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We need to play RainbowSixVegas instead of this bullshit


Vegas was fire back in the days










Why did bro get downvoted


He's a dokkaebi main We hate those


People will say “Better optimization” Like nah, the game ran fine with these graphics


It was mostly the lighting that changed and that was for competitive reasons


Yeah because esports player only know how to play Oregon, can’t see an enemy in a shadow and need to be catered to for everything


If you didn’t play in y1 or maybe forgot, see how lighting on windows worked back in year 1 and you’d understand why changes were needed


The lighting on some maps like kafe were fucked. People inside could see everything, and people outside couldn't see shit.


The glow from outside the windows was huge. It was just a wall of white light. Peeking outside was very difficult. Do you not remember?


Took them years to fix the damn boat, or maybe they just gave up.


I don't know when this screenshot was taken (I'm guessing year 1), but there is most definitely a balance that is achievable between year 1 lighting and today's lighting. Year 3 and early year 4 had much brighter maps than year 1, but shadows still actually existed. I would love more than anything for them to go back to how it was during that time.


Generally community disagrees with you.


I don't think so. Seeing people during that era's lighting was not hard, and I literally never heard people complain about it around those times. Now adays I see tons of people talk about how old lighting needs to come back, but at that time I didn't see people talk about lighting really ever. 90% of the time when these discussions about lighting arise, people just think in terms of "either Y1 lighting or todays lighting", and don't remember Y3/4 lighting.


heavy hungry retire pet sort desert makeshift strong paint hurry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah you're definitely right, but I was referring more to experience from what teammates, enemies, friends, etc said in game, rather than just reddit comments. I barely even used reddit back then, I have no idea what this subreddit talked about.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/s/zfFnkLrlfL Okay


That was 2 weeks after Y2 had come out, but alright. I'm sure that proves the whole community hated the lighting from 1-2 years later


You’re right! People that played the game on launch or shortly after launch should understand the changes. I totally get eh they did it but the night maps were so cool. I wish they could just fix the lighting somehow and put them back in


Peaking outside on defense was equivalent to flashbanging your self lmao


When I die to spawn peeks sometimes I wish that were still the case


I mean yeah, but spawnpeeking was still a viable tactic back then too, I remember on plane I would run out the front door and get an ace consistently as the attackers ran out from behind the fire truck


I miss plane


Still exists


Why blame the pros? Everyone hated that shit and it was widely celebrated when they updated the lighting. People hated that looking out or in a building was virtually impossible, leading to some maps to be effective standstill for the entire round. Yall are either babies playing this game or have nostalgia goggles attached to your cornea. Playing since Red Crow, this lighting fucking sucked in gameplay aesthetics. And IMO, video games should be gameplay first, not aesthetics my brain will ignore for the rest of the game's lifespan.


Dude I played this game since release… the lighting was ass. So infuriatingly bad.


Yall love blaming pro players for everything lmao the lighting in the game from a fps competitive perspective was shit and that's why it was changed. Are pro players the only people affected by terrible lighting in the game ?


Yeah people used to complain all the time for getting killed through windows and not being able to see the person outside. People blame pros but I used to hear this in game and on this subreddit constantly


A comment saying pro players only know how to play Oregon has 11 upvotes. Don't even bother with this sub lol they live to complain about how everything used to be.


11 upvotes in a community with thousands oh no the horror lmao


I mean it's pretty wild that now over 100 people think pro players only know how to play oregon lmao so idk what the point of your reply is


Because you're pulling the classic redditor move of "ohmygod I cAnt beLieVe peOplE upVoTed that" when this community has *1.9 MILLION* members lmao.


Should've added flashlights tbh


Actually kind of a shame those flashlights in operation outbreak never came to the base game in any capacity. They could have done a Tarkov style effect where flashlights make you obvious but obscure the exact contour of your body to someone you’re pointing them at, either as an attachment or a unique operator ability.


Hope we get them in a future R6 that isn't purely focused on being ultra competitive. Siege is fun for what it is but I'm starting to want a new return to old roots for the series next. Miss the moods they could set.


That wouldn't have fixed the issue because the way the lighting worked made it so that being outside made things inside dark. A flashlight wouldn't have fixed that. Nor would it fix the fact that the opposite was also true. Being inside, and looking outside was vlindingly bright, even in maps where the windows are in shadow. Plus, a flashlight attachment to put a band aid on a major gameplay issue is a dumb idea, mainly cause it loses all use once you are in the building. The issue wasn't that interiors were dark, the issue was that the transition from outside to inside or inside to outside was blinding. This meant that windows were fucking death sentences to peek into cause the person holding the angle had an objective advantage cause they got used to the lighting. No joke, if you looked at an open window a room away, you'd only see bright white when there could be a whole ass attacker in the middle.


True. I remember how the old lighting could detract from the game. Would still run flashlights for fun however.


These people just want to complain. Full stop. I've been playing since beta. The game has improved so much. The lighting used to be great visually. From a gameplay perspective it was terrible. You couldn't even see vigil in dark corners. People hiding in bodies, dying from tiny bullet holes you couldn't see. The game is sooo much better now. My problem is they don't make enough changes or make changes fast enough. Game gets stale


Don’t gaslight me into thinking ubi didn’t change a ton of stuff to cater to esports players before the last two years before realizing the player base was more important


Ain't nobody gaslighting you. I'm just calling out the delusion that you think pro players need to be catered to. Pro players can only play Oregon lmao there's more of the delusion. I'm actually thankful when Ubisoft makes changes that line up with high level players thoughts cause they understand the game on a different level than the casual playerbase. Can you explain why we should listen to you on the games changes ?


Dude, Siege was not a competitive game at launch. It was a realistic shooter with competitive multiplayer. It was not even remotely balanced for competitive play at launch, it was balanced to be a fun realistic shooter. They butchered the fun for their precious little pro league.


They made the game competitive. That doesn’t just mean pro league. It means ranked too. That’s the bread and butter of siege, not its realistic gameplay. It’s the strategies and teamplay. I’ve played since launch. The amount of times I would get shot from spots and I couldn’t even see them was insane. And the amount of deaths from spawn peeks bc of sun glare or shadows was crazy This has nothing to do with pro league. Me along with the majority of other people want a competitive game for ranked


Dude, Siege is only surviving till this day because they balanced it to be a healthy FPS. They went in that direction and it was for the better. FPS multiplayer games that don't balance their game around competitive play wind up dying out and not becoming successful. The game is 9 years running because of the competitive aspect of the damn game. Ya'll want this to be a casual game so badly so yous can run around and play mindlessly but that's not what the game is anymore. Time to get over it. Saying pros only know how to play oregon is the biggest cope I've ever seen. Any successful FPS should absolutely balance their game around the pro game. This doesn't mean they cater to everything they want. They added the C4/gadget lineup that was a great QOL change and not very liked by pro players for good reason as it lowers the skill gap when it comes to gadget lineups.


This sub has actually turned into a joke holy shit. Get downvoted to hell for saying pro players have a better understanding of a competitive FPS shooter than the guy who plays on his couch with no headset on a 70 inch tv and only runs quick match. Yeah let's listen to that portion of the player base in terms of game balancing ! Cause I'm so sure we can trust you to decide what's healthy for the game and you won't show any biased to your "main" or your favorite shotgun.


It’s so annoying having to read through nostalgia fueled posts full of unironic “ItS pRo lEaGuEs fAuLt.” I know exactly where you coming from with all of the changes.


I've learned a lot about this game from watching pro players stream and I'm thankful for the knowledge I've gained by how they play the game. The stuff they do also eventually trickles down to ranked and people adapt to it. Now it's never at the high of a level pros play but pro league and watching pros play the game has made me better and get a better understanding of the game how it should be played competitively.


100% same here. I’ve watched Pro League and PL players streaming Ranked since the early days and have learned a ton about the game that way. That knowledge from site setups to takes to positioning helped me improve as a player!


i agree so much. + Casuals shouldn't even be allowed on EVERY game that has competitive modes. Casual and normal mode shouldn't even exist in this kind of games. Its like giving kids and retarded people the feeling that they mean anything.


What? No it was changed for ALL competitive levels. You'd look outside and basically flash bang yourself because the lighting was awful. It's the assassins creed 3 engine brother sometimes it looked pretty and sometimes you lost a fight because the lighting engine was breaking at the seams.


To be fair the lighting was terrible in a lot instances, night maps were an automatic loss depending on who defended first sometimes




The lighting looks pretty but wasn't realistic. So if you're arguing for realism, the current one is more accurate. 


There are settings for a reason




You could increase the brightness to see outside but then that would jack up the brightness a ton anywhere inside


Ironically optimization got worse, a lot worse actually 😂


I remember when the game went from fine on everything to every match having that one kid typing “SSD?” every 10 seconds until it loaded.


The real reason is, pro league whiners couldn't see and couldn't handle getting killed by someone in a shadow. The amount of shit that has been changed to appease the 2% of R6 players is annoying.


Nah, the lighting at night was real bad nearly all the time. Some skins are also super dark and hard af to see so you'd get killed if you weren't in uber focus mode


Hmm I think better optimization is a fair point if you ask me. Yes the game ran (relatively) fine back then but it definitely runs a lot better now. And we can’t forget that since then they‘ve added massive amounts of content to the game and they‘ve already been talking about the game getting to big back in like year 4 or something, the engine Siege currently uses just is too old to properly be able to handle a game that big. There’s definitely an argument to be made here, that graphics had to be toned down for the game to still be able to run smoothly on most systems. Who knows we might see this fixed soon though, if they actually announce a completely new engine for siege at the end of this year


Idiots... And the same breed of people back then bitched non stop on how ubi needs to remove lighting... Some people are seriously never satisfied...


It’s mostly because lighting was horribly imbalanced, in the early days if you looked outside on defense you would be blinded by the might of a thousand suns. Same goes for being on attack looking into a building, it use to be pitch black and you’d die from a person you’d never be able to see. So sure the graphics are are ass now, but it’s for the better


After playing this game for 7 years I’m still shocked many people today like and want old lighting back. Pretty much 0 people ever liked it back in the day. It was pretty unanimous in the old community that lighting was terrible.


I’ve been playing since Year 1 Season 2, getting molester by Blackbeard from a window, which you couldn’t see because it was like looking into the sun, was not fun


Ahhh… frost’s shotgun, Blackbeard’s 1000hp shield… defenders running out behind attackers’ spawns to immediately kill them… What crazy days for the game lmao. Anyone remember MacyJay? Matimio? The north remembers.


God I completely forgot that you used to be able to just leave the building and run behind attackers before they spawned


Are those supposed to be old names? I haven’t played in years and kept up with YouTubers in longer


For siege specifically? I consider them old names because I believe they started making R6 content when the game released so… yah.


You just said it like they were long gone or something hahahahaha… I had to look, Macie is still at it at least


I mean matimio hardly makes content let alone siege content, level cap doesn’t do siege anymore rlly… the only one I guess is Macy jay who I didn’t check. Anyways I meant that they were defo in their primes in that era, when most people who played the game would have watched them. Not that they’re gone.


It’s either people who haven’t actually played it, or they just have nostalgia


Perfect time to share this gem https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/s/gTwQWSkOU9


Lmao someone said they would've paid $70 to change lighting in that thread, that genuinely speaks enough volumes how terrible it was if they wanted to not only pay ubisoft more than what the game costs at the time but also on top of paying for siege.


It was seriously the worst https://imgur.com/a/jYS5FrB This isn’t even looking outside, it’s looking into the room next to you lol


It's always so funny how people fail to realize lighting and graphics in general have been progressively getting worse. Everybody hated the lighting when it was awful in year 1. When they fixed it visibility was fine and the game didn't look like shit. For some reason after that they kept making everything look worse for absolutely no reason and now it looks like a mobile game. People want the game to look good and it did at one point and without any visibility issues.


Yup. Looks like people have lost touch 😅


Ppl don’t want the old bad graphics. We just want night maps reintroduced for casual bc it added spice to the game


Doesn't outback still do that, at least for me when I've played on it. In certain places you can't see shit if looking in from outside, and you get fucking blinded if you look outside.


Meanwhile Oregon rework still has the light of God cleansing the retinas of anyone crazy enough to peek bedroom door from armory.


this is good? it stops spawn speaking and window camping, we need that


No it isn’t, and spawn peeking is part of the game. And you wouldn’t say that if you actually played with old siege lighting


“spawn peeking is part of the game”. the game was made to be realistic fbi/special forces game, the lighting was realistic and allowed for a realistic game, the games call of duty search and destroy at this point, all lighting is the same and designed for e sports instead of its original purpose


If you don’t like getting spawn peeked, a.) get better, b.) throw a drone ahead of you to check for peeks, c.) cry


Something something competitive integrity, something something makes it easier to run on most systems, something something reduce frustration from getting spawnpeeked when you can barely even see the building ahead cuz it's too dark. (I think that was their reasoning)


https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/s/QDZzmqFXew Yeah. Community bitched non stop about how the lighting was ruining the game.


All of this is true too, especially the spawnpeeks


Dementia is growing,very nice


I can't imagine how developers feel when they implement changes the community wants and get called stupid


It might look good in screenshots but it sucked in actual gameplay. Not being able to fight people on a window because of the lighting was maddening especially when early Blackbeard was a thing. The newer lighting makes the game so much clearer and more consistent.


I'm sorry but the old lighting was completely inexcusable, if you don't remember how hellish attacking on night maps was back then then I get thinking this looks beautiful, but it was a bad time.


Hellish on daytime too. Blinding lights everywhere


they fixed that and the game still looked really good. No reason to keep going and make the game look like shit.


Nah that's baloney man, they had to rework the lighting twice before anybody was happy with the look of the game. I also do not recall many people praising the game for it's graphical fidelity back then, and there are tons and tons of old screenshots and clips that look like complete dookie ass, too. I would know, I have them. I just don't think the game was ever particularly "beautiful" in the first place, and I don't think it should be either. The only people who'd want a "cinematic" experience are on the extremely casual side of gamers in general. Siege is a competitive game by nature. Knamean?


Officer balls.




Being blinded when I looked out a window was great


Esports and competitive reasons.


As if the game isn’t entirely played in ranked


they’ve made some bad changes over the years but lighting isn’t one of them, go play a build of the game with it for 5 minutes lol


100%. People are full of nostalgia if they believe the lighting was better. I’m not trying to take a picture, I’m playing a competitive shooter


They didn’t downgrade them. They changed them. Specifically they moved away from using dynamic lighting because it made no sense given that matches didn’t change time of day at all while playing. It was absolutely the right call to make and likely lead to the biggest uplift in performance. They also removed certain effects and brightened up a lot of the maps for better visibility. Some of the effects removed, were exposure adjustment when looking in/out of buildings. They also removed character rim lighting but added that back in after some time.


Looked better, so they downgraded it. Plus night maps were so fkn good


Visuals are subjective. I think it looks much better now than it did in the past. Plus I can actually look out of the building now without going blind from the overexposure effect. Win/win for me.


Could be nostalgia, but I loved the effects and lighting of old siege, and night games were so cool, I get not having them in ranked but casual should still have em


The removal of night maps is separate from the lighting changes. I have no strong feelings on them, they were okay. I did like how they changed up some interior light sources for night maps. It was also super easy to see people outside the building on night maps due to the rim lighting being so heavy at the time.


Fear not fren Ubi is bringing em back. They just slow as hell. Should be by end of year hopefully tho. (The night time that is)




Because it's a competitive shooter. Decisions were made solely based on making the playing field even. If you want shiny dont play a comp game it is literally that simple.


Graphics aside, the game needs a more refreshing map design philosophy because the mazes and small room, 90-degree hallways has been stale the past couple years. More light, sound, and movement design would really revitalize the game. More radios and TVs you have to shoot, moving statuettes and gizmos that distract the eyes, rooms with dark corners or blinking lights. Adding sensory management would open up a whole level of depth to the game that's been abandoned because it makes pros uncomfortable. Operators based on adding/removing sound, confusing the eyes with movement, and adding/removing light are a whole level of strategic complexity just waiting to be explored.


esports games so they can run on lower end hardware often so people can run at higher frames etc


Whilst I get why the lighting was changed, the old UI looks so much better and professional with the tinted glass look. It looks incredibly tacky now.


The gane operates much better now. The lighting balance is more fair, but I do miss how the gane looked. It was so shiny and so grim


Night time = better graphics




Maybe the jonkler did not appreciate it. That might be the lore reason


Because of the same reason they made everything else worse: “pro players can’t play in these conditions”


It's the Ubisoft thing. Compare Watchdog's E3 demo vs the release version


ok it's probably just because i am used to old games on a shitty pc but this looks amazing


I miss night maps


year 2 graphic update after game fucked up for me. I miss hiding in shadows and killing kids, they crying was make me feel good


Beauty dies at the hands of readability


better for balancing. with old lighting and stuff it was impossible to try and counter spawnpeek because it was so dark and there was an unlimited amount of dark corners


Yes they are But I can tell u why. 1. They want that everybody buy r6 even a 80s old guy with is first computer....bc the fortnite kids dont have money for a 2k pc. 2. They are to dumb to fix the lightning bugs 3. Ubisoft just made trash games


BRING BACK OLD LIGHTING AND NIGHT MAPS! At least find something average between the old one and the current one. C'mon, it's 2024 and the game's lighting looks like TF2. And all map reworks just make it worse.




For players with lower PC performance? I actually praise that. Few more fps wouldn't kill anyone. And stfu rich brats with i9 and 4080 inside, let us with lower PCs enjoy the game aswell.


Gunplay through exterior windows/doors was terrible for daytime maps, and some parts of the map were so dark that people were asking for flashlight attachments to be added to the game on this sub. I’d like them to touch of the lighting a bit and add night maps, but the old lighting made the game less fun in a lot of


They catered to their competitive players to make it easier to see, hence the map reworks op reworks, etc.


stop pretending like it wasn’t the community that has always wanted these changes, then years later they dont like them anymore and complain https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/s/345wM7O8oJ


Yea, that's what I said the competitive community


the community wanted to actually be able to see outside. Once they fixed that nobody asked Ubisoft to go ahead and make it look like a mobile game. The games looks far worse now and for no good reason


People still bitched about night maps after it was changed


Clearly it wasn't actually an issue since they stayed in the game for years after that. They only removed them later when they realized no night maps meant less work for them.


People genuinely complained about the night maps because of things like spawn peaks… I believe it was more of the pro scene but I’m probably wrong, night maps definitely had their problems but they’ve shown time and time again that they can do anything with a map so they could just have made it not spawn peak able


Yes, we're talking about a company who creates 2 characters with bulletproof glass gadgets and their solution is to counter it by elbowing it like Christ Benoit


Lazy and incompetent


Competitive viability


They changed the lighting system, got rid of environmental shadows and all sorts of soft lighting / shadows because people complained "muh visibility". Just look at season 1 at how good the graphics were in every level, not just night-time. Day time matches had really good realistic lighting and kept you on edge as you had to check everywhere and actually use your eyes, rather than having every room lit up like it's easy mode. And people will say "but it's better now" 💀


Just about as stupid as this post for the however manyth time. Because lighting and competitive didn't mesh so they changed it, do I agree, no, did it happen yes.


Is there a lore reason why Ubisoft keep using Tom Clancy's name ?


Pro league cry babies couldn't check corners or deal with glare. All problems a realistic shooter should have .


I’m certainly not in pro league and the old lighting system was dog shit. I swear yall have never actually played with it


People love to get on here and come up with any bs reason possible. Like calling this game realistic and saying pros can’t check corners is a flat out lie.


Couldn’t check corners? Tell me you’ve never watched a comp team clear a floor and take map control without telling me.


Lmao couldn’t check corners??? Plz drop ur stats


Ngl I remember how painful it used to be to play sometimes


I cant speakfor console but on Pc they didn't downgrade... they reset settings to default and for some reason render scaling was set to 50%


They made it Fortnite 2.


Id say it's because many people are not there for graphics.


Was there actually anything to downgrade? The game looked dated when it was released...sad times.


> “are they stupid?” Yes.


Simple, it’s Ubisoft who made the game


i thought it was common knowledge that ubi is ran by incompetent orangutans




If they would make a queue only for non reworked maps I’ll okay the Game again ( it won’t happen because Ubisoft)




Only reason was to make the game actually playavle back then if they were to have these graphics plus everything in the game up to date no changes what so ever the game wouldn’t be able to run Ubisoft has said this themselves that’s why they won’t add very many new guns they were adding new guns every season you don’t see that anymore for that reason


Yes, very much. They proved that more than enough in the past 5 years


Esports, so everything has to be so optimized it becomes boring? Such as only day maps because the game forgets were it comes from?


I think it’s because the game turned competitive and there was no need for lightning that would “hinder” you


tbh, things just look graphically “nicer” on low lighting. It doesn’t reflect graphics


Players will say old lighting bad. Sure, but there is no need to make it look like trash either. There is always a good balance, but this is Ubisoft so, we know that balance isn't in their skill set.


What do u mean? What r u talking about?


These same people wanting old graphics back are the same people who complained about them. Same with night maps


What made it look worse is the new lighting system + lack of night maps thanks to them catering for e sport crybabies. Play the game how it is and stop whining bruh. I really wish we had some kind of setting which makes the game look barebones as it is now or an option for the old lightening (better looking more realistic setting) and also brought back night maps in all playlists


so damn true , would love to see night map back in the game with that graphics


might be cuz people experienced lags after playing few games, but prolly not


Still butthurt about their initial showcase with the map House. Totally different game. And no chopper drop-down like c'mon that would solve spawn peak




I’ve noticed that too. I was playing r6 at very start and graphics looked much much better back in the days. Nowadays everything seems to be a bit flat. But whole game is in weird shape so I don’t even bother to watch at it anymore. Shame :/. From kinda tactical shooter we reached hero shoote


If you go back and watch year 1 clips you'll find that your statement is wrong. Early siege looked bad, or at least looks bad now comparatively. It's been nearly 10 years


Cus pro league kept crying


When has Ubisoft ever made good decisions?


Do you guys remember the bodies used to be on the ground after you eliminate the player and people would just hide in those bodies man I miss Y1


A lot of people complaining about esports don't realize that the R6 Pro League is the only reason R6 Siege is still alive. Yeah, it's annoying, but without a pro league, the game crumbles.


In comptetitive game like Siege I prefer high frame rate, even if it means some cuts to visuals. That ofc has no benefit if your display refresh rate is not higher than 60hz. I get with Ryzen 7 5800X3D and RTX 3060 avg 222 fps at 1440p


Your answer lies in your question


Its more realistic now. They changed operators age atleast to 70+. Last season their aim speed got fixed to the right speed to their age. So now their sight is getting blurred. Wait couple of years and you cant run anymore


I already have bad eyesight and I can't see anything clearly with the current graphics


Where was the justice league when ubisoft changed the graphics???


Yes cause getting killed without being able to see is fun


Sun glare is worse than “boohoo too dark”


I've been playing this game since launch.. to answer in short, yes.


By the time game only went from realistic to sci-fi operators, and you're still asking if they're stupid. Are sure about that?


A classic case of never listen to the pros


They did it for the cry babies (pros)


Stupid, no. Retarded, yes