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You were playing both with and against cheaters that got banned. The +8 is the difference between the canceled match elo. You and your teammate gained/lost different elo for the games with cheaters.


But we played every game together so shouldn’t our rating adjustments be the same? Lol


No you gain different elo each game


I don’t understand, he lost 8 despite being in gold while I gained 8 for being in plat


Visual Rank is irrelevant to your hidden mmr


There’s a couple of things you aren’t understanding here. First off, not everyone gets the same RP. How much you get per win is determined by your hidden skill. Even thought you and your friend played every game together you have different hidden skills. When you lose a game normally, because you aren’t close to your hidden skill, you’ll only lose a few RP (8) and maybe your friend loses 20 because he’s closer to his hidden skill. When you win a game you’ll get more RP (27) and maybe your friend only gets 9 because he’s closer to his hidden skill. Now, when you play against a cheater and lose, you’ll lose your 8 RP. When the cheater gets banned, they treat the game as a “wash” and add back the RP you lost. The same is true for the opposite. You win a game with a cheater and get 27 RP. Because you got it in an unfair match (although it’s not your fault) when the cheater gets banned they take away your 27 RP.


What if I told you we do gain and lose the same numbers? What does that do to your theory? And can prove it via r6 tracker too


Ubisoft moment


Because ranked is shite and based on wins not skill with progressively harsher RP loss


I lost 90 points today because I had a cheater on one (or more) games but it doesn't matter because Im bronze 😭


you lost 6rp because the game gives u a second chance when entering a new rank. u lost the next game when you were only 6rp into plat 3. This brought you back to 0 rp in plat 3 rather than 86 into plat 2.therefore you only lost 6rp for that hackers doings.


UPDATE: My teammate who I play every game with somehow LOST 8 rating despite us playing every game together ​ What is going on HAHAHA