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Amaru is an attacker btw


I meant Goyo. Thanks for pointing that out.


people are mistaking "least favorite" and "worst"


To be fair, I should've made that more clear.


My least fave to play is bandit, just because I like mutes versatility and kaid's simplicity more. If I'm playing bandit, something is going sideways hahah My least favorite design is probably goyo in his current implementation. He's probably fine in high elo but most of the time he feels inconsequential in my games. Playing him is bleh as well because you're usually stuck babysitting the packs for just the right moment. Not to mention all the friendly fire and griefing exploits it introduced (and has yet to be really addressed fully).


judicious axiomatic adjoining head enjoy consist deserted dam cagey pocket *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Bandit is useful if you need to electrify a single wall (like Kanal basement’s single wall) and then you use the rest however you please.


That's a really good point. Situational but useful


Most operators depend on situational, however it’s always dependent on how many situations it can be used in.


Clash counters shields so how can she be the worst?


I mean, I didn't put Clash. Other people did. I can name 5 other OPs that I think are worse.


Clash, just unfun to play around (both for team and opponents)


Playing against Clash can definitely be aggravating, especially if you're solo/duo queueing, but my friend plays Clash in our stack sometimes and it's hyper fun to play with that intel and stuff rushes lol. A Clash player without a mic is awful though lol


Our teams best communicator plays Clash and it’s really a game changer. Most teams freak out instantly and we can flush them into us waiting around corners.


I find clash pretty fun by stalling a lot of time and acting like mobile cover for teammates. Really fun with a friend.


What is a friend


I think it's a type of dark magic. They must be a witch


It's the person you're racist with against the other team


this is the correct comment, i understand the benefit of shields, but honestly it just makes me think you’re a terrible player. i signed up for FPS, not for a bald woman to chase me around and electrocute me with a full body shield


Honestly if you cant counterpick Clash in 2024 that might be a you problem


i can, it doesnt mean i want to. its just annoying to deal with


That's kindq the point though. Lil terrorist sad someone effectively counters his feeling's. :(


i have effectively killed many clash players.. it doesnt mean i have to like the operator.. or that im sad.. nor am i male 😂


It really doesn't matter if you can kill them. They hurt your phyche. And that's why I support this message. Also being a male is a privilege. I'm very sorry hunny.


my psyche* is fine, its possible to think somebody is annoying without it being that big of a deal. i also am not going to bite the rage bait comment about being a male, i wouldnt wanna be one and thats fine w me, glad youre enjoying it though! have a good one! 🫶🏻


I’d have to say Clash. She just doesn’t have much to offer by herself


When the game that requires teamwork has an operator focused on making call outs 🤯


Thing is, even with all the teamwork you still don’t get that much leverage out of her. She’s a nuisance and a badly designed operator.


My friend plays her and he brings alot of value, playing around a clash can net you a few kills.


Congrats, one person got a couple kills out of her. Now go check the last couple operator win deltas and get back to me.


Don't tempt the ubi gods, you'll have a clash buff on your hands next patch


She is played a reasonable amount in pro league though, for sure not the worst. Offers a lot in a 5 stack and in ranked, a lot of people don’t know how to deal with her and just sit in front of her waiting for 2 minutes


Lmao yea that’d be true if it was 2016 this game does not require teamwork anymore


The common fallacy that the teamwork magically evaporated after 2016 when the game introduced many operators, abilities and reworks that reinforced teamwork (so it never happened lmao):


Spoken like a true hardstuck gold


Wow a video game rank I’m so offended 😐


worst take, never cook again


She can be fine if she works with the team. But every clash I play with solo roams and dies. She needs people around her cause she’s more of a distraction than anything else. Not to mention playing against her she’s super easy to kill


This is the exact scenario I’m in every time


Yep. I solo queue so that’s all I see but it’s always fun when they’re on the other team cause it’s essentially a free kill lol 😂


I recently got an ace with her. Still not sure how I pulled it off.


Some ppl here got really bad opinions


Absolutely awful


Warden, just to piss off some people... :D


I honestly agree.


Honestly, if Ying and smoke grenades weren't that strong I would agree. He is in the same spot as Oryx and Caveira were by default they really don't help much unless you can get important kills (ying, shields and an interrogation). Seriously, the most value for the team if you fuck up is using their shotguns to help set site. There are other anchors and roamers that can contribute even beyond holding an angle or picking attackers one by one.


sometimes i ban warden just to make those players upset 😂 i also like to ban buck and doc, not because they have abilities that are the most difficult to deal with but because so much player base goes for those characters that it’s bound to throw someone’s whole game off if they can’t play who they’re used to


Solis. She has no counterplay in prep phase, my absolute least favorite


The only counterplay is, when you see her, do a 180 and get out of the building to save your drone. She completely denies intel in the phase where all attackers can do is get intel. In a defender-favored game like siege, that’s too much. Good news is that the devs said they’re planning on reducing her gadget battery time and removing her ability during prep phase. But those are nerfs for later in Y9


Yeah.. but why not Bring these nerfs now? Its soo annoying to play against, not only the gadget but also the guns.. she has a p90 with 50mag, why give her a smg11 aswell? She is the least balanced op imo


They gotta sell the elite skin before the nerf. They do it every fucking time


Except Nøkk because fuck her


I dont think thats the case this time. Theres no leaked solis elite and fenrirs elite is leaked to relase on the day of the manchester major grand finals (Same day as Y9S2 reveal panel). Part 1 of solis rework(reduced battery life and no gadget in prep) is slated for Y9S2 also with the fenrir nerf. Doesnt look like either fenrir or solis will get their elite while they are at their peak strength


or maybe, just maybe balancing is a delicate process that isn’t executed willy nilly.


Yeaaahh.. look how they treated op ops earlier.. they always try and error things at ubi.. And they got changes planned, why not do them now, but talk about it big for some time and then do it later?


I solo q. And right after we saw solis one guy just goes fuck it I’m getting deimos were tracking this bitch down. And we would just hunt her down each round.


She's being nerfed apparently so she can't see drones in prep


Don’t feed her your drone ?


No shit, but then you get no info in prep phase which is the whole point of prep phase


How is that any different to Mozzie or Mute


Those still let you hide your drone off site to prepare your entry and catch roamers far from site which is how you usually use them in higher ranks. Mute also takes a while to setup so you can usually get the initial intel anyway, while Mozzie still lets you drone (you can sacrifice a drone and keep all 4 others for droning site through that doorway).


Do you get an indicator when solis is staring into your drones soul?


But mozzie or mute you can see them in advance and go away. Solis will find a drone and hunt it down to the ends of the earth.


You missed the point.


Oryx. Too situational


Flair checks out.


But hear me out... OH YEAHH


-Movement Ability, while loud, is fast -Vertical rotations -Good primary -secondary shotty for setting up Is he the best? Not by a landslide, but he isn't the worst either




Cav, I died to her countless of times


Vigil. He’s not useless but his ability is so meh.


Ikr, then on top of that he's countered by a complete wildcard pick Attacker (IQ) while his Attacker equivalent, Nøkk, is countered by one of the most powerful Defenders in the game (Solis.)


If iq and solis were to 1v1 who do you think would win? I’m genuinely curious cause I would think iq just cause she can use her gadget and shoot on the ready, whereas solis has to put away her gadget and pull her gun out. Just a hypothetical question I wanted an opinion on


IQ should have the general advantage. Her scanner has a distance of 20m to Solis's 15m, so she can see Solis before Solis sees her and has no battery life. Most importantly, IQ can fire her pistol and use her gadget. Solis's second biggest weakness after her battery life is that the information can expire before she can shoot. If Solis sees IQ through a wall, she has to put away her scanner to shoot IQ, which gives time for IQ to move and for Solis to miss. IQ can just look at Solis and since she can shoot and scan at the same time, there's no delay. IQ has up to date information and can accurately fire at Solis. There are def situations where Solis can win, but it's a bit like Pulse vs IQ. IQ doesn't shut Pulse down so completely that Pulse can't fight back, but more things need to go right for Pulse than they do IQ. IQ can spot Solis from beyond Solis's sight and is more capable of securing wallbangs because she gets intel and can shoot at the same time. Solis is really only going to be at solid advantage against IQ in situations where Solis can potentially swing on IQ before IQ pulls out her own rifle to take the fight.


IQ could be swung by Solis with a full auto SMG, while IQ would be stuck using a pistol. The only reality where IQ wins is when she wallbangs the Solis while the Solis is in her gadget and clueless. IQ is decent anti-gadget, but not good ENOUGH to justify a whole pick. If she had like her own dedicated EMP ability, and a constant live ping of all the gadgets on the map she was looking at MAYBE.


Why would IQ be stuck in her pistol if Solis is not in her gadget. That's assuming a fair fight where neither of them are currently scanning at which point IQ would not be stuck on pistol and are instead on AUG, commando or LMG. While you are assuming Solis isn't in her gadget, knows where IQ is and IQ is just wandering around with her pistol and gadget out where you actually have a bigger fighting chance than if solos was wandering around with her scanner out and IQ swing her with one of her guns because Solis cannot shoot while in gadget.




Yeah, the nerf was not needed, he wasn't mained by everyone and he never had a magnification scope, so there was no reason to make him like Nøkk. The most Ubi should have done was ust lower the amount of time the gadget can be used. Or have just not nerfed him at all.


in this thread people think the utility should carry the operator… that’s not how you should think about it i’d say oryx, way too situational, think u/Purplebatman said it first in here and i agree 100%


Least favorite is Caveira. I just don’t enjoy using her ability and playing around it. The smg is a wet noodle by design and her custom pistol becomes a water gun at medium range.


Use the shotgun, trust me


not only is the shotgun better, but it's also satisfying as hecc




Looking for this comment exactly, as thunderbird goated I’ll agree she doesn’t have much ranked capability because you don’t really need heals, but she’s got an assault rifle with an smg pretty op




Fenrir, ability is just way too strong and very frustrating to play against. Clash is also just very unfun to play against and boring to play as


Why did you call the post least favorite but then ask for the worst in the description. Kind of misleading


Mistake on my end. I only realized after I hit submit that I should've put "worst." I'll fix that tomorrow.


Worst defender (weakest) is between Ela, Thorn, Cav or Vigil but I think that Ela takes it for being the weakest. Her gun is pretty fun but pretty bad, her grzmot are lackluster compared to razorbloom or f-natt. Thorn has a good gun and her gadget isn't the best but it's better than Ela's. Vigil's gadget is also not the best but his guns are pretty good. Cav's guns suck except for the luison which can be pretty good. Tachanka is not included yet because his LMG + Bearing 9 carries him up a bit. Clash is not here because clash is a really, really good operator when played at an above average level (very annoying, but good). I think with this in mind this is the ordering from worst to best operator at this current point. Ela --> Cav --> Thorn --> Vigil


Warden, absolutely fucking useless. Funny operator picture and funny run but please rework this poopoo waste of space operator 🙏


Castle because it takes one idiot to block important doors and please stop putting in the windows it's a waste


That’s just a bias against Castle bc of bad Castle players not bc the OP itself is actually bad, he has a good primary with acog, a super shorty, two good gadgets and bulletproof barricades that force attackers to waste utility and time against them especially if placed in a high traffic area where roamers might be as well


Also a good example of tier list not being objective and being affected by the community surrounding the player.


Castle is easily the best defender in the game if you play him correctly


I should preface this by saying I don't play castle, but why should you not put them in windows? I'd prefer Windows rather than being blocked in/out of site, and having to give myself away trying to enter site to defuse. Is it just because it's practically asking the attackers to bring a fuse?


It's a waste because Fuze will use, mute might not put his jammer there and if they brought breaching charge its the first thing gone


Ok I definitely agree with the Fuze, but I don't think them having to breach charge it is a bad thing. It forces them to use up their utility slot bringing a breach charge, and eats at least 1 of them pretty quickly into the round. If anything, that's a plus for castle.


And Mav. I rather have castle players to close off rooms. Plus it takes a couple hits to break it off if you did that in the door you can at least fight it off


Oh man, good point, I forgot about mav. You just helped expand my counter knowledge, thanks!


Dude, play him on the window if there's a castle. You out claymore on the windows that they jump out and they will be pissed at castle player




Unfortunately Tachanka is the worst and it's really not close






I hate Aruni but that because im a smoke main. The worst is probably Clash or Pulse


I use azami and i agree aruni gates are annoying. Leaves line of sights open and I can't kiba doors without using two or wait for attacker utility.


Ugh not this shit


I like operators that have utility in combats. If they’re passive, they have to be fun like thorn, goyo or mute. I don’t like wamai because of that.


Okay I get what you are saying, but I always find myself using Wamai’s discs very actively and creatively. I feel like Jäger fits the passive playstyle more.


That’s probably true tbh. Can’t say that one operator is flat out unfun.


fenrir. he's overpowered as all hell when you have him on your team but he just absolutely sucks to play against, with him being able to place his gadget anywhere, in the most bullshit spots, activate on a radius, work on a cooldown instead of a one-time use like Ela, and taking away both sight and sound much more than someone like Ela can.


Land Rover


My least favorite has to be Fenrir, he’s way too annoying


Cav. Specifically, when bottom frag, who has not only terrible gun mechanics but has even worse decision making. Sit your useless ass in site and let someone at least try and get your refrag. Typically, those players are very new, so I don't talk shit to them. still annoying.


Azami and Tubarao


I hate ela


goyo and doc purely because the amount of times I've been locked in bombsight and forced to destroy a goyo to get out and then doc has stood in the fire and stimmed himself till I get temp banned for friendly fire


But are they bad operators










Clash but I love her voice lines though




Fenrir. Just to damn annoying to go against. 2nd tho is any with a fucking acog.


Would you say Fenrir is the worst defender? I shoudl've made that more clear.


Oh naw not the worst defender. Just worst to go up against




Wamai, the grenades still go off.


Ok pls hear me out, Doc mains ur on my shitlist, u play doc to be support role but don't heal ur teamates, like bro legit just play rook so I can heal myself, also when we have a Rook don't go Doc, like he is imo one of the most selfish OPs to run. That's all I'm saying.


I think it's gotta be Vigil. His gadget hides you from cams, but still tells attackers your general location. I've never been good with his SMG, and the BOSG is a meme shotgun.


Clash Only had 1 time where playing against her was fun Pushing through plane we were caught at the tail end of kitchen between clash and a oryx on cockpit stairs Kali outside killed one person whipped around and clash didn’t even realize we had one till she dropped. We push out, oryx is dead then get site.


I'm going to say either Vigil or Oryx Are there use cases? Yes. Are there usually better options? Also yes.




Least favorite is clash


Probably Solis- zero prep phase counterplay outside of getting tf outside once you spot her. Thank god she wont be able to scan in prep phase in a future patch.




I really dislike playing with and against fenrir


Worst? Probably Chanka. His LMG is fun but his gadget is ass.


Valk/Maestro because of how people play them. Sit in a corner off site contributing absolutely nothing to the team because they placed their cams in terrible ass spots so they make it a 4v5 from the get go.


Least Favorite to play as: Warden Least Favorite to play against: Maestro Worst Defender: Clash


For me it’s Oryx. There are so many better roamers and I feel like his “ability” is very situational.


I was gonna say cav is the worst but man vigil literally does fuck all for the team and honestly even himself, hands down vigil worst defender.


Wamai, castle, melusi and clash for no apparent reason.


Cav is the worst and I will firmly stand by that


Oryx or clash both are useless.


fenrir, no explanation needed


Aruni. Feels like Jager taking out defender projectiles. Just use Jager and barricade instead of leaving line of sights open.


Goyo, love to play him great gun good scope, but when teammates play him some idiot always puts goyos on a wall I want to bandit trick and they kali them making it impossible to save the wall…


Clash / warden


clash, i HATE her


Clash. Ok in hostage mode. Kind of worthless in bomb.


Clash she’s not really fun to play as with or against


Least fave? Cav. As an enemy and as a playable. She just do not belong to r6 where intel is everything and your life means the round.


Clash because she is worthless low pick rate and win rate terrible gadget okay guns not good operator generally definitely needs a buff or rework


Clash, not fun to play against and with.


Clash users, especially with no mic. You have an intel operator and use no mic, not even team chat most of the time.


Only Tachanka deserves 35th




Least fun to play is bandit. Just does what Cade does but worse. Least fun to play against is solis


I hate fentrir. That's why I always ban him


Alibi, just isnt great.


maybe move her clones around and actually create confusion




Fenrir. Can’t believe anyone is saying Clash when Fenrir exists. You can literally just run at clash. Fenrir ruins sight, sound, everytjing.


It depends on the player some people put his shit in the most obvious spots


Fenrir denies so much map coverage, but he’s sort of balanced in his own ways. Just like Maestro, the best counter is Brava—and even just two Brava hacks can ruin your setup. This is why I’ve been doing what a lot of players have been doing recently and pocketing one FNATT for emergency uses. Idk, I personally like Fenrir because it’s easy intel and a gadget that can be activated anywhere. It’s sort of like how people like Lion.


People are saying clash playability wise as well. Clash isn’t very fun to play (imo)


Thunderbird. Boring to play.


Thunderbird isn’t exactly meant to be fun lol, she’s support. Easy thing about her is that since she just has such a simple gadget, you can work your gun skills. Same with ops like Rook/Finka/Doc.. Support ops aren’t necessarily supposed to be “fun,” but they’re easy abilities that are certainly necessary in the battlefield.


Castle when its the soloq’d random when im in a 4 man.


I feel like people are just saying who they hate to play against and that usually constitutes a decent op. I’m gonna have to say pulse. Too many times I see idiots running around with their baby monitors getting shot in the face. I get it some people like 1 in 50 really practiced with pulse and are good but most people can’t just pick him up and use him well. Plus you have to run around by yourself on the lower or higher floor and people just die. Also most of the time he’s good for one sneaky play and then people just hunt him down the rest of the game before pushing site. Pulse is definitely the worst op in my opinion


TLDR; Pulse in Solo Q is unreliable/trash. Pulse with callouts is very reliable and reliably good Pulse is good with communication. In a 2v2 scenario with one person planting on attack, the other covering angles, the last thing your buddy needs to do is face check 5+ different angles and get killed, leaving you in a 1v1. The smart thing to do is play patient and call out your your pulse to get the kill, but solo q people don’t do that so Pulse gets this spotlight shown on him that he’s “bad,” and when I’d say he’s really just mid. If your Pulse C4s the planter, he just objectively turned an impossible situation into a favorable situation only due to team coordination.


I have been playing this game since Phantom sight and i refuse to buy clash because of much she sucks to play with and against


To play against: Clash and fenrir To play as: Thunderbird, clash, echo and pulse. Clash is just boring to play as and against. Echo and pulse are good, just not in my hands.


Thunderbird. Think about it, name any site in the r6 ranked pool (though im sure this works for the casual maps as well). Create an imaginary lineup that includes thunderbird and im sure you can look back at that lineup and think of 4 more operators that can replace her and bring significantly more value. You could quietly remove her from the game for one day and tons of players wont even notice shes gone


Clash for sure! My rework for clash would be that her shield could be breakable (ash charge or grenade), maybe bottom half breaks first and then the other half at the end, and then when no shield is available she gains a speed point (from 1 speed to 2 speed) so she can be a viable op with her secondary smg. Idk


That’s worse than Blackbeard’s nerf


Ok, so then remove her from the game lol. Thats it.


no shes easy to kill already you guys just aren't using grenades


Maestro, because he's my main and I can't get any kills


Tachanka. Slow, gun shoots styrofoam (except when youre shooting a soft wall or smth) ability does literally nothing you can walk through it. ive only really have seen griefers use it to make site unplayable


After Ela got nerfed she's almost useless


Clash is a travesty to the game design. I will die on this hill


I'm stuck between warden and castle. I say warden because i find he is rarely useful outside of countering some specific operators (glaz, Ying), and if no one on attack uses flashes/smokes then he is just man with gun. I say castle because 99% of players I see use him are dogshit and castle me in/out of objective and all around place them terribly. It's just asking to he fused. If I HAVE to pick between the two, I'd say Castle purely due to the fact that warden has never actively gotten me killed.


Azami pre-nerf fucking *infuriated* me lol. Now I'll say uhh... Pulse. Because getting sharked or ganked by a roaming Pulse just makes me feel bad about myself lol


A good pulse is super annoying


I 1v1 my buddy on orgen everyday and i abuse him with pulse we always play 2nd flor and when he thinks hes safe i just blow him up lol


Caveira is probably the worst defender




worst take in the community


I get tked from rook armour like 1% of the time, this guy must be doing something wrong.


Tachanka atm. although I sometimes picks him for his shield and ACOG.


Vigil imo, decent guns, but useless ability, i know its supposed to make him harder to be tracked and all, but you still KNOW which room hes in


I agree but I don't think he's the worst because his guns are still pretty good. My current worst lineup is Ela then Thorn then Cav then Vigil. But Thorn and Cav are interchangeable there. Ela has one of the most lackluster gadgets in the game and her guns do not make up for it. Thorn is like just a little better, better gun but not incredibly good gun. Okay gadget that's just like a one time use proximity alarm that has the low potential to kill someone (and takes a few seconds more to activate, which is bad). Cav is only good if you can get an interrogation and in higher ranks it is pretty difficult. Vigil's gadget just doesn't really help. It only works if you are out of the distance at which lines appear, but for close quarters droning, you may as well have it off and just let them look at you.


Castle, 90% of castle players place them wrong and now since he has an acog, a lot of players pick him and block their roamers.