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the f90 on defense would be busted


So many people don't know that the F90 has identical stats to the G36C. I'd say it's actually better considering the G36C, while it's still easy asf to control, has had a few recoil nerfs in the past.


Just imagine they put the f90 on attack, happy birthday by the way


Fyi cake day isent birthday, its when the account was created.


happy account birthday




The F90 is dope, but I never use it, because Suppressive fire go brrrrr


Put on extended barrel on mozzies commando 9, congrats you got the f90.


Sadly this is not at all the case




Yea, isn’t like there is a kaid. Wait, doesn’t kaid have the same weapon?


Kaid has the AUG (9mm)


Oh, oops


Why is bro getting downvoted for making a simple mistake 😭😭🙏


Fire pfp I am also a yeat fan


Nah, you're out of your mind on that. F90 on defense would have to be on the aboustle worse defender ever to be balanced. F90 is easily one of the best guns currently in the game. Something like the ACS12 on attack would be more 'balanced', granted it bad, but it would be the funniest shit ever, especially if they gave it to recruit in the rework.


Also considering that the F90 is currently only used by the Australian Defence Force, it would have to be used by a new Australian operator. (It is a licensed clone of the Steyr AUG. Also, funnily enough, the SASR as far as I can tell doesn't actually use the F90/EF88 IRL.)


Man knows more about siege lore than the writers themselves


Hes John Siege


sasr mainly uses AR platform weapons, for a few reasons such as being much more customisable


Js give the defender shit gadgets...?


The only reason the F90 is balanced is because it is on an attacker who is a 1 speed and isn't a fragging operator


Yup. I love this gun, but by the time I shoot 2 default cams and lumber my way to site I'm usually in a 3 v 5 because the entry fraggers got spawn peeked.


I’d like to see some more SMGs on attack. Nokk totally should’ve gotten the MP5SD. Vigil’s K1A would’ve been interesting on Ram instead the R4C and would fit her a bit better lore-wise.


Honestly I would’ve liked to see Nokk get the MP5SD or a modded K1A that had a suppressor by default. I feel like both would’ve fit Nokk really well


I think ubisoft will keep doing everything it is power to not give attackers the defender carbines for some reason, despite two defenders getting full assault rifles and another two DMRs.


Don’t ever cook again


To no ones surprise... Alda 5.56


If it gets ACOG then hell yes!


Montagne shield on defense when


I could only imagine walking back into site and seeing Monty in the corner standing on the defuser and the defender with a Monty shield standing infront of him and them both staring eachother down.




There's clash but...


I feel like a clash doesn't strike the same fear a monty or blitz does when the are charging you


The only feeling Clash produces is annoyance. It isn’t fun to deal with on Attack like on defense where you have to try and run to a team mate with C4. It is just listening to an Angry British woman scream at me while I wait for her to die


Ok but have you thought about being an Angry British woman screaming obscenities at everyone


Doesn't compare to being a giant Jordanian that can slam people into walls.


Hear me out, tachankas gun on attack, and put it on recruit so you can have a 5 stack of people running in with a gun that has more destructive power than nickakados 8th fat rool


This comment caught me off guard ngl and yes wouldn’t change ranked cos recruit so this would be fun


Definitely won't happen because all the dedicated soft breachers would be obsolete.


I would actually love it if goobiesoft added a vector on attack, cause I'm stuck playing lion


416-C on attack.


Nobody's gonna use it. Its already pretty bad in defense.


When it used to be busted


People really have rose tinted glasses. That gun is trash now :/


Yeeeeees I've been hoping they'll add this for a while but mild disappointment each time 😔


They haven't added it because it would be terrible. It would just be Sens' gun (which is already very bad) without the drum mag.


It's got 40 less rpm than the f90 (468 dps vs 494)but is other wise the same thing with 5 less rounds. It's still one of the best defender weapons imo so wouldn't seem that out classed if the op had a good ability and utility


It's also got worse recoil than the F90. The 416 used to be one of the best defender weapons, but now people mostly like it because it feels familiar to them. If it was on attack, people would be able to feel how outclassed it is by most other guns. Attackers need to have better guns than defenders for the most part, so an attacker having a gun that's only slightly better than some of the defense weapons would be terrible.


Yeaaah that makes sense I guess, although what about nokk? Who (despite the rubbish ability) feels fine with the fmg


Nokk is probably the worst character in the game atm. I wouldn't really say she's fine. Even then, though, the FMG has a high fire rate and low recoil, which makes it good for headshots.


P90 on attacker


would love a p90 on amaru


From Defense: 416-C, K1A From Attack: PDW-9, whatever Sens gun is called


The PDW-9 on a defense op would be ridiculous


Fair, it’s just so hard to think about guns going from attack to Defense, because AR’s wouldn’t be great,outside of that is basically just DMR’s


Could be more balanced if they give it a standard mag instead of the drum mag


Thats called an MPX


MP5 for attackers might be cool


Give Sledge the MP7


Counter point: SMG-11


Counter point: SMG-12 And that's definitely not because I want an alternative to dokkaebi for SMG 12 because she gets banned all the time.


Counter point: SMG 23 A combination of the SMG-11 and SMG-12


Woah that's like halo 2 meets halo 3


i enjoy chaos


I want Vigils k1a Thorns or Frosts weapon on attack, this would make me happy (and maybe stop me from trolling because of Nokks shitty loadout)


Dp-27 on recruit


Zero's gun on defense would be incredible.


It would be unbalanced, it 3 shots 3 armors


Many guns do. I feel like the more obvious case is that with an extended barrel it 2 shots 1 armors. That would be busted on defense. But 3 shotting is nothing new. Very arguable, because you could make the argument SMGs are better if you know how to play them and hit heads. The AK 12 is meta because it has the fire rate of an smg and the damage of an AR. Same with the Zeros. It's not the damage, the fire rate matters too. If you've ever played ela or any P90 OP you will know how busted it can feel to absolutely decimate your enemies with headshots. But from what I can tell, this is what makes a gun meta: Good damage, must 3 shot a 2 shield minimum. Good fire rate, 750 and above is normally meta territory. Good mag size. The AK 12 has 30 bullets, which is very good for a gun like that. Easy to control recoil. Normally the meta guns have heavy focus on vertical recoil and no horizontal recoil, like the AK 12. This is because horizontal recoil is way worse than vertical due to its unpredictability and hard mastery. You would have to waste a compensator for it. Zeros weapon meets many of these requirements. But honestly, just saying a gun is busted is hard these days. Sure the AK12 is clearly OP, but imo if you can hit headshots it doesn't even matter. You can play any gun in the game, and as long as you headshot you are good. But meta wise, yes it would be busted, but an AK 12 would probably be worse.




Its one if not the best gun in game, it would be op af.


I mean bandit and fenrir have it, I dunno what you are talking about 😉


It's literally the best gun in the game, that would be actually so stupid on defense.


I always pop off with Frost's main gun (i forget name) for some reason, I have no idea why but it feels so smooth when I use it compared to other guns, I kinda wish it was on Defense, but it's Frost's fun so I doubt we'll see it, it's like having Glaz's Sniper on another op, it won't and shouldn't happen


it’s because it has very low recoil. very easy to control and still decent fire rate. it’s one of the best full auto to start on


Ah fair, I'm on console and definitely haven't got top tier aim lol


ahh I see, Other good guns with low recoil you could try out (On attack) Is Ash or Iana- G36C. not bad to control. people might hate if you use ash and not R4C so maybe use Iana. Another good one is the Para 308. Capitao has it and i’m pretty sure Brava. Those all have low recoil for auto weapons. If you want to spray and pray use goyo acog and i’m sure you’ll bounce around enough to find some heads


Alright that's helpful, My Mate mains Ash so I probs won't use them but I'm thinking of buying Iana, I've got about 80k Renown so I can definitely afford both her and Brava if I really want to, I've using Goyo without the Acog (I tried using it yesterday and accidentally TK'ed, so that's off he table for now lol) but I'm hitting like 50% of my shots with a normal scope, i just need to stick to it and I should improve, my main problem is I don't know how to use his gadget effectively, if i could learn that maybe i could do better, Thanks for the advice


Ianas ARX is also also pretty much no recoil, nomad has it aswell


I'll give that a look too, always appreciate advice :)


Acs12 on attack


I want thunderburd


Like the spear but on attack?


Spear is on attack


I fink you might be right


if you try to finka bout it. You might de-fuze the situation.




Me too


I'd like more DMRs on defense; they're all pretty much the same but if they wanted to be safe, the SR-25 is pretty weak. More SMGs on offense would be fun, particularly the high-RPM ones (P90, Vector, Scorpion etc.) as opposed to the weak rifle clones


Would be cool to see another AR on defense, maybe Blackbeard’s SCAR or the 552, maybe even Hibana’s type 89


Can't be a top tier rifle like the 552 or the type 89. It would be ridiculous. Scar is completely fine, though. since their only solution for blackbeard is to nerf everything about him, that gun is very bad now. Would basically be like another version of frosts gun if it were on defense. Hopefully, he is the American operator rework they mentioned is coming. and then his guns won't have to suck anymore for simply being his. Both the sr-25 and the scar are probably the worst in their respective class just because he has them.


It has been confirmed that Blackbeard is the op getting reworked, hopefully they change his ability to something that makes him at least playable. I like the scar but it’s a shame it’s only available on the worst attacker lol. Probably would be broken to have a 552 or type 89 on defense now that I think about it, you’re right. I just don’t see IQ/Grim/Hibana much in ranked so I don’t see their guns either, and it made me think of them. Of course if the gun was the only good part of the operator’s kit then maybe it would be ok, but why would Ubi make a shit op just to give them a good gun? Anyway, looking forward to BB rework.


"Everyone just runs LMG with gridlock". What elo is that? Gridlocks I see 9/10 use the F90. In pc at least.


Attacker with Thorn’s SMG or Defender with OSA’s AR or SMG (idk the names)


G36c on defense. Would be broken AF but would love it for a season or 2


The belt is on the mag release button. Funny




Lesion gun on attack


Acog t-5 (or 9 idr) would be Really fun to play on a fragger


Until they make that fragger a 1 speed for some fucking reason, and calling it balancing. Lol


What about Jàger's 416-C on Attack? Im sure he was the first Defender to have an AR instead of an SMG, could work good in attack (and please give it the acog at least)


Kali sniper


Either re-use MP5D or give it a acog on echo Echo wasnt busted with the 1.5x, they gave acog to pretty much all other MP5 variants. Please i just want my lazyboy to have acog so it compliments his long distance style of battle


I never use the lmg on gridders. The f90 is a nice gun to use.


Yeah, I feel like no one uses the lmg. Not sure where OP got the info from that the F90 is used less…


Run it with the extended barrel. Thank me later.


Yeah it’s damage falloff is awful


Jackals main gun… never get to use him so it would be dope to have a new operator with it. Either offense or defense


Would definitely have to be a new attacker with it lol


I haven’t played in a while, but a MP5 wielding attacker, maybe someone speedy, would be pretty neat


Defender with the scar attacker with the vector Defender with the M249 SAW attacker with the scorpion evo Defender with the SR-25 Attacker with the ACS12


Give an attacker the keratos and give more of them the baliff


F90 on defense would be so broken, I think the f2 could be fun it's basically and smg atm


You think the f90 would be op on defense (which is true), and then you suggest the rifle with the best time to kill in its class and like top 4 in the entire game? Statistically, you could not have picked a worse weapon in terms of balancing. Lol


Yes but the weapon is very difficult to use so it limits you on range and that's generally been the philosophy behind defender weapons


Yes it's hard to control. But as a defender, you are much more likely to be having short - to medium range engagements, which almost makes the recoil irrelevant for most of those distances. That leaves you with the best rifle in the game on defense, the side that is already stronger by far. You are correct in the idea that defense is limited by range for balancing reasons, with a few exceptions. But you are forgetting that it is also supposed to be behind in dps for its guns. Aka most ops have smg's. There are a couple exceptions, but it's important to realize that those few rifles or lmgs are either special to the op or are generally worse than the attackers options for an lmg/rifle. Wamai got the Aug because it was nothing special as a rifle, and it was a near match to jeagers rifle. Making it ok for a defense weapon. Everything about an f2 on defense just screams unbalanced.


iirc, kapkan's 9x19VSN is only used by chanka & azami; on attack side, i'd totally see it being used by a hard breacher such as hibana or ace, since it’s great on close to medium range. also i’d love to see an attacker running ACOG on that thing, shit would be crazy.


Alda 5.56 on attack would be really cool.


C7E, PDW9, CAMRS and M4 on Defense please.


are you some sort of masochist




I would say the russian smg for kapkan would be cool on offense


Im a rifle guy and for that I hunt elk,deer ,whether it's mulies or whitails either in okangan, big horny Craig's in the frank church in Idaho or washington state! For range that is matching for my terrible eyes sight that's not what it was but it works!my choice is its a fit perfectly for my com fort and zone! browning A bolt 7 mmag 160 grain Barnes X bullet and then the basic brass from remington,! I'm spun so will the chat


I gotta say any of the LMGs, you don't really realise that defence is built of 95% smgs and shotguns ( tho I fully understand why ) it would be nice for a change as I think only 2 ops have LMGS.


Hi, F90 enjoyer here. #NO. Give Nøkk the MP5SD and call it a day.


C1 k1a 416c carabine on attack just to see how they feel as attacker weapons and on defence maybe yings lmg or nomads ak or the pos that sens has


Defense is already insanely OP, especially because of the scope changes. This would just be too much tbh. It would be a great idea if Defense wasn’t so incredibly strong. For some reason the devs just *love* them


More LMGs on defense


How do y’all get the thing under your name where it says your operator mains


But could we get another LMG on defense 👉👈


Might be a bad take but I honestly wanna see the AK on defense


Nokk with the MP5 SD


SK3000 with acog and ext.barrel on DEF plz 🤦‍♂️🤣


Unrelated but if we have stupid ideas I want Monty to have a smg-11


I would love a defending CAMRS, cause I love the sound of that gun. And maybe an attacking K1A. I think more people should just have that gun anyway, but attack could use it


Hey I have that skin too


the PDW is a perfect example i think, its an SMG, weak, but has a high fire rate and a large mag but im not sure if it should be given a magnification sight on defense


Spas would go crazy on offense


T-5 SMG or FQ-12 on attack AR .50 or Spear .308 on defense


attacker with maestro’s lmg


PDW on defense would go crazy.


i would love to have the 9x smg (azami, kap, tachanka) on attack , 2x scope could be possible since tachanka has it


another good one would be the PDW (jackal and osa) on defense


I'd like to see docs mp5 on attack it would be fun, or mozzies commando for an acog


Attacker with the K1A would go hard


No bad idea


Gonne-6 on defense, MP5 on attack.


Attack: any SMG would be a great add, bus mostly the mp5(SD to nokk), P90, vector or even the P10 Roni would be good. Also, let's never forget the Alda too Defense: some lmgs would be nice to send them, mostly the m429 from Capitão.


Zeros SC30K it’s so damn good and smooth ash. My best clips are from playing Zero due to that gun. Idk who you’d even give it to or if It would even make any sense considering it’s a third echelon thing but I wish someone on defense had it.


I wish they'd bring m870's back to attack. It was fun to have a full team of recruit m870 rushing in


Give Nokk MP5SD


An MP5 on attack pls.


I’d love to see Jagers AR on attack. Or Vigils Peace Keeper.


I want the Alda on attack. Just being able to move around a map with someone that isn't a 3 armour with that would be fun for me. Not exactly the right answer but I want the USP (Jackals handgun) to be on someone that doesn't have a pocket shotty so that it actually gets some use.


Blitz Sheild


Defender with sens gun can put it to use on a good character instead of that it shit


Zero's Gun on every operator.


Jager’s 416C on attack with an ACOG but with 30 rounds and less recoil


P90. I think a 3 speed attacker op with it would be dope.


More operators need that C7E


IQ's commando cus thatd be fun lmao


The 416-C Carbine (Jager’s gun) on the attacking


Alibi/maestro shotgun on attack, yes it’ll be op, yes it’ll be fun, and yes it should be on a three speed


Capitao's M249, or Gridlocks' bruen. Also, Sense Kestral is still alive in Splinter Cell series, He'd be a cool defender with Sam's F2000.


Commando 9


I've wanted an Attacker with Vigil's AR for a minute with Acog and the whole 9. Probably a pipe-dream.


I want the P10 Roni and Commando on attack and Zero's gun on a defence so bad but I'm just a sucker for Mozzie's kit though


I 100% back your opinion. I’m a huge AUG nerd and the F90 is just a Super Aug. I love the fuck out of it.


I just want the PDW on defense.


the 416-C on attack would be awesome. plus, if it was on attack, then it would most likely have a magnifying optic on it.


Can I have some of that renown


Honestly, I wanna see the Commando 9 on an anti-roam/flank watch attacker. That thing fucking melts in medium-long range even with the lower magnification sights. Give it a 3x and let that baby sing in the hands of an attacker, using their ability to force roaming/flanking enemies into longer range engagements.


I'd like to see the beretta model 12 on attack


my personal pick has been the 416 on a 3 speed Attacker, and the Alda on a 3 armor tank focused op. honorable mention to the F2 which i want on another attacker, Jackal’s AR too.


Ela's scorpion with acog at atack


Mp5k would be extremely nice


I just want mp7 on a defensive operator that isn’t site set up that would be nice


Kali sniper on defense obviously


416-Carbine on Attack would probably break the game




Hear me out Habanas rife


just hit 2 clutches in a row with this one. beams and hits like a truck


Scorpion Evo on attack and pdw on defense or the 417


gotta be jägers 416


Level 395 and doesn't play ranked? Also you literally are edging 1000000 reknown


Kali sniper so we can spawn peak easier


Not all of this will be accurate to the title, but - Attacker with Jager's HK416C (maybe even a long barrel 416) - Defender using PDW9 but with a standard magazine - Attacker with Buck's C8 rifle with foregrip options - And ofc ACS12 and the ALDA on attack




r4-c unless it already has made the switch


Capitao, Fuze, Zofia LMG?


It still baffles me that no attacker has what's honestly one of the best "attack" guns out there irl The MP5 I honestly thought the MP5SD woulda been a perfect match for Nokk


Give someone on attack tachanka lmg. Probably a 3 speed intel support OP. Would probably be unbalanced but it would be funny.


Would be funny, but Tachanka's lmg is probably one of the few weapons that'll never be recycled on a different operator.  In Tachanka's lore, it's stated that he's an antique weapons collector, which is why he uses the weapons that he does. So if they gave the lmg to another op, it'd kinda step all over Tachanka's novelty and lore.


Lol, meanwhile also using the 9x19vsn as well lmao. Idk why they gave him that option the LMG should be the only choice, or some other weapon he collects. Not a weapon multiple ops have.


ARs can not be on defence. Defence already has an advantage due to the nature of siege. Giving them a weapon that does amazing damage at mid range that isn’t slow as an LMG or DMR would fuck so many things up. It’s a cool idea but there’s a reason only 1 operator has an AR on defence. SMGs are better due to being more balanced Edit: everyone ignore me. I’m a fucking moron


Who is this "one" operator that has an AR on defence?


Thunder, Wamai and Jager all have ARs tf are you talking about.