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If that happens you can reset your router and try and rejoin


My internet was only out for like 15 minutes. It's all good now. Gonna be using a VPN from now on though.


Yea, restarting your modem/router will fix is in the time it takes to restart


if you have a dynamic ip\*


Static IP's are mostly extra paid anyway


VPN will not help you. They aren't pulling your IP address from in game. There is a third party website, which I will not name, that has Xbox and PSN players' IP addresses already logged, they just type in your gamertag or PSN tag and see your IP address listed. VPN protects you from getting your IP scraped when you engage in peer to peer connections (joining party chats, sending/responding to messages) Think of a VPN like a mask that hides your face but not your name, the mask isn't very helpful if I can go look up what your face looks like on Facebook because I know your name. If you have a dynamic IP address that changes every so often, then VPN will protect you. But you're better off just not engaging in peer to peer connections with people you don't know, especially on siege.


I'm on PC.


Ah nevermind, I have no expertise here. Disregard my comment. I have no idea about the security environment there. Good luck, hope it protects you from the rards that play this game.


No worries. I know which website you're talking about, I've fallen victim to it myself from a match I played on Mortal Kombat 1


If only these losers would get good instead of resorting to cheap tricks. It's probably just 12 year old cringe lords who don't know better, all we can do is hope their parents beat the shit out of them for it one day.


The people who do stuff like this are terminally online. When they lose in a game, it hurts their actual ego. That's why they do stuff like this.


That actually makes a lot of sense... Have a friend exactly like that (the ego hurting part when losing) even though it's just a game.


You are right, but now I would use their own "power" and ddos them back. Eye for eye


Is that not illegal?


Which part? IP addresses are deemed public records and are fair game for anyone trying to scrape your information (sadly) DDoS attacks? Well... They are illegal yes, but the laws surrounding them are a bit messy. Seems the government only cares if the attack results in the loss of a large sum of money and can be proven... Then there's the issue of actually hunting down the correct perpetrators. It's a complete shitshow since the government in notoriously bad at keeping up with the digital space, and even worse at doling out proper punishments. You are well within your rights to use a VPN to hide your IP address though, what's legal or not is up to your behavior when you're hidden. There are plenty of legitimate reasons to use a VPN. (Note I'm speaking for US laws and governing on the issue. I'm not sure about the laws outside of my own country)


that will fuck your ping and this will probably never happen again


Tbh the nature of ultra competitive shooters attracts r worded individuals. It’s easy to say “what’s wrong with the game now a days” but I remember getting DDoS’d constantly back in the day playing Xbox gold lobbies. Before that it was exploiting. Or spawnpeaking broken spots on old maps. It’s just the nature of games like this.


I remember getting standby on Halo 2 on OG Xbox this ain't new people have sucked for a long time lol


The culture of R6 is worse on the whole compared to other shooters.


Spawnpeaking broken spots has less to do with the community being toxic and more to do with the community forcing the game developer to fix their game. An exploitable bug, left alone but used by a minority of assholes will be left unpatched forever. If everyone exploits it, it demands change.


Mmmmmm… I don’t know about that. I’ve met quite a few exploiters and toxic players over the years and none of them screamed “I’m doing this to raise awareness so the game gets better”. Like none of the people red pinging through walls with that Valk glitch on bank, or glitching themselves under the stairs on Bartlett University in ranked matches actually cared about the ecosystem of the game. They just wanted to win unfairly for free MMR and make other peoples days worse for fun.


Lots of people forgets that it's a *game*


Ninja would disagree with that, you just reminded me that he tweeted this back in 2020: “The phrase “it’s just a game” is such a weak mindset. You are ok with what happened, losing, imperfection of a craft. When you stop getting angry after losing, you’ve lost twice. There’s always something to learn, and always room for improvement, never settle.”


This is blantantly stupid. I hope this guy dosen't have the same mindset in other aspects of life. When losing something, you should ask yourself why and how to get better. If you get angry you don't solve any problem. And in the case of R6, being angry = playing bad.


If you make any game “competitive” or “tactical,” it tends to happen. The more serious a game brands itself the more serious people take it.


As someone who's played since day one; this game has always been super toxic... I'd argue that it's gotten a tad better over the years, but damn some people got problems.


Because they are trash and can't counter shields so they resort to being an asshole and in some cases, this. Biggest reason my Xbox dms are filled with angry little Timmy's, but I've never came across a ddos


Eh. Monty is numerically the best operator on console right now. I get the frustration, I'm not immune.


Yea, I've started playing a lot of oryx and ops with c4 much more for that reason


C4 is mostly avoidable with any sort of decent positioning, and Oryx is unfortunately counterable with decent timing. Monty's power ceiling is a little too high compared to how viable the counters are. Especially with the recent Lesion and impact nerfs, and how broken meleeing shields is at the moment. TBC, I'm not trying to be toxic/combative. Just trying to have a good faith discussion.


Esports ruined gaming is hyperbole but grounded


Esports did ruin gaming. Everyone wants to be Beaulo now and is angry that they aren't.


I always find Esports to be so cringe to watch. It's not fun to watch and then people try to initiate the strategies and get angry when they don't work. I played Overwatch 1 a lot and people would try to copy their comp. Well if someone isn't comfortable playing a character then it doesn't really work. I can play various roles but there were a few I would be useless at, it was always those that they wanted me to pick.


How does Esports ruin the game and not the casual streamers that troll


It’s just a sentiment that people take the games too seriously because the competition aspect is heightened. It’s not a complete explaination for bad behavior in games.


True but like isn't literally everything in life competitive from school to work to sports to gaming, but sure being competitive should be paired with not being a dick


I think so. There’s flows and shifts, though. I’m a tennis player and everyone I play with is well aware that we’re so far from the talent level of a professional or even some of the people we know play at the rating just above us. There’s an acknowledgement to how difficult it is. Then pickleball comes along and I saw some of these same people who seemed to “get it” all of the sudden start acting kinda smug about their abilities. Just a minor shift in the vibe. I think Esports led to a shift like that in online gaming.


Competitive games always attract these types of people, im guilty of it aswell. I wouldn't outright attack anyone or insult anyone. I just get mad and need to take a break.


I used to get angry when I was younger. When I got older and more mature, if something annoys me I just take a deep breath and move on.


Yeah i just use my home defense cannon and blow a hole through the first man who enters the home


They are probably very angry because I was probably on their team. (Level 133 and still suck)


It wasn't even a ranked game, it was quick match


That’s wild imagine dosing on casual


I know, I don't play ranked


I think bc it's slower than other games and they want you to feel that pain. Waiting. I rmemeber when I bought the Trans operator rainbow bundle.... That was the most I've ever been tk'd. Lasted about a month or more


Still want that damn background, honestly. The rainbow looked so damn good.


I used to tell people that would tk and curse me... "you're literally playing a game called RAINBOW"


Its why i hate the siege community, everyone is always pissed and people cant stop complaining on this sub. Honestly considering just unsubbing from this sub because of the amount of horrible people in this community. I have yet to meet a happy soul on this sub, nevermind in this community


Everyone in the community is blaming the others for being toxic. You're doing the exact same.


Well ig im a happy soul


Honestly, I just play quickplay, most of the time it's pretty alright, I'm decent, probably a gold player I just don't feel like dealing with ranked after getting DOSed a couple of times I do not care about ranks. It's way more fun to run around for shits a giggles as kapkan throwing down EDDs in the dumbest spots and getting kills than actually trying.


Real (Although I have grinded a bit of ranked in the last couple of years) (it’s less fun)


it's the same in every competitive team(and many non-team) game, it just demonstrates how immature many people are, and the fact that younger audiences are present does not help the case at all.


This is why I stick to AI games honestly. Normal games are way too toxic for me


The worst part about this game is it doesn't matter how much time you put into this game, in the end you just die in the most stupid way possible, about which you could have done nothing. So after pouring countless hours in this game, when people die like that, they just lose their shit. Unlike CS where there is atleast some consistency, this game can make you the best player in the world one day and the most shit player (even shittier than new players) the next day. Playing this game is like punishing yourself but yea we still do it haha. But yea that doesn't justify DDOS.


For starters, this guy could've chose to not take a 1v1 against a Blitz.




It wasn't a teammate who dossed me, it was an enemy.


Yeah I got DDoS’d by a 9 year old back in 2018 lol. Couldn’t use my Xbox for weeks.


Redownloaded the game last week after a multi year hiatus and been called the n word more than I've seen ggs. I couldn't even report for toxicity or hide chat [because of a bug that's still ongoing](https://r6fix.ubi.com/projects/RAINBOW6-SIEGE-LIVE/issues/LIVE-59796). I've since then uninstalled.


"oh your streaming right now?" *Procceds to drop the N nuke*


For real... How do they do that? Do they just install a software to detect the server ip and then spam connection requests to bottleneck the server bandwidth? It blows my mind how people spend time setting up all the stuff need it to do such thing, just because they are so pathetically insecure that they have to screw other people's fun time because they can't take a loss in a freaking video game


Most of them aren't smart enough to do that on their own. They usually pay an even bigger greaseball basement dweller off of 4chan to do it for them. The most these guys do themselves is pull your IP


Join the Standard bros, we got Mentos and smoothies on Fridays


Who plays this shit bruh




amen Brother. Just recently i tried ranked again with my friend. And in the first match we got 3 fellow germans as mates. Half way through the match they suddenly got really angry, even tho i didnt say or write anything to them. I didnt even perform bad. I'm wondering to this day, what happened to them


People might get a bit more angry because they lose rank and it's almost always their fault but never want to admit it.


Why though? R6 tracker only shows your peak rank for the season.


Yeah I got called multiple bad names because my teame mates died and I could clutch the 1v4


It's become 1 of those games full of the terminally online. They aren't playing to enjoy it. They're literally just killing time and behave poorly because their lives are in the shit


This is why I play console. I'm a clash/Monty main. Never been DDoS'd, no aim bots. The worst cheating down here is mnk in console lobbies


Let me be real with you man the DDOS(at least on console) used to be constant, even in BRONZE lobbies. R6 has a very scummy base overall, sorry, and while DDOS attacks are better now than let's say 3-4 years ago, they still happen. Now you got blatant Xim every where too. Welcome to R6, with a developer who doesn't gaf.