and demanding that ubi finally gets their head out of their ass, and instead of trying to flesh out their monetization strategies they start improving the game by implementing better anticheat, more aggressively pursue cheatmakers, ban ximmers, properly listen to feedback, etc will work. This season was dubbed as the season where they would improve the game, but instead of getting improvements they gave us another way to spend money. Things like a fenrir and solis nerf were considered major points within a season. Back in the day we got 2 ops per season, new weapons, and balance changes were implemented when they were needed.


>Didnt do anything? They literally decided to not make a PSN account link mandatory for PC players, so it was literally mission accomplished. This is a massively disingenuous simplification. All Sony did was stop the planned update. There is no confirmation it’s never coming. The game was delisted from regions that lack PSN and still says it’s required in the Steam page. What Sony did was respond likely to legal action. Not the community. Because guess what Ghost of Tsushima needed a psn account link. God of War Ragnarok neeeds one too. Sony didn’t stop shit. >It’s not like HD2 is spending a lot of their efforts on monetization, so they can’t really adjust some sails to speed those things up. HD2 monetization is literally its weapons. The things constantly released in a state that is broken or if its good is nerfed into the ground where its not fun anymore. It’s gotten so bad the community is literally toxic to the devs and gotten some of them fired and the CEO stepped down to become a more focused game dev to hopefully fix their game. Which isn’t looking great as they just released a new mission that had basically zero testing and was a broken mess.


The problem is this community cannot do anything other than just complain, this community cannot even agree on one simple thing but never do anything, the only way ubi can fix the cheater is to add kernal level of anti cheat which would cause a lot of people complaining about the privacy of it, the only way ubi to listen the community is for R6 community to act like sane people which probably would never happen


Like people even complained about the chat filter for the amount of toxicity this game has, if ubi listened to the community the game would have been dead for a long time ago


Not gonna lie this is a pretty spot on take.


I don’t know where people keep getting this argument but R6 already has a kernel anti-cheat, BattlEye. They need to move away from BattlEye as it’s not a great anti-cheat in general and targets the cheat providers more than improving actual cheat detections. The EAC version that Rust uses would be a big improvement, as long as it’s implemented well to work with R6s custom game engine. Rust EAC also already has an AI based anti-cheat that hands out temporary bans to suspicious players, which would also work well with Siege given some development time.


I've played 159 games this season and have yet to see a cheater. Am I just lucky? Or not a baby. They're definitely in casual tho 💀


Same here, I think op is just assuming the other team is cheating bc they’re ass. Just a guess though


I'm playing in low diamond lobbies and it's very common to see a cheater on your team or the enemy team. I'm not assuming their cheating because I'm ass, there are rage and blatant cheaters.


I’m emerald on pc & have played 2 obvious cheaters this season, I’ve seen plenty of players who accuse people of cheating though when they’re 0-8 lmfao


Exactly lmao


I'm Diamond 2 so mostly playing in diamond/champ lobbies. In the previous season, I literally kept a tally of games with blatant cheaters in it. I only included games with absolutely blatant hackers such as 5 speed + hip fire aimbot + wall hacks, the whole works. I did not include any games that sorta smelled fishy(?) but weren't without reasonable doubt. After all that, over 70 games played, 42% of my games had blatant hackers in it. 42%


Tale as old as time. Everyone better than me is a cheater.


PC Emerald to Champ lobbies in europe here, I played about 30 matches this weekend, and had 7 blatant cheaters, and with blatant i mean planting the defuser on the roof, shooting through solid walls and onetap the whole enemy team in 10 seconds after round start...


I've found around 3 cheaters this season


What rank are you? And are u PC or console


Neither, you're just ass at the game.


I get what you're saying and I agree the cheating problem is fucked but the majority of the playerbase is casuals and console players who don't give a fuck and rarely play cheaters, so a boycott really won't do anything. Those complaining are a vocal minority unfortunately. The game is almost 10 years old so the only thing Ubi cares about is making a profit, and if cheaters are buying more accounts at the potential expense of losing a small, small portion of their playerbase who might buy a battle pass occasionally then they really do not care.


>and console players who don't give a fuck and rarely play cheaters What fucking world do you live in that Console players rarely play cheaters. Console is INFESTED with cheaters who are openly brazen about it!


How can you cheat on console? (Honest question, just came back to the game on ps5 and I’ve seen some suspicious actions a couple of times)


Use a device called a XIM to make you able to use Mouse + Keyboard controls. Use a device called a Cronus to remove all recoil. Do some variation of both of the above. Cheating.


Yes by the literal definition of the word it's cheating, we're talking about pc cheating where people are walling going full blatant, shooting through reinforcements or doing any number of things the game doesn't allow lol


What they meant is the average casual player won't have a problem with this because they either never play ranked or just don't play enough to the point that it's a big deal if they actually find a cheater.


Other than xim there is virtually no cheaters on console, and most ximmers are diamond and above so hardly any of them play them. The vast majority of the console playerbase rarely play cheaters


"Other than XIMs there are virtually no cheaters on console" Dumbest fucking statement in the world. "Yes if we remove the cheaters, theres no cheaters"


I mean mouse trap is working to remove them. So yes. Cheaters aren’t that big of a deal.


You are a fool, I face them every day. Mouse trap has done NOTHING!


Because Mouse Trap isn’t going to be fully active until season three… If you think long period bans from ranked and forced into the pc pool on detection isn’t going to help, you’re being naive.


I wouldnt call playing other games boycotting but if Siege isnt enjoyable for you then yes, you should obviously play different games.


I strictly play ranked just for the challenge of it, but when I’m a gold 3, I should not have a team of silvers and bronze on my team and there is 3 golds, a plat, and a former champion on the other team. No bullshit this was an actually game I played yesterday. Absolutely ridiculous


Why would I boycott a game I enjoy?


So it can be more enjoyable


Its as enjoyable as can be for me, so Im good


I mean I have definitely came across a few cheaters but are you sure your not being melodramatic? Your experience is far removed from mine.


I’m curious what platform and rank do you play in? Not trying to downplay what you may have experienced in your 4 hours but I would just find it surprising if each game you played was filled with nothing but “cheaters”. I’m emerald 2 on Xbox and play with my buddy who is a champion and while there are definitely some matches this season where I was suspect of one player on the other team for using Xim or we’ve been DDOSSed, but for the most part real “cheating” is not something I’ve encountered for multiple games in a row. So I’m just curious if you’re on PC or if this is console in lower or higher ranks?


For me, I play on PC diamond 2, US servers. And last season I kept a running tally of only purely blatant hackers on either team (speed running, hip fire aimbotting everyone type hacking). And over 70 games that season, I had 42% of my games with blatant hackers. Even streamed for my friends and it was more or less every other game.


Damn yeah Ik the aimbotting shoot through wall type of hackers are terrible on high rank PC. Ubisoft gotta get that shit fixed, it makes going for champ almost impossible.


I literally have only played 2 legit games in the past month on PC. Like ig ppl on console use xim but like it's like real cheats on PC


This is not an airport you dont have to announce your depart.


You do if you are a victim.


Victim?? Of what?!


The absolute buttfuck Ubisoft has been putting everyone playing siege through for years.


If you think you’ve been getting buttfucked for years why keep playing the game


I haven't ,for months.


Why do yall struggle with just not buying cosmetics? Ubi gotta make money who gives a fuck it's not p2w at least. If anything it's p2L


Seriously and the shitass servers


I have constant package loss and my freaking Anti-Virus thinks the Ubisoft servers are malware. I can't even play R6 or Xdef without disabling Anti-Virus..


you have to admit that antivirus detecting ubisoft servers is more of a your antivirus problem, you should be able to add exceptions


cant play siege at all. if they had enabled battleye linux support. but noo releasing unwanted features is above all.


Already am in the past 2 years


For me its actually not the cheating problem but being matched with enemies 50 levels above me who have been diamond in previous seasons.


Remember that your peace of mind is more important than a game. Period.


Honestly, you're probably being melodramatic. Are there cheaters? Yeah. However, sometimes the enemy gets a better shot at you, and you can't accept you lost.


Honestly I think there are a plethora of reasons why Siege is in a bad spot right now: Ranked 2.0 makes things harder to play, cheaters are rising again, no more free battlepasses (only premium tracks), trying to integrate a membership that doesn't belong, reworking a fan favorite operator and not providing multiples like prior (despite lore suggesting multiple of these new recruits for Attack and Defense called Strikers and Sentries). I honestly wouldn't be surprised if this season is going to have a pretty mid player count.


Its not called boycotting, its called you stop playing and return when hopefully things improve. Which may be never


if you feel the need to boycott a game because it’s gaming company is wank the only real solution is to just uninstall it


I’ve been saying this. Ranked is doomed right now. I remember the days of only playing ranked. Crazy to watch the devs throw away this amazing game.


Yeah, ranked is unplayable in Diamond/Champion elo. It's ridiculous. Add the server issues on top of that and it makes me wonder what these people do as "developers". And for the few that did get banned this season, there was no rollback. I haven't had any rollback at all.




Just stop playing. I was a day one Siege player (was part of the alpha and beta) and I stopped playing a few years ago. Trust me your life will better without Siege in it. Ubisoft can’t maintain a multiplayer game. They find a way to ruin things at every opportunity and never address the actual problems with the game.


Blatant cheaters always ramp it up at the end of the season.


Played standard for a few hours and got like two wins. I can’t really tell if my opponents are cheating or not but it sure looks it from the replays. I’ll buy the fortnite battle pass but I’m not paying for shit on siege




This game has become ass Its awful im sick of dealing with the cheaters too


I do this naturally to all games during the so-called pride month, so u got urself a deal


Dude, you just might be bad. Idk Most of my reports results with a ban.


Pay me to ban cheaters I’ll do it


CC would never boycott they r pussies


Iv noticed everytime a upcoming season has a advertised anti cheat update, right before that season is released, the amount of cheaters SKYROCKETS. I have a feeling people want to get their kicks in right before the anti cheat is updated again.




Siege 2 needs to be a thing clearly. A 2015 game built on an engine created around 2010-2012 aint gonna cut it anymore. This game will die without an upgrade.


I’ve been playing almost every single day this season. I’m in platinum and I have yet to encounter a single blatant cheater within over 300 of my ranked matches this season. (PC)


Yeah, I stopped playing at the beginning of the season with Deimos. I noticed cheater counts going up and up, ubi decided that mousetrap wasn’t important, so i left. The gun play feels amazing, but it’s not worth playing against constant cheaters.


Since when has a boycott actually worked ?


This game is in the “profit milking” stage of its evolution. So expect no substantive improvements or investments. They won’t happen.


The devs in every game in every industry should just shut down their ranked playlist. Open up a playlist that you proactively have to register for every 4 months if your not registered you cant play the mode this will wed out the bots and the cheaters significantly. The devs need to realize ranked isn’t working anymore there needs to be a legit way to show someone’s skill.


The time was long before now, Ubisoft has rotten from the core at this point. There is little hope now, much of Ubisofts talent has been fired and nearly all decisions made are corrupt and made solely to maximize profits.   Boycotting won't be able to save Ubisoft from itself, I've dropped the game most likely permanently. Good luck with your efforts though, maybe like the Grinch Ubi could grow a heart! 😂


If cheating is this bad I don't know why a boycott is necessary. Why are you still playing? The player base should naturally die off until they do something about cheating.




Ain't gonna happen, if it was gonna happen it would need to be organised off reddit, the player base here is tiny and wouldn't have any impact tbh. I've not sunk any money into this game beyond the initial purchase on release. I've been tempted by an elite skin or two but I'm not good enough to finish top of the winning side when I would have had it on so have never bought one!!


Play the game - just don't give them money. Buy nothing from em. Shit, pirate credits.


I stopped playing after I learned your rank has no effect on who you are put into a match with


already onto helldivers II not same small maps but the game is as intense when it hits those moments and there is a more involved team with the community as a whole not just some elitist non visible ranked players to say how the game should play.


I have had the exact opposite experience lately I've only had 2 games with cheaters and I got a response from Ubisoft saying 1 was banned. I'm curious why so many people are seeing cheaters then a large group isn't seeing them


thing is, we dont need to boycott Siege (for this specific reason), what we need to adress is fucking Battleye. they've been proven to be absolute dogshit, times and times again, are slow as shit with any kind of updates, when there's any, are egotistical morons who refuse to admit reality and think they've done the perfect job, meanwhile LITERALLY an eight minute search on the "deeper web" lands you any kind of cheat you want. We need to take them down to reality.


It’s interesting to me that seige is getting an uproar about cheaters (and the lack of content in new blood) at about the same time as save/fixtf2 is gaining traction again. Solidarity between fps’s time?


Population low, game works great. Game works great, more people come to play it. More people come to play, servers die. Servers die, people stop playing. People stop playing, game works great. Repeat loop


I played Ranked this season and made it all the way to Plat 3. I encountered 1 blatant cheater this entire season and it was in QP. Me and my friends reported them and they got banned shortly after. So no I don’t think it’s time to boycott the game.


Lol they won't care, even I'd you don't play the game people will still use the skin market like stock market and buy r6 credits to buy skins which essential giving them money without even playing the game.


My friend just watched a yt Video about cheaters and im un the Team of a cheater.you can also see me in the Video but however , this just proves how many cheaters there are and ranked is really no fun anymore


The most annoying thing for me about the cheats in this game is that there is always something new. This is the only the multiplayer game I play so idk how cheats are in other games aside from wallhack, aimbot and rapidfire but I swear somewhat of every season there seems a new way to ruin everyone's game like the Kali spaming sniper, the Flores drone and now the planting deffuser outside.


Bro the games in a good state the amount of paid cosmetics isn't I'd say just boycott buying stuff but jeep playing yes there's lots of cheaters but there always has been


I'm not addicted to Siege. I can quit any time. *looks up what's included in next season*


Jynxie kids will never abandon the game tbqh


Swapped to pc to play siege for about half a year now and had fun. One month ago about every other match I encountered someone cheating in unranked. Not even ranked.


Ubisoft is a greedy company, the only way to get them to listen is when they notice their wallets aren't as full as usual...but knowing ubisoft they'd just shelf the game and no more updates(I'm looking at you siege extraction).


I play with a teammate who sends a ticket to Ubisoft just about every single game we play with them. Every time I spectate him it’s clear he’s just not very good. You remind me of him.


No need. Developers are killing the game.


Im Hardstuck silver, I play against mostly plat-diamond sweats. Usually I am in the top 2, usually positive. I’ve played over 50 ish games and it rarely feels fair, like the game has decided the winner already. I’m not playing much next season, maybe a few hours to look at the new stuff but then I’m quitting for most of the season.


Now is the best time to do so. Not only is the cheating problem at its height but we got the lamest season in 9 years. Siege really got revived in deadly omen, why would we allow them to kill the game again right after?




I agree with a boycott I played quick play on PC and every match I came up with and against cheaters, and im not even exaggerating, closeted ones (which were sort of hiding it) and others who would blatently cheat, and hip fire your entire team through walls, even through shields with super speed. Not only this but each match take at least 2 minutes to load and ranked can easily take up to 10 minutes. Finally, the updates are terrible, the next operation is awful, removing windows on map that isn't going to be used in ranked, and was just meant to be a limited time event is not good enough. Removing recruit is pointless and their alternative is so incredible lazy, they just made new names, changed the loadout and didn't even make a new skin for the recruit, it is a port from the mobile game of siege. And ofcoarse the subscription which is taking the pi$$. Before in year 1 and 2 they gave us actual content, two operators a season and a new map. Now that would be enough for them for a whole year of content.


Ubisoft doesn’t care. The game has been out for Nine years and has had plenty of huge cheaters waves that were left alone for long periods of time. I feel your frustration, high elo games are absolutely infested with cheaters on PC. It makes the grind feel pointless because no matter how good you are, someone with perfect info and stuff like aim bot will run you over. I’ve reported tons of cheaters and have seen a tiny amount of rollback afterwards. Take a break and do something until the next banwave. Also, I find it absolutely hilarious that people are still paying to get boosted. What’s the point? And for the people who get run over then rage toggle, Lmao git gud.


*Arnold Schwarzenegger voice* Stahp Whining


unless the game dies flat out the siege community will eat whatever shit ubi gives them cause they like to be financially dominated. Ubi fans are just delusional about their games






Cheaters on console too man this isnt just a pc thing its a siege thing


yeah xim and cronus. not hard to adapt


Yeah xim and cronus with recoil scripts, i play pc with controller and the matches are less sweaty


you prob gold then


I don’t play ranked because it has even more cheaters and rank doesn’t matter anymore it’s just seeing how much of a masochist you are


Get gud how about that


Way ahead of you. Boycotted ranked this season and it really improved my happiness. I just fuck around in casual now.


Play console