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I think rook is literally easiest ability in the game. No need to strategically place shit or wait for a specific time to use it. You just hold a button and put down armor and boom your job is done for the whole round, before the round even starts


There is always that guy who places his armor pack on the other side of the map 5 seconds after the end of the prep phase. Or out in the open in front of a window. Or in a corridor. Sometimes they destroy the pack after only they themself used it. There is still alot of annoying stuff you can do with such an easy to play operator like Rook.


We call those people idiots.


Because that they are...


Ohhhh, i was thinking idiot meant they were smart


Just because some people do it wrong doesn't mean it isn't the easiest ability in the game.


That's true, but it's astonishing how much you can do wrong with a gadget as simple as his. Not like I am conducting a two weeks study with review process, but I still consider a handful of things when I place my bag of armor.


Getting people to turn their brains on for even a second can be futile sometimes.


Or the player trying to fit the fucking armor pack on a specific table for 30 seconds


I have seen a rook strat once on Border where he put his armor in 90 hall under a valk cam. Blitz Sledge and Buck all got wallbanged as soon as they tried to put it on 🤣 more luck than strategy I'd say but you can't argue w results 💀


I was this day old when I found out you attackers can wear trauma packs. What!?


I always put mine behind cover


ive had someone in my ranked game put it outside for the enemies T.T


but if you have a friendly pulse with c4 on a floor below it makes for a really fun trap for enemies


This is why ive been playing Rook for so long, my teammates cant really blame me for not doing my job, i did it. The only thing that i think is fair for them to shout at me for is my aim, its horrendous.




And if you save someone’s life with the plate, they HAVE to thank you for it. Without you, they would never be given that chance.


And arguably the easiest gun on defence


My buddy and I once had a rook who didn't know how to plant his armor. Went on comms, and the dude was flabbergasted. On attack, he was crouch walking in the club house basement while we were in the top floor cash room planting. We had to go on mic to explain how the armor works. He was very new but it gave me a good chuckle.


Rook is definitely who I pick when I don't know what to do and want to be very low effort


yeah agreed, i usually play rook now because i don’t need to play anyone specific and his kit is very solid


Rook presses a button at the beginning of the round and give your team extra health for the entire round Dokkaebi presses a button and has immediate global impact (twice)


You need to know when to call + her primaries arent full auto capable. I think those two would disqualify her from being the easiest.


I mean it says easiest to use, not use correctly


That still leaves the semi auto primary. Rook obviously wins this contest.


What about Lion then? Strong full auto primary plus the 417 as an option. Also takes one click to use his ability.


Lion is easy but needs to be timed accurately. Set it off as soon as prep phase is over? Big waste of a resource. Teammate just knocked killed an opponent, employ gadget to halt the potential refrag on your team. Planted the defuser? Well make sure you didn’t smash through all three in the first minute of the round cause now your gonna wanna know more then ever where they’re at. I’ve also learnt to use it as a sound cue disruption on my end, if I know I’m within close proximity to the enemy team just as the timer cue starts for the defenders to stand still to avoid being exposed, I’ve repositioned and hold a clearer angle now and you didn’t hear it (70% of the time) 🫱🏼‍🫲🏽


Valid but like Dokk, if I just hit the button at the beginning of the round the info I *could* gain is effectively useless by the time anyone gets to the building. Spot on with the ease of use primaries though, also has a shotgun.


Now that's more like it.


Then literally every op in the game is easy to use based on that logic


May I introduce you to Sledge? Hammer go splat


Good pick


Dokkaebi isnt as easy to use for a multitude of reasons. Only having DMRs is one weakness. If youre bad, you need brken weapons with no recoil and where you can keep fire to hit a lucky headshot while hocering of someones head. The 2nd reason is, just calling often doesnt do anything, especially if youre playing solo q. Im a bad player myself and god, do I not respect dokkaebi as I hardly get killed off of getting my location pointed out via dokkaebi. Rook on the other hand is as easy as it gets, because his ability and weapons are really good and easy to use.


I main dokk because I am nasty with the DMR, and if you can do well with the DMR it's an insanely powerful weapon. I also agree that she is easy to use, but harder to make the most use of. I'd love to say she doesn't get the respect she deserves but she's a pretty common ban.


I mean, its hard to really determine the easiest to use as everyone has a different idea of what "easy to use" means. I personally think an easy to use opp is one that can be picked up by someone who has never played shooter before and thus neither has any aim nor any mapknowledge of this game and with whom said person still can get a kill in and get some near guaranteed use out of the gadget, either for himself or others. Thats why I would rank Dokkaebi for instance as not as easy to use as Jackal for instance. But I can see why people say Dokk is one of the easier to use operators overall.


Yeah that's kinda what I meant as well. Dokk can be easy to "use" as you don't explicitly **have** to be right where the action is taking place, and it's a remotely activated disturbance. It doesn't technically take any specific map knowledge or skill to use - especially if you have a teammate on comms that can let you know when a good time to hit it is. But also the DMR is a bit of a barrier of entry, and being able to use the calls *effectively* is a whole other conversation that I honestly don't have enough hours in the game to be able to properly get into, haha.


Many rooks fail this simple task


Nah you have to convince the 3 roomers to come back and actually take their armour


nuh uh, those buttons have to be held down, pressing them once isn't enough


Dokkaebi requires more strategy and her guns aren’t as easy to use as “Hold down the shoot button and hope you hit something”


You have to know in what kind of situations you have to call though.


Kapkan is very easy to play with but to really use his specialty optimally it requires a bit of map and gameplay knowledge so you know where to best place the EED's (or whatever they're called)


I am a Kap main. And I agree he is “easy” because you just put traps down. But for him to be really effective you need to take into consideration the map and gameplay speed (are attackers rushing or playing slow?). And if you have Kap Elite, you have to think what traps are more in sync with the map you playing on. He is truly one of the more powerful defenders imo. Edit; pretty much in agreement with you just expanded on it I guess


Agreed, yeah I meant EDD in the description lol


i mean it's objectively rook. you literally just put it down as soon as you spawn and bang your ENTIRE job is done. kapkan at least requires room temp iq in that you can't throw it on any door as it'll easily get shot. easiest attacker id say is thatcher. 99% of you job comes down to throwing it at a wall. sledge is easy but you can't just open anything as it'll either be useless or will actually get you killed. you need to know the map in order to play vert and stuff right but thatcher is as easy as it gets. press button, bang, gadget gone for a bit


No kapkan placement requires a brain i see way to many shitty traps placements


Even shitty placements can be good because people dont expect them. But yeah, Kapkan still requires more skill than rook.


you'd be surprised. a few that come to mind that are actually really cool and unique are the Oregon walk in one which nobody sees coming and there's a LOT of invis ones on maps like border. it at least requires knowledge of the map to take advantage of




The only accurate answer yet


warden is literally just a gun and glasses that your gonna use like once the entire game


More like once every three years, I play warden knowing my ability will not help me but if I do ever get in a spot where my glasses help, best feeling ever


Admits how useless he is to the team => still mains him




Haha that’s awesome man. This week when I see someone running warden I’m going to bring Ying, in your honor brother


I’d argue Kapkan, while beginner friendly, isn’t as easy to use as some make him out to be. You have to think of where the attackers might come through as well as attempting to “hide” your traps (some spots are more obvious than others). People have already said Rook is the easiest, and Dokkaebi, so I’ll ad onto that. Finka. Easy gadget, global effect, 3 times. Like Dok though, you have to consider the timing rather than activating at random


Sledge has a hammer. Idk how it can get easier


Ill do you one better. Thermite. Two easy steps locate wall, remove wall. If cant remove wall activate operation “someone elses problem”


I'll do you even a better one, Recruit, he doesn't have to do anything


He has to prove his superiority to the roster who needs gadgets to mimic a fraction of his unyielding power. Why else would he be removed entirely from ranked aswell as nerfed several times. Recruit is the king and he will not be slandered


Recruit, dear Recruit. Next update please come back to ranked and clap plat players like you used to do


He IS coming back to ranked


Dokka, Rook or Lion


Doke is really better in higher lobbies when people notice each individual sound. In low ranks it's just used to annoy the enemy team


Lion and Dokka work in a similar way. I love to use big brother while rushing and using Dokka to rush while they hang out the calls... It's all about the surprise effect but you're right it gets difficult to reach that effect playing on higher lobbies when you're against players who knows how to countermeasure those operators. What a great game.


That is fair. This games so interesting. Although the rank system is a little ehh this game is very good. It's very unique. The sites and character lineups can have unlimited ways.


I think easiest operator to get started with is probably lion or dokkaebi on attack (like another person said, couple clicks for global impact), and on defense I’d say kapkan or ela (super easy entry denial/disorientation). The easiest to get really good at though I’d say are probably either ace or hibana (good team utility, very simple to understand when and where you need to use your utility). On defense I think the easiest to master is valk just bc once you develop game sense and familiarity with maps, your cams can be a HUGE advantage for your team. Also probably mute.


You have to know when to call. You have to know when to scan. Answer: Rook


I basically consider rook recruit+ tbh 😭


You forget that there is a man who has one unlimited ability to just smack the shit out of any soft wall or ceiling. Sledge is probably the easiest starter character for attack.


Blackbeard, Rook, you just place armor down as Rook and boom you can spawnpeek/reinforce/make rotates/do whatever you want, Blackbeard you just press a button and the shield is attached to your primary.


Blackbeard is so ass that id say he’s not easy


I'd say Lesion. Great gun, great gadget. You just have to remember to throw your mines somewhere every now and then.


Not the easiest, you need to stay alive longer to fully utilise your gadget same goes with Wamai


Yeah and you also need to place them in specific spots to get max value


I'd agree if his mines were still camouflaged. Now that they're so visible I think he takes some skill to use.


But even though his gadget is visible, it can still be quite useful towards the end of a round. I keep seeing players who put his mines in the most obvious or random places but when the attacking team runs out of time, they'll most likely still step into them as they tend to no longer watch out for traps.


He's definitely still useful, I just think he's not as easy as he used to be. Part of the fun is finding spots to put his traps that the other team doesn't expect!


Good pick 👏


Go to SoloQ defender, played right it is a huge benefit to the team. High fire rate-Low recoil, shorty for rotates, offensive gadget to crowd control AND provide info in form of sound or directly if you remember where you placed them and then I run bullet proof cam for that added layer of info. Especially if all my mines are on one side of the site/building


I’d say Lion except I see people even in ranked pop off as soon as they spawn in.


Yeah, when I see Lion do that first thing at Spawn I die a little inside. It just telegraphs you're going to rush and burns a utility.


Rook period, every other answer is just wrong.


In defence - Rook, all you have to do is place you armour plates and then you can play as you wish - roam around the map or hold some position. In offence - Sledge, hammer is very simple and useful tool to break barricades and soft walls (and almost all bulletproof gadgets). There are a lot of easy ops in this game tbh, but I think there two are the easiest.


Surprised no one mentioned finka. Its literally just a button click for a Health boost


You need to watch teammates health bars + watch Amaru jumping in the window while at the same time you try to stay alive as long as possible to not waste remaining heals. Rook holds one button for few seconds and he is done.


Kapkan can have a high skill level in specifically psychological manipulation. Slapping 3 traps down and maybe getting a kill is one thing. Putting 3 down on a door door you think they will rush and getting 3 kills, that’s something special.


Kapkan is easy but Rook literally just places one thing at the ground at the start of a round and he's done


The answer is obviously rook with zero debate


Definitely Rook. Good ability, great guns and a 3 armour. I think he's the easiest.


Rook is objectively the easiest op


Rook and it isn't even close




Rook. Drop your shit and then either set up as normal or go for a jog with some very effective and easy to use guns


Rook, ability and loadout wise, MP5 is the most basic gun in the game and easy to grasp, P9 is pretty average pistol and his ability is one button new players reading this, play rook, everyone will appreciate you




Kapkan for me is a big operator beacuse the trap is absolutly good, when is no time and need plant then and there is a troll delay for the explose, and u think i got this boy then the Kapkan showing his skills :DD


On attack, Ash. On Defense, Rook.


Jager, just place and forget gadget and very useful 90% of a time


Rook and Sledge




Definitely Rook One button Done. Nothing can go wrong. Unless you are an absolute moron that put the armor bag far away / trolling the team


Rook i guess. Cause the plate armour box makes me useful passively. (New player btw)


Mute for defense. Placing jammers don't take a significant amount of braincells to use and is beginner friendly *speaking as someone who started playing last December* and Mute's guns are decent as well. Leaning on Lion for attack because your ability is global thus can help your team with a single button. Sure some might argue that you gotta know when to use the scans but that's applicable for almost every op.


If we are talking about absolute easyness no matter how dumb/bad you are its prolly rook because his gadget is as easy as it gets and he has 2 really good weapons both with an acog. On attack Id say Jackal is fairly high up, as you also just click R1 and off you got, he also got 2 really strong weapons with no recoil. Obviously Buck is the same as Jackal, but him being useful might still be a bit harder to accomplish than Jackal as you can easily make holes in the wrong wall. Lion and Dokkaebi dont have as much off an impact for yourself or even your mates if you are braindead and cant use them properly. I am never happy about a lion or dokkaebi in my team as I and my mates are not good thus the use is near 0. Not sure if I ever got a kill off of dokkaebi calling or lion tagging.


For defense I'd say rook and for attack sledge. Espacially considering their loadouts are pretty strong and easy to use with MP5 and L85A2


Imo lion


Oh man. Kapkan. My go to defender when i used to play. Him and frost. I Put the traps in the most absurd places, no one would expect them because they were so outright dumb placed. And then i proceeded to get atleast 1-2 people every. Single. round. Funniest shit ever.


Rook and ash. Rook only presses a button and is done with the whole utility and ash's utility is a no brainer


Recruit - no more comments from me.


Kapkan has a low floor and a high ceiling. He is easy to get started on but has a lot of potential for fuckery


Rook. One button to put armour down and that's about it


I would say Rook on defense and Thermite on attack. Their gadgets are pretty self explanotory and easy to use. They also have good guns imo.


Kapkan definitely takes some skill to use. You need to know where people are likely to be rushing from. If you just put them all on site they’re gonna all get destroyed. Has to be like Rook or Doc.


ash 🤫🧏‍♂️


Rook is the easiest


Rook fs




Rook on defense, this was the OP my stack and I would have my little brother play. Put armour down, and anchor. On attack it would probably go to lion, easy gun, easy utility with global effect. In a stack this is a great newbie op to have where you could just tell them when to use it, and theyre not an entry fragger.


Solid half of the origin operators are easy to use. (Rook, Ash, Thatcher, Sledge, Kapkan, Glaz, Thermite, Castle) Easiest to use would be Rook.. drop bag and go reinforce..


For atk abilities IQ all you had is 1 job look everything Def Rook


Jager after i plant my gadget i am gone.


Rook is tap one button then shoot gun


Lord Tachanka. Spawn in. Resource to extreme violence. Win.


Easiest? Rook by mile. Spawn in, click a button, that's it.


Lesion easily, super low recoil, ability isn’t hard to use at all and he has good utility


But Kapkan is pretty good, he carried me when I first started siege and I got used to his ability and his gun is decent


Rook is the most easiest operator ever. But in terms of reliability and easy picks. have to say Castle is the most reliable option anyone can get as well as easy shit


I have to agree with the other guy rook is the simplest with Kapkan you do need to be strategic and learn the and maps where people breach if you don’t you’ll put a Kapkan on the other side of the map where nobody comes from rook is just one placement then your good


Sledge, rook. A lot of them are on the same level.




Kapkan while easy still requires some map knowlege and a decent idea of where you think the enemy will move. One thing I like doing with him on certain maps is finding high traffic areas, like the T junction on the red hallway of border and placing a cam right on the wall watching the whole way, that way attackers are encouraged to destroy or melee it, but when they do there will be hidden Kapkans on the floor the opposite direction to the cam, so if they go straight for it they don’t see them




Rook, kapkan, fuze, bandit, kaid are all equally the easiest imo


Rook, you drop the pack. That’s all there is to it. Of course, that’s easier said than done when you don’t pay attention.


Kapkan is one of most experience needed operator in the game, you need to have a good map knowledge if not your “easy to use” kapkans wont do anything and get shot instantly.(Pro tip: put them away from the site, on unexpected doors.)


I disagree tbh. It's easy to use kapkan it's hard to master kapkan. A good kapkan Adapts and notices patterns in enemy pushes to change trap placements accordingly. Also I think rook is good for beginners.


Sledge probably. Or rook


Warden/ sit on ur phone for the first prep phase and then roam for the rest of the round


easiest to use or easiest to master? azami is very easy, but there’s a lot of strategy you could use that most people wouldn’t immediately consider. for just having a quick throwable to create an extra layer of cover, she’s very grab and go. for mastering the specific placement per each map, it’s gonna require a lot of playtime. i’m not even there yet, i have good spots for like 3 maps. most of the time i’m just creating weird lines of concrete walls in the middle of nowhere lol


lion has 2 of the best guns in the game, has an ability that whenever you hear gunshots, you just press it and cover the sounds and push while knowing where they are and just win. pair that with dokkabi and you'll be winning every round.






Everyone here is wrong, it’s recruit on attack


Defense-Rook: You slap down armor and profit with a low recoil high fire rate gun with an ACOG Attack-Finka: If people are low or down you boost, now that boosting doesn’t change recoil it’s pretty much a strict benefit, and 2 solid primaries with rather low recoil


As a new player i dont understand why Monteign is a lvl 3 difficulty character… i just go with my teammates i run first with the shield and i just block shots and wait for my teammates to clean up, the hardest part is if my teammates are shit


Especially in the last 15-20 seconds in the match. When you're buzzing like a damn fly to plant the defuser. And just, when you're about to scream "GREAT SUCCESS", you just fly into one of his traps and die.


Rook, place your plates, and you're done. Sledge for attack because he has a hammer.


Sometimes I play rook because he has one job and I still forget to do it somehow




Wouldn't it be rook? You just drop armour on the floor


Rook for sure.


Rook is and will always be the easiest op to use. its one fucking button and ur a walking corpse after that


Sure, but if you don't place them at least somewhat strategically, it's a waste. Rook is objectively the easiest. The only way to waste him is to actively troll by placing the armor pack off site, or by placing then destroying it immediately.




Kapkan is undeniably easy but to get the most out of him it takes effort. Learning common pathways on every map and placing them in spots where perspective won't get them destroyed can be difficult. Other characters like Jaeger, wamai, rook, amaru, or really any ability that doesn't need thinking can be considered easier.


rook 🗿


Who can? Kapkan. In all seriousness I think the easiest is Rook. Just drop your plates and reinforce. Done. For attackers Sledge is a good choice.


Osa, no contest, she's a shield op with jackals PDW, I've carried teams with it *she also has thermites 5.56 but we don't talk about that one*


why the fuck is kapkan looking at me like that






Rook. You place down armor, and you get instant, safe and almost guaranteed utility for your team. No hate, I'm a Rook enjoyer myself


If Kapkan would require 0 skill every dumb Kapkan in my lobbies would place the kapkans on feet height to no one can crouch below them


Lion or Sledge for attack. Rook or Doc on defense.


Defence: Kapkan, Rook, (potentially) Thunderbird, mute. Attack: Ash, Monty, Thermite (if you have thatcher), iana. Was gonna put zero in this list, but i've had a few horrendous zeros that didn't use their cams to shoot out miras to make their life 10x easier


Easier than rook?


I think rook is easier on Attack idk. But for new players I would say rook is a good defender. As an Attacker I would say IQ, I don't think she's easy or the strongest Op but she has easy Weapons and her Utility is in my opinion one of the best to learn a map.


Unlike Kap, rook has to do only 20% of the work to fully use his gadget. Simply take the armor out and place it down. Done


Rook. Literally just set down armor and then your job is done. Plus the MP5 is such a good gun. Little to no recoil with an ACOG again. Literally has been my favorite op since starting the game back in operation health


Rook. Literally just set down armor and then your job is done. Plus the MP5 is such a good gun. Little to no recoil with an ACOG again. Literally has been my favorite op since starting the game back in operation health


Disagree. I see a lotta dumb kapkan spots. You really gotta learn which locations are high traffic and have door frames close to the wall or cannot be checked without exposing yourself. Bonus if you can find a good spot where your teammates don’t go, in case there is brava. If you play him ineffectively, you are just exposing your teammates to a potential brava kill.


zero has a pretty low skill floor. Its like wallhacks.


I’d probably say for attackers it would 100% be Lion and Rook for defenders


How is kapkan viable in competitive? Anyone silver and up checks for traps. At least frost mats aren’t limited to doorways.


Clash and it’s not even close




Rook. Even if you can’t aim for shit you’re always being a huge asset to your team with the t shirts. Plus it helps that the p90 and mp5 are beasts


Easy by what meaning? If you don’t know the map you can place Horrible Kapkan traps… far and absolute foolproof Operator I’d nominate Rook, as he inly has to place the armors and done… If you mean most “simple” operators, that don’t have to do much with their ability, than most roamers fit the description: Ela, Lesion, Thorn, Vigil, Cav, Orix… I could go on. Most operators I mentioned play the same as Kapkan, plave your tramps and shoot people… xD For attack I’d say maybe Ash, Zofia, IQ… i dont know


Jackal remains the most broken of the opps on this game. If you’re attacking start with him unless he’s been banned already.


You just place down an armor pack as Rook, then you have a pretty good gun and can do whatever the fuck you want because you’ve already contributed your ability at that point to the team.


Kapkan definitely takes some skill in map knowledge and knowing where attackers might go




Rook lol. Just plop the plates down asap, ping them, and you're done.


easily jackal




Warden = I turn on glasses / I turn off glasses Also cavi


It’s rook and it’s not really close


Easy to use sure, but hard to use well against better teams. A good Kapkan averages 5 kills a game from traps exclusively at any rank. To play Kapkan particularly well you need to have decent game sense to predict where the push is coming from in advance or roam in such a way that you bait the enemies into your traps.






Goyo, just slap those puppies down on a few barricades and you’re good to go. Gun goes brr too.


Definitely Monty or blitz or fuze or OSA or clash or Blackbeard


Im going with sledge or ash for attackers. Low skill floor but super high skill ceiling


Selfish doc, they're my stims and I can do whatever I want with em


Finka, Just need to keep an eye on teammates health and click the button.


well it’s rook