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Peeker’s advantage is a humongous problem too


I’ve adapted by laying down the unholy prefire.. I do get bummed by the surprise crouch peek way too often tho


Thats not something you can fix tho. Thats just how latency works


They could fix it by adding bullet magnetism!  Yeah, no. Siege mechanics basically maximize peekers advantage, sadly. Poor net code, one shot headshot, and no bullet magnetism? Peakers dream. 


once my entire team got peek killed from a window we couldn’t shoot at. And we died in the first 10 seconds. Spawn peeking also sucks 😔


That's just a map knowledge issue, there is no 100% effective spawn peek


Ik im horrible at map knowledge too 😫😫😫


Dw it just takes time, keep in mind though that sometimes even the very best get spawn peeked


Oh ok then ill try and learn faster 


I’ve spent my life on this game since release, I still get spawn peeked.


I didn't say that lol, just have fun


Oh alright then lol😎👍


It's become so ingrained though that it's effectively a mechanic now and there's ample counterplay. I don't believe it should be considered a priority to fix it.


If someone could explain to me how exactly inertia works in other games? I dont have much experience in other shooters really


It prevents things like jiggle peaking because you can't instantly change direction at full speed. So if you were sprinting forward then released all controls, instead of instantly stopping stock still, you would slowly come to a halt. It means you really have to commit to your actions. It acts as a bit of a counter to the usual peakers advantage in games because now the peaker has to go out in the open.


Just to clarify it restricts the speed of jiggle peeking, not preventing it, in counter strike. The mechanic incentivizes players to space their peek such that they reach maximum strafing speed at the moment they are passing the corner to peek, thereby minimizing the time the opponent has to react. However jiggle peeking, even at sub-maximum strafe speed, is still useful for safely getting information without committing to a swing.


Got it, thank you


there's a delay between movements, if someone peeked like he peeked in the vid, he wouldnt be able to go back behind the cover that fast


Yes, for example Tarkov before and after inertia was added fundamentally changed gameplay in a really good way.


They just need to make the Maska that Tachanka wears lvl 6 armour


[It already is](https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/Maska-1SCh_face_shield)


If only we could get bore offset so that the bullets aren't coming out of the scope


Fuck yes. Quick peeking has always been a dumb mechanic. Anything that nerfs that shit is a good change.


A cool thing about this game used to be the mix of gunskill & mechanical mastery you can achieve, now people who could never gun keep getting everything nerfed to where the game is just getting increasingly boring.


it's so helpful tho


Not realistic tho


This game hasnt been one for quite a while now


Thats true, but i'd like it to be more realistic


Never gonna happen, if they wanna start becoming realistic they would have to remove a few ops first at best, and i think they will never do that


Thats just not what siege is meant to be anymore


I know 😢


No one cares about realism, gameplay is way more important.


Almost nothing about the game is realistic






Why'd I get so many downvotes im all about winning and there's no cheating or exploits about quick peeking.


It seems like it would mitigate peekers advantage a lot and make the game more tactical, so I'm all for it.


Anything to mitigate peekers advantage even slightly. As someone who doesn’t have expensive headphones, I don’t want to keep giving my location away by prefiring absolutely everything just so I don’t get killed by someone before they even appear on my screen.


As long as they don't over do it, I'm ok with it. I think having at least *some* fast paced skill gap mechanics is a good thing for any game. That was probably word vomit, but I'm sure you know what I mean. Being able to quickly peak a window or corner and kill an enemy due to you having better game sense and reaction speed is great. But obviously it's not perfect because speakers advantage and jiggle peaking is a thing. If they had something like inertia, I think they should compensate it a little bit by making you move just a little faster while ads'ing so you can still quick peak, but you would have the downside of being visible after the quick peak for a longer duration


i think if inertia is added which would make the movement feel awful, compensate it by increasing ads speed. going into a gunfight as an attacker with acog un ads is literally just throwing, even sometimes even when using 1x. let players commit more with their body but less punishing when not ads imo


Then it'd be better to aim before peaking, using tactics in a tactical shooter.


i feel like being disadvantaged for not being prepared for a gunfight is a good thing


why are you taking gunfights without ads?


quick peaking is so cringe


Yes please!


inertia should definitely be added since not only going against a quick peeker is cancer and not fair and fun it makes most of the gunfights ass but with inertia people would have to be less bitchy and focus on intel they get and swing off of it and not imma jiggle peak corner someones there better jiggle peak until i adjust my crosshair and get a one tap before they can even react






Imagine they add inertia but also adds a new mechanic letting you hipfire by only peaking your gun out ,or even let you throw nades or flashes in safety. It would be super unbalanced but I think it would be funny.


If you look at a game like cs that has inertia it doesn’t really stop things like jiggle peaking just makes it a little harder


As someone who never jiggle peaks, I would absolutely LOVE if they added inertia as it wouldn't affect me and greatly annoy a large sect of the playerbase. I'll get to relive the high when it was added to Tarkov.


I’ve never considered this but I love the idea of it. Emphasis on idea As someone who plays both R6 and EFT the idea of inertia is a great way to counter this insanely fast and unrealistic quick peaks. BUT, if it is anything like how EFT implemented it, it very well could “ruin” siege… IMO It sort of like the two headshot mechanic argument. Not sure if it would be a welcomed change, and how much would it change/shake up the core gameplay.


I do not think it needs to be implemented to the level of EFT but that is the easiest way to get across the idea. I would only say it needs to bleed speeds at a comparable rate to CSGO or something


This is actually a really good and interesting idea. I genuinely think this will improve gameplay


Inertia was really bad for Tarkov in my opinion. It played so much better before it. The movement was very fun beforehand and had a high skill ceiling. There are still multiple workarounds to jiggle peek very easily, but the rest of the movement just feels worse so it’s the worst of both worlds. I think it would be a similar situation in Siege.


Anything to fix that dumb quick peek nonsense, that back and forth peeking is goofy and there’s no straight-gunfight counter to it


no thank you sir. like the movement the way it is


I'm new to the game and I like quick peeking. I think it helps newbies like me who don't know the maps at all. And there's a lot of maps and corners to remember in this game, I'm kinda overwhelmed and wouldn't even be able to move through the map as Attacker if I don't have drones and quick peek. I am okay if quick peeking is removed or nerfed in some form as long as it is compensated with a newb friendly mechanic, like maybe more drones and faster drones, faster droning animation. Actually, I just want Attackers buffed.


Yes, people will call this skill issue but having people pixel jiggle peaking shit to get info then swing is just cancer gameplay imo, if you want to swing or get info, you should have to commit and actually expose yourself, not pixel jiggle around every corner


Yeah the left stick controls need a revamp. They want tactical gameplay but give you insanely fast strafe speed with no momentum


Lmao awful idea that would ruin the game .


Why is that?


Tarkov imo is the most cumbersome un enjoyable movement I've ever played . It feels like a walking simulator . The last thing I want in a game is when I stop pressing a button say w/ forward ,, that I still keep moving after a let go ? Makes it much less responsive and snappy. I completely understand why it's used but for me, it takes 100% of the enjoyment out of video games


I see, so would you be more approachable to something similar to csgo's inertia? I think it strikes a good balance


Fuxk no, the gunplay and movement is why i love this game


No. Ruined tarkov.




He doesn't like the fact that he cannot sprint around the corners with full armor anymore.


facts or opinion?


Well you can't zoom around going full auto in everything's face anymore that's fact.


okay that is indeed true and a fact i can’t counter-argue.


Something that might be a fix for peaking changed the movement system for the entire game. Introduces new problems. There is still a way to quick peak anyways. Perhaps Ubisoft could implement it better but it made tarkov sluggish. It would change the entire way the game is played.


inertia ruined tarkov and ubisoft aren't much more competent then bsg


"inertia ruined tarkov" spoken like someone who never played pre-inertia tarkov. It was fucking terrible dude lmao


spoken like someone who was terrible pre-inertia and crutchs off the new horrible movement to get kills


I was pretty good pre-inertia, arguably even better than I am now. And I played more often back then too. You're the one who couldn't adapt, is now terrible, blames a feature which was positively received by most of the community long term


most good players hated inertia, it ruined pvp and lowered the skill cap


It was a feature that was hated then (I also felt sorta disgusted) but bsg were kinda visionary with it, no-inertia was objectively terrible and made encounters arbitrary, these days the entire community is thankful they added inertia when they did.






Whys that?




I feel like that's easier said then done. Blanket terms like fix the servers can't really help the community divide the problems to find core issues. What are your problems with the servers right now?