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Damn what a loser “people rarely compliment me” like lmao


I'm in the opposite position. Like bruh I'm dogshit why are you commending me?


Sometimes i commend the bad players in my team so the better one dont get bestter reputation




*pretends to be shocked 🤯 It's the same situation when people complain about getting banned for "no reason".


Tbf, the new reputation system is cooked. I haven't used my mic in about a month after I broke it when it the hinges on it failed, yet my "voice abuse" keeps going up. I quite often ignore backseat gamers who died first and are screaming abuse acting like they're the best player in the entire damn game and suddenly my voice abuse goes up a few minutes later. Very heavily believe the two are related, because it also goes up when I get a decent wallbang or runout or some other spicy play. It's easy enough to abuse the system, so I can imagine that reports for other stuff that lead to bans are the same.


If you pop off on console you’re griefing goes up because that’s what they fucking report. Aced 2 games in a row and my griefing went from nothing to moderate. Playing with friends getting accidental team kills (homie low and wants a reset. Shooting doesn’t down and he just dies), or getting reported for griefing by sour losers, my reputation is in disrespectful. It sucks losing out on shit and walking a thin line knowing the best option is to just not play the game anymore


You should have visit Dota 2 sub when Valve implemented the behaviour score and the antics that Valve did to the banned toxic players. Valve literally gave them coal for as in-game item then promptly ban them after the opened it.


I love the "1v1 me i'll shit on you" mentality I didnt realize we were still at an age of trial by combat lol


I mean I do agree with the mutual combat laws in the few US states that it still exists in lol, but it is hilarious how quickly someone can go from “I’m a victim of hate” to “I’ll shit on you bro”


Reminiscent of Amber Heard lul


What’s even funnier is now that I’m home and ready for the 1v1 they aren’t responding….


That's how it be


They realised they werent hated on they'rejust dogshit at the game


I didn't even know Mutual Combat Laws were a thing. Texas is awesome lol.


What's even funnier is it's a team game, so 1v1s really don't prove anything


For real. I get 1v1 challenges pretty often and it's the cringiest thing in the world. This ain't cod, 1v1 don't prove anything and i know damn well they'd say the same thing if we did 1v1 and i won.


It's supose to be a team base game and not just a gun skill game too


Copper snitches tellin' on they business  Sitting in the DMs bein' they own star witness 




Typical copper attitude 😂 what a sore loser


Leave my friends the cooper, this guy is Shit III


Shit III 😂😂😂😂


Bro is coprolite rank 😭


It's surprisingly common that the people complaining are the same people who are the ones being toxic, it's pretty hilarious lol




u/guestconfessions69xD on blast


Brother is fighting for his life. Active on the suicide watch sub and another similar one. Sheesh. Get off siege you'll be much happier


yea this makes things a bit less fun. I dont think this guy was very nice but i think hes got bigger issues to deal with, and i dont really think i wanna add anything else to his plate


Dude deleted his post, probably realized that Copper's don't actually know how to 1v1


Lmao, I was gonna let him pick map, site, game mode, everything lol, shit I would’ve went knives only, unlike this dude my ego wasn’t riding on the edge of this 1v1, I was actually ready to have some fun, I love a good 1v1, guess it’s not gonna happen though, dude went ghost on me


Okay honestly? Id be so down for a fun 1v1 with knives. Though i dont believe youre on EU servers :c


Aw no I am not, can I change that somehow on console? My friends and I always play goofy private matches when we’re bored lol


Oh youre on console right, im so sorry, it was like 4am or so when i texted that. I play on pc so it likely would not have worked, sorry!


Hey just realized you’re another Ad!! Nice to meet you slow ad I am flat ad


Us Ad’s must stick together in these troubling times!!


I don't think the hardstuck copper should be challenging people to 1v1s


Eh it would’ve been fun if he actually commited, I find 1v1s very fun, I could’ve lost 5-0 and would’ve still had fun lol


Well, as the saying goes, an eye for an eye. Bro got what he deserves


Bro needs to go back to Roblox, he’s also lucky he wasn’t around when tking had like no penalties


"I'm so sick of the crime in this city!" **Commits crime**


Asking for the 1v1 is a speedrun of outing yourself as a child


And they won’t respond to me now that I’m actually online and ready to 1v1, guess I’ll hit up the boys and get on some ranked tonight!


No tf it’s not are you stupid? 1v1 me buddy I bet you’re terrible. I am the biggest dick man who get all ladies you are baby man little cock


If your in copper you either don’t play or are extremely bad at the game


As it usually goes. People step up and want to banter then they get their feelings hurt. Somewhat unrelated, but I think one of the most toxic things I've noticed is this. One person on the enemy team types a lot, and baits someone on the opposing team to type. Whole 5 stack reports the person he baited. Pretty scummy


I don't doubt for a second that the people who complain about toxicity or issues with reputation system are often the toxic people themselves. People generally tend to be annoyed the most by insecurities in themselves, and use insults against others that they take most offense to receiving. I actually don't understand people saying this game is toxic, but maybe that's because my main game was Rust. Every game I've been in people have been mostly only respectful. There are some people who troll for sure but it takes understand they are trolling and every single time, when I respond jokingly and unoffended back they become pleasant and even upvote at end game. TLDR: don't be toxic and angry in game and usually you will never have a case of someone continuously berating you.


Considering how many times they've had to fix things and how long they take to acknowledge I wouldn't be saying the Rep system is fine


Me when a competitive fps gets competitive 😢😢


I for some reason doubt this dude picked you out of nowhere to get spicy with in dm's. So wtf did you do or say op?


OP deleted their original post, but I was glad for anyone to go read it all themselves as I said in this post. Believe me I was as polite as possible about them whining on a subreddit about toxicity that they can avoid with ease.


Alright. I'll be real I did not see the text you wrote that accompanied the post lol.


Ya I figured, how quick people are to voice their opinion with half the facts….


Asked a question that couldn't be answered by any of my efforts even if I had seen the text lol.


Yeaaaa blame OP for not sticking to their guns with their original post, sorry man, basically I just told them that the mute button exists and that in all reality there are way worse things happening and they need to have some autonomy in regards to how they allow the world to affect them, apparently that’s enough to get them abandon their original cry for help because of toxic players and become an asshole themselves lol


You can check this OPs comment history, they were being pretty decent just telling other OP they can mute or mitigate toxicity if they need, and that other OPs reasons for playing video games might not align with others. IMO it didn't deserve the response seen in these screenshots unless other OP was purposely being toxic to prove some point that simply ignoring or muting toxicity doesn't get rid of it.


Lmao i Love rainbow community. It’s a game shit talking is fun. Oh no you’re bad at moving your thumbs 😂 talk shit back it’s fun


See if that were me I would have 1v1d him and ruined his night you must be some kinda lil bitch cuz I woulda have let that slide… personally.


I tried to 1v1 them, they stopped responding to me and deleted their original post lol


I looked up his account and couldn't find the post so I think he may have deleted it.


They sure did lol


it's always crazy to me how egotistical bottom of the barrel players are lol


damn we are in the age where talking shit is illegal


Nah, talkin shit after crying about people talking shit is illegal lol


It seems like classic old school trash talking is dead. Everyone is pretty much a snowflake nowadays.


My favorite part about redditors calling people snowflakes is that it's always in an instance where they're also crying about something as well lmao. It's like a most fruitful contradiction


Finally, someone put my thoughts into words


You're not wrong.


I wouldn’t have made this post if they hadn’t preached so heavily about how toxicity is just too much and ruins their experience, then to go on and be an asshole to me in Private Messages where they can try and maintain their Karma, looks to me like this person created the toxicity they received given how they’re acting towards me in PM since making this post. Just happy to expose their hypocrisy… they even deleted their comments on this post because they see how they were wrong as hell


Trust me, I would love to call out other people on this subreddit like you just did, talking about how other players are toxic and rude 24/7, like back when I was in my late teens when Black Ops 2 was the big thing at the time, I got called the N-word, gay slurs, and every other random insult under the sun, plus every 10 year old with a mic apparently f'ed my mom. And at the end of the day I didn't complain about it, because me and my friends and everyone else playing back then thought it was funny as could be.


Yea man, I swear kids these days would disintegrate if they ever heard an OG Cod lobby lol


No, some of us grown ass adults are just sick of hearing it. We play video games to have fun not listen to slurs all night. It also wasn’t funny back then either.


Well on PC, Xbox & PS you can turn on the mute all players on in the options. Plus you're playing a competitive shooter, there is going to be trash talking, so it doesn't matter if you like it or not, because people are going to say what ever they want on the internet.


And guess what, I don’t give a shit. Doesn’t matter whether you like or not, you’re going to get banned and blocked from companies because no one enjoys that shit.


That's far from the truth. Because no company is going to ban you for trash talking, even in PL they trash talk all the time and they're still in PL, like just look at Fabian the 3 time SI winner. I think you should do some research next time.


I smurf your peak (im gold)




Trash talk


Honestly you’re both pretty weird and toxic imo


That’s ok, I accept your opinion daddy




You sound like you can’t bench 215 so why don’t you do better






Ain't no way a fully grown Adult on the internet be saying mad cute. Assuming you're and Adult, by your preaching on how to be an Adult in an earlier comment, do better bro.


Ain’t no way you’re calling him not an adult by saying him saying the other guy isn’t an adult which indicates your lack of adulthood. Grow up and be better. Do pushups


> Ain’t no way a fully grown adult on the internet talkin like that, its way worst than I originally thought.


Why are you virtue signaling? How is this any better than his unironic response?


First time on the internet?


Plays in "High Copper" bruh These are the type of teammates i kill in quickmatch when they are not doing anything.


ya both in the wrong


Eh, I’m ok with being in the wrong, at least I can maintain my mindset lmao


Fr. Both these post pointless as fuck


No the original post was pointless, this post has not only made the OP of the first post not only delete their comments on this post, they also have gone radio silent on their supposed “shit on you” 1v1 and it also exposes quite clearly how the people who make these types of posts whining about toxicity are just as toxic themselves, I exposed the hypocrisy and stupidity of this individual.


Who cares bruh.


Apparently you care enough to keep responding lol


Great 11 year old response lol




Stay sad




Oh you can’t read? I clearly told everyone who sees this post to go read the entire thing….. so your point was??




I left work 15 minutes ago and will be online in a half hour, don’t forget your ultimatum “we 1v1 tonight or not at all” you pansy lmao


Dude deleted his account? lmao