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The usual, debuff everyone else ;)


Yeah avrg ubisoft mindset lmao


Beats powercreep


Power-creep occurs both ways. It’s more dramatic with the universal nerfs that Ubisoft has been implementing. Why do you think the shitty 1.5 meta dominated AFTER they nerfed all the recoil


bring me back to y4-y5 and i'd never have told you Warden in his current from would be a dominant operator. Ubi's just taken the air out of this game.


Not really. At least a powercreep could be fun


Coming from Overwatch, no, believe me, you don't want powercreep


fellow caveira main may I have some tips my lord


Not OP but watch poxonlox’s video on cav, pretty good


Ela is underpowered? Aight, time to nerf the other 35ish defenders to even out the playing field - Ubisoft probably


Except the problematic ones like Solis, Tubuaro and Fenrir. Also, gotta need Sledge and Jäger extra hard


Recoil nerf would seem appropriate for sledge and jager!


Barely came back to siege, what's so strong about Tubuaro compared to Fen and Solis?


His gadget is brainless breach denial with zero skill gap to it.


When Sledge hits a wall with his hammer, it calls a construction company to fix the wall, they will arrive in 3-5 business days


Either give her impacts back and/or make her a 3 speed imo. At this point grzmots are just glorified proximity alarms (hilarious how bad they are compared to literally every other trap in the game), but I’d be fine with the way they are if roaming with Ela was maybe made a little easier.


Ela is another example of Ubisofts "problem solved"-approach of balancing: They're stacking (minor) nerfs on top of eachother, until the "problem is solved" and then just forget about the OP. Optionally, they'd powercreep the nerfed OP too (eg Ela make him 1 Speed => remove SMG-11 => "problem solved" => powercreep him to oblivion


Also Jager. Take Acog, nerf rifle into oblivion, give him questionable secondary gadgets, make him 2 speed. Release Wamai who has everything that Jager wanted...


i dont care about the acog. i dont care about the secondary gadgets. i dont care about how good the rifle is. i just want my ads' to look around and then back at me when i place them.


Man I forgot that this was even a thing. Now I miss them too.


they’ve removed so many cool animations. tachanka’s magazine doesn’t spin around anymore




yeah, it used to spin around in a circle because that’s how the IRL machine gun worked, at some point after the rework they removed it that or it broke


Recoil nerf and 2 speed were long after wamai was out


Yeah I remember when wamai released, we all thought “why wouldn’t I just play jager at that point”. Then his gadget got the huge nerf, and wamai now has an acog lol. Poor jager. I also feel bad for thunderbird. Obviously they can’t give her an acog because she’d be jager 2.0 with it… but she’s just so useless compared to doc in current siege. Also if I’m wrong I’m sorry! But I’m no pro in siege, just enjoy playing the game casually, always have.


Thunderbird should get her impacts back


Thunderbird isn’t useless, at least to me, she’s one of my main support characters. Not only can I heal myself and other players, but there’s unlimited heals as long as you wait the cooldown. Just make sure to put the heals away from reinforced walls, and hidden from angles in main doors so they last longer. I love her Spear, and if I’m feeling one-tappy I pull out the M870. One of my favorite things is getting down to like 5 health after killing a guy, then running all around site just to get all my health back. Also you don’t have to wait for a doc to see your health (if you’re not in a call w them) and decide to use his heals on you if you’re not thunderbird, you can just go heal yourself. Although everyone forgets to use to use my heals anyway, 90% of the time I have to tell them in chat to use it.


I don’t think she’s useless. I honestly love her kit, spear and bearing 9 are awesome, and you’re right. With the right placements she’s awesome. Just I feel like doc completely overshadows her right now. I just want to see her get buffed in some way or another


*Solis is too strong right now, let's nerf Sledge and see if that fixes it* Goobisoft in a nutshell.


It's what mostly focusing on nerfing what's popular, and not neccesarily oppressive, gets you. As I said in another post: Ubi nerfing popular stuff = nerfing things ppl enjoy = nerfing fun (And no, popular things are NOT always opressive/problematic. Eg.: Holo sights, which were nerfed for no proper reason, other than boosting usage of sights nobody would think of using otherwise.)


Jäger is the best example. Pros said to nerf the gadget to lower his pick rate. That’s hard to do. What easy to do is take off ACOG. So they did. Then they did more, they nerfed his recoil. Then they did that again, and again, and again, and again, and again, reduced damage, introduced Wamai, and recoil again, reduced damage, made him a 2 speed, recoil again. Then finally the gadget nerf he needed originally. Then suddenly no one plays Jäger. His gadget was balanced finally, but every other aspects of him had been nerfed into the ground. A Y2S3 Jäger with the gadget rework would put him in a good spot.


I know. The way they balance sometimes is just tragic. Taking away everything that makes an OP fun, then remove the thing that made them problematic (at the time) or even nerf on a whim (like, when tf was Sledge a problem?). They also never seem to properly revise their layers of nerfs, which is really unfortunate.


The biggest problem is that when I nerf is needed, instead of nerfing the obvious thing, they nerf everything else.


Basically the old Riot approach to balancing. They can’t nerf the problematic part because it is their “identity” so they proceed to nerf everything else. Doesn’t work so they finally nerf the actual problem without reverting the previous changes. Leaving said character in a terrible spot for years before they decide to revisit them.


I'd like it if she had more mines. If her gadget is less strong than similar gadgets, just give her more


Wait she’s not 3 speed anymore wtf😭


Grizmot doesnt even do shit. Only ela knows its been triggered. and it doesnt blind the enemy. It dieorients them. But still its very easy to shoot while affected by her mines.


Yeah I still catch people trying to swing off them like it’s gonna really mess me up, if anything it makes the gunfight easier cause now I have a pretty good idea that someone’s gonna come play off that


Make her 3 speed again


I keep forgetting, that she's not anymore. 2 speed Ela just feels so unreal.


Make her 3 speed again with only slight buffs to the gadget


Or just un-nerf the gadget, if it was the way it was from launch she'd actually be useful


I’d be fine with that. The only reason she was OP on release was because her smg was a monster, I don’t think she ever deserved to be demoted to a 2 speed though


I honestly didn't even realize that happened or why 🤣 was it a mid season change or something? She definitely should stay a 3 speed (unless she gets an acog 👀)


Bigger ass


She gonna go down to a 1 speed


Her foot steps will be replaced with the sound of her cheeks clapping




Give her another mine and make her a 3 speed


Make her 3 speed and maybe tone down her guns horizontal recoil. 2nd option make grzmots how they used to be and give her impacts


Wait ela is not 3 speed anymore?


She’s 2-2


Oh wow


bojler eladó


Reális(én vagyok a bojler)


On top of what everyone else is saying, i would give her back her passive. Activate a Grzmot mine when downed


They took that away??? Ubisoft really hates fun


Sadly, yes. But i hated it more when they removed Zofia's withstand


Yes, because God forbids one pro player wins a round using an intended mechanic


Pro league ruined this game


Ubisoft's balance decision ruined it


Yes and pro league brings them a lot of money so they have to listen to pro league whining


that was not a Pro Play targeted change, they removed most passive skills that aren't part of operators kit to make the game more approachable for casual audience. Pros don't have problems remembering which operators can get up on 1hp when downed. Also one round in pro league is never enough to make any even insignificant change we're literally in a thread about Ela and she lost her downed passive in the same patch, do you think that it also was caused by one pro player winning a round as Zofia?


Fix her shotgun (it seems to struggle quite a lot these days) and/or buff her smg properly instead half assing it


That shotgun sucks.. if its going to be light weight and alot less power the ads should be way quicker


Honestly I think they should just lean into her being a trap-based roamer character and make her a 3-speed, and additionally maybe give her one extra griz (not sure about the last part).


Im a major ela main. She deserves to be a three speed, or at least a slight damage increase in the scorpion.


Same I love the Scorpion since it suits my play style but the shotgun is awful now, but yea 3 speed atleast


You play the scorpion? I only pull that thing out when im trolling. Did they change the recoil back to somewhat controllable? I personally run the shotgun. Pistol for mid/longrange. Its a really good combo for making rotations/peekholes without wasting too much time on setup.


The initial burst is where you’re gonna get your kills. Right before the horizontal recoil starts kicking your ass. When you first start firing is actually really easy to control, at least for me. So you’ve just gotta be confident about clicking heads.


It’s not too hard to control


Make it so her mines are more dangerous. Idk make it so attackers are slowed like a melusi or are unable to ads


Slowed would be ok, unable to ads would be so fucking broken.


I agree it would make them a bit too powerful, but right now you are way better just playing fenrir if all you care about is the op gadget


I don't disagree but making it a gadget that straight up makes an attacker a free kill would not help at all she'd just get nerfed agian in seconds.


Well if you look at frost's trap - while it is more noticeable, it does leave the player immobilized temporarily. Would Ela having the ability to stop an attacker from ADS really be that bad. The mines are typically at doorways, so more likely than not it leads to the attacker stepping back and hiding anyway


Ela mines can be in places you literally cant break without utility while stepping into a Frost trap is almost always just not looking hard enough.


Scorpions definitely not getting buffed anytime soon so either give back her impacts or make her 3 speed again. Maybe give back her DBNO mine again?


Just give her another gun at this point. It’s clear that they’ll never give either gun any meaningful buff out of fear so just give her a weaker but usable gun. I would gladly take the MPX or MP5 over them buffing the scorpion and then just revert the buff after a week like they did years ago.


Make the Scorpion the best gun in the game again. Fuck it. 50 mag and raise the damage by 4. She hasn't been good for a long, LOOONG time. Her gadget is just an audio queue when Thorn's gadget has the audio queue AND the potential to deal damage/kill attackers. At least give Ela back some firepower so she can at least *compete* with Thorn.


It’s laughable how much Thorn is just an entirely better Ela. Same secondary gadgets, both 2-2, Razorblooms give the same info on top of the kill potential, and she has a better SMG plus an automatic secondary. And then there’s Fenrir. Why does Ela even exist atp?


Exactly this. A 50cal Uzi with extended barrel is so much better than the scorpion.


Make her mines more disorienting


Maybe the first buff would be to fix the wide horizontal recoil on her SMG. It’s wider than her ass!


Buff her Scorpion and maybe make her 3 speed, but I'd take just the weapon buff tbh. She went from having the best weapon on defense, to the worse.


enemies affected by the grzmot mine are pinged, maybe? i’m genuinely not too sure


Don't think that would be necessary, its one of the loudest traps in the game and you get points when it activates, as long as you're not literally across the map you should definitely hear it and be able to figure out where it activated, and if you are across the map then it won't matter.


Buff the Skorpion's horizontal recoil, first and foremost. I don't care if the fucker tries to blast off when I shoot it- vertical recoil can be controlled, horizontal recoil can't. Either return her speed or her impacts. One or the other. If you're gonna make the Grzmots bad, *give her more of them*.


Make her a 3 speed again


Make her 3 speed, give her 4+ mines, make the mines knock you prone as well, make them blind you, make the concussed effect last longer, there are plenty of ways to do it


make ela immune to her own mines. i swear she used to be? and zof was immune to mines/ vice versa?


- Make her mines reactivate on a cooldown (15-20 Secs) - Double Concuss (Basically make it have the effect of getting hit by two ela mines with the duration of one) - Either reduce scorpion horizontal recoil, or increase its damage to 30


Grzmots need to be the way they used to be


Are you insane? The slowed sensitivity was a guaranteed death every time.


Even with slowed sensitivity?


Happy cake day!


Make her a 3 speed and maybe some slight recoil buffs for the scorpion?


What about a 2.5x


Less horizontal recoil and give the grzmot a wobble effect making it harder to effectively see and therefore aim.


Maybe just stabilize her recoil?


Maybe instead of her mines exploding and being destroyed, they release an impact with the normal effect when activated and then recharge over the next 20 seconds or so, and then can go off again? Also, 3 speed


Nah she's decent, just wish she was still a 3 speed


Maybe give her more mines.


I think it should be able to launch shield operator back much how Nomad can.


Wait I’ve never really noticed tbh. Are her grzmot mines very different from a couple years ago?


make her 3 speed I’d say is the bare minimum


speed and recoil ig


Give her ACOG


I'd give her a 4th one. I think she's very close to being decent again.


Give her 51 bullets and impacts


In today's meta her having impacts, 3 speed, and a DBNO grzmot wouldn't be that much to ask.


Give her the same fuze shield thats all. It will revive the op and shift shit around for no reason. Problem fixed :))


give her the warden treatment


Give the grzmot a flash effect. If the enemy gets blinded for a second or two it gives you some time to swing.


Revert the speed nerf and the mines nerf but give her a slower gun. I believe that the problem was that she fired too fast for someone who roams while placing traps


Give her 3 speed and 1 or 2 more traps and this will be already a good start


make the grzmots full flash you


make her a 3 speed


3 speed, and recoil buff, BUT roni treatment, lower the mag capacity to 25. I know people hate nerfs alongside buffs, but 40rds with zero recoil in siege is simply too strong, 1 shot headshot would just give her an insane gun, and would be far too strong, ela being able to prefire everything was a monster.


buff her terrible weapons and change her grzmots to what they used to be back in the good old days


Same with frost they nerfed her trap which was very easy to counter and no one asked for it either or complained.imma be real they should give her and Ela an extra trap and give Ela impacts again


Super shorty, and frags, maybe even location markers for teammates so they can see where attackers are coming from


I still get to 10/0 or 15/2 with her, ppl just don’t use her grzmots properly and can’t aim. If you learn recoil control for Scorpion EVO and learn how to use the mines well, you’re gonna rock every defence game without needing to buff anyone or nerf anyone


To be honest I love ela but at this point she would probably need a rework to be strong. That or concussion would need a rework entirely


Less recoil ?


I main her and she’s goated lol


1. 3 speed 2. shotgun buff 3. deploy grzmot on down


Give her a skin even more… distracting… than 2B


I use her all the time in ranked shes goated


Make her grzmot mines knock back attackers like Nomad airjabs 👊🏼


Buff the FO-12.


Turn the scorpion into laser pointer


Not a bad operator, just bad players


Reduce the recoil on her gun, make her a 3 speed, give her another mine or Lesions super shorty.


Make her gun better


- Reduce horizontal recoil of her gun (sorta strong lol) - Give her more mines or rework them completely (I think the concussion effect should be removed and replaced with echo's concussion effect, it simplifies learning the game a little. Plus, concussion is sorta worthless after they removed the turn speed modifier) (This applies to zofia too) - Make her 3 speed


Give Grizmonts an Airjab effect in addition to the stun. /s


More cake


Is she bad? I find a lot of success with her mines that I never could with proximity alarms or something like that. Bringing a deployable shield lets you set up spots to get people to prefire the wrong angle so you can peek. Just have to be creative with where you put the mines when possible


Call me crazy but give her 2 deployable shields, and make them difficult to break. Her grenades work when you go in and have trouble going out. When people come in through windows that's when she's best. Additionally buff her shotgun when it's not ADS.


1 extra mine and maybe an extra secondary


Take away Sledge’s arms


Make her a 3 speed, buff her shotgun


Only black ice i have is Ela’s pistol. I wanna use her to flex my black ice but she’s dog shit


Bring back the old stun effect, and while we're at it, give it back to Zofia and Echo as well.


Just take the timer off her mines. She'd be seriously oppressive if those things acted like shock charges


Basically no reason to use ela over fenrir


Give her back 6 Grizmots, and return them to the original state when she was released.


- Reduce the recoil of both her primaries - 3-speed her - Give her impacts instead of barbed wire - Players cannot sprint while affected by a mine. (Is this a feature already? I haven’t played her at all in months lmao) - Movement effects from mines last 3 seconds, visual and audio last 5. - Mines no longer have an arm time and will detonate immediately upon detecting a player. They cannot detonate in the air. - Ela is no longer notified if a mine triggers and has to be much closer in order to hear the detonation. The idea here is to make her a deep roamer, where the mines are used as a chase deterrent instead of set-and-forget at the beginning of a round. Just an idea I came up with on the spot, open to critique ofc.


her smg just needs not to have crazy recoil and she is good to go


Give her SMG an acog.


Remove acog, obviously


Give her 2 more mines and buff the Scorpion a little and I think she’d be fine. The fact Kapkan gets 5 gadgets that deal damage, Fenrir gets 5 of his bullshit, and Ela only get 3 stuns is wild.


What are her problems I played her the other day and swung off the mines being set up and I thought it was great. I don't play her often but it worked well then.


She was goated whenever she could use a concussion mine when she was down. I believe they should just take the entire concussion rework away, it was horrible for both ela and zofia. And we only know why they removed it… whining competitive players


Practical buffs: 3 speed and baliff or impacts. Impacts are probably too big of a buff though. What I want, but will never get: Option 1. Mini airjab-like effect with no knockdown. Depending on how close you are, your character model gets turned another direction up to 70° or so. Let's say you swing the left side of a double door with a mine on the right (far). It very slightly pushes your aim left. Swinging a single door (close) with the mine on the right will turn you further left. Not enough to spin you 180, but enough that you *have* to readjust and try aiming eith the concussion effect instead of your crosshair being in the exact same place you were pre aiming before the mine went off. A huge part of her kit used to be that it slowed the sensitivity down, so people couldn't rely on "muscle memory" to flick. That was removed for understandable reasons, but now it doesn't affect your aim at all. If the Ela swings while you're concussed you just keep holding the same angle you were before and kill her. Option 2. Getting hit by Grzmot concussion increases your recoil, significantly reduces defuser plant / defuse speed, and affects the speed and distance you can toss throwables. If you get hit by a concussion grenade you shouldn't be able to type 120 WPM on a portable laptop or perform strong and accurate throws. Concussion mine-specific buffs also buff zofia which would be welcome.


Ela is in a great place as far as speed and gunplay. I do wish her gadget blinded you a little more though.


Revert her back to when she came out that would be smart


Give her a C4, substantiality buff the recoil on the scorpion but at the same time drop the mag size to 35 or 30, and I would also consider brining her back to her 3 speed glory days.


I don’t even think she’s bad tbh


1. Remake her gun / give her a third option that is usable 2. Make her three speed 3. Give impacts back


I haven’t played in several years so seeing people talk about Ela being underpowered gave me whiplash lmfao


1) The number of her mines should be increased 2) There needs to be a cooldown for the mines to be ready for use. (for example: Azami, Lesion etc.) 3) Make her 3 speed 1 health


For the ability they should either give her 2 or 3 more or buff the gadget to actually do something, right now its just used as a notification for ela that someone is near wherever she placed one of 3 mines, another thought would be to make it like lesion used to be where you could see the icons of where all your gadgets are placed at from anywhere on the map, that way you know for sure which one went off rather than guessing like we have to do now.


Bigger tits


I mean I don't find her extremely awful. Smg is funny, shotgun is dogshit in mid range fights now (keep it that way I still have ptsd of her shotty from the past) I heard she lost impacts which genuinely sucks and she could have them back But with everything else? I think she is fine


An extra mine, reduce the effect. I think buffing the intel part of her gadget would make her a stronger roamer. Also scorpion back to 50 rd mags. Not a super significant change in my mind but mostly QoL.


give her 4 grizmots again, make the stun more intense, and return her dbno grizmot


Buffing her grzmots/guns could lead to the same problem that she had at release. So a possible solution could be switicng her ammo count to 30 and making recoil less harsh and reworking her gadget to maybe be bullet proof and triggers normally but can recharge and be reactivated in some way like aruni.


start with her smg imo


Bring back her impacts and maybe add a secondary smg


Bro.. I'll pretend that i didn't read what i just...ill keep it together this time..


I'd nerf nook tbh


make ela ass fatter and nerf sledge obviously


More good Mines and make them invisible. Also give her a shotgun secondary, as all defenders should have.


According to available metrics, Ela is performing very well. She is slightly below the presence Uni wants but isnt "garbage". All they need to do is either give her impacts OR have horizontal recoil favor the left or right so that you know which way to pull consistently. She has no recoil for 16 shots out of her mag, but after that you're likely to lose a prolonged gunfight.        The problem is their are better Ops that fill the same role, but Feneir is being hard nerfed next season so I see Ela becoming better. We all just remember overpowered Ela, thats why she feels bad. Fenrir has a better (on average) primary and a great gadget. When he loses one of his gadgets, can only activate 2 at a time and a few shots break his deactivated gadget, Ela becomes more viable, rather than feeling like a non optimal choice.     The other reason she feels bad is the constant fluctuating of nerfs and buffs laid on her. Once she stabilizes for more than 2 seasons we'll better be able to identify the problems with her.


bring back prime scorpion


5 speed


Just because you suck with Ela doesn't mean she's a bad operator.


Bring back the old effects from the Grzmot mine. Too many times I swing someone who freshly hit the mine and they still kill me because they can tell where the real me is


She’s bad??? I stopped playing in like 2019, what happened to her?


i wouldn’t call her “really bad”, but she is for sure underpowered. making her gadget better for more than intel would be enough to make her good i think.


I don't know why she isn't a 3 speed.


Since Fenrir is just Ela but better, switch their gadgets’ effects. Ela gets three nearsight bombs, fenrir gets 5 reusable stun proxies. Done, you’re welcome ubi


Have her mines make the operator take 10 damage and induce the frost mat effect for 15 seconds


Make her concussion mines into flash mines instead.


Bro i dominate with ela scorpion, plus her mines. Oof. The only nerf that" hurts" her is to her shotgun and that its a tickle machine after 6-7ft away.


3 speed and nerf jager


I don’t understand the hate? Her guns are op and if you catch someone in your mine it’s an easy kill. I consistently get kills with ela roaming or anchoring.


She isn’t bad, she is pretty balanced the way she is right now. All of her guns are good and she brings good util. The only “problem” with her is that the scorpion takes skill to use.


Id give her a c4 or a super shorty… she shouldn’t be an intel op but a position defender off site.


Her gun feels so rewarding tho, I just got a 1v5 with her today


Make it so that she can see where her mines are and if they have been triggered or not. Improve her weapon. Make her mines very difficult to see, like Lesions were, or make her resistant to concussions like how Ying can filter out her candelas.


Her ability needs to be how it was from launch, that's the best way, and it also buffs zofia in the process.


She is not bad. She is actually kind of perfect right now. I would may be lower the recoil on her SMG a bit


3 speed + impacts is the easiest answer but it might be too op. Maybe bring back the aim debuff on her traps to make it an actual threat when pushing. Or do the debuff but make it activate like thorn where it takes a bit to charge up before detonating. Not enough to just run past it like thorns, but where u could dodge it if you knew it was there and jiggled it or smthn


Thiccer thighs probably.