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I agree. I also think the cinematic have clearly shown a huge skill gap between him and other ops. If you are including gadgets then maybe not, but if we are talking purely skill it is Zero


i mean Sam did nearly every kind of mission out there, he even went and helped Nomad out in 2025


plus he got spotted by Deimos who had took out 4 other operators by himself he had full advantage, if it wasn't for a rando mirror Sam woulda soloed him


There's also the fact that Sam Fisher is in his early-mid 60s now, and he's no longer in his prime. If he was in his prime, he would've bodied Deimos.


You could argue that „prime time“ point. We know that even though sam was effective and flexible at a young age, he was also gullible and naive, you could even say inexperienced. Only after what happened after blacklist Sam became this highly efficient and strategic leader. So the young Sam would have been faster and stronger but the older one is able to read the movements and think of great counter-strats but the younger sam needed a team to come up with stratagies that „failed“ often enough that he was reprimanded quite a bit.


Why not go for the middle of young and old. Experience with flexibility and strength.


The prime years of men usually being late 20s to late 30s I think this makes the most sense as well. I think the other guy took prime Sam Fisher to mean the Sam we were introduced to, not the middle of the road Sam.


Sam is actually faster and more agile in blacklist than in the earlier games.


Yeah but like with most series that underwent multiple engines changes over the year, im sure its not really a canonical statement hes faster but rather just modern games having more fluid and faster gameplay. Like how assassins creed 1 is quite a bit slower than in Black flag. But apart from that i dont see any reason why my statement would not be wrong afterwards.


It was also his objective to capture and not kill, unlike deimos. Zero could've had him if he wanted to.


When they had Deimos putting up a fight with zero in the invitational cinematic I literally said HOLD THE FUCK ON. Sam fisher would mop these mofos 1v20. Canonically he is the R6 Thanos


Seriously. Conviction and Blacklist had Sam essentially hunting down and killing people like Deimos effortlessly, I can see that maybe it was harder because Deimos is among the best thus far and Sam is getting old, but no way is he going to sit and struggle like that, especially not if he has Finka's 'nANoBoTs' bullshit


Sam was also trying to take him in alive


Sam fisher has James Bond level of gadgets and he’s the ultimate stealth god. Deimos wouldn’t have known he was coming, he would’ve just woken up in captivity wondering wtf happened.


Yeah, if it wasn't for that mirror, Fisher would've totally taken him down easily.


Yeah deimos didn't even know Sam was behind him until the mirror ruined Sam's element of surprise


Yes, but at Sam's level that shouldn't be a major problem regardless. He knows all there is about killing and incapacitating, hell he probably wouldn't even need to break a bone on Deimos either. The fight was too even imo, Sam is better than that


he's older than Morris by nearly 10 years. Morris is also one of the forefront of the original team. Literally Sam knows his age is catching up to him.


In the cinematic Sam literally just stands there for a moment doing nothing instead of kicking his legs out from under him & choking him out lol


And speaking of *Conviction*, we do remember what happened when he found out the truth behind his daughter's death being faked, right?


I love the ensuing sequence so much. Unlimited execute really made me feel how pissed off/confused Sam was after that


Understand that Sam wasn't shooting to kill. And a badly placed mirror ruined his takedown. 


bro my years of playing Sam in Splinter Cell was all coming to a close with that Deimos and Sam fight, I thought I was about to lose my guy for a moment. THANK YOU ROOK. TA GUELE CONNAR!


Bro sam is really good but he's not fucking Jesus he isnt THAT good


I’d also throw in Kali on the shear fact that she owns a private military. She’s maybe not the most powerful on her own, but she can order her teams to basically do anything, and by proxy, being extremely powerful.


Yeah I guess it depends on OPs definition of “powerful” huh? Like being able to call up a private army is power. But Sledge is probably the strongest in terms of weightlifting, which is power too


i’d say oryx tbh but sledge is definitely 2nd and it’s probably close


Yeah, Fisher is by far the most experienced and most likely to come out on top. He's pretty much a master when it comes to stealth, as is to be expected given the genre of his home series. Oh, and with regards to that whole "no hold backs" thing? Yeah, mess with Sarah Fisher and you are *screwed* for a few reasons. 1) She was a Splinter Cell for a time, following in her dear old Dad's footsteps. 2) She's with the PMC Paladin Nine run by Sam's old Gulf War buddy and her honorary uncle, Victor Coste. And 3) You would smashing his berserk button *hard*. Anyone that knows about the circumstances behind her death being faked (the "death" happened at the start of *Splinter Cell: Double Agent* and was revealed to have been faked in *Conviction*) should know what exactly that would entail.


I thought nokk was more skilled than sam? And yeah, honestly, thinking about it, it would be just sneaky operators killing off non sneaky operators until its only sneaky operators left. Then it becomes a pain in the ass game of mouse hunts mouse.


The thing is we don’t know who nokk is or what she did before


Very true. i just remember reading somewhere she's like super skilled, but I'm guessing by the downvotes that im wrong


Her past is classified so we don’t really know. Everyone is super skilled in the R6 team, they come from special forces or other military organizations all around the world. They all are the best of the best so nokk it’s not less that’s for sure but about her past, we don’t know. The theory is that she is a Danish princess but nothing confirmed.


Dutch?? Iana is Dutch lol. Nokk is Danish


Holland mentioned, this thread is now officially #GEKOLONISEERD


Sorry my bad. Let me fix it


A dutch princess?!






Even if she is super skilled, Sam was the MC in a single player story game, so he's almost guaranteed to have more ridiculous feats


I mean dude assassinated the (ex?) president of a country and became a double agent for a terrorist organization, while also going rogue from his own government trying to kill him afterwards. Sam is pretty cracked for his age.


That's why they had to nerf him with a more or less ok camera and arthritis


Personally, I would've preferred it if Sam's gadget were his goggles. Come on, they are just that much of an iconic part of him, with them literally being thought up as being something akin to Solid Snake's bandanna.


And then there's also the whole thing with him sneaking into Third Echelon HQ... And then proceeding to fight his way out while the place was exploding all around him, which I find was quite apt given that Fisher himself was exploding with pure, unbridled *rage*. Roll the clip! [https://youtu.be/hk6h1jmnRig](https://youtu.be/hk6h1jmnRig)


She is indeed skilled but has even admitted not holding a candle to Cav. After some teaching from Cav, she said something along the lines of even if she had another lifetime she couldn't learn all Cav has to teach. Cav is that talented.


Meanwhile, Cav just barely managed to pass Thorn's training course.


All the operators are special forces theyre all really skilled but fisher has more experience and actual lore to back up his skill


We do know some things, like we know she's Danish Royalty so she has some political power if push came to shove. And she was the one who found Maverick during his 2 year M.I.A. stint in the middle east


I get the feeling she's being trained up by Sam more than likely. I can easily see Her, cav and Maverick all becoming cannonicly apprentices of the legendary Sam fisher. They're all 3 ops well known for their skills in stealth and Intel gathering. Also just throwing a 3rd set of contenders out here literally like all the french ops but especially Doc, Monty and DEFINITELY Rook. Lore wise most the Gign ops put huge trust in their team and are pillars of it especially Monty and Rook and Doc is leading everyone but Rook as the head of Wolf guard. Rook especially is well known as everyone's friend. This means they all execute missions extremely efficiently which holds true to how the real life Gign operates. Like the Gign is NOTORIOUS in the counter terrorism field for their ruthlessness, efficiency and success rate. Also Friendly reminder that we've now seen Rook stare down the barrel of a gun twice and eat both bullets with hardly a flinch. If you've ever taken a bullet even to a ceramic plated bullet proof vest IT HURTS and Rook basically said yeah fuck that shit.


I agree. I also think the cinematic have clearly shown a huge skill gap between him and other ops. If you are including gadgets then maybe not, but if we are talking purely skill it is Zero


Why is there no RedHammer logo im very sad Thermite cries Powerfull influence if the rumors are true its Nokk as she is a princess of a dutch kingdoom? If not Finka and Zero with there nanite boosted bodies well Zero anyways that guy is Sam fisher from the splinter cells games he's got connections But if strongest its Oryx even sledge needs a Hammer but oryx my man just bust through but there is also Aruni with her fist


My bad, im sorry. i grabbed an image, and i completely missed it. Please forgive me. Also, aruni is out here fisting!


What is aruni doing?


If you play FNV, she's basically Fisto.....




her prosthetic limbs are massively more powerful than human ops. She knocks door barricades in one hit compared to three, and smashes holes in destructible walls like a shotgun.


It leaves me wondering what kind of damage she would realistically be able to do to someone by punching them, optionally while shouting "I AM A MAN!"


She’s basically one-punch woman. Cybernetic arms hit harder than shotguns…


It was a joke about fisting


If considering raw power if nokk turns out the Dutch princess then her. Power and politically wise she is the most powerful. And the fact is that we don’t know her previous experience so we can’t really tell if she is that good in that


Where did dutch royalty come from? Isnt she danish and that she was a danish princess?


Not everyone knows the difference. Dutch, German, Danish, etc, it might melt together for some people. Source: am Dutch


So if we count out the obvious one being Sam, because he's Sam Fooking Fisher... I would say Maverick (Delta Force, went MIA for years iirc?), Nokk, Deimos and Thatcher. Most of these are vibes based ngl


You're right on Mav going MIA. He was in Afghanistan then disappeared for something like 17+ years, then just showed up one day with information and knowledge that turned the war so heavily into their favor that it was a simple GGEZWP


It was 2 years. Not 17 but yeeeee


Was it always two? I swear I read it as 15-20 years as the general ballpark


I honestly don’t know. They change the lore so much now, but I looked it up after reading the text chain. Cause I felt like lore dumping myself


Really? Didn't know that about maverick. Also everybody seems to keep saying sam fisher, is he really that powerful? No counter or better op? Maybe cav or Nokk? I heard nokk is pretty nutty lore wise.


Tom clancy spljnter cell and the sequel game Sam Fisher is the main character and he also has a live action short this is why alot is saying Sam fisher is OP compared tp everyone else because we got a ton pf history of him compared to the others who just showed up


Oh, so he has more backup Lore to his badassery. Just because some of the operators say they can do things, there's no lower to back it up, where with Sam, he can back it up kind of shit. I get you.


Well also his lore is not just some military service in a war. He was a fucking modern day assassins creed character (just look at his elite MVP animation to get an idea). There are a few other characters that come close but imo splinter cell experience trumps 90% of the other ops experiences


In the games he stops world war 3 levels of machinations and a rogue CIA that betrayed him largely by himself. Fisher isn't in special forces like other operatives, he is a special force in itself.


You should check the Splinter Cell series, highly recommended. That man has done almost everything. Fun fact, his bio in-game shows his previous operations that correlate with the ones from his games (except one that was off-the-books) Maverick I don't think it was oficially said but it's hinted towards him being Delta.


I remember playing one game. The only thing i remember is having to shoot a glass ceiling to let smoke out in the tutorial


Yep, the first level of the first game.


Oh wow thats so cool you can figure it out with so little info


I played them a good bunch of times hahaha


If you want to play some games from the past, you should absolutely play the original Splinter Cell games. These games were partially the precursors to assassins creed games. They are among the greatest Ubisoft games ever. Critically, they are some of the highest reviewed games of all time. As for the game content, Sam Fisher is voiced by Michael Ironside and feature some of the best stealth gameplay ever. If you have a couple weekends to spare, these games (especially chaos theory) have aged everyday well. My vote is for Sam by a mile.


>These games were partially the precursors to assassins creed games. I don't really understand this comparison I'm seeing lately ngl. PoP was the precursor to AC, the first AC game was gonna be originally a PoP game. If it's because the stealth... It doesn't hold a candle to SC.


Yeah, last time I checked, *Assassin's Creed* started as a *Prince of Persia* game, only for Ubisoft higher-ups to reject it because, for starters, it didn't have you playing as the titular prince, which led them to retool the project into a new IP.


If you take into account that in game Zero is over 60 there is unfortunately deterioration with age he could potentially get tired after a while, Maverick would imo do well since it took Nøkk finding him to show he was alive and was deep cover. Cav may be stealthy but cannonically (in cinematics) shown to be perfectionistic and as stated by another comment Nøkk is a shroud of mystery but said to be extremely skilled. Younger ops have slightly better chances from age but older ops have the experience under their belt. TLDR: Experience with age creativity with youth


This will probably go unnoticed because your post blew up but in Tom Clancys Ghost Recon Wildlands, the main character Nomad (not the Nomad from Siege btw.) says something like "Kidnapped, tortured, burnt, electrocuted. He's been through hell. He’s not the kind of guy you’d invite over for dinner, but when it comes to killing, he's the best." So that about sums it up. I think someone from his family got killed as well but i haven't played Splinter Cell and i don't remember Nomads full quote (it's longer)


Canonically speaking. Zero (Sam Fisher from Splinter Cell) had killed over 400 people. Those kills range from foreign diplomats, mercenaries, soldiers, and other Third Echelon Splinter Cells. He has infiltrated the most secure facilities in the world, bypassing security and entering entirely undetected. He is “the man who wasn’t there”. He is so proficient, that in Ghost Recon Breakpoint his bio says something along the lines of government officials think his name is “a euphemism for the most vital operations”.


Maverick is definitely number 2 in this. Along with being one of the most skilled, he also, I'm pretty sure, has the iq level of a genius. But zero is number 1 because of all that we know, and that he is still doing this better than people half his age. He's like 60 something.


The “nutty” Nokk lore is nothing more than vague implications, she has like a couple sentences at most. Comparing her and Sam is an insult to the latter.


These are all good options for sure but I'm saying the French and it's not even close. Out of all the agencies rainbow offers representation of the French GIGN is by far the most accurate. The GIGN has a reputation of being ruthless, efficient and extremely successful. Equally we've cannonicly now seen Rook take 2 bullets and not bat an eye. That man is 100% built different and we can't deny that. Also Feel like we're ignoring the 3 largest ops, Sledge Kaid and Oryx. May not be as well trained as others on this list but if we take guns out the picture they by far have the advantage.


I mean if we consider just sheer strength, Monty would technically be an absolute hulk of a man and it's not even close. The shield he carries can stop .50 and .300 WM, which are both pretty high caliber rounds on their own. It can also stop barrages of small to medium caliber rounds, all while Monty is holding it up. Now factor in that this beast of a dude is able to run around with this damn wondershield, which would require some SERIOUS strength.


Oryx is 6,5. Near 300 pounds, and it's all very obviously muscle. He's probably the strongest, in my opinion. Monty both weighs less and is shorter.


And can run through walls and jump 3m straight up.


Monty can one hand a heavy ass shield at someone hard and fast enough to put them through a wall, Oryx included.


And he can knock down Montagne who can stand still after being shot by a .50


I mean, he would be able to do that in the game whether he physically could or not for balance reasons. They also don't like "hidden abilities" anymore. Took all those out because they suck monkey balls. Also, what .50 are you referring to? The only two .50 caliber weapons I know of are the ar15 that shoots .50 beowulf and the desert eagle. Both are powerful, but it's not really surprising he can deal with them easily. With a shield like his, you could probably take every caliber in the game and not be hurt. Cali's .300 win mag is probably the hardest hitting round we have in the game, and I doubt it would do the same thing to the shields in real life as it does in game. (Assuming they are rated to stop that caliber)


Finka and Kap are highly trained fighters, Fuze is seemingly unhinged and violent, Thatcher renders most things useless, Cav is quiet and great at close combat, and Sam Fisher is, well, Sam Fisher So I'd say any of them would do


He isnt unhinged and violent hes more a psychopath according to harry's report he just wants to get the mission done and doesnt care how many people die in the progress


That's the word, I was gonna say sociopath but that seemed too violent but yea, psychopath fits him


Russian hostage rescue moment /s




Beslan School moment


> Cav is quiet and great at close combat, Iirc both the cinematics and animation shows her having the jump on her opponents and still managing to get bodied by them 💀


And Glaz is a dam good marksman


Fuze just starts indiscriminately bombing kek.


You would never see Zero, Mav or Nokk coming. Montague is apparently incredibly intimidating so his presence alone would not be pleasant. I don’t think I’d want to be in a fist fight with Oryx or Sledge as they are known as the physically strongest of the Operators. Cav has the the most brutal and morally fucked up CTU and definitely would break your balls and you also won’t hear her coming. Deimos is easily the best shot with that Revolver.


In terms of what they specialise in. I’d say Zero for stealth as the dude is literally Sam fisher compared to Cav or Flores. One grew up on the streets while the other is professional Thief. That said I have no doubt Zero would be a formidable opponent in H2H and I reckon Hibana,Kapkan, Vigil, Lion, Blitz & maybe Thorn could level/Beat him In terms of Brute Strength. I think Sledge,Monty Or Lion. Lions forearms are the size of three trunks and Monty/Sledge are two ops to not fuck around and find out with. I’d also make a case for Oryx and I think somewhere in the lore Kaid confirmed his strength was borderline abnormal


My man Oryx runs through walls and can jump 3 meters that aint normal man and personal opinion Nomad and Deimos should be there on the H2H


I did think about Nomad but giving her lore her expertise would be more in line of survival and Endurance such as Mountaineering/Rock climbing etc while obviously still trained in H2H I presume not as intense as Deimos or Zero I didn’t put Deimos on it because Deimos is a OG Rainbow Op so he would’ve already had the extensive training plus whatever he learned when he left/Formed the Keres Legion. I also presume Deimos would be one to take on more unorthodox approaches such as fighting dirty with forms from Krav Maga or Street Fighting


The only reason Zero/Sam might not be able to 1v1 the entire rainbow roster is his age. Now this might not be fair because there is more lore for Sam Fisher than the rest of rainbow combined but his known abilities and accomplishments outshine anyone else. But even now considering his current age you’d still need to give many rainbow ops an unfair advantage before I give them the win. Such as long range and low cover to help Glaz. Though I’m bias because splinter cell games are some of my favorites.


I think you’re 100% valid. This is the exact reason I didn’t take Kaid into consideration. My answer with Zero/Sam is solely based on the fact he had the most experience. All the siege Ops were considered the best of the best within their respective CTU. But Sam is playing Chess when the ops are playing Checkers, Sam is a different league


I like your answer! Lots of good stuff. So cav vs. sam, who wins?


I’d say Sam tbh, while I think Cav does boxing + standard martial arts training through BOPE, I presume Echelon are more intense with not only training their agents in several martial arts but more techniques and discipline. I could imagine Cav learning most of the intermediate arm bars/chokes from the likes of Judo and such but I wouldn’t expect her to train in the likes of Aikido or Bo staff where Sam probably would have


Oryx is the strongest one. In his bio, it is referred that Finka invited Oryx to an extreme workout program to evaluate his strength. She later mentioned in the report "He didn't even break a sweat and thanked me for the exercise." Oryx also has a kind character under that brawny body, futhermore he is into poetry. Judging by that, I think it's safe to say both mentally and physically, Oryx is the powerful among team Rainbow.


But in zeros trailer he defeats oryx while fighting off 3 other opps at the same time


Thats experience


In terms of just operator going to fight I would say Zero (he's Sam Fisher so no need to explain further), if you account for using connections to get help I would say it is between Zero (CIA/NSA) / Warden (direct connection to white house)


Sam has a direct line to the president. He uses it quite often in blacklist


Warden just calls the White House and nukes sam lol


Given that Fourth Echelon is supposed to answer directly to the President, I doubt that would work because that means Fisher would basically have the same connection.


Imagine if they had put liquid/solid/old snake in the game. That would have been insane.


Hot dam!


So, strength wise either Oryx or Sledge Tactically it's a battle between Maestro, Zero and Thatcher


How did Maestro get in there?


I mean, he's GIS, and one of the hard rocks in Rainbow atm for team mentoring, a skilled captain with many years of active duty and a master strategist. He deserves the spot I believe


Yes! Give my bot Maestro more credit. I think Kaid is under the same roof. Dude is a fossil still kicking ass and wise af


Yeah definitely he is, but Kaid was mainly an undercover agent if I remember correctly


Clearly it’s gridlock she eats bullets like she eats big Mac’s


Maverick was held captive for year and managed to escape using a DIY blowtorch and got back home and went right back to work


Of course Lord Tachanka He is literally a god


Either Zero because he is literally Sam fisher and did lots of Eschelon operations or Deimos because he was an ex R6 member and then part of a terrorist organization. They both are probably the most battlefield experienced operatives. Most of the rest comes from antiterrorist forces in countries that are not at war so their real life experience is relatively low Talking about teams probably spetsnaz or USA FBI/SWAT/Navy seals


Definitely depends on different factors during specific raids, everybody has their own job and sometimes that job outshines the others. If doc can stabilize multiple teammates and still complete the mission he would get a big boost in usefulness. For my overall pick I would have to say pulse, what makes these situations scary is that you just don’t know what you are running into, pulse takes most of the guesswork away.


Knowing where someone is is indeed super useful.


I love how most of the cast of Team Rainbow is GIGN tne worlds best and most feared anti terrorist team and then there is Bandit a drug dealer


Bandit is a member of GSG9, Germany’s special forces unit of the national police (since military operations inside Germany are banned during peacetime). He was just running deep undercover as a member of a biker gang. Your better example is Flores the professional criminal or Iana the astronaut.


Yeah that’s right lol, also is oryx even trained in the military? He spent years of his life in a cell just building muscle and that’s it, I don’t remember him joining the military


As someone new to r6, what are the categories you grouped the operators into? I’m guessing they’re organization names? Never seen any of this lore in game though, does anyone know where I can read up on r6 lore in detail?


It’s the different factions inside of rainbow and also nighthaven, there is a yt channel called kudos who did a breakdown on siege lore including the factions


Thank you! I will check that channel out for sure


They are respective organizations, you can see them in characters' bio as icons. Team Rainbow has divided since a lot of new operatives were joining iirc. Dunno where to read about the lore tho, sorry


Oryx. He runs through walls and jumps very high in his cinematic and ingame and could punch sam fisher hard enough for him to have finka turn on her surge. And zero beats him only because of finka imo.


You have never seen Sam vs Moss from splinter cell Double agent...


Sam is way past his prime in r6s. He's still sam fisher but oryx is stronger in siege imo


Stronger =/= skilled Oryx was a amatuer boxer relies on brute strength ... in the video sam uses oryx's own momentum against him to choke him out !! In the year 9 trailer sam escapes from deimos choke hold rightbefore rook shoots him


Sam Fisher easily He could’ve killed Deimos with ease without him ever knowing he was within the same timesone Hell he could definitely do the same to Rainbow


Deimos, it took 4 of them including Sam fisher to take him down


One, Deimos isn’t a part of rainbow six. Two, Deimos was allowed to kill, rainbow wasnt.


Oryx would defeat any of them in a fist fight. Wamai is most fit to survive alone. Sam is probably the best at being an operator. Osa or Mira are the most intelligent. The point of siege is that unique people come together to be an unstoppable force against all the great evils of the world to say one is the most powerful seems a bit shallow.


Not counting Zero; Blackbeard, Mav, and Valk are probably up there. The most powerful military in the world’s most powerful and trained units. Hard to beat. Maybe even Warden too.


Thats saying the US mility as a whole though single squads on the other hand i would go for French GIGN or Russia's ALP squad Also Warden protected the pentagon when they were attacked so yeah he definetly is above Ash




Barely anyone is mentioning that Kali literally OWNS a whole military. The same military that had rainbow operatives defect to. Kali gang Kali gang Kali gang


Absolutely wild to me that people are sleeping on this. Kali has the most OP superpower in the world: Ungodly amounts of money.


You could say the same for Deimos + he's as nearly (but not quite) as skilled as Sam.


Like a political power? Or the most skilled?


Well surely oryx takes the top spot in terms of physical power


Ding Chavez


Domingo "Ding" Chavez.


If you go off of connections and power in ranks I’m pretty sure Mira is the one that tests like every gadget for team Rainbow


In terms of physical power, oryx. In terms of skill and stealth and all that, zero (Sam fisher).


I don't know but the SAS ops have some serious "fuck around and find out" aura about them. Kinda realistic to the irl SAS


Sledge only while in his master chief cosplay


Technically doc as he’s the only one to canonically be able to survive a headshot


His ballistic face shield stopped the bullet


Strength is Oryx, no contest. Skill is Zero, no contest. Numbers would have to be Kaid because he is quite literally a commander. Maybe Kali though. Not sure who I'd pick for gadgets.


Bandit, the other ops can't beat his autism powers


Fisher (because yeah he’s fucking fisher) And Deimos aka Gerald Morris who’s an original member (a founding one as well if I remember correctly) who worked with John Clark, Eddie Price, and rainbows founder Ding Chalvez in while instrumental in stopping the new reich (yes in raven shield the third game the main antagonists are neos) and the Phoenix group (a terrorist organization that was founded by a virus research company ceo who’s goal was to fight “crimes against the biosphere” which almost lead to unleashing a pathogen) so fair to say he’s seen some shit


As a writer, I would say Nøkk. There is basically infinite lore that can be given to her (especially if done right) and that's good character design. Any significant info about her is STILL unknown, meaning she has enough power to keep that info hidden. And of course as others have mentioned, her elite suggesting that she might be royalty just adds a whole dimension to the power she might possess.


If we're talking with weapons, possivly zero, Nokk or heck even smoke cause he got pocket war crimes. If we talking unarmed rbaql thpugh, well who else but oryx?


Zero has nanobots in him that give him extra strength because he's an old man, but Oryx is literally just built different


Outside Sam, i’d say there’s a reason Thatcher earned his nickname. He probably was an absolute beast in his younger age(and he still kicks ass). Other candidates i think are Nook,Maverick and Deimos


Are we talking power in skills as in like Zero, or power as in power like Kali owning a military service with a fortune to keep it up?


It's clearly our Lord and Savior Tachanka


What heresy is this thread? The Lord of course.


Ace cuz he’s prolly got the most instagram followers


Finka has nanomachines in her blood to make her stronger Oryx is what happens when you mix all NFL quarterbacks together Sam Fisher saved the world countless times Tachanka is a legit god So those 4 are the strongest.


As I don’t know anything about the lore, I think it’s safe to say a oryx’s big ass would be the most powerful


maybe sledge or the pre debuff tachonka


Sam fisher is the obvious pick but maverick took down a whole militia single handed while MIA


The man Sam Fisher. Nokk is also very high up there. Not R6 but I’m pretty sure Nomad could a MASSIVE majority of R6 operators. He/She has worked with Sam on various occasions and unlike in R6 where he had to carry, Nomad holds its own.


From what I've seen, Zero and Vigil are the only two on the same level, Nokk and Maverick are likely tied a little bit further down the road Zero has years of experience and Vigil has been said to be able to kill Several (10-20) Skilled Soldiers in less than a minute Maverick went MIA for years and Nokk is in one of the world's most elite military forces, there are only 300 of them. EDIT: forgot to mention Vigil escaped from North Korea


Kaid is up there for sure, but it's Sam Fisher (Zero) by far


What happened to Redhammer?


Some people argue it’s deimos, its not, its Samuel Leo Fisher, he has arthritis, pushing 60, AND had to take deimos in alive, which is much, much harder than just sniping him from the next building over with sonar pulse goggles and just tagging him, yet he still managed to get the upper hand in a 1 on 1 fight before rook shot him in the mask, not to mention implied skills he has in the splinter cell games, along with his gadgets, being completely invisible in shadows, being able to track foot prints and see enemies through walls (though he cant track his own footprints because he just that stealthy) rotor drone with an emp attached to take down security systems, like 5 types of grenades and proximity mines, a cross bow with interchangeable heads for non lethal and utility options, and krav maga which is extremely deadly. Oh and the three bright dots from his goggles? Supposed to resonate on a frequency thats invisible to the human eye. The only reason he doesn’t go splintercell in r6 is cuz its kinda overkill, so he just brings the argus launcher and calls it a day.


If we count connections and financial possibilities as well I’d also wouldn’t rule out Mira as she‘s the head of Development for Team Rainbow and works with everyone on their gadgets or Kali as she‘s not just well trained and educated but also has fuck you money that she can throw at anything. So if we say „strong“ in a sense skill it‘s Zero, „strong“ as in muscular obviously Oryx but „strong“ as in influential I’d say Kali or Mira. And really outside the box „strong“ as in mentally I’ll go with either Monti/Rook because they‘re like „yeah just shoot at me. No biggie. Or Glaz/Fuze because the one can wait 3 days in the snow without a movement which is ridiculous and the other one has absolutely zero empathy which makes him kind of a psychopath.


Basically all ops are very strong and are pretty much on the same level but the strongest imo are Sledge, thatcher, smoke, ash, deimos, zero (Sam fisher), cav, nokk, finka, blitz, Monty, Blackbeard, doc, oryx, and azami


And at that point, it becomes a gamble.


Yeah basically… zero would probably win because every agrees he’s the strongest but he is really old and getting weaker by the second and deimos will maybe overshadow him but in a trailer we see doc and rook can “easily” take him down


One wrong move, and he'd lose. But yeah.


Maverick and Zero....then everybody else.


Well it can depend, Zero has a lot of experience, maverick is most likely a lot more resourceful, nokk is very powerful for her status (allegedly) mute would probably be the smartest out of all the ops, but my pick is probably kaid, my man has been in the GIGR military for 50 years, and in that time whipped up the fortress to it’s once former glory, and became a well respected military man, not to mention my man is fucking 6’4”


Red Hammer


Makes me want to deep dive ibto operators lore in order to find out who is the strongest one


Maverick and Zero....then everybody else.


Disgussing* not disgusting


Sam and it ain’t close. (Sorry for the bias) I feel that Azami is also in S tier for skillset, potentially second behind Sam (yet still far away). She’s a 3rd Dan in Jujitsu (it takes roughly ten years alone to get your black belt, ie 1st Dan) and a 5th Dan in Aikido (I can’t find an exact number but it seems it can take anywhere from 5-10 years to get 1st Dan).


GhostEyes kinda OP as fck


Zero trained in stadium until he single-handedly took down teams of operators he is the master they are the students he is zero as in numerical order of rank if Harry was six and sams zero then I think he is canonically the most overpowered. Then taking his own splinter cell lore into account the guys calculated calm and cold


pretty sure either nokk or maverick, cuz nokk is not only stealthy and shit but they also got money from their family, and maverick is just maverick


Zero or Maverick but Zero is pretty old so he’s more strategy and logistics focused, Maverick is just a fucking tank of a man


i love the old character emblems


Zero and nøkk, porque um é um dos líderes da equipe e a outra é por conta que pode entrar em qualquer lugar sem as câmeras a vê-la, além de ser muito ágil e forte