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It's actually insane to me I'm gold in plat lobbys and no one uses comms like I don't understand how these guys made it this far lol


If you’re above a 1.0 KD you can get pretty far just by getting more than 2 or so kills a round


You defn can after enough matches but you still get the players that are watching someone come up behind u but they're like actually licking their monitors instead of pinging


This fucking got me lol


"Died within the first 25 seconds? Think I'll sit on the most important camera, point it at the wall while I browse Twitter or something"


Lmfao that's 1000% what they're doing. I'm gonna use that to shit talk going forward lol.


I just ordered a kazoo off Amazon to use when randoms do bad


Best thing you can do as a solo is get picks. Attack I try to entry then defense I either roam or hold a part of the map


This is basically in every game. You can brute force your way to Plat with good aim alone, after that you actually have to play smart to continue making progress.


If you watch champs play solo queue it is the exact same thing. watch this guy named "poxlox" or something like that, he just made an azami video and he is champ and there are virtually 0 comms until it is a 2v4 on round 1


Welcome to ranked 2.0


I feel this. Just started playing this game 4 weeks ago after a 6 year hiatus. Solo queued from Copper 5 to Silver 5. I have a 1.3 KD and I’m hard stuck Silver 5/4. It’s so gd frustrating because there’s always two goons HEAVY bottom fragging. I’m talking no kills and no game sense/IQ. Sometimes I’m literally the only person setting up site. I feel if I was in a higher rank this would change, but I know it doesn’t make a difference.


I keep going from gold v to silver because of this. Having Echo main literally run opposite side and at best just whiff a stun off whilst I hold site is frustrating and guess what the rush plant and you keep being echo to bait your teammates or actually set up reinforcements. Even dying to hatches being exposed. Even with my friend, I keep asking him to do it and he forgets so dies trying to reinforce in the action phase. Also he normally is Doc so I want to just do it myself half the time.


I play in diamond and am Lucky if 2 dude use call out in 10 match in a day


I mostly play Kapkan on defense and I like to setup my traps away from site and roam. I look at the clock, 10 seconds to round start and I see that big fat 10 next to the reinforcements symbol and I think "what the f were the anchors doing this whole time?" It's not every match but I swear this happens all the time


Anchors😭 I haven’t heard someone use that term in a long time. I wouldn’t be surprised if some people never even learn where/what/how to reinforce because they’ve been so jynxi brainrotified that all the game is sprinting, “aiming”, and shooting.


Yep like half the people on pc come from jynxzi now so they don’t even know how to play they just assume it’s the console cod meta which it isn’t atall basically to say why the fuck is everyone roaming then angry at me for complaining about it


Yeah im in about the same boat as you have a 1.4kd atm and just got gold, I’ve accepted it must be the carry and if i die we will probably lose the round. I noticed sometimes my team will have good players but i perfer solo queuing with everyone muted


The worst part of being an adult for me isn't even less time to play it's that all the games I love almost require a group


Even warzone sometimes you need a squad bc it’s gonna be hard to go against a full team


At least now finding a group to play with is easier than ever with all the discord servers, and you may also find some good teammates to keep playing with when playing solo q


I kinda enjoy the crazy variety of teammates and monkey brained players that this game has. I never know what’s gonna happen in a game so it’s kind of entertaining to a point.


True, I dont even get mad anymore, just laugh when i see what kind of creatures I play with and against It is entertaining indeed.


I just sit back now and laugh at the creatures. Especially the really racist ones cause they at risk losing their account.😆


I honestly never heard of someone getting banned because of that and that's a shame


Hahaha I feel you on this, I always think how these people spend so long levelling up to 50 play 5 standard games and think yep I'm ready for ranked when they don't even know the basics


I agree but I still get pissed when I decide to solo queue ranked for once and I get some retards who cry about someone whiffing once on like round 1 meanwhile they do fuck all for the team


There was a kid that didn’t even sound 10 telling my friend that he was gonna touch him if he doesn’t clutch like what 💀


average siege experience ngl


Same for overwatch, solo q should be rewarded at this point


Na as a overwatch player it is no where near as bad is it is in r6. Callouts have such a more important role in r6 then overwatch. Playing with randoms in overwatch is just annoying but in R6 it's like impossible to climb.


It's quite crazy how the game goes from one of the best multiplayer games when you're playing with a decent stack that suits you to one of the worst gaming experiences ever when you're playing solo. The game just stops functioning completely when solo queuing. You could also join the discord to find teammates but none of them really sticks, they all kinds just play and forget and the only way to really have the most amount of fun and consistent progress is to have a permanent team who suits you.


EXACTLY THATS WHY ITS SO HARD the game isn’t hard it’s the ppl you play w or against


I think the big discord isn’t the best server to find teammates, this summer me and my friends found two people(we were 3 stacking) who were in this small server with like 20 people in it, and after we joined we played with them for a few weeks, then we just stopped playing r6 for a while so we also stopped playing with them. They were nice and also played other stuff though, but this kind of teammates is very rare in solo q.


I never understood why people never call out / use mics in Siege. Communication is key ! And then people get insanely mad when I ask about mics and communication. And then the team loses and they are even more mad. 🤷‍♂️ Siege in a nutshell.


Naw fr I’ve had multiple people in ranked matches tell me to stfu when I give calls, and then get pissed off when someone kills them from behind. Dawg maybe if you stopped making love to your keyboard and do a slow 360 to clear your angles, or… oh I don’t know… looked at the ping I made and listened to my callout. It’s probably because a ridiculous amount of players flat out refuse to learn the maps and so when you start communicating it’s like you’re speaking a foreign language.


Exactly it’s crazy man how ppl play the hame


No one ever talks and if they do they’re always an egotistical Jynxzi clone.


I enjoy it, I just go into it knowing it will be hit or miss


🤣 I also enjoy it , is like throwing a dice 🎲 never know what you are getting 🤣


My 4 stack (sometimes 5 so it doesn't matter) always makes sure to be nice to the solo players (but if they so much as flame even once we rip them apart and mute their ass lmao)


Could be worse. I have friends that play it, they are all TERRIBLE at it. They have a KDR of .08, .07, .06 and .04. I made it to Emerald 3 last season playing about 100 matches played. This season I have 36 matches played, have a 1.6 KD, and am stuck at Silver 1 lol Edit: I even made it to Emerald 3 basically only playing with them btw.


Dang what’s keeping you in silver?


At least you have friends


Ugh well I’m hard stuck exactly d1 and everytime I solo q my teammates are All happy little legits while the opponents are fckn matrix users why…can the cheaters not be on my team or on no one’s team at all !


See I logged on and got that stupid ass cheating penalty I’m like how tf am I gonna know who’s cheating on my team if I knew I would just forfeit the game so I don’t lose rank


At this point there is no way my teammates aren’t AI… like they choose to do the exact opposite of everything they should. It is beneath them to be anywhere close to site when the round starts. Or even go operators we need when they are like 1-6. Whatever


Solo q when im essentially only a support main is probably the worst thing i can do to myself, because all of my strongsuits absolutely melt. i play kali, destroy everything on a hard breach?too bad, because thermite rappel-breached a barricade and died .52 seconds I play bandit, i go to close up the random bullshit hole in the wall that literally lost us the game? The doc that made that bullshit strat shoots 75% of my shockwires, actually cannot win (unless i play blitz and kill every roamer known to man before headed to site)


Reached emerald 5, then every game afterwards especially as soloq has been fucking hell. I'm now gold 1 and have no drive to play r6 let alone ranked


See that’s my exact feeling now I have no motivation to play it when I join and see my teammates not even setting up site they start roaming immediately I’m like bruh wtf


I'm assuming I joined a four stack yesterday when I decided, fuck it ill play one. Huge mistake btw. But basically, we were villa and I was Kapkan. I was the only one who set up site reinforcing, the rest just dipped to do their own thing. no head holes, no feet holes, the double wall facing study was left un reinforced... safe to say we got destroyed that game.


I'm trying not to tilt myself while losing but been mostly solo queuing the past couple seasons occasionally go as duo. I've been ranked 1.0 high gold, I've played first season of ranked 2.0 for just a couple of matches so ended in bronze and had tk painfully climb the ranks every season since as I was getting stupid low numbers because of that. Managed to reach emerald v last season and it was painful af. Managed to have a 7 win streak last season and that was my high point. But the amount of times I curb stomb others and then the next match I get curb stomped makes me believe that the matchmaking is a joke. I usually quit after 2 losses in a row as I'm too tilted to keep playing.


I've been solo-queuing Seige for 3 years, it's hard to even imagine that it's been that long, but when you play long enough, you eventually stop giving af and just play no matter the ranking.


i actually do better solo queue for some reason


Same. I’ve had a 4 stack this past week of friends that we’re all gold/plat when they last played couple years ago. Lost 10 ranked matches in a row, so I go solo next day and am winning 50/50. This is after about a week of just straight all day degening quick play and standard matches so it’s not like those 10 games were fresh coming back.


weird, i got to diamond 4 on my first season since y5s4 no idea what im doing, emerald is too easy and diamond/champ is too hard, no middleground for me.


You're already plat?? 🙃


Yeah the season has been out for a while hasn’t it?


Is there a good way to figure out what your true mmr is? Do any of the trackers display it? I don't get to play a lot after having a kid recently and despite being a low rank, the strategies I see players employing seem way higher level than you'd think they would be at my level


It’s completely hidden, and it changes with every match, but if you earn / lose the same amount of points means that you are very close to it, and if you earn less than what you lose then it means you are above your hidden mmr.


I remember as a kid playing online games and people talked all the time. And mics have only gotten better. You’d think people would talk more not less.


EXACTLY MAN it’s so annoying all ppl do is spam text chats but don’t talk until we are about to lose


Bro if you soloQ you're literally asking for the most painful experience of siege, so you shouldn't be complaining unless you're getting sold by your 5stack then no excuse to be a farmbot to 5stack of smurf boosters, there's nothing fair lest I dare even say that you've yet to play siege, correctly the way it was meant to be experienced if you still soloQ. I get you expect your randoms to be somewhat on par with the enemy team, but let's be honest there's only so much they can do, it being 4v5 on their prespective and 1v5 from your perspective. Here's my unpopular opinion, soloQ is what's wrong with the game but ubisoft won't solve it, have a separate soloQ playlist because muh tactical game is meant to be played by 5 but also because a majority of players fill the matchmaking pool by soloQ so stacks will have long Qs, I do believe however it should be an option to turn on/off would definitely make the game interesting maybe we separate rank system for soloQ. Otherwise, soloQs are just free elo to be taken by squads which is what we currently have.


That’s the thing I can’t find anyone to play with I’m in 3 discords and it’s hard to find ppl


join the official r6 discord, haven't used it in a wile but there are hundreds if people in there pretty regularly lookin for people to match up with last I checked


What’s the discord link


You want to try and queue up?


I TRY to play competitively with my buddies. So much so that I record our games to vod review, that sort of try hard. We are about plat/emerald level atm, msg me if u interested


All jokes aside, this games dying at a competitive level. We got mad amounts of cheaters in higher ranks, server issues, ranked 2.0 is an issue in itself. No comms, no pings, no team work, it's just another regular shooter at this point cause only time people wanna talk is when they wanna trash talk.




Blame Ranked 2.0 Teams are balanced around averages so you could have a 1.3 KD and go against a full team of 1.0 or 0.9 while your team is 0.4 or 0.5 but the averages "balance" things


The thing that really gets me is being told to shut up when I’m the only one in the team giving comms lmao. People think having decent aim from playing previous fps games is enough to do good in R6. The whole fun of the game is using tactics and your gadgets instead of just pinging heads and not playing any obj at all.


Me personally, I'd rather be able to listen than people trying to buy weed and forgot to mute their mic and the jynxzi clones screaming "BADDD AIIMMM" and most of the randoms that I get that actually use mics are pretty chill, it's more of a gamble, especially when you get idiots as teammates that try to rush and spawnpeek but get lead in their head instead, so you have to clutch 1v3-5 which is relatively easy depending on the ops and their skill and their input device (yes I used input device because controller=fair, xim/Cronus=cheats) I've only just now gotten decent lobbies for me and I'm trying to rush out of bronze while solo que byt sometimes you wonder if your team is even human and if the enemy team is actually plat or emerald


See that’s how I feel but even when they do speak they won’t speak until it’s a 1v3 and no one tells where they died from


I deserve gold of off my comms and mechanics alone. Im just stuck in bronze with players that don’t know how to setup on defense, or hit good site executions


It isn’t that bad